* </ul>
 * @package com.tecnick.tcexam.shared
 * @brief TCExam Shared Area
 * @author Nicola Asuni
 * @since 2001-09-26
require_once '../config/tce_config.php';
require_once '../../shared/code/tce_functions_authorization.php';
require_once '../../shared/code/tce_functions_session.php';
$logged = false;
// the user is not yet logged in
// --- read existing user's session data from database
$session_hash = md5($PHPSESSID . getClientFingerprint());
$sqls = 'SELECT * FROM ' . K_TABLE_SESSIONS . ' WHERE cpsession_id=\'' . $PHPSESSIDSQL . '\'';
if ($rs = F_db_query($sqls, $db)) {
    if ($ms = F_db_fetch_array($rs)) {
        // the user's session already exist
        // decode session data
        // check for possible session hijacking
        if (K_CHECK_SESSION_FINGERPRINT and (!isset($_SESSION['session_hash']) or $_SESSION['session_hash'] != $session_hash)) {
            // display login form
        // update session expiration time
        $expiry = date(K_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT);
Example #2
        // set client cookie
        $cookie_now_time = time();
        // note: while time() function returns a 32 bit integer, it works fine until year 2038.
        $cookie_expire_time = $cookie_now_time + K_COOKIE_EXPIRE;
        // set cookie expiration time
        setcookie('LastVisit', $cookie_now_time, $cookie_expire_time, K_COOKIE_PATH, K_COOKIE_DOMAIN, K_COOKIE_SECURE);
        setcookie('PHPSESSID', $PHPSESSID, $cookie_expire_time, K_COOKIE_PATH, K_COOKIE_DOMAIN, K_COOKIE_SECURE);
} else {
// --- check if login information has been submitted
if (isset($_POST['logaction']) and $_POST['logaction'] == 'login') {
    // check login attempt from the current client device to avoid brute force attack
    $bruteforce = true;
    $fingerprintkey = md5(getClientFingerprint());
    $sqlt = 'SELECT * FROM ' . K_TABLE_SESSIONS . ' WHERE cpsession_id=\'' . $fingerprintkey . '\' LIMIT 1';
    if ($rt = F_db_query($sqlt, $db)) {
        if ($mt = F_db_fetch_array($rt)) {
            // check the expiration time
            if (strtotime($mt['cpsession_expiry']) < time()) {
                $bruteforce = false;
            // update
            $wait = intval($mt['cpsession_data']);
            if ($wait < 86400) {
                $wait *= 2;
            $sqlup = 'UPDATE ' . K_TABLE_SESSIONS . ' SET
				cpsession_expiry=\'' . date(K_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, time() + $wait) . '\',
				cpsession_data=\'' . $wait . '\'
 * Generate and return a new session ID.
 * @author Nicola Asuni
 * @since 2010-10-04
 * @return string PHPSESSID
function getNewSessionID()
    return md5(uniqid(microtime() . getmypid(), true) . getClientFingerprint() . uniqid(session_id() . microtime(), true));