function news_admin_main() { $paging = new Paging('p', _result_per_page(), 1, 9); $paging->sCurrentPageClass = 'current'; $paging->sPageNextClass = 'next'; $sqlOrder = 'news_id desc'; if (!empty($_GET['sortby'])) { $sortby = $_GET['sortby']; $sort = $_GET['sort']; if ($sort == 'asc') { $sqlOrder = $sortby . ' asc'; } else { if ($sort == 'desc') { $sqlOrder = $sortby . ' desc'; } } } $sqlOrder = 'ordering DESC,is_category desc,' . $sqlOrder; $data = array(); $db = _db(); $pid = 0; $parent = null; if (!empty($_GET['pid'])) { $pid = $_GET['pid']; if ($pid != 0) { $db->prepare('SELECT news_id, parent_id FROM `_prefix_news` WHERE news_id=:ID'); $db->bindValue(':ID', $pid, PARAM_INT); $db->execute(); if ($parent = $db->fetch()) { $data['parent'] = $parent; } else { $pid = 0; } } } $cats[0] = '-- Không thuộc nhóm --'; getCategoryList($cats); $data['category'] = $cats; $db->prepare('SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ordering ,is_quantam, is_tieudiem,news_id, news_created, news_title, is_category, is_enabled, is_showintroimage,introimage FROM `_prefix_news` WHERE parent_id=:PARENT_ID ORDER BY :ORDER LIMIT :OFFSET, :TOTAL'); $db->bindValue(':PARENT_ID', $pid, PARAM_INT); $db->bindValue(':ORDER', $sqlOrder, PARAM_NONE); $db->bindValue(':OFFSET', $paging->getResultRowStart(), PARAM_INT); $db->bindValue(':TOTAL', _result_per_page(), PARAM_INT); $db->execute(); die('xyz'); if ($items = $db->fetchAll()) { $data['items'] = $items; } //Lay tong cong so record $paging->nTotalRow = $db->total_last_limit_query(); $data['paging'] = $paging; return $data; }
function getCategoryList($parent_id = 0) { $sql = "SELECT cat_id,cat_name FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('category') . " WHERE parent_id='{$parent_id}' AND is_show=1 ORDER BY sort_order ASC"; $categorys = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); if (!empty($categorys)) { foreach ($categorys as $key => $category) { if (!isEndCategory($category['cat_id'])) { } $categorys[$key]['childrenCategory'] = getCategoryList($category['cat_id']); } } return $categorys; }
$cbcollection->delete_category($_GET['delete_category']); } //$cats = $cbcollection->get_categories(); //$pid = $cbcollection->get_category_field($_GET['category'],'parent_id'); $cats = getCategoryList(array('type' => 'collection')); if ($pid) { $selected = $pid; } //$parent_cats = $cbcollection->admin_area_cats($selected); //Updating Category Order if (isset($_POST['update_order'])) { foreach ($cats as $cat) { if (!empty($cat['category_id'])) { $order = $_POST['category_order_' . $cat['category_id']]; $cbcollection->update_cat_order($cat['category_id'], $order); } } $cats = getCategoryList(array('type' => 'collection')); } assign('manage_categories_title', 'Manage collection categories'); assign('type', 'collection'); $Smarty->assign_by_ref('obj', $cbcollection); //Assing Category Values assign('category', $cats); assign('categories', $cats); //Assing Category Values assign('total', $cbcollection->total_categories()); subtitle("Collection Category Manager"); Assign('msg', @$msg); template_files('category.html'); display_it();
} //Delete Category if (isset($_GET['delete_category'])) { $cbvid->delete_category($_GET['delete_category']); } $cats = getCategoryList(array('type' => 'v')); if ($pid) { $selected = $pid; } $parent_cats = $cbvid->admin_area_cats($selected); //Updating Category Order if (isset($_POST['update_order'])) { foreach ($cats as $cat) { if (!empty($cat['category_id'])) { $order = $_POST['category_order_' . $cat['category_id']]; $cbvid->update_cat_order($cat['category_id'], $order); } } $cats = getCategoryList(array('type' => 'v')); } assign('manage_categories_title', 'Manage video categories'); assign('type', 'video'); $Smarty->assign_by_ref('obj', $cbvid); //Assing Category Values assign('categories', $cats); assign('parent_cats', $parent_cats); assign('total', $cbvid->total_categories()); subtitle("Video Category Manager"); Assign('msg', @$msg); template_files('category.html'); display_it();
