static function addform($parent, $class, $typetd = null) { $res = domain::getDnsTemplateList($parent); $vlist['nname'] = null; $vlist['description'] = null; $iplist = $parent->getIpaddress(array('localhost')); if (!$iplist) { $iplist = getAllIpaddress(); } $vlist['ipaddress'] = array('s', $iplist); //$vlist['dbtype_list'] = null; $vlist['dnstemplate'] = array('s', $res); //$vlist['share_status'] = null; $vlist['__c_subtitle_quota'] = "Quota"; $qvlist = getQuotaListForClass('domain', array()); $vlist = lx_array_merge(array($vlist, $qvlist)); $vlist['__c_subtitle_mail'] = "Mail"; $vlist['catchall'] = array('s', array('--bounce--', 'postmaster', 'Delete')); $ret['action'] = "add"; $ret['variable'] = $vlist; return $ret; }
function updateform($subaction, $param) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; $driverapp = $gbl->getSyncClass(null, $this->__readserver, 'web'); switch ($subaction) { case "run_stats": $vlist['confirm_f'] = array('M', ""); $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array(); return $vlist; case "sesubmit": include "sesubmit/engines.php"; $selist = array_keys($enginelist); $selist = implode("\n", $selist); $selist = "\n{$selist}"; $vlist['nname'] = array('M', $this->nname); $vlist['email'] = null; $vlist['selist'] = array('M', $selist); return $vlist; case "docroot": $vlist['docroot'] = null; return $vlist; case "blockip": $vlist['text_blockip'] = null; $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array(); return $vlist; case "fcgi_config": $vlist['fcgi_children'] = null; $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array(); return $vlist; case "statsconfig": $vlist['remove_processed_stats'] = null; $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array(); return $vlist; case "hotlink_protection": $vlist['hotlink_flag'] = null; $vlist['text_hotlink_allowed'] = array("t", null); $vlist['hotlink_redirect'] = array("L", "/"); $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array(); return $vlist; case "permalink": $list = lscandir_without_dot_or_underscore("../file/prettyurl/"); $vlist['lighty_pretty_app_f'] = array('s', $list); $vlist['lighty_pretty_path_f'] = null; return $vlist; case "lighty_rewrite": $vlist['text_lighty_rewrite'] = null; $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array(); return $vlist; case "stats_protect": if ($this->stats_username === $this->nname) { $vlist['stats_username'] = array('M', $this->stats_username); } else { $vlist['stats_username'] = null; } $vlist['stats_password'] = null; $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array(); return $vlist; case "cron_mailto": $vlist['cron_mailto'] = null; return $vlist; case "configure_misc": $vlist['force_www_redirect'] = null; if ($driverapp === 'apache') { $vlist['webmisc_b-execcgi'] = null; if ($login->isAdmin()) { $vlist['webmisc_b-disable_openbasedir'] = null; } } $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array(); return $vlist; case "dirindex": $vlist['webmisc_b-dirindex'] = null; if (!$this->indexfile_list) { //$this->indexfile_list = get_web_index_list(); } $ol = array("index.php", "index.html", "index.shtml", "index.htm", "default.htm", "Default.aspx", "Default.asp", ""); $dirin = $login->getObject('genlist')->dirindexlist_a; $list = get_namelist_from_objectlist($dirin); $index = lx_array_merge(array($list, $ol)); $vlist['indexfile_list'] = array('U', $index); $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array(); return $vlist; case "extra_tag": $vlist['text_extra_tag'] = null; return $vlist; case "custom_error": if ($driverapp !== 'lighttpd') { $vlist['customerror_b_s_url_400'] = array("L", "/"); $vlist['customerror_b_s_url_401'] = array("L", "/"); $vlist['customerror_b_s_url_403'] = array("L", "/"); $vlist['customerror_b_s_url_500'] = array("L", "/"); } $vlist['customerror_b_s_url_404'] = array("L", "/"); $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array(); return $vlist; case "ssl_upload": $vlist['ssl_key_file_f'] = null; $vlist['ssl_crt_file_f'] = null; return $vlist; case "ipaddress": if ($this->getParentO()->isLogin()) { $vlist['ipaddress'] = array('M', $this->ipaddress); return $vlist; } //Just parent is domain.. The client is above that... $parent = $this->getParentO()->getParentO(); $iplist = $parent->getIpaddress(array($this->syncserver)); if (!$iplist) { //dprintr($parent->__parent_o); $iplist = getAