<?php header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); require_once '../includes/simple_html_dom.php'; require_once "../includes/session.php"; require_once "../includes/functions.php"; require_once "../includes/connect.php"; /* php grabber for BibleGateway */ $book_id = $_GET['book']; $chapter = $_GET['chapter']; $verse = $_GET['verse']; $version_id = $_GET['version_id']; $lookup = $_GET['lookup']; $book = getBookName($book_id); $versionName = getVersionName($version_id); $url = getUrl($book, $chapter, $verse, $versionName); if ($lookup == 0) { $verse_text = ""; showTextArea($verse_text, $url); } else { $verse_text = getBGVerseText($book, $chapter, $verse, $url); if ($verse_text != "") { showTextArea($verse_text, $url); } else { echo "<div class='error'>There seems to have been a problem. getVerse line 27.</div>"; } } function showTextArea($verse_text, $url) {
if ($booksInfo[$i]['bookId'] == $_POST['bookId']) { $booksInfo[$i]['quantity'] = $_POST['quantity']; $bookFound = true; break; } } } if (!$bookFound) { $book = array('bookId' => $_POST['bookId'], 'quantity' => $_POST['quantity']); array_push($booksInfo, $book); } $_SESSION['cart'] = $booksInfo; $grossTotal = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($booksInfo); $i++) { $aBook = $booksInfo[$i]; $bookName = getBookName($booksInfo[$i]['bookId']); $bookPrice = getPriceForBook($booksInfo[$i]['bookId']); $totalPrice = $bookPrice * $booksInfo[$i]['quantity']; $grossTotal += $totalPrice; $str .= '<strong>Name - </strong>' . $bookName; $str .= '<br/>'; $str .= ' <strong>Copies - </strong>' . $booksInfo[$i]['quantity']; $str .= '<br/>'; $str .= '<strong>Price - </strong>$' . $bookPrice . ' * ' . $booksInfo[$i]['quantity'] . ' = $' . $totalPrice; $str .= '<br/><br/>'; } $str .= '<strong>Net Amount - </strong>$' . $grossTotal; echo $str; function getBookName($id) { $objXML = simplexml_load_file('books.xml');