function createCheckBox($field, $multi = FALSE) { if ($field['value'][0] == 'category') { $values_array = $field['value'][1][0]; $type = $field['category_type'] ? $field['category_type'] : 'video'; $catArray = getCategoryList(array("type" => $type)); if (is_array($catArray)) { $params['categories'] = $catArray; $params['field'] = $field; $params['collapsed'] = false; $this->listCategoryCheckBox($params, $multi); return; } else { return "There is no category to select"; } } /* Categories end */ $arrayName = $this->rmBrackets($field['name']); $check = '%s'; $count = 0; if ($multi) { global $multi_cat_id; @$multi_cat_id++; } foreach ($field['value'] as $key => $value) { if (is_array($values_array)) { foreach ($values_array as $cat_val) { if ($cat_val == $key || $field['checked'] == 'checked') { $checked = sprintf($check, 'checked="checked"'); break; } else { $checked = sprintf($check, ''); } } } if (!$multi) { $field_name = $field['name']; } else { $field_name = $field['name']; $field_name = $this->rmBrackets($field_name); $field_name = $field_name . $multi_cat_id . '[]'; } if (!empty($field['id'])) { $field_id = $field['id'] . '_' . $count; } else { $field_id = $arrayName . '_' . $count; } if ($field['multi']) { preg_match_all('/#([0-9]+)#/', $field['checked'], $m); $multiVals = $m[1]; if (in_array($key, $multiVals)) { $checked = sprintf($check, 'checked="checked"'); } else { $checked = sprintf($check, ''); } } else { if ($key == $field['checked']) { $checked = sprintf($check, 'checked="checked"'); } else { $checked = sprintf($check, ''); } } echo '<input name="' . $field_name . '" id="' . $field_id . '" type="checkbox" value="' . $key . '" ' . $checked . ' ' . $field['extra_tags'] . ' />'; echo '<label for="' . $field_id . '">' . $value . '</label>'; $count++; } #foreach end }
public function ckeditor() { $this->assign('categoryList', getCategoryList()); $ua['url'] = U('Admin/Blog/addBlog'); $ua['bid'] = 0; $this->assign('ua', $ua); $this->display('Blog/ckeditor'); }
function getSmartyCategoryList($params) { return getCategoryList($params); }
function get_property_cat_id_name($postid = '') { global $wpdb; $bedcatid = get_cat_id_from_name(get_option('ptthemes_bedroomcategory')); $bedcatarr = getCategoryList($bedcatid); if ($bedcatarr) { foreach ($bedcatarr as $key => $val) { if ($val['ID']) { $bed_catid_arr[] = $val['ID']; $bed_catname_arr[$val['ID']] = $val['name']; } } } $typecatid = get_cat_id_from_name(get_option('ptthemes_property_typecategory')); $typecatarr = getCategoryList($typecatid); if ($typecatarr) { foreach ($typecatarr as $key => $val) { if ($val['ID']) { $type_catid_arr[] = $val['ID']; $type_catname_arr[$val['ID']] = $val['name']; } } } $loccatid = get_cat_id_from_name(get_option('ptthemes_locationcategory')); $loccatarr = getCategoryList($loccatid); if ($loccatarr) { foreach ($loccatarr as $key => $val) { if ($val['ID']) { $loc_catid_arr[] = $val['ID']; $loc_catname_arr[$val['ID']] = $val['name']; } } } /*$pricecatid = get_cat_id_from_name(get_option('ptthemes_pricecategory')); $pricecatarr = getCategoryList($pricecatid); if($pricecatarr) { foreach($pricecatarr as $key=>$val) { if($val['ID']) { $price_catid_arr[] = $val['ID']; $price_catname_arr[$val['ID']] = $val['name']; } } }*/ $pn_categories_obj = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(distinct({$wpdb->terms}.term_id)) as cat_ID \r\r\n\t FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy}, {$wpdb->terms}, {$wpdb->term_relationships}\r\r\n WHERE {$wpdb->term_taxonomy}.term_id = {$wpdb->terms}.term_id AND {$wpdb->term_taxonomy}.taxonomy = 'category'\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand {$wpdb->term_relationships}.term_taxonomy_id={$wpdb->term_taxonomy}.term_taxonomy_id and {$wpdb->term_relationships}.object_id=\"{$postid}\""); $post_cats_arr = explode(',', $pn_categories_obj); if ($post_cats_arr) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($post_cats_arr); $i++) { if ($bed_catid_arr && in_array($post_cats_arr[$i], $bed_catid_arr)) { $post_cat_info['bed'] = array('id' => $post_cats_arr[$i], 'name' => $bed_catname_arr[$post_cats_arr[$i]]); } if ($loc_catid_arr && in_array($post_cats_arr[$i], $loc_catid_arr)) { $post_cat_info['location'] = array('id' => $post_cats_arr[$i], 'name' => $loc_catname_arr[$post_cats_arr[$i]]); } /*if($price_catid_arr && in_array($post_cats_arr[$i],$price_catid_arr)) { $post_cat_info['price'] = array('id'=>$post_cats_arr[$i],'name'=>$price_catname_arr[$post_cats_arr[$i]]); }*/ } } return $post_cat_info; }
function getCategoryList($parent_id, $level) { global $category_list, $languages_id; $cat_query = tep_db_query('SELECT DISTINCT c.categories_id, c.sort_order, cd.categories_name FROM categories c, categories_description cd WHERE c.categories_id = cd.categories_id AND c.parent_id = "' . $parent_id . '" AND cd.language_id = "' . (int) $languages_id . '"ORDER BY c.sort_order asc, cd.categories_name asc'); while ($categories = tep_db_fetch_array($cat_query)) { /*language fallback*/ if (LANGUAGE_FALLBACK == 'true' && $categories['categories_name'] == '') { $language_fallback_query = tep_db_query('SELECT categories_name FROM categories_description WHERE categories_id = "' . $categories['categories_id'] . '" AND language_id = "1"'); $language_fallback = tep_db_fetch_array($language_fallback_query); $categories['categories_name'] = $language_fallback['categories_name']; } /*language fallback*/ $category_list .= '<li><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'cPath=' . $categories['categories_id']) . '" title="' . $categories['categories_name'] . ' - ' . STORE_NAME . '">' . $categories['categories_name'] . '</a>'; if (tep_has_category_subcategories($categories['categories_id'])) { $category_list .= '<ul class="level_' . $level . '">'; $new_level = $level + 1; getCategoryList($categories['categories_id'], $new_level); $category_list .= '</ul>'; } $category_list .= '</li>'; } return $category_list; }
function createDropDown($field, $multi = FALSE) { global $LANG; //First Checking if value is CATEGORY if ($field['value'][0] == 'category') { $values_array = $field['value'][1][0]; $field['value'] = ''; //Generate Category list $type = $field['type'] ? $field['type'] : 'video'; $catArray = getCategoryList(array("type" => $field['category_type'])); foreach ($catArray as $cat) { $field['value'][$cat['category_id']] = $cat['category_name']; } } if (!$multi) { $field_name = $field['name']; } else { $field_name = $field['name'] . '[]'; } $ddFieldStart = '<select name="' . $field_name . '" id="' . $field['id'] . '" class="' . $field['class'] . '">'; $arrayName = $this->rmBrackets($field['name']); if (is_array($field['value'])) { foreach ($field['value'] as $key => $value) { if (!empty($_POST[$arrayName]) || !empty($field['checked'])) { if ($_POST[$arrayName] == $key || $field['checked'] == $key) { $checked = ' selected="selected" '; } else { $checked = ' '; } } else { if ($count == 0) { $checked = ' selected="selected" '; } else { $checked = ''; } $count++; } $fieldOpts .= '<option value="' . $key . '" ' . $checked . ' ' . $field['extra_tags'] . '>' . $value . '</option>'; } } $ddFieldEnd = '</select>'; echo $ddFieldStart . $fieldOpts . $ddFieldEnd; }
