 * page code function
function PageCompMainCode()
    global $oTemplConfig;
    global $logged;
    $iId = (int) $_COOKIE['memberID'];
    if ($iId > 0) {
        $sPassword = getPassword($iId);
        $bEnableRay = getParam('enable_ray') == 'on';
        $check_res = checkAction($iId, ACTION_ID_USE_RAY_CHAT);
        if ($bEnableRay && $check_res[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED) {
            $ret .= getApplicationContent('chat', 'user', array('id' => $iId, 'password' => $sPassword));
        } else {
            // $ret .= '
            // <center>
            // <table width=100% height=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
            // <td align=center valign=center>
            // <table width="90%" height="70" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" class="table">
            // <tr>
            // <td class="panel" width="100%" align="center" valign="middle">
            // <div align="center" class="small">' . $check_res[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE] . '</div>
            // </td>
            // </tr>
            // </table>
            // </td>
            // </table>
            // </center>';
            $ret .= MsgBox($check_res[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE]);
        return DesignBoxContent(_t("_RAY_CHAT"), $ret, $oTemplConfig->PageCompThird_db_num);
    } else {
        return DesignBoxContent(_t('_LOGIN_ERROR'), MsgBox(_t('_Please login before using Ray chat')), 1);
function PageMainCode()
    global $site;
    global $member;
    $sCode = '<div id="agreement" style="text-align: center;"><div style="font-weight: bold;">' . _t("_Media upload Agreement", _t("_Music")) . '</div><div><textarea rows="20" cols="80" readonly="true">' . _t("_License Agreement", $site['url']) . '</textarea></div><div><input type="submit" id="agree" value="' . _t("_I agree") . '" onclick="document.getElementById(\'uploadForm\').style.display = \'block\'; 
	document.getElementById(\'agreement\').style.display = \'none\';""></div></div>';
    $sCode .= '<div id="uploadForm" style="text-align: center; display: none;">' . getApplicationContent('music', 'editor', array('id' => $member['ID'], 'password' => $member['Password'])) . '</div>';
    return $sCode;
Example #3
 function getFileConcept($iFileId, $aExtra = array())
     $sOverride = false;
     $oAlert = new BxDolAlerts($this->_oConfig->getMainPrefix(), 'display_player', $iFileId, getLoggedId(), array('extra' => $aExtra, 'override' => &$sOverride));
     if ($sOverride) {
         return $sOverride;
     $iFileId = (int) $iFileId;
     return '<div class="viewFile" style="width:100%">' . getApplicationContent('mp3', 'player', array('id' => $iFileId, 'user' => (int) $_COOKIE['memberID'], 'password' => clear_xss($_COOKIE['memberPassword'])), true) . '</div>';
Example #4
 function getContent($iId)
     $sPassword = $iId > 0 ? $_COOKIE['memberPassword'] : "";
     $aResult = checkAction($iId, ACTION_ID_USE_CHAT, true);
         $sResult = getApplicationContent('chat', 'user', array('id' => $iId, 'password' => $sPassword), true);
     } else {
         $sResult = MsgBox($aResult[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE]);
     $sResult = DesignBoxContent(_t('_chat_box_caption'), $sResult, 11);
     return $sResult;
Example #5
 function getFileConcept($iFileId, $aExtra = array())
     $iFileId = (int) $iFileId;
     if (empty($aExtra['ext'])) {
         $sPlayer = getApplicationContent('video', 'player', array('id' => $iFileId, 'user' => $this->iViewer, 'password' => clear_xss($_COOKIE['memberPassword'])), true);
     } else {
         $sPlayer = str_replace("#video#", $aExtra['ext'], YOUTUBE_VIDEO_PLAYER);
         $sPlayer = str_replace("#wmode#", getWMode(), $sPlayer);
         $sPlayer = str_replace("#autoplay#", getSettingValue("video", "autoPlay") == TRUE_VAL ? "1" : "0", $sPlayer);
     $iWidth = (int) $this->_oConfig->getGlParam('file_width');
     return '<div class="viewFile" style="width: ' . ($iWidth + 2) . 'px;">' . $sPlayer . '</div>';
Example #6
 function getMessenger($iSndId, $sSndPassword, $iRspId)
     if (!empty($iSndId) && !empty($sSndPassword) && !empty($iRspId)) {
         $aResult = checkAction($iSndId, ACTION_ID_USE_MESSENGER, true);
             $sResult = getApplicationContent('im', 'user', array('sender' => $iSndId, 'password' => $sSndPassword, 'recipient' => $iRspId), false);
         } else {
             $sResult = MsgBox($aResult[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE]);
     } else {
         $sResult = MsgBox(_t('_messenger_err_not_logged_in'));
     return $sResult;
Example #7
 function getContent($iId, $iSavedId = 0)
     if ($iId > 0) {
         $sPassword = $_COOKIE['memberPassword'];
         $aResult = checkAction($iId, ACTION_ID_USE_BOARD, true);
             $sResult = getApplicationContent('board', 'user', array('id' => $iId, 'password' => $sPassword, 'saved' => $iSavedId), true);
