function removeAll($removeAttachments = true) { global $database; $blogid = getBlogId(); POD::query("UPDATE {$database['prefix']}BlogStatistics SET visits = 0 WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}DailyStatistics WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}Categories WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}Attachments WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}Comments WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}RemoteResponses WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}RemoteResponseLogs WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}TagRelations WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}Entries WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}Links WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}Filters WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}RefererLogs WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}RefererStatistics WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}Plugins WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}FeedStarred WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}FeedReads WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}FeedGroupRelations WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}FeedGroups WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); if (file_exists(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/rss/{$blogid}.xml")) { unlink(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/rss/{$blogid}.xml"); } if ($removeAttachments) { Path::removeFiles(Path::combine(ROOT, 'attach', $blogid)); } }
function open($filter = '', $fields = 'f.*, g.groupid', $sort = 'id') { global $database; if (is_numeric($filter)) { $filter = 'AND id = ' . $filter; } else { if (!empty($filter)) { $filter = 'AND ' . $filter; } } if (!empty($sort)) { $sort = 'ORDER BY ' . $sort; } $this->close(); $this->_result = POD::query("SELECT {$fields} FROM {$database['prefix']}Feeds f JOIN {$database['prefix']}FeedGroupRelations g ON = g.feed WHERE g.blogid = " . getBlogId() . " {$filter} {$sort}"); if ($this->_result) { if ($this->_count = POD::num_rows($this->_result)) { return $this->shift(); } else { POD::free($this->_result); } } unset($this->_result); return false; }
function load($fields = '*') { global $database; $blogid = getBlogId(); $this->reset(); $query = DBModel::getInstance(); $query->reset('BlogSettings'); if ($query->doesExist()) { $query->setQualifier('blogid', 'equals', $blogid); $blogSettings = $query->getAll('name,value'); if (isset($blogSettings)) { foreach ($blogSettings as $blogSetting) { $name = $blogSetting['name']; $value = $blogSetting['value']; switch ($name) { case 'logo': $name = 'banner'; break; case 'entriesOnPage': $name = 'postsOnPage'; break; case 'entriesOnList': $name = 'postsOnList'; break; case 'entriesOnRSS': $name = 'postsOnFeed'; break; case 'publishWholeOnRSS': $name = 'publishWholeOnFeed'; break; case 'allowWriteOnGuestbook': $name = 'acceptGuestComment'; break; case 'allowWriteDblCommentOnGuestbook': $name = 'acceptcommentOnGuestComment'; break; case 'defaultDomain': case 'useSloganOnPost': case 'useSloganOnCategory': case 'useSloganOnTag': case 'acceptGuestComment': case 'acceptcommentOnGuestComment': $value = $value ? true : false; break; } $this->{$name} = $value; } } return true; } return false; }
function resampleImage($imgString, $filename, $useAbsolutePath = true) { $blogid = getBlogId(); $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); if (!extension_loaded('gd') || !file_exists(ROOT . "/attach/{$blogid}/{$filename}")) { return $imgString; } if (!is_dir(ROOT . "/cache/thumbnail")) { @mkdir(ROOT . "/cache/thumbnail"); @chmod(ROOT . "/cache/thumbnail", 0777); } if (!is_dir(ROOT . "/cache/thumbnail/" . getBlogId())) { @mkdir(ROOT . "/cache/thumbnail/" . getBlogId()); @chmod(ROOT . "/cache/thumbnail/" . getBlogId(), 0777); } $origImageSrc = ($useAbsolutePath ? $context->getProperty('uri.service') : $context->getProperty('uri.path')) . "/attach/{$blogid}/{$filename}"; $tempWidth = $tempHeight = ''; if (preg_match('/width="([1-9][0-9]*)"/i', $imgString, $temp)) { $tempWidth = $temp[1]; } if (preg_match('/height="([1-9][0-9]*)"/i', $imgString, $temp)) { $tempHeight = $temp[1]; } if (!empty($tempWidth) && is_numeric($tempWidth) && !empty($tempHeight) && is_numeric($tempHeight)) { $resizeImage = getImageResizer($filename, array('width' => $tempWidth, 'height' => $tempHeight, 'absolute' => $useAbsolutePath)); } else { if (!empty($tempWidth) && !is_numeric($tempWidth) && empty($tempHeight)) { $resizeImage = getImageResizer($filename, array('width' => $tempWidth, 'absolute' => $useAbsolutePath)); } else { if (empty($tempWidth) && !empty($tempHeight) && is_numeric($tempHeight)) { $resizeImage = getImageResizer($filename, array('height' => $tempHeight, 'absolute' => $useAbsolutePath)); } else { return $imgString; } } } if ($resizeImage === false) { return $imgString; } if (basename($resizeImage[0]) == $filename) { return $imgString; } $resizeImageSrc = $resizeImage[0]; $resizeImageWidth = $resizeImage[1]; $resizeImageHeight = $resizeImage[2]; $imgString = preg_replace('/src="([^"]+)"/i', 'src="' . $resizeImageSrc . '"', $imgString); $imgString = preg_replace('/width="([^"]+)"/i', 'width="' . $resizeImageWidth . '"', $imgString); $imgString = preg_replace('/height="([^"]+)"/i', 'height="' . $resizeImageHeight . '"', $imgString); $imgString = preg_replace('/onclick="open_img\\(\'([^\']+)\'\\)"/', "onclick=\"open_img('{$origImageSrc}')\"", $imgString); return $imgString; }
function FM_Modern_editorinit($editor) { global $entry; $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); $blogid = getBlogId(); if (is_null($context->getProperty('plugin.config', null))) { $config = array('paragraphdelim' => 'BR', 'defaultmode' => 'WYSIWYG'); } else { $config = $context->getProperty('plugin.config'); } if (in_array(Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('defaultFormatter', 'html'), array('markdown', 'textile')) || in_array($entry['contentformatter'], array('markdown', 'textile'))) { $config['defaultmode'] = 'TEXTAREA'; } else { if (!isset($config['defaultmode'])) { $config['defaultmode'] = 'WYSIWYG'; } } ob_start(); ?> if (typeof(document.execCommand) == "undefined" || !(STD.isIE || STD.isFirefox || (STD.isWebkit && STD.engineVersion >= 419.3))) return null; var editor = new TTModernEditor(); editor.fixPosition = <?php echo Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('editorPropertyPositionFix', 0); ?> ; editor.hasGD = <?php echo extension_loaded('gd') ? 'true' : 'false'; ?> ; editor.propertyFilePath = "<?php echo $context->getProperty('service.path'); ?> /attach/<?php echo $blogid; ?> /"; editor.editMode = "<?php echo $config['defaultmode']; ?> "; editor.newLineToParagraph = <?php echo isset($config['paragraphdelim']) && $config['paragraphdelim'] == 'P' ? 'true' : 'false'; ?> ; return editor; <?php $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $result; }
function Xquared_editorinit($editor) { global $configVal, $entry, $pluginURL; $blogid = getBlogId(); if (is_null($configVal) || empty($configVal)) { $config = array('paragraphdelim' => 'BR', 'defaultmode' => 'WYSIWYG'); } else { $config = Setting::fetchConfigVal($configVal); } if (in_array(Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('defaultFormatter', 'html'), array('markdown', 'textile')) || in_array($entry['contentformatter'], array('markdown', 'textile'))) { $config['defaultmode'] = 'TEXTAREA'; } else { if (!isset($config['defaultmode'])) { $config['defaultmode'] = 'WYSIWYG'; } } ob_start(); ?> var editor = new xq.Editor("editWindow"); editor.config.contentCssList = ["<?php echo $pluginURL; ?> /stylesheets/xq_contents.css"]; editor.config.imagePathForDefaultToolbar = '<?php echo $pluginURL; ?> /images/toolbar/'; editor.setEditMode('wysiwyg'); editor.origInitialize = editor.initialize; editor.origFinalize = editor.finalize; editor.initialize = function() { this.origInitialize(); } editor.finalize = function() { this.origFinalize(); } editor.syncTextarea = function(){ var oForm = document.getElementById('editor-form'); oForm.content.value = this.getCurrentContent(); } return editor; <?php $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $result; }