//@$q = explode('/', $q); //echo "<h1>q[0] : ".$q[0]."</h1>"; //echo "<p>Some stuff and q is : ".$q."</p>"; @session_start(); switch ($q) { //case 'test': test(); break; case 'addCategory': addCategory(); break; //send a post to the EditCategories.php //send a post to the EditCategories.php case 'listCategories': listCategories($r); break; case 'getCategoryList': getCategoryList($r); break; case 'changeCategory': changeCategory($q[1]); break; case 'removeCategory': removeCategory($r); break; case 'getCategory': getCategory(intval($r), $s); break; case 'getProduct': getProduct(intval($r), $s); break; case 'addProduct': addProduct(intval($r));
<?php echo form::field('image_title', 80, 80, getImagename()); ?> </p> <table width="80%"> <tr> <td><label for="content_mode">Format:</label></td> <td><label for="image_category">Catégorie:</label></td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo form::combo('content_mode', array('Wiki' => 'wiki', 'HTML' => 'redim'), getImageMode()); ?> </td> <td><?php echo form::combo('image_category', getCategoryList()); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <p><label for="image_content">Texte:</label><br/> <?php echo form::textarea('image_content', 100, 10, getImageBody()); ?> </p> </fieldset> <br/> <fieldset> <legend>Horodatage / Commentaires / Trackbacks</legend> <p><label for="image_file">Autoriser les commentaires:</label> <?php
<?php include_once "./header.php"; include_once "./commonlib.php"; $conn = getConnection("ibabymall"); $ary = getCategoryList($conn); /* process page */ $showpage = (int) $_GET['page'] ? (int) $_GET['page'] : 1; $each_page_count = 50; $page_max = ceil(sizeof($ary) / $each_page_count); $showpage = max(1, min($showpage, $page_max)); ?> <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover"> <thead> <tr> <th>#</th> <th>類別名稱</th> <th>商品數量</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php for ($i = ($showpage - 1) * $each_page_count; $i < min($showpage * $each_page_count, sizeof($ary)); $i++) { $id = $ary[$i][0]; echo "<td>" . ($i + 1) . "</td>" . "<td><a href='./category.php?id={$id}' >" . $ary[$i][1] . "</a></td>" . "<td>" . $ary[$i][2] . "</td>" . "</tr>"; } ?> </tbody> </table>
${"GLOBALS"}["rgwmxhgsjhvm"] = "current"; ${"GLOBALS"}["udjpppr"] = "categories"; ${"GLOBALS"}["onkisubv"] = "ret"; ${"GLOBALS"}["xpczwzdn"] = "parent"; ${"GLOBALS"}["lkexuii"] = "idx"; ${"GLOBALS"}["vnpsuhdspaq"] = "table"; ${"GLOBALS"}["gjqtcorlfwyz"] = "tds"; ${"GLOBALS"}["cqbhckll"] = "id_parent"; ${"GLOBALS"}["zqgiawh"] = "id_category"; ${"GLOBALS"}["pslyplyknxc"] = "sql"; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../config/"; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../init.php"; $qnhvofplgdnv = "res"; header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); ${"GLOBALS"}["xlymah"] = "res"; ${$qnhvofplgdnv} = getCategoryList(intval(Tools::getValue("id_category"))); die(${${"GLOBALS"}["xlymah"]}); function getCategoryList($id_category) { $hdyxec = "last"; ${${"GLOBALS"}["pslyplyknxc"]} = "SELECT id_parent FROM " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "category WHERE id_category=" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["zqgiawh"]}; ${"GLOBALS"}["whgbpyh"] = "id_parent"; ${"GLOBALS"}["cjpsyzpoaj"] = "id_parent"; $gvvynhcp = "tds"; $cdqfzxanro = "idx"; ${${"GLOBALS"}["cqbhckll"]} = Db::getInstance()->getValue(${${"GLOBALS"}["pslyplyknxc"]}); if (${${"GLOBALS"}["cjpsyzpoaj"]} <= 1) { ${${"GLOBALS"}["whgbpyh"]} = 1; } ${${"GLOBALS"}["gjqtcorlfwyz"]} = array(); if (intval(Tools::getValue("id_category")) > 0) {