         } else {
             $sResult = MsgBox($aResult[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE]);
         $sResult = DesignBoxContent(_t('_board_box_caption'), $sResult, 11);
     } else {
         $sResult = DesignBoxContent(_t('_board_box_caption'), MsgBox(_t('_board_err_not_logged_in')), 11);
     return $sResult;
 function getFileConcept($iFileId, $aExtra = array())
     $sOverride = false;
     $oAlert = new BxDolAlerts($this->_oConfig->getMainPrefix(), 'display_player', $iFileId, getLoggedId(), array('extra' => $aExtra, 'override' => &$sOverride));
     if ($sOverride) {
         return $sOverride;
     $iFileId = (int) $iFileId;
     if (empty($aExtra['ext'])) {
         $sPlayer = getApplicationContent('video', 'player', array('id' => $iFileId, 'user' => $this->iViewer, 'password' => clear_xss($_COOKIE['memberPassword'])), true);
     } else {
         $sPlayer = str_replace("#video#", $aExtra['ext'], YOUTUBE_VIDEO_PLAYER);
         $sPlayer = str_replace("#wmode#", getWMode(), $sPlayer);
         $sPlayer = str_replace("#autoplay#", getSettingValue("video", "autoPlay") == TRUE_VAL ? "&autoplay=1" : "", $sPlayer);
     return '<div class="viewFile" style="width:100%;">' . $sPlayer . '</div>';
 * page code function
function PageCompMainCode()
    global $oTemplConfig;
    global $logged;
    $iId = (int) $_COOKIE['memberID'];
    if ($iId > 0) {
        $sPassword = getPassword($iId);
        $bEnableRay = getParam('enable_ray') == 'on';
        $check_res = checkAction($iId, ACTION_ID_USE_RAY_CHAT);
        if ($bEnableRay && $check_res[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED) {
            $ret .= getApplicationContent('chat', 'user', array('id' => $iId, 'password' => $sPassword), true);
        } else {
            $ret .= MsgBox($check_res[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE]);
        return DesignBoxContent(_t("_RAY_CHAT"), $ret, $oTemplConfig->PageCompThird_db_num);
    } else {
        return DesignBoxContent(_t('_LOGIN_ERROR'), MsgBox(_t('_Please login before using Ray chat')), 1);
* IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by BoonEx Ltd. and cannot be modified for other than personal usage.
* This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from BoonEx Ltd.
* This notice may not be removed from the source code.
if (!isset($sRayHeaderPath)) {
    $sRayHeaderPath = "modules/global/inc/header.inc.php";
if (!file_exists($sRayHeaderPath)) {
$sModule = isset($sModule) ? $sModule : $_REQUEST['module'];
$sApp = isset($sApp) ? $sApp : $_REQUEST['app'];
if (file_exists($sRayHeaderPath) && !empty($sModule) && !empty($sApp)) {
    require_once $sRayHeaderPath;
    require_once $sIncPath . "content.inc.php";
    require_once $sModulesPath . $sModule . "/inc/header.inc.php";
    require_once $sModulesPath . $sModule . "/inc/constants.inc.php";
} else {
$aParameters = array();
foreach ($aModules[$sApp]['parameters'] as $sParameter) {
    $aParameters[$sParameter] = isset(${$sParameter}) ? ${$sParameter} : $_REQUEST[$sParameter];
echo getApplicationContent($sModule, $sApp, $aParameters);
function PageCompMainCode()
    global $tmpl, $_page, $oTemplConfig;
    global $enable_video_upload, $enable_audio_upload;
    $iProfileID = (int) $_COOKIE['memberID'];
    $show = $_REQUEST['show'];
    switch ($show) {
        case 'audio':
            if ($enable_audio_upload) {
                require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . 'uploadAudio.php';
                $oMedia = new UploadAudio($iProfileID);
                $_page['header_text'] = _t("_My Audio");
        case 'video':
            if ($enable_video_upload) {
                require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . 'uploadVideo.php';
                $oMedia = new UploadVideo($iProfileID);
                $_page['header_text'] = _t("_My Videos");
        case 'photo':
            require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . 'uploadPhoto.php';
            $oMedia = new UploadPhoto($iProfileID);
            $_page['header_text'] = _t("_My Photos");
    //	print_r($oMedia -> aMediaConfig);
    $ret = '';
    $ret .= '
			<script type="text/javascript">

				function checkForm()

					var el;
					var hasErr = false;
					var fild = "";

					el = document.getElementById("mediaTitle");
					if( el.value.length < ' . $oMedia->aMediaConfig['min']['mediaTitle'] . ' )
						el.style.backgroundColor = "pink";
						el.style.border = "1px solid silver";
						hasErr = true;
						fild += "\\n ' . _t('_title_min_lenght', $oMedia->aMediaConfig['min']['mediaTitle']) . '";
						el.style.backgroundColor = "#fff";

					if (hasErr)
						alert( fild )
						return false;

						return true;

					return false;
    if ($oTemplConfig->customize['upload_media']['showMediaTabs']) {
        $ret .= '<div class="choiseBlock">';
        $ret .= getMediaTabs($oMedia->sMediaType, $oMedia->aMediaConfig['enable']);
        $ret .= '</div>' . "\n";
        $ret .= '<div class="clear_both"></div>';
    if ($oTemplConfig->customize['upload_media']['showAddButton']) {
        $ret .= '<div class="addNew">';
        $ret .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return BxShowBlock(\'addNewBlock\');">' . _t('_add_new', _t('_' . $oMedia->sMediaType . '')) . '</a>';
        $ret .= '</div>' . "\n";
    //$ret .= ' Max -- [' . $oMedia -> aMediaConfig['max'][$oMedia -> sMediaType] . ']<br>';
    //$ret .= ' Med Count -- [' . $oMedia -> iMediaCount . ']<br>';
    $ret .= '<div id="addNewBlock" style="display:' . $oTemplConfig->customize['upload_media']['addNewBlock_display'] . ';">';
    if ($oMedia->iMediaCount >= $oMedia->aMediaConfig['max'][$oMedia->sMediaType]) {
        $ret .= _t_action('_too_many_files');
    } else {
        $ret .= '<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="' . $oMedia->aMediaConfig['url']['media'] . '?show=' . $oMedia->sMediaType . '" method="post" onsubmit="return checkForm();">';
        $ret .= '<div>';
        $ret .= _t('_Title');
        $ret .= '&nbsp;(&nbsp;<span id="charCount" class="charCount">' . $oMedia->aMediaConfig['max']['mediaTitle'] . '</span>';
        $ret .= '<span class="charCount">' . _t('_characters_left') . '</span>&nbsp;)';
        $ret .= '</div>' . "\n";
        $ret .= '<div>';
        $ret .= '<input type="text" name="title" class="title" id="mediaTitle" onkeydown="return charCounter(\'mediaTitle\', ' . $oMedia->aMediaConfig['max']['mediaTitle'] . ', \'charCount\');" onkeyup="return charCounter(\'mediaTitle\', ' . $oMedia->aMediaConfig['max']['mediaTitle'] . ', \'charCount\');"  />';
        $ret .= '</div>' . "\n";
        $ret .= '<div>';
        $ret .= '<input type="file" size="34" name="' . $oMedia->sMediaType . '" class="file" />';
        $ret .= '</div>' . "\n";
        $ret .= '<div>';
        $ret .= '<input type="submit" value="' . _t('_Submit') . '">';
        $ret .= '<input type="hidden" name="media_type" value="' . $oMedia->sMediaType . '" />';
        $ret .= '<input type="hidden" name="show" value="' . $oMedia->sMediaType . '" />';
        $ret .= '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="upload" />';
        $ret .= '</div>' . "\n";
        $ret .= '</form>';
    $ret .= '</div>' . "\n";
    $action = $_REQUEST['action'];
    if ($_POST['makePrim'] || isset($_POST['makePrim_x'])) {
        $action = 'makePrim';
    } elseif ($_POST['deletePhoto'] || isset($_POST['deletePhoto_x'])) {
        $action = 'deletePhoto';
    $iPhotoID = (int) $_REQUEST['photoID'];
    $iMediaID = (int) $_REQUEST['mediaID'];
    switch ($action) {
        case 'upload':
            $ret .= $oMedia->uploadMedia();
            header('Location:' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?show=' . $oMedia->sMediaType);
        case 'makePrim':
            $ret .= $oMedia->makePrimPhoto($iPhotoID);
            header('Location:' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?show=' . $oMedia->sMediaType);
        case 'deletePhoto':
            $ret .= $oMedia->deleteMedia($iPhotoID);
            header('Location:' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?show=' . $oMedia->sMediaType);
        case 'delete':
            $ret .= $oMedia->deleteMedia($iMediaID);
            header('Location:' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?show=' . $oMedia->sMediaType);
    switch ($show) {
        case 'audio':
            if ($enable_audio_upload) {
                $ret .= $oMedia->getMediaPage();
            } else {
                $ret .= '';
        case 'video':
            if ($enable_video_upload) {
                $ret .= $oMedia->getMediaPage();
                //------------------ Ray Integration ------------------//
                $ret .= '<div class="clear_both"></div>';
                $ret .= '<div class="addNew"><center>';
                if (widgetExists('video')) {
                    $sRayHeaderPath = $dir['root'] . "ray/inc/header.inc.php";
                    $iId = (int) $_COOKIE['memberID'];
                    $sPassword = getPassword($iId);
                    $ret .= getApplicationContent('video', 'recorder', array('id' => $iId, 'password' => $sPassword));
                $ret .= '</center></div>';
                //------------------ Ray Integration ------------------//
            } else {
                $ret .= '';
        case 'photo':
            if ($_REQUEST['photoID']) {
                $iPhotoId = (int) $_REQUEST['photoID'];
                $ret .= $oMedia->getMediaPage($iPhotoId);
            } else {
                $ret .= $oMedia->getMediaPage();
    return $ret;
 * Gets the embed code of necessary widget's application.
 * @param sModule - module(widget) name.
 * @param sApp - application name in the widget.
 * @param aParamValues - an associative array of parameters to be passed into the Flash object.
function getEmbedCode($sModule, $sApp, $aParamValues)
    return getApplicationContent($sModule, $sApp, $aParamValues, true, true);
 function getBlockCode_Shoutbox()
     $sPassword = getPassword($this->iMemberID);
     return getApplicationContent('shoutbox', 'user', array('id' => $this->iMemberID, 'password' => $sPassword), true);
Example #14
 function getRecordFormFile()
     $sCustomRecorderObject = getApplicationContent('mp3', 'recorder', array('user' => $this->_getAuthorId(), 'password' => $this->_getAuthorPassword(), 'extra' => ''), true);
     return $this->_getRecordFormFile($sCustomRecorderObject);
 function showFile($iFile)
     $iFile = (int) $iFile;
     $sCode = '';
     switch ($this->sType) {
         case 'photo':
             $aFile = $this->getFileInfo($iFile);
             $sImage = $this->sFilesUrl . $iFile . '_m.' . $aFile[$this->aTableFields['medExt']];
             $sCode = '<div id="viewFile" style="background-image: url(\'' . $sImage . '\')">&nbsp;</div>';
         case 'music':
             $sCode = '<div class="viewFile" style="text-align:center;">' . getApplicationContent('music', 'player', array('id' => $iFile, 'password' => $this->sViewerPass, 'vId' => $this->iViewer, 'song' => 'true'), true) . '</div>';
         case 'video':
             $sCode = '<div class="viewFile" style="text-align:center;">' . getApplicationContent('movie', 'player', array('id' => $iFile, 'file' => 'true'), true) . '</div>';
     return $sCode;
function getSiteStat($sMode = '')
    global $site;
    $iMin = getParam("member_online_time");
    $aStat = array('all' => array('capt' => _t("_Members"), 'query' => "SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status` = 'Active'", 'link' => 'browse.php', 'adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => "profiles.php"), 'pph' => array('capt' => _t("_Photos"), 'query' => "SELECT COUNT(`medID`) FROM `sharePhotoFiles` WHERE `Approved`='true'", 'link' => 'browsePhoto.php', 'adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ""), 'evs' => array('capt' => _t("_Events"), 'query' => "SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `SDatingEvents` WHERE `Status`='Active'", 'link' => 'events.php?show_events=all&action=show', 'adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ""), 'onl' => array('capt' => _t("_Online"), 'query' => "SELECT COUNT(`ID`) AS `count_onl` FROM `Profiles`  WHERE `LastNavTime` > SUBDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL {$iMin} MINUTE)", 'link' => 'search_result.php?online_only=1', 'adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ""), 'pvi' => array('capt' => _t("_Videos"), 'query' => "SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `RayMovieFiles` WHERE `Approved`='true'", 'link' => 'browseVideo.php', 'adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ""), 'pls' => array('capt' => _t("_Polls"), 'query' => "SELECT COUNT(`id_poll`) FROM `ProfilesPolls` WHERE `poll_approval`='1'", 'link' => 'polls.php', 'adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ""), 'ntd' => array('capt' => _t("_New Today"), 'query' => "SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status` = 'Active' AND (TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(`LastReg`)) <= 1", 'link' => '', 'adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ""), 'pmu' => array('capt' => _t("_Music"), 'query' => "SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `RayMusicFiles` WHERE `Approved`='true'", 'link' => 'browseMusic.php', 'adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ""), 'tps' => array('capt' => _t("_Topics"), 'query' => "SELECT IF( NOT ISNULL( SUM(`forum_topics`)), SUM(`forum_posts`), 0) AS `Num` FROM `pre_forum`", 'link' => 'orca', 'adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ""), 'nwk' => array('capt' => _t("_This Week"), 'query' => "SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status` = 'Active' AND (TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(`LastReg`)) <= 7", 'link' => '', 'adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ""), 'pvd' => array('capt' => _t("_Profile Videos"), 'query' => "SELECT `Approved` FROM `RayVideoStats`", 'link' => '', 'adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => "", 'hide' => false), 'pts' => array('capt' => _t("_Posts"), 'query' => "SELECT IF( NOT ISNULL( SUM(`forum_posts`)), SUM(`forum_posts`), 0) AS `Num` FROM `pre_forum` ", 'link' => 'orca', 'adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ""), 'nmh' => array('capt' => _t("_This Month"), 'query' => "SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status` = 'Active' AND (TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(`LastReg`)) <= 30", 'link' => '', 'adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ""), 'tgs' => array('capt' => _t("_Tags"), 'query' => "SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT `Tag` ) FROM `Tags`", 'link' => '', 'adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ""), 'ars' => array('capt' => _t("_Articles"), 'query' => "SELECT COUNT(`ArticlesID`) FROM `Articles`", 'link' => 'articles.php', 'adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ""), 'nyr' => array('capt' => _t("_This Year"), 'query' => "SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status` = 'Active' AND (TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(`LastReg`)) <= 365", 'link' => '', 'adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ""), 'grs' => array('capt' => _t("_Groups"), 'query' => "SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `Groups` WHERE `status`='Active'", 'link' => 'groups_home.php', 'adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ""), 'cls' => array('capt' => _t("_Classifieds"), 'query' => "SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` WHERE `Status`='active'", 'link' => 'classifieds.php?Browse=1', 'adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ""), 'frs' => array('capt' => _t("_Friends"), 'query' => "SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `FriendList` WHERE `Check`='1'", 'link' => '', 'adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ""));
    if ($sMode == 'admin') {
        $aAdmin = array('all' => array('adm_query' => "SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status`!='Active'", 'adm_link' => 'profiles.php?profiles=Approval'), 'pph' => array('adm_query' => "SELECT COUNT(`medID`) FROM `sharePhotoFiles` WHERE `Approved`='false'", 'adm_link' => 'browsePhoto.php'), 'evs' => array('adm_query' => "SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `SDatingEvents` WHERE `Status`!='Active'", 'adm_link' => 'sdating_admin.php'), 'onl' => array('adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ''), 'pvi' => array('adm_query' => "SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `RayMovieFiles` WHERE `Approved`!='true'", 'adm_link' => 'browseVideo.php'), 'pls' => array('adm_query' => "SELECT COUNT(`id_poll`) FROM `ProfilesPolls` WHERE `poll_approval`!='1'", 'adm_link' => 'post_mod_ppolls.php'), 'ntd' => array('adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ''), 'pmu' => array('adm_query' => "SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `RayMusicFiles` WHERE `Approved`!='true'", 'adm_link' => 'browseMusic.php'), 'tps' => array('adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ''), 'nwk' => array('adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ''), 'tgs' => array('adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ''), 'pts' => array('adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ''), 'nmh' => array('adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ''), 'frs' => array('adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ''), 'ars' => array('adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => 'articles.php'), 'nyr' => array('adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => ''), 'grs' => array('adm_query' => "SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `Groups` WHERE `status`!='Active'", 'adm_link' => 'groups.php'), 'cls' => array('adm_query' => "SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` WHERE `Status` != 'active'", 'adm_link' => 'manage_classifieds.php'), 'pvd' => array('adm_query' => "", 'adm_link' => 'javascript: openRayWidget(\'video\',\'admin\',\'{adminLogin}\',\'{adminPass}\');'));
        $sAdd = '_a';
        $sProfVideo = getApplicationContent('video', 'stat', array(), true);
    } else {
        $aAdmin = '';
        $sProfVideo = '';
    $sCode = $sProfVideo . '<div>';
    foreach ($aStat as $sKey => $sVal) {
        $sLink = strlen($sVal['link']) > 0 ? '<a href="' . $site['url'] . $sVal['link'] . '">' . $sVal['capt'] . '</a>' : $sVal['capt'];
        if ($sVal['hide'] === true && $sMode != 'admin') {
        if (!is_array($aAdmin)) {
            $iNum = strlen($sVal['query']) > 0 ? db_value($sVal['query']) : 0;
            if ($sKey == 'pls') {
                $iNum = $iNum + db_value("SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `polls_q` WHERE `Active`='on'");
        } else {
            $iNum = strlen($aAdmin[$sKey]['adm_query']) > 0 ? db_value($aAdmin[$sKey]['adm_query']) : 0;
            if (strlen($aAdmin[$sKey]['adm_link']) > 0) {
                if (substr($aAdmin[$sKey]['adm_link'], 0, strlen('javascript:')) == 'javascript:') {
                    $sHref = 'javascript:void(0);';
                    $sOnclick = 'onclick="' . $aAdmin[$sKey]['adm_link'] . '"';
                    $aAdmin = db_arr("SELECT * FROM `Admins` LIMIT 1");
                    $sOnclick = str_replace('{adminLogin}', $aAdmin['Name'], $sOnclick);
                    $sOnclick = str_replace('{adminPass}', $aAdmin['Password'], $sOnclick);
                } else {
                    $sHref = $aAdmin[$sKey]['adm_link'];
                    $sOnclick = '';
                $sLink = '<a href="' . $sHref . '" ' . $sOnclick . '>' . $sVal['capt'] . '</a>';
            } else {
                $sLink = $sVal['capt'];
            if ($sKey == 'pls') {
                $iNum = $iNum + db_value("SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `polls_q` WHERE `Active`<>'on'");
        switch ($sKey) {
            case 'all':
            case 'onl':
            case 'ntd':
            case 'nwk':
            case 'nmh':
            case 'nyr':
                $sIcon = 'mbs.gif';
            case 'all':
                $sIcon = 'us.gif';
            case 'pvi':
            case 'pvd':
                $sIcon = 'pvi.gif';
                $sIcon = $sKey . '.gif';
        $sCode .= '<div class="siteStatUnit" id="' . $sKey . $sAdd . '"><img src="' . getTemplateIcon($sIcon) . '" /> ' . $iNum . ' ' . $sLink . '</div>';
    $sCode .= '</div><div class="clear_both"></div>';
    return $sCode;
function getSiteStatAdmin()
    global $site;
    global $dir;
    $aAdmin = '';