function removeAll($removeAttachments = true) { global $database; $blogid = getBlogId(); $tags = POD::queryColumn("SELECT DISTINCT tag FROM {$database['prefix']}TagRelations WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("UPDATE {$database['prefix']}BlogStatistics SET visits = 0 WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}DailyStatistics WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}Categories WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}Attachments WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}Comments WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}CommentsNotified WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}RemoteResponses WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}RemoteResponseLogs WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}TagRelations WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}Entries WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}LinkCategories WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}Links WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}RefererLogs WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}RefererStatistics WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}Plugins WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); //POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}UserSettings WHERE user = $blogid"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}Filters WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}FeedStarred WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}FeedReads WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}FeedGroupRelations WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}FeedGroups WHERE blogid = {$blogid} AND id <> 0"); if (count($tags) > 0) { $tagliststr = implode(', ', $tags); $nottargets = POD::queryColumn("SELECT DISTINCT tag FROM {$database['prefix']}TagRelations WHERE tag in ( {$tagliststr} )"); if (count($nottargets) > 0) { $nottargetstr = implode(', ', $nottargets); POD::execute("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}Tags WHERE id IN ( {$tagliststr} ) AND id NOT IN ( {$nottargetstr} )"); } else { POD::execute("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}Tags WHERE id IN ( {$tagliststr} ) "); } } if (file_exists(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/rss/{$blogid}.xml")) { unlink(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/rss/{$blogid}.xml"); } if ($removeAttachments) { Path::removeFiles(Path::combine(ROOT, 'attach', $blogid)); POD::query("UPDATE {$database['prefix']}BlogSettings SET logo = '' WHERE blogid = {$blogid}"); } }
function KeywordUI_bindTag($target, $mother) { global $blogURL, $pluginURL, $configVal; requireModel('blog.keyword'); $blogid = getBlogId(); if (isset($mother) && isset($target)) { $tagsWithKeywords = array(); $keywordNames = getKeywordNames($blogid); foreach ($target as $tag => $tagLink) { if (in_array($tag, $keywordNames) == true) { $tagsWithKeywords[$tag] = $tagLink . "<a href=\"#\" class=\"key1\" onclick=\"openKeyword('{$blogURL}/keylog/" . URL::encode($tag) . "'); return false\"><img src=\"" . $pluginURL . "/images/flag_green.gif\" alt=\"Keyword " . $tag . "\"/></a>"; } else { $tagsWithKeywords[$tag] = $tagLink; } } $target = $tagsWithKeywords; } return $target; }
function login($loginid, $password, $expires = null) { $ctx = Model_Context::getInstance(); $loginid = POD::escapeString($loginid); $blogid = getBlogId(); $userid = Auth::authenticate($blogid, $loginid, $password); if ($userid === false) { return false; } if (empty($_POST['save'])) { setcookie('TSSESSION_LOGINID', '', time() - 31536000, $ctx->getProperty('service.path') . '/', $ctx->getProperty('service.domain')); } else { setcookie('TSSESSION_LOGINID', $loginid, time() + 31536000, $ctx->getProperty('service.path') . '/', $ctx->getProperty('service.domain')); } if (in_array("group.writers", Acl::getCurrentPrivilege())) { Session::authorize($blogid, $userid, $expires); } return true; }
