function getOneFetch($theFetch, $table) { $row = $theFetch->fetch(); $return = array(); if ($table == "anime") { //If the search is on the "anime" table $return = getAnime($row); if ($row['site_streaming_anime']) { $return['site_streaming_anime'] = "<a href=\"" . $row['site_streaming_anime'] . "\">Go to streaming</a>"; } else { $return['site_streaming_anime'] = "<font color=\"red\">No site in the DataBase<font/>"; } } else { if ($table == "characters") { //If the search is on the "personnage" table $return = getChara($row); } else { if ($table == "oav_anime") { //If the search is on the "oav_anime" table $return = array("id_oav" => $row['id_oav'], "id_anime" => $row['id_anime'], "nom_oav" => $row['nom_oav'], "type_oav" => $row['type_oav'], "site_streaming_oav" => $row['site_streaming_oav']); if ($return['site_streaming_oav']) { //If a site is in the DB $return['site_streaming_oav'] = "<a href=\"" . $row['site_streaming_oav'] . "\">Go to streaming</a>"; } else { $return['site_streaming_oav'] = "<font color=\"red\">No site in the DataBase<font/>"; } } else { echo "Unknown table; problem in code page..."; } } } return $return; }
foreach ($series as $serie) { $latest = DB::table('latest_anime')->whereRaw('anime_id = ?', array($serie->id))->select('created_at', 'episode')->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->first(); if (!empty($latest)) { $today = new DateTime(); $future = new DateTime($latest->created_at); $future->add(new DateInterval("PT168H")); $interval = $future->diff($today); if ($future > $today) { $date = $interval->format('%d%H'); array_push($anime, array('episode' => $latest->episode, 'interval' => $interval, 'anime' => $serie, 'sort' => $date)); } } } return $anime; } $series = getAnime(); usort($series, function ($a1, $a2) { return $a1["sort"] < $a2["sort"] ? -1 : 1; }); $count = 0; $total_count = 0; $total = count($series); foreach ($series as $serie) { $time = ''; if ($serie["interval"]->d > 0) { $time .= $serie["interval"]->d . 'days '; } $time .= $serie["interval"]->h . 'hrs ' . $serie["interval"]->i . 'mins '; echo View::make('child.card_anime', array("anime_id" => $serie["anime"]->id, "anime_name" => $serie["anime"]->name, "anime_episode" => (int) $serie["episode"] + 1, "anime_img" => Anime::getCover($serie["anime"]), "time" => $time, "display" => "chart")); } ?>