    $sProfVideo = '';
    $sAdd = '_a';
    $sProfVideo = getApplicationContent('video', 'stat', array(), true);
    $sqlQuery = "SELECT `Name` as `name`,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`Title` as `capt`,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`UserQuery` as `query`,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`UserLink` as `link`,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`IconName` as `icon`,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`AdminQuery` as `adm_query`,\r\n\t\t\t   \t\t\t`AdminLink` as `adm_link`\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `SiteStat`";
    $rData = db_res($sqlQuery);
    $sCode = $sProfVideo . '<div>';
    $fStat = @fopen(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'db_cached/SiteStat.inc', 'w');
    if (!$fStat) {
        return false;
    fwrite($fStat, "return array( \n");
    $sLine = '';
    while ($aVal = mysql_fetch_assoc($rData)) {
        $sCode .= getSiteStatBody($aVal, 'admin');
        $sLine .= genSiteStatFile($aVal);
    $sLine = rtrim($sLine, ",\n") . "\n);";
    fwrite($fStat, $sLine);
    $sCode .= '</div><div class="clear_both"></div>';
    return $sCode;
 function showBlockMp3($sCaption, $bNoDB = false)
     global $logged;
     $iMemberId = (int) $_COOKIE['memberID'];
     $ret = getApplicationContent('mp3', 'player', array('id' => $this->_iProfileID, 'password' => getPassword($iMemberId), 'vId' => $iMemberId), true);
     if ($bNoDB) {
         return $ret;
     } else {
         echo DesignBoxContent(_t($sCaption), '<div align="center">' . $ret . '</div>', 1, $show_hide);
Example #19
 function getFileConcept($iFileId, $aExtra = array())
     $iFileId = (int) $iFileId;
     $iWidth = (int) $this->_oConfig->getGlParam('file_width');
     return '<div class="viewFile" style="width: ' . ($iWidth + 2) . 'px;">' . getApplicationContent('mp3', 'player', array('id' => $iFileId, 'user' => (int) $_COOKIE['memberID'], 'password' => clear_xss($_COOKIE['memberPassword'])), true) . '</div>';
Example #20
    function _getFormBox($sType, $aCmt = array())
        $iCmtId = !empty($aCmt['id']) ? (int) $aCmt['id'] : 0;
        $iCmtParentId = !empty($aCmt['parent_id']) ? (int) $aCmt['parent_id'] : 0;
        $sCmtText = !empty($aCmt['text']) ? $this->_prepareTextForEdit($aCmt['text']) : '';
        $sTextareaId = "cmt" . bx_gen_method_name($this->_sSystem . "_" . $sType) . "TextArea";
        switch ($sType) {
            case 'post':
                $sFunction = "submitComment(this)";
                $sTextareaId .= $iCmtParentId;
            case 'edit':
                $sFunction = "updateComment(this, '" . $iCmtId . "')";
                $sTextareaId .= $iCmtId;
        if ($this->_aSystem['is_mood']) {
            $sMood = '
                    <div class="cmt-post-reply-mood">
                        <div class="cmt-post-mood-ctl"><input type="radio" name="CmtMood" value="1" id="' . $this->_sSystem . '-mood-positive" /></div>
                        <div class="cmt-post-mood-lbl"><label for="' . $this->_sSystem . '-mood-positive">' . _t('_Comment Positive') . '</label></div>
                        <div class="cmt-post-mood-ctl"><input type="radio" name="CmtMood" value="-1" id="' . $this->_sSystem . '-mood-negative" /></div>
                        <div class="cmt-post-mood-lbl"><label for="' . $this->_sSystem . '-mood-negative">' . _t('_Comment Negative') . '</label></div>
                        <div class="cmt-post-mood-ctl"><input type="radio" name="CmtMood" value="0" id="' . $this->_sSystem . '-mood-neutral" checked="checked" /></div>
                        <div class="cmt-post-mood-lbl"><label for="' . $this->_sSystem . '-mood-neutral">' . _t('_Comment Neutral') . '</label></div>
                        <div class="clear_both">&nbsp;</div>
        $sContent = '
			<form name="cmt-post-reply" onsubmit="' . $this->_sJsObjName . '.' . $sFunction . '; return false;">
				<input type="hidden" name="CmtParent" value="' . $iCmtParentId . '" />
				<input type="hidden" name="CmtType" value="text" />
				<div class="cmt-post-reply-text">
					<textarea class="cmt-text-' . $sType . ' bx-def-round-corners-with-border" id="' . $sTextareaId . '" name="CmtText">' . $sCmtText . '</textarea>
				<div class="cmt-post-reply-video">' . getApplicationContent('video_comments', 'recorder', array('user' => $this->_getAuthorId(), 'password' => $this->_getAuthorPassword(), 'extra' => implode('_', array($this->_sSystem . '-' . $this->getId(), $iCmtParentId))), true) . '</div>
				<div class="cmt-post-reply-post"><button class="bx-btn bx-btn-small" type="submit">' . _t('_Submit Comment') . '</button></div>
				' . $sMood . '
        if ($this->iGlobAllowHtml == 1) {
            $oEditor = BxDolEditor::getObjectInstance();
            $sContent .= $oEditor ? $oEditor->attachEditor('#' . $sTextareaId, BX_EDITOR_MINI, $this->bDynamic) : '';
        return $sContent;
Example #21
 function _getFormBox($iCmtParentId = 0, $sText = "", $sFunction = "submitComment(this)")
     $sTinyStyle = $this->iGlobAllowHtml == 1 && $this->iGlobUseTinyMCE == 1 ? ' tinypossible="true" ' : '';
     if ($this->_aSystem['is_mood']) {
         $sMood = '
                 <div class="cmt-post-reply-mood">
                     <div class="cmt-post-mood-ctl"><input type="radio" name="CmtMood" value="1" id="' . $this->_sSystem . '-mood-positive" /></div>