function KeywordUI_bindTag($target, $mother) { $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); importlib(''); $blogid = getBlogId(); $blogURL = $context->getProperty(""); $pluginURL = $context->getProperty("plugin.uri"); if (isset($mother) && isset($target)) { $tagsWithKeywords = array(); $keywordNames = getKeywordNames($blogid); foreach ($target as $tag => $tagLink) { if (in_array($tag, $keywordNames) == true) { $tagsWithKeywords[$tag] = $tagLink . "<a href=\"#\" class=\"key1\" onclick=\"openKeyword('{$blogURL}/keylog/" . URL::encode($tag) . "'); return false\"><img src=\"" . $pluginURL . "/images/flag_green.gif\" alt=\"Keyword " . $tag . "\"/></a>"; } else { $tagsWithKeywords[$tag] = $tagLink; } } $target = $tagsWithKeywords; } return $target; }
function CT_Statistics_Default($target) { $blogid = getBlogId(); $stats = Statistics::getStatistics($blogid); $target .= '<ul class="CT_Statistics_Default">'; $target .= '<li class="TotalCount"><h4>Total Counts</h4><div style="text-align:right; width:100%">'; $target .= '<span style="font-size:200%">'; $target .= number_format($stats['total']); $target .= '</span>'; $target .= '</div></li>'; $target .= '<li class="TodayCount"><h4>Today</h4><div style="text-align:right; width:100%">'; $target .= '<span style="font-size:200%">'; $target .= number_format($stats['today']); $target .= '</span>'; $target .= '</div></li>'; $target .= '<li class="YesterdayCount"><h4>Yesterday</h4><div style="text-align:right; width:100%">'; $target .= '<span style="font-size:200%">'; $target .= number_format($stats['yesterday']); $target .= '</span>'; $target .= '</div></li>'; $target .= '</ul>'; return $target; }
<?php /// Copyright (c) 2004-2015, Needlworks / Tatter Network Foundation /// All rights reserved. Licensed under the GPL. /// See the GNU General Public License for more details. (/documents/LICENSE, /documents/COPYRIGHT) $IV = array('POST' => array('id' => array('int', 'min' => 1))); require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php'; requireStrictRoute(); $line = Model_Line::getInstance(); $line->reset(); $line->setFilter(array('blogid', 'equals', getBlogId())); $line->setFilter(array('id', 'equals', $_POST['id'])); if ($line->remove()) { fireEvent('DeleteLine', 0, $line); Respond::ResultPage(0); } else { fireEvent('DeleteLine', -1, $line); Respond::ResultPage(-1); }
<?php /// Copyright (c) 2004-2016, Needlworks / Tatter Network Foundation /// All rights reserved. Licensed under the GPL. /// See the GNU General Public License for more details. (/documents/LICENSE, /documents/COPYRIGHT) require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php'; if (CacheControl::flushAll(getBlogId())) { Respond::ResultPage(0); } else { Respond::ResultPage(-1); }
<input type="radio" id="publishedPreserve" class="radio" name="published" value="2" <?php echo isset($entry['appointed']) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> /><label for="publishedPreserve" onclick="document.getElementById('appointed').select()"><?php echo _t('예약'); ?> </label> <input type="text" id="appointed" class="input-text" name="appointed" value="<?php echo Timestamp::format5(isset($entry['appointed']) ? $entry['appointed'] : $entry['published']); ?> " onfocus="document.getElementById('editor-form').published[document.getElementById('editor-form').published.length - 1].checked = true" onkeypress="return preventEnter(event);" /> </div> </dd> </dl> <?php $countResult = POD::queryExistence("SELECT id FROM {$database['prefix']}Entries WHERE blogid = " . getBlogId() . " AND visibility = 3"); ?> <dl id="status-line" class="line"> <dt><span class="label"><?php echo _t('공개여부'); ?> </span></dt> <dd> <div id="status-private" class="status-private"><input type="radio" id="visibility_private" class="radio" name="visibility" value="0"<?php echo abs($entry['visibility']) == 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; ?> /><label for="visibility_private"><?php echo _t('비공개'); ?> </label></div> <div id="status-protected" class="status-protected"<?php
function _buildQuery() { global $database; $query = DBModel::getInstance(); $query->reset('Comments'); $query->setQualifier('blogid', 'equals', getBlogId()); $query->setQualifier('entry', 'equals', 0); if (isset($this->id)) { if (!Validator::number($this->id, 1)) { return $this->_error('id'); } $query->setQualifier('id', 'equals', $this->id); } if (isset($this->parent)) { if (!Validator::number($this->parent, 1)) { return $this->_error('parent'); } } $query->setAttribute('parent', $this->parent); if (isset($this->commenter)) { if (!Validator::number($this->commenter, 1)) { return $this->_error('commenter'); } if (!($this->name = User::getName($this->commenter))) { return $this->_error('commenter'); } $query->setAttribute('replier', $this->commenter); } if (isset($this->name)) { $this->name = Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEncoding(trim($this->name), 80); if (empty($this->name)) { return $this->_error('name'); } $query->setAttribute('name', $this->name, true); } if (isset($this->openid)) { $this->openid = Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEncoding(trim($this->openid), 128); if (empty($this->openid)) { return $this->_error('openid'); } $query->setAttribute('openid', $this->openid, true); } if (isset($this->homepage)) { $this->homepage = Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEncoding(trim($this->homepage), 80); if (empty($this->homepage)) { return $this->_error('homepage'); } $query->setAttribute('homepage', $this->homepage, true); } if (isset($this->ip)) { if (!Validator::ip($this->ip)) { return $this->_error('ip'); } $query->setAttribute('ip', $this->ip, true); } if (isset($this->secret)) { $query->setAttribute('secret', Validator::getBit($this->secret)); } if (isset($this->content)) { $this->content = trim($this->content); if (empty($this->content)) { return $this->_error('content'); } $query->setAttribute('comment', $this->content, true); } if (isset($this->written)) { if (!Validator::timestamp($this->written)) { return $this->_error('written'); } $query->setAttribute('written', $this->written); } if (isset($this->isfiltered)) { $query->setAttribute('isfiltered', Validator::getBit($this->isfiltered)); } if (isset($this->password)) { $this->password = Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEncoding($this->password, 32); $query->setAttribute('password', $this->password, true); $this->password = null; } return $query; }
static function getCurrentPrivilege($blogid = null) { if (is_null($blogid)) { $blogid = getBlogId(); } if (Acl::isAvailable($blogid)) { return $_SESSION['acl']["blog.{$blogid}"]; } return array(); }
if (!Acl::check("group.editors")) { if (getUserIdOfEntry(getBlogId(), $suri['id']) != getUserId()) { Respond::ResultPage(-1); exit; } } if ($isAjaxRequest) { if (deleteEntry($blogid, $suri['id']) === true) { Respond::ResultPage(0); } else { Respond::ResultPage(-1); } } else { deleteEntry($blogid, $suri['id']); header("Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } } else { foreach (explode(',', $_POST['targets']) as $target) { // TeamBlog check if (!Acl::check('group.writers', 'entry.delete.' . $target)) { if (getUserIdOfEntry(getBlogId(), $suri['id']) != getUserId()) { Respond::ResultPage(-1); exit; } } if (!deleteEntry($blogid, $target)) { Respond::ResultPage(-1); } } Respond::ResultPage(0); }
<?php /// Copyright (c) 2004-2012, Needlworks / Tatter Network Foundation /// All rights reserved. Licensed under the GPL. /// See the GNU General Public License for more details. (/documents/LICENSE, /documents/COPYRIGHT) $IV = array('POST' => array('page' => array('int', 'min' => 1), 'lines' => array('int', 'min' => 1, 'default' => 15), 'category' => array('string', 'mandatory' => false), 'keyword' => array('string', 'mandatory' => false))); require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php'; requireStrictRoute(); $conditions = array(); $conditions['blogid'] = getBlogId(); $conditions['page'] = $_POST['page']; if (isset($_POST['category'])) { $conditions['category'] = $_POST['category']; } if (isset($_POST['keyword'])) { $conditions['keyword'] = $_POST['keyword']; } $conditions['linesforpage'] = $_POST['lines']; $d = _t('삭제'); $conditions['template'] = <<<EOS \t\t\t<dl id="line_[##_id_##]" class="line"> \t\t\t\t<dt class="date">[##_date_##]</dt> \t\t\t\t<dd class="content">[##_content_##]</dd> \t\t\t\t<dd class="permalink"><a href="[##_permalink_##]" class="permalink">at [##_root_##]</a></dd> \t\t\t\t<dd class="delete input-button" onclick="deleteLine('[##_id_##]');return false;"><span class="text">{$d}</span></dd> \t\t\t</dl> EOS; $conditions['dress'] = array('id' => 'id', 'date' => 'created', 'content' => 'content', 'permalink' => 'permalink', 'root' => 'root'); $line = Model_Line::getInstance(); $contentView = $line->getFormattedList($conditions); if (empty($contentView)) {
