function prepare_items() { // global $wpdb; $tTableNameSg = getCallRecordTableName(); $tQuerySg = "SELECT * FROM {$tTableNameSg}"; // Setup of ordering. // (At present we don't use the GET params for this, but maybe in the future) $tOrderBySg = !empty($_GET["orderby"]) ? esc_sql($_GET["orderby"]) : 'DESC'; $tOrderSg = !empty($_GET["order"]) ? esc_sql($_GET["order"]) : DatabaseAttributes::id; if (!empty($tOrderBySg) && !empty($tOrderSg)) { $tQuerySg .= ' ORDER BY ' . $tOrderSg . ' ' . $tOrderBySg; } $tTotalNrOfItemsNr = $wpdb->query($tQuerySg); $tNumberOfItemsPerPageNr = Constants::record_rows_display_max; $tPagedSg = ''; if (isset($_GET["paged"])) { $tPagedSg = $_GET["paged"]; } if (empty($tPagedSg) === false) { if (is_numeric($tPagedSg) === false) { handleError("Page number contained non-numeric characters, possible SQL injection attempt"); } } // Limiting the range of results returned. // (We don't want to display all the rows one a single page) // Documenation for MySQL "LIMIT": // if (empty($tPagedSg) || !is_numeric($tPagedSg) || $tPagedSg <= 0) { $tPagedSg = 1; } $tTotalNrOfPagesNr = ceil($tTotalNrOfItemsNr / $tNumberOfItemsPerPageNr); if (!empty($tPagedSg) && !empty($tNumberOfItemsPerPageNr)) { $tNumberOfItemsOffsetNr = ($tPagedSg - 1) * $tNumberOfItemsPerPageNr; $tQuerySg .= ' LIMIT ' . (int) $tNumberOfItemsPerPageNr . ' OFFSET ' . (int) $tNumberOfItemsOffsetNr; } $this->set_pagination_args(array("total_items" => $tTotalNrOfItemsNr, "total_pages" => $tTotalNrOfPagesNr, "per_page" => $tNumberOfItemsPerPageNr)); // Updating the data available for this class; this data will later be // rendered for the user $tColumnsAr = $this->get_columns(); $this->_column_headers = array($tColumnsAr, array(), array()); $this->items = $wpdb->get_results($tQuerySg); }
function isFirstCall($iCallerIdNr) { global $wpdb; $tTableNameSg = getCallRecordTableName(); $tCallerIdColNameSg = DatabaseAttributes::caller_id; $tQuerySg = "SELECT * FROM {$tTableNameSg} WHERE {$tCallerIdColNameSg}='{$iCallerIdNr}'"; //exec query and get an array of matching rows $tResultMix = $wpdb->get_results($tQuerySg, ARRAY_N); if ($tResultMix != false && count($tResultMix) > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } }