$sqlStr = "update qiyu_useraddr set useraddr_phone='" . $tel . "' where useraddr_user="******" and useraddr_type='0'"; mysql_query($sqlStr); echo "S"; } else { echo "E"; } break; case "addAddress": //添加新地址 $phone = sqlReplace(trim($_POST['phone'])); $name = sqlReplace(trim($_POST['name'])); $area = sqlReplace(trim($_POST['area'])); $circle = sqlReplace(trim($_POST['circle'])); $spot = sqlReplace(trim($_POST['spot'])); $address = sqlReplace(trim($_POST['address'])); $nameList = getCircleBySpot($spot); $addressAll = $nameList['area_name'] . $nameList['circle_name'] . $nameList['spot_name'] . $address; $address_sql = "insert into qiyu_useraddr(useraddr_user,useraddr_phone,useraddr_area,useraddr_spot,useraddr_circle,useraddr_address,useraddr_name,useraddr_totaladdr) values (" . $QIYU_ID_USER . ",'" . $phone . "'," . $area . "," . $spot . "," . $circle . ",'" . $address . "','" . $name . "','" . $addressAll . "')"; mysql_query($address_sql); $id = mysql_insert_id(); echo "<div class='haveAddress'>"; echo "<p class='title'>您已经有的地址:</p>"; $sql = "select * from qiyu_useraddr where useraddr_user="******" and useraddr_spot=" . $spot . " order by useraddr_id desc"; $rs = mysql_query($sql); $i = 1; while ($rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { if ($i == '1') { $str = "checked"; } else { $str = ""; }
} else { $_SESSION['qiyu_orderDesc'] = $orderDesc; } if (empty($QIYU_ID_USER)) { Header("Location: userlogin.php?p=order&shopID=" . $shopID . "&shopSpot=" . $shopSpot . "&shopCircle=" . $shopCircle); exit; } if (!empty($time2)) { $time_now = time(); $time_0_str = strtotime($time1 . ' ' . $time2 . ':00'); if ($time_now > $time_0_str) { alertInfo("亲,预约时间不能晚于现在时间", "", 1); } } if (!empty($shopSpot)) { $areaArray = getCircleBySpot($shopSpot); } $_SESSION['login_url'] = getUrl(); $POSITION_HEADER = "提交订单"; $sql = "select * from qiyu_shop where shop_id=" . $shopID . " and shop_status='1'"; $rs = mysql_query($sql); $rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs); if ($rows) { $shop_name = $rows['shop_name']; $shop_id2 = $rows['shop_id2']; $payStr = explode("|", $rows['shop_pay']); $shop_pay = "|" . $rows['shop_pay'] . "|"; $payCount = count($payStr); $shop_discount = $rows['shop_discount']; } else { alertInfo("非法操作");