<?php /// Copyright (c) 2004-2015, Needlworks / Tatter Network Foundation /// All rights reserved. Licensed under the GPL. /// See the GNU General Public License for more details. (/documents/LICENSE, /documents/COPYRIGHT) define('NO_SESSION', true); define('__TEXTCUBE_LOGIN__', true); define('__TEXTCUBE_CUSTOM_HEADER__', true); require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php'; importlib(""); requireStrictBlogURL(); $children = array(); $cache = pageCache::getInstance(); $cache->reset('linesRSS'); if (!$cache->load()) { $result = getLinesFeed(getBlogId(), 'public', 'rss'); if ($result !== false) { $cache->reset('linesRSS'); $cache->contents = $result; $cache->update(); } } header('Content-Type: application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8'); fireEvent('FeedOBStart'); echo fireEvent('ViewLinesRSS', $cache->contents); fireEvent('FeedOBEnd');
function printEntryFileUploadButton($entryId) { $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); $blogid = getBlogId(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var fileUploadNestOriginal = false; function makeCrossDamainSubmit(uri,userAgent) { var property =new Array(); property['ie'] = new Array(); property['ie']['width'] = '225px'; property['ie']['height'] = '25px'; property['moz'] = new Array(); property['moz']['width'] = '215px'; property['moz']['height'] = '22px'; property['etc'] = new Array(); property['etc']['width'] = '240px'; property['etc']['height'] = '22px'; if(fileUploadNestOriginal == false) { fileUploadNestOriginal = document.getElementById('fileUploadNest').innerHTML; } var str = '<iframe id="attachHiddenNest" src="' + uri + '" style="display: block; height: ' + property[userAgent]['height']+'; width: ' + property[userAgent]['width'] + ';" frameborder="no" scrolling="no"><\/iframe>'; document.getElementById('fileUploadNest').innerHTML = str + fileUploadNestOriginal; /*if (document.getElementById('attachHiddenNest_' + (attachId - 1))) { document.getElementById('attachHiddenNest_' + (attachId - 1)).style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('attachHiddenNest_' + (attachId - 1)).style.width = 0; document.getElementById('attachHiddenNest_' + (attachId - 1)).style.height = 0; } attachId++;*/ } function refreshUploadButton() { if (getUploadObj()) { } else { if(isIE) { makeCrossDamainSubmit(blogURL + "/owner/entry/attach/" + entryManager.entryId,"ie"); } else if(isMoz) { makeCrossDamainSubmit(blogURL + "/owner/entry/attach/" + entryManager.entryId,"moz"); } else { makeCrossDamainSubmit(blogURL + "/owner/entry/attach/" + entryManager.entryId,"etc"); } } } //]]> </script> <div id="fileUploadNest" class="container"> <div id="fileSize"> <?php echo getAttachmentSizeLabel($blogid, $entryId); ?> </div> <div id="fileDownload" class="system-message" style="display: none;"></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ if (!DetectFlashVer(8, 0, 0) || !(isIE || isMoz || isMinSafari3) || <?php echo $context->getProperty('service.flashuploader', true) ? 'false' : 'true'; ?> ) { var deleteButtonContainer = document.getElementById('fileUploadNest'); deleteButtonContainer.innerHTML = '<input type="button" id="deleteBtn" class="input-button" value="<?php echo _t('삭제하기'); ?> " onclick="deleteAttachment();return false" />' + deleteButtonContainer.innerHTML; = '5px'; } //]]> </script> <?php }
function flushDBCache($prefix = null) { global $database; return POD::query("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}PageCacheLog\n\t\t\tWHERE blogid = " . getBlogId() . "\n\t\t\tAND name like '%" . (!empty($prefix) ? $prefix . '\\_' : '') . "queryCache%'"); }
function retrieveCallback($lines, $uid) { $this->appendUid($uid); $mail = $this->pop3->parse($lines); if (isset($mail['date_string'])) { $slogan = $mail['date_string']; $docid = $mail['time_string']; } else { $slogan = date("Y-m-d"); $docid = date("H:i:s"); } if (in_array($mail['subject'], array('제목없음'))) { $mail['subject'] = ''; } if (!$this->isAllowed($mail)) { return false; } if (false && empty($mail['attachments'])) { $this->logMail($mail, "SKIP"); return false; } $post = new Post(); $moblog_begin = "\n<div class=\"moblog-entry\">"; $moblog_end = "\n</div>\n"; if ($post->open("slogan = '{$slogan}'")) { $post->loadTags(); $this->log("* 기존 글을 엽니다. (SLOGAN:{$slogan})"); if (empty($post->tags)) { $post->tags = array(); } $tags = $this->extractTags($mail); /* mail content will be changed */ $post->tags = array_merge($post->tags, $tags); $post->content .= $moblog_begin . $this->_getDecoratedContent($mail, $docid); $post->modified = $mail['date']; $post->visibility = $this->visibility; } else { $this->log("* 새 글을 작성합니다. (SLOGAN:{$slogan})"); if (isset($mail['date_year'])) { $post->title = str_replace(array('%Y', '%M', '%D'), array($mail['date_year'], $mail['date_month'], $mail['date_day']), $this->subject); } else { $post->title = str_replace(array('%Y', '%M', '%D'), array(date("Y"), date("m"), date("d")), $this->subject); } $post->userid = $this->userid; $post->category = $this->category; $post->tags = $this->extractTags($mail); /* Go with csv string, Tag class supports both string and array */ $post->content = $moblog_begin . $this->_getDecoratedContent($mail, $docid); $post->contentformatter = getDefaultFormatter(); $post->contenteditor = getDefaultEditor(); $post->created = time(); $post->acceptcomment = true; $post->accepttrackback = true; $post->visibility = $this->visibility; $post->published = time(); $post->modified = $mail['date']; $post->slogan = $slogan; if (!$post->add()) { $this->logMail($mail, "ERROR"); $this->log(_t("실패: 글을 추가하지 못하였습니다") . " : " . $post->error); return false; } else { CacheControl::flushCategory($post->category); } } /* 슬로건을 지워야만 문제가 발생하지 않습니다. */ //unset($post->slogan); if (isset($mail['attachments']) && count($mail['attachments'])) { importlib(""); $post->content .= "<div class=\"moblog-attachments\">\n"; foreach ($mail['attachments'] as $mail_att) { $this->log("* " . _t("첨부") . " : {$mail_att['filename']}"); $att = api_addAttachment(getBlogId(), $post->id, array('name' => $mail_att['filename'], 'content' => $mail_att['decoded_content'], 'size' => $mail_att['length'])); if (!$att) { $this->logMail($mail, "ERROR"); $this->log(_t("실패: 첨부파일을 추가하지 못하였습니다") . " : " . $post->error); return false; } $alt = htmlentities($mail_att['filename'], ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'); $content = '[##_1C|$FILENAME|width="$WIDTH" height="$HEIGHT" alt="' . $alt . '"|_##]'; $content = str_replace('$FILENAME', $att['name'], $content); $content = str_replace('$WIDTH', $att['width'], $content); $content = str_replace('$HEIGHT', $att['height'], $content); $post->content .= $content; } $post->content .= "\n</div>"; } $post->content .= $moblog_end; if (!$post->update()) { $this->logMail($mail, "ERROR"); $this->log(_t("실패: 첨부파일을 본문에 연결하지 못하였습니다") . ". : " . $post->error); return false; } $this->logMail($mail, "OK"); return true; }
<?php /// Copyright (c) 2004-2012, Needlworks / Tatter Network Foundation /// All rights reserved. Licensed under the GPL. /// See the GNU General Public License for more details. (/documents/LICENSE, /documents/COPYRIGHT) $IV = array('POST' => array('group' => array('int'), 'url' => array('url'))); require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php'; requireStrictRoute(); if (strpos($_POST['url'], 'http://') !== 0) { $_POST['url'] = 'http://' . $_POST['url']; } $result = array('error' => addFeed(getBlogId(), $_POST['group'], $_POST['url'])); ob_start(); printFeeds($blogid, $_POST['group']); $result['view'] = escapeCData(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); Respond::PrintResult($result);
