function installComposer() { $colors = getColors(); extract($colors); $quiet = ''; if (!in_array('--debug', $_SERVER['argv'])) { $quiet = '-q'; echo "\n{$yellow}Running composer... {$reset}"; } $rundir = __DIR__ . '/../'; echo `cd "{$rundir}" && php composer.phar update {$quiet}`; if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php')) { require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; if ($quiet) { echo "[{$green}OK{$reset}]\n\n"; } else { echo "\n\n"; } } else { if ($quiet) { echo "[{$red}!!{$reset}]\n"; echo "{$red}Something went wrong! Please try again using the \"--debug\" flag :({$reset}\n"; } else { echo "{$red}Something went wrong! Please check the output above for details.{$reset}\n"; } exit; } }
if ($second !== false) { $tld = substr($domain, 0, $second); } } if (strcasecmp($tld, $lastTLD)) { if (strlen($lastTLD)) { getColors($colors, $count, $index); } // reset the counter $count = 0; $lastTLD = $tld; } $count++; } if (strlen($lastTLD)) { getColors($colors, $count, $index); } $graph = new PieGraph($width, $height); $graph->SetFrame(false); $graph->SetAntiAliasing(); $pie = new PiePlot($values); // set the actual labels for the wedges $pie->SetLabels($labels, 1.1); if (count($colors)) { $pie->SetSliceColors($colors); } // set other options $pie->SetGuideLines(true, true, true); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT2, FS_BOLD); $graph->title->Set($chartType); $pie->ShowBorder(true, true);
// const neutral_red_light = "#d6a3a0"; const neutral_purple_light = "#b886a7"; // const neutral_orange_light = "#d2aba0"; // const neutral_yellow_light = "#d0b897"; const neutral_green_dark = "#1d3524"; const neutral_blue_dark = "#1e3146"; // const neutral_red_dark = "#773733"; const neutral_purple_dark = "#472a3d"; // const neutral_orange_dark = "#714335"; // const neutral_yellow_dark = "#6b5230"; const mostly_white = "#e2efe6"; const mostly_black = "#171717"; } $ref = new ReflectionClass('Colors'); $colors = $ref->getConstants(); $polygons = [18 => ["points" => hexPoints("900,600"), "colors" => getColors(3)], 15 => ["points" => hexPoints("640,450"), "colors" => getColors(3)], 16 => ["points" => hexPoints("1160,450"), "colors" => getColors(3)], 17 => ["points" => hexPoints("900,900"), "colors" => getColors(3)], 12 => ["points" => hexPoints("900,300"), "colors" => getColors(3)], 13 => ["points" => hexPointS("640,750"), "colors" => getColors(3)], 14 => ["points" => hexPoints("1160,750"), "colors" => getColors(3)], 6 => ["points" => hexPoints("1160,150"), "colors" => getColors(3)], 7 => ["points" => hexPoints("640,150"), "colors" => getColors(3)], 8 => ["points" => hexPoints("380,600"), "colors" => getColors(3)], 9 => ["points" => hexPoints("1420,600"), "colors" => getColors(3)], 10 => ["points" => hexPoints("640,1050"), "colors" => getColors(3)], 11 => ["points" => hexPoints("1160,1050"), "colors" => getColors(3)], 0 => ["points" => hexPoints("900,0"), "colors" => getColors(3)], 1 => ["points" => hexPoints("380,900"), "colors" => getColors(3)], 2 => ["points" => hexPoints("1420,900"), "colors" => getColors(3)], 3 => ["points" => hexPoints("1420,300"), "colors" => getColors(3)], 4 => ["points" => hexPoints("380,300"), "colors" => getColors(3)], 5 => ["points" => hexPoints("900,1200"), "colors" => getColors(3)]]; $polyTemplate = '<polygon id="poly-{index}" points="{points}" style="fill:{start};">{animate}</polygon>'; $animateTemplate = '<animate attributeName="fill" values="{colors}" repeatCount="indefinite" begin="{begin}s" dur="{dur}s" />'; $templateData = ['polygons' => []]; foreach ($polygons as $index => $item) { $item['start'] = $item['colors'][0]; $item['index'] = $index; $item['animate'] = ''; if (count($item['colors']) > 1) { $item['colors'][] = $item['colors'][0]; $item['colors'] = implode('; ', $item['colors']); $item['begin'] = rand(0, 2); $item['dur'] = rand(3, 6); $item['animate'] = interpolate($animateTemplate, $item); } $templateData['polygons'][] = interpolate($polyTemplate, $item);
<?php // Globale Skripte einbinden require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../dist/include/autoloader.php'; require_once DIR_INCLUDE . 'cli.php'; say(array('Anhand Ihrer Angaben in der settings/global.ini werden ', 'nun die CSS-Dateien generiert und Grafiken eingefaerbt. ', '')); $hColors = getColors(); if ($hColors) { writeSassConfig($hColors); updateSVGImages($hColors); } //////////////////////// FUNKTIONEN ////////////////////////// /** * Farbeinstellungen des Benutzers auslesen * * @return array Farbwerte aus der global.ini als Array */ function getColors() { // Einstellungen aus der global.ini auslesen $hColors = Settings::getValue('global', 'colors'); if (!$hColors) { say("Farbeinstellungen konnten nicht ausgelesen werden"); return false; } $hSettingsToChange = array(); // Hauptfarbe nicht vorhanden -> Alles abbrechen if (!array_key_exists('main', $hColors) || $hColors['main'] === '{{hauptfarbe}}') { say('Es fehlt die Hauptfarbe in der global.ini! '); say('Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass ein Bereich [colors] vorhanden ist. '); say('Setzen Sie darunter eine Zeile mit dem Inhalt main="#<ihrefarbe>". ');
function actionGetColors($mysqli) { return getColors($mysqli); }
if ($method == "quec") { $data = getNumOfFeatures($map, $layer, $attribute); $breaks = quantile($data, $classes); $colors = getColors(hex2rgb($startColor), hex2rgb($endColor), count($breaks)); saveToMapFile($map, $layer, $attribute, $type, $breaks, $colors, $mapFile); } else { if ($method == "sd") { $data = getNumOfFeatures($map, $layer, $attribute); $breaks = standardDeviation($data, $classes); $colors = getColors(hex2rgb($startColor), hex2rgb($endColor), count($breaks)); saveToMapFile($map, $layer, $attribute, $type, $breaks, $colors, $mapFile); } else { if ($method == "pb") { $data = getNumOfFeatures($map, $layer, $attribute); $breaks = pretty($data, $classes); $colors = getColors(hex2rgb($startColor), hex2rgb($endColor), count($breaks)); saveToMapFile($map, $layer, $attribute, $type, $breaks, $colors, $mapFile); } } } } } } } } } else { if ($_POST["function"] == "updateStyles") { $mapFile = $_POST["mapFile"]; $layerName = $_POST["layerName"]; $data = json_decode($_POST["data"]); updateStyles($mapFile, $layerName, $data);
</head> <body> <?php include "menu_empleado.php"; ?> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-4"> <div class="panel panel-warning"> <div class="panel-body"> <form> <div class="form-group"> <label for="color_label">Color: </label> <?php getColors(); ?> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="talla_label">Talla: </label> <?php getSizes(); ?> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="model_label">Modelo: </label> <?php getModels(); ?> </div> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="search_shoe"><i class="icon-search icon-small"></i> Buscar</button>