                     <div class="cmt-post-mood-lbl"><label for="' . $this->_sSystem . '-mood-positive">' . _t('_Comment Positive') . '</label></div>
                     <div class="cmt-post-mood-ctl"><input type="radio" name="CmtMood" value="-1" id="' . $this->_sSystem . '-mood-negative" /></div>
                     <div class="cmt-post-mood-lbl"><label for="' . $this->_sSystem . '-mood-negative">' . _t('_Comment Negative') . '</label></div>
                     <div class="cmt-post-mood-ctl"><input type="radio" name="CmtMood" value="0" id="' . $this->_sSystem . '-mood-neutral" checked="checked" /></div>
                     <div class="cmt-post-mood-lbl"><label for="' . $this->_sSystem . '-mood-neutral">' . _t('_Comment Neutral') . '</label></div>
                     <div class="clear_both">&nbsp;</div>
     return '
             <form name="cmt-post-reply" onsubmit="' . $this->_sJsObjName . '.' . $sFunction . '; return false;">
                 <input type="hidden" name="CmtParent" value="' . $iCmtParentId . '" />
                 <input type="hidden" name="CmtType" value="text" />
                 <div class="cmt-post-reply-text">
                     <textarea name="CmtText" ' . $sTinyStyle . ' >' . $sText . '</textarea>
                 <div class="cmt-post-reply-video">' . getApplicationContent('video_comments', 'recorder', array('user' => $this->_getAuthorId(), 'password' => $this->_getAuthorPassword(), 'extra' => implode('_', array($this->_sSystem . '-' . $this->getId(), $iCmtParentId))), true) . '</div>
                 <div class="cmt-post-reply-post"><input type="submit" value="' . _t('_Submit Comment') . '" /></div>
                 ' . $sMood . '
Example #22
 function serviceProfileSoundBlock($iProfileId)
     if (!$this->checkMemAction($iProfileId, 'view')) {
         return '';
     $aVars = array('title' => false, 'prefix' => 'id' . time() . '_' . rand(1, 999999), 'bx_repeat:sounds' => array(), 'bx_repeat:icons' => array());
     $aFiles = $this->serviceGetProfileAlbumFiles($iProfileId);
     foreach ($aFiles as $aFile) {
         $aVars['bx_repeat:sounds'][] = array('style' => false === $aVars['title'] ? '' : 'display:none;', 'id' => $aFile['id'], 'sound' => getApplicationContent('mp3', 'player', array('id' => $aFile['id'], 'user' => getLoggedId(), 'password' => getLoggedPassword()), true));
         $aVars['bx_repeat:icons'][] = array('id' => $aFile['id'], 'icon_url' => $aFile['file'], 'title' => $aFile['title']);
         if (false === $aVars['title']) {
             $aVars['title'] = $aFile['title'];
     if (!$aVars['bx_repeat:icons']) {
         return '';
     return $this->oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('entry_view_block_sounds.html', $aVars);
Example #23
  * Audio Player
 function serviceResponseAudioPlayer($oAlert)
     if (!($iFileId = (int) $oAlert->iObject)) {
         return false;
     if (!($aFile = $this->_oDb->getRow("SELECT * FROM `RayMp3Files` WHERE `ID` = {$iFileId}"))) {
         return false;
     global $sIncPath;
     global $sModulesPath;
     global $sModule;
     global $sFilesPath;
     global $sFilesPathMp3;
     global $oDb;
     require_once $sIncPath . 'db.inc.php';
     $sModule = "mp3";
     $sModulePath = $sModulesPath . $sModule . '/inc/';
     require_once $sModulesPath . $sModule . '/inc/header.inc.php';
     require_once $sModulesPath . $sModule . '/inc/constants.inc.php';
     require_once $sModulesPath . $sModule . '/inc/functions.inc.php';
     require_once $sModulesPath . $sModule . '/inc/customFunctions.inc.php';
     $sOverride = false;
     switch ($aFile['Status']) {
         case STATUS_PENDING:
         case STATUS_PROCESSING:
             $sOverride = $this->_oTemplate->addCss(array('default.css', 'common.css', 'general.css'), true) . MsgBox(_t('_sys_media_processing'));
             if (!isAdmin()) {
                 $sOverride = $this->_oTemplate->addCss(array('default.css', 'common.css', 'general.css'), true) . MsgBox(_t('_sys_media_disapproved'));
         case STATUS_APPROVED:
             if (file_exists($GLOBALS['sFilesPathMp3'] . $iFileId . MP3_EXTENSION)) {
                 $sToken = getMp3Token($iFileId);
                 if (file_exists($GLOBALS['sFilesPathMp3'] . $iFileId . '.ogg')) {
                     $sSourceOgg = '<source type=\'audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"\' src="' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . "flash/modules/mp3/get_file.php?id=" . $iFileId . "&token=" . $sToken . '&ext=ogg" />';
                 $sFlash = getApplicationContent('mp3', 'player', array('id' => $iFileId, 'user' => getLoggedId(), 'password' => clear_xss($_COOKIE['memberPassword'])), true);
                 $sId = 'bx-media-' . genRndPwd(8, false);
                 $sJs = $sSourceOgg ? '' : '
                         var eMedia = document.createElement("audio");
                         if (eMedia.canPlayType && !eMedia.canPlayType("audio/mpeg")) {
                             var sReplace = "' . bx_js_string(BX_H5AV_FALLBACK ? $sFlash : '<b>Your browser doesn\'t support this media playback.</b>', BX_ESCAPE_STR_QUOTE) . '";
                             $("#' . $sId . '").replaceWith(sReplace);
                 $sJs .= $aFile['Time'] ? '' : '
                         eFile.on("canplay", function (e) {
                             $.post("' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'flash/XML.php", {
                                 module: "mp3",
                                 action: "updateFileTime",
                                 id: ' . $iFileId . ',
                                 time: parseInt(this.duration * 1000)
                 $sAutoPlay = TRUE_VAL == getSettingValue('mp3', 'autoPlay') && class_exists('BxSoundsPageView') ? 'autoplay' : '';
                 $sOverride = '
                     <audio controls ' . $sAutoPlay . ' preload="auto" autobuffer style="width:100%" id="' . $sId . '">
                         <source type=\'audio/mpeg; codecs="mp3"\' src="' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . "flash/modules/mp3/get_file.php?id=" . $iFileId . "&token=" . $sToken . '" />
                         ' . $sSourceOgg . '
                         ' . (BX_H5AV_FALLBACK ? $sFlash : '<b>Can not playback media - your browser doesn\'t support HTML5 audio/video tag.</b>') . '
                         var eFile = $("#' . $sId . '");
                         eFile.on("play", function () {
                             var ePlaying = this;
                             $("audio").each(function () {
                                 if (this != ePlaying)
                         ' . $sJs . '
         case STATUS_FAILED:
             $sOverride = $this->_oTemplate->addCss(array('default.css', 'common.css', 'general.css'), true) . MsgBox(_t('_sys_media_not_found'));
     $oAlert->aExtras['override'] = $sOverride;
     return true;
Example #24
 function _blockSound($aReadyMedia, $iAuthorId, $sPrefix = false)
     if (!$aReadyMedia) {
         return '';
     $aVars = array('title' => false, 'prefix' => $sPrefix ? $sPrefix : 'id' . time() . '_' . rand(1, 999999), 'bx_repeat:sounds' => array(), 'bx_repeat:icons' => array());
     foreach ($aReadyMedia as $iMediaId) {
         $a = BxDolService::call('sounds', 'get_music_array', array($iMediaId, 'browse'), 'Search');
         $aVars['bx_repeat:sounds'][] = array('style' => false === $aVars['title'] ? '' : 'display:none;', 'id' => $iMediaId, 'sound' => getApplicationContent('mp3', 'player', array('id' => $iMediaId, 'user' => $_COOKIE['memberID'], 'password' => $_COOKIE['memberPassword']), true));
         $aVars['bx_repeat:icons'][] = array('id' => $iMediaId, 'icon_url' => $a['file'], 'title' => $a['title']);
         if (false === $aVars['title']) {
             $aVars['title'] = $a['title'];
     if (!$aVars['bx_repeat:icons']) {
         return '';
     return $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('entry_view_block_sounds', $aVars);
Example #25

 * Copyright (c) BoonEx Pty Limited - http://www.boonex.com/
 * CC-BY License - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
require_once '../inc/header.inc.php';
require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'design.inc.php';
require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'admin_design.inc.php';
$logged['admin'] = member_auth(1, true, true);
$aProfile = getProfileInfo();
$iNameIndex = 0;
$_page = array('name_index' => $iNameIndex, 'css_name' => array(), 'js_name' => array(), 'header' => _t('_adm_page_cpt_fapps'), 'header_text' => _t('_adm_box_cpt_fapps'));
$_page_cont[$iNameIndex]['page_main_code'] = $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('design_box_content.html', array('content' => getApplicationContent(GLOBAL_MODULE, "admin", array("nick" => $aProfile['NickName'], "password" => $aProfile['Password']), true)));
* Dolphin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License for more details. 
* You should have received a copy of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License along with Dolphin, 
* see license.txt file; if not, write to marketing@boonex.com
require_once 'inc/header.inc.php';
require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'design.inc.php';
require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'profiles.inc.php';
$iId = (int) $_COOKIE['memberID'];
$sPassword = getPassword($iId);
$bEnableRay = getParam('enable_ray') == 'on';
$check_res = checkAction($iId, ACTION_ID_USE_RAY_PRESENCE);
    echo getApplicationContent("presence", "user", array('id' => $iId, 'password' => $sPassword), false);
} else {
	<table width=100% height=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
		<td align=center valign=center>
			<table width="90%" height="70" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" class="table">
					<td class="panel" width="100%" align="center" valign="middle">
						<div align="center" class="small"><?php 
    echo $check_res[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE];
function getRayMp3Player($iId, $sPassword, $iViewerId)
    return getApplicationContent("mp3", "player", array('id' => $iId, 'password' => md5($sPassword), 'vId' => $iViewerId), true);
function PageCompViewFile()
    global $aFile;
    $sCode = getApplicationContent('movie', 'player', array('id' => $aFile['medID'], 'file' => 'true'), true);
    return $sCode;
Example #29
 function getRecordFormFile($aExtras)
     $sCustomRecorderObject = getApplicationContent('photo', 'shooter', array('id' => $this->_getAuthorId(), 'password' => $this->_getAuthorPassword(), 'extra' => ''), true);
     return $this->_getRecordFormFile($sCustomRecorderObject, $aExtras);
function PageCompViewFile()
    global $aFile;
    global $member;
    $sCode = '<div class="viewFile">' . getApplicationContent('music', 'player', array('id' => $aFile['medID'], 'password' => $member['Password'], 'vId' => $member['ID'], 'song' => 'true'), true) . '</div>';
    return $sCode;