<?php if (!defined('WEB_ROOT')) { exit; } $categoryList = getCategoryList(); $categoriesPerRow = 3; $numCategory = count($categoryList); $columnWidth = (int) (100 / $categoriesPerRow); ?> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20"> <?php if ($numCategory > 0) { $i = 0; for ($i; $i < $numCategory; $i++) { if ($i % $categoriesPerRow == 0) { echo '<tr>'; } // we have $url, $image, $name, $price extract($categoryList[$i]); echo "<td width=\"{$columnWidth}%\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"{$url}\"><img src=\"{$image}\" border=\"0\"><br>{$name}</a></td>\r\n"; if ($i % $categoriesPerRow == $categoriesPerRow - 1) { echo '</tr>'; } } if ($i % $categoriesPerRow > 0) { echo '<td colspan="' . ($categoriesPerRow - $i % $categoriesPerRow) . '"> </td>'; } } else { ?> <tr><td width="100%" align="center" valign="center">No categories yet</td></tr>
assign("edit_category", "show"); if (isset($_POST['update_category'])) { $cbgroup->update_category($_POST); } assign('cat_details', $cbgroup->get_category($_GET['category'])); } //Delete Category if (isset($_GET['delete_category'])) { $cbgroup->delete_category($_GET['delete_category']); } $cats = getCategoryList(array('type' => 'group')); //Updating Category Order if (isset($_POST['update_order'])) { foreach ($cats as $cat) { if (!empty($cat['category_id'])) { $order = $_POST['category_order_' . $cat['category_id']]; $cbgroup->update_cat_order($cat['category_id'], $order); } } $cats = getCategoryList(array('type' => 'group')); } assign('manage_categories_title', 'Manage group categories'); assign('type', 'group'); $Smarty->assign_by_ref('obj', $cbgroup); //Assing Category Values assign('category', $cats); assign('categories', $cats); assign('total', $cbgroup->total_categories()); subtitle("Groups Category manager"); template_files('category.html'); display_it();
<tr> <td><label>Description</label></td> <td><textarea rows="2" name="details" maxlength="500" id="description" cols="40" class="description" style="width:316px;height: 31px;"></textarea></td> <td><div id="error_description" class="validation-message"></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label>User Name</label></td> <td><input id="user_name" type="text" name="user_name" value=""/></td> <td> <span id="error_user" class="validation-message"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label>Board Category</label></td> <td> <select id="category" name="category"> <?php $result = getCategoryList(); ?> <?php foreach ($result as $key => $value) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $value->field; ?> "><?php echo $value->name; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select>
<?php if (!isset($_GET['do'])) { return json_encode(array('success' => false, 'errorMessage' => 'invail request')); } $action = $_GET['do']; switch ($action) { case 'get-category-list': exit(json_encode(getCategoryList())); break; case 'get-shop-list': exit(json_encode(getShopList())); break; case 'get-shop-detail': exit(json_encode(getShopDetail())); break; case 'get-coupon-list': exit(json_encode(getCouponList())); break; case 'get-coupon-list-by-category': exit(json_encode(getCouponListByCategory())); break; case 'get-coupon-list-by-shop': exit(json_encode(getCouponListByShop())); break; case 'fetch-coupon': exit(json_encode(getCouponDetail())); break; case 'get-coupon-list-by-categories': exit(json_encode(getCouponListByCategories())); break;