function showCompetitionResultsByPerson($resultsTable = 'Results') { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- global $chosenByPerson, $chosenAllResults, $chosenTop3, $chosenWinners; global $chosenCompetitionId; #--- Get the results. $competitionResults = getCompetitionResults($resultsTable); startTimer(); tableBegin('results', 8); foreach ($competitionResults as $result) { extract($result); $isNewPerson = !isset($previousPersonId) || $personId != $previousPersonId; $isNewEvent = !isset($previousEventId) || $eventId != $previousEventId || $isNewPerson; #--- Welcome new persons. if ($isNewPerson) { if (isset($previousPersonId)) { tableRowBlank(); } $bo3_as_mo3 = $formatId == '3' && ($eventId == '333bf' || $eventId == '333fm' || $eventId == '333ft'); $headerAverage = $formatId == 'a' || $formatId == 'm' || $bo3_as_mo3 ? 'Average' : ''; $headerAllResults = $formatId != '1' ? 'Result Details' : ''; tableCaptionNew(false, $personId, spaced(array(personLink($personId, $personName), $countryName))); tableHeader(explode('|', "Event|Round|Place|Best||{$headerAverage}||{$headerAllResults}"), array(2 => 'class="r"', 3 => 'class="R"', 5 => 'class="R"', 7 => 'class="f"')); } #--- One result row. tableRowStyled($isNewEvent ? '' : 'color:#AAA', array($isNewEvent ? eventLink($eventId, $eventCellName) : '', $roundCellName, $isNewEvent ? "<b>{$pos}</b>" : $pos, formatValue($best, $valueFormat), $regionalSingleRecord, formatValue($average, $valueFormat), $regionalAverageRecord, formatAverageSources($formatId != '1', $result, $valueFormat))); $previousPersonId = $personId; $previousEventId = $eventId; } tableEnd(); stopTimer("printing the huge table"); }
function showCompetitionResults($competitionId, $eventId, $roundId) { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: This is mostly a copy of the same function in competition_results.php #--- Get the results. $competitionResults = getCompetitionResults($competitionId, $eventId, $roundId); tableBegin('results', 8); $prevEventId = $prevRoundId = ''; foreach ($competitionResults as $result) { extract($result); $isNewEvent = $eventId != $prevEventId; $isNewRound = $roundId != $prevRoundId; #--- Welcome new rounds. if ($isNewEvent || $isNewRound) { $anchors = ($isNewEvent ? "{$eventId} " : "") . "{$eventId}_{$roundId}"; $eventHtml = eventLink($eventId, $eventName); $caption = spaced(array($eventHtml, $roundName, $formatName)); tableCaptionNew(false, $anchors, $caption); $bo3_as_mo3 = $formatId == '3' && ($eventId == '333bf' || $eventId == '333fm' || $eventId == '333ft'); $headerAverage = $formatId == 'a' || $formatId == 'm' || $bo3_as_mo3 ? 'Average' : ''; $headerAllResults = $formatId != '1' ? 'Result Details' : ''; tableHeader(explode('|', "Place|Person|Best||{$headerAverage}||Citizen of|{$headerAllResults}"), array(0 => 'class="r"', 2 => 'class="R"', 4 => 'class="R"', 7 => 'class="f"')); } #--- One result row. tableRow(array($pos, personLink($personId, $personName), formatValue($best, $valueFormat), $regionalSingleRecord, formatValue($average, $valueFormat), $regionalAverageRecord, $countryName, formatAverageSources($formatId != '1', $result, $valueFormat))); $prevEventId = $eventId; $prevRoundId = $roundId; } tableEnd(); }
function getQualifications($competitionId, $eventId, $roundId1, $roundId2) { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- global $competitionResults1, $competitionResults2, $personsBothRounds; #--- Get the results. $competitionResults1 = getCompetitionResults($competitionId, $eventId, $roundId1); $competitionResults2 = getCompetitionResults($competitionId, $eventId, $roundId2); #--- Intersection of the two rounds foreach ($competitionResults1 as $row) { $personsRound1[] = $row['personId']; } foreach ($competitionResults2 as $row) { $personsRound2[] = $row['personId']; } $personsBothRounds = array_intersect($personsRound1, $personsRound2); return count($personsBothRounds); }