} $categoryTitle = $suri['value']; } else { // If no category is mentioned, redirect it to total atom. header("Location: " . $context->getProperty('') . $context->getProperty('') . "/atom"); exit; } } $cache->reset('categoryATOM-' . $categoryId); if (!$cache->load()) { $categoryIds = array($categoryId); $parent = getParentCategoryId(getBlogId(), $categoryId); if ($parent === null) { // It's parent. let's find childs. $children = getChildCategoryId(getBlogId(), $categoryId); if (!empty($children)) { $categoryIds = array_merge($categoryIds, $children); } } requireModel("blog.feed"); $result = getCategoryFeedByCategoryId(getBlogId(), $categoryIds, 'atom', $categoryTitle); if ($result !== false) { $cache->reset('categoryATOM-' . $categoryId); $cache->contents = $result; $cache->update(); } } header('Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8'); fireEvent('FeedOBStart'); echo fireEvent('ViewCategoryATOM', $cache->contents); fireEvent('FeedOBEnd');
function setBlogSettingRowsPerPage($value) { return Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('rowsPerPage', $value, getBlogId()); }
<?php /// Copyright (c) 2004-2012, Needlworks / Tatter Network Foundation /// All rights reserved. Licensed under the GPL. /// See the GNU General Public License for more details. (/documents/LICENSE, /documents/COPYRIGHT) define('NO_SESSION', true); define('__TEXTCUBE_CUSTOM_HEADER__', true); define('__TEXTCUBE_LOGIN__', true); require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php'; requireStrictBlogURL(); $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); $period = $suri['id']; $blogid = getBlogId(); $cache = pageCache::getInstance(); $cache->reset('archiveAtom-' . $period); if (!$cache->load()) { requireModel("blog.feed"); list($entries, $paging) = getEntriesWithPagingByPeriod($blogid, $period, 1, 1, 1); //var_dump($entries); if (empty($entries)) { header("Location: " . $context->getProperty('') . $context->getProperty('') . "/atom"); exit; } $result = getFeedWithEntries($blogid, $entries, _textf('%1 기간의 글 목록', $period), 'atom'); if ($result !== false) { $cache->reset('archiveAtom-' . $period); $cache->contents = $result; $cache->update(); } } header('Content-Type: application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8');
function metaWeblog_newMediaObject() { $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); $params = func_get_args(); $result = api_login($params[1], $params[2]); if ($result) { return $result; } $file = array('name' => $params[3]['name'], 'content' => $params[3]['bits'], 'size' => count($params[3]['bits'])); $attachment = api_addAttachment(getBlogId(), 0, $file); if (!$attachment) { return new XMLRPCFault(1, "Can't create file"); } $attachurl = array('url' => $context->getProperty('') . $context->getProperty('service.path') . "/attach/" . $blogid . "/" . $attachment['name']); return $attachurl; }
function PN_Visitor_Default_set() { $blogid = getBlogId(); $isAjaxRequest = isset($_REQUEST['ajaxcall']) ? true : false; if ($isAjaxRequest) { $result = Statistics::setTotalStatistics($blogid) ? 0 : -1; header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8'); print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<response>\n<error>{$result}</error>\n</response>"; exit; } else { header("Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } }
function refresh() { if (file_exists(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/rss/" . getBlogId() . ".xml")) { @unlink(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/rss/" . getBlogId() . ".xml"); } }
function deleteUser($blogid = null, $userid, $clean = true) { global $database; if ($blogid == null) { $blogid = getBlogId(); } POD::execute("UPDATE {$database['prefix']}Entries\n\t\t\tSET userid = " . User::getBlogOwner($blogid) . "\n\t\t\tWHERE blogid = " . $blogid . " AND userid = " . $userid); // Delete ACL relation. if (!POD::execute("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}Privileges WHERE blogid='{$blogid}' and userid='{$userid}'")) { return false; } // And if there is no blog related to the specific user, delete user. if ($clean && !POD::queryAll("SELECT * FROM {$database['prefix']}Privileges WHERE userid = '{$userid}'")) { User::removePermanent($userid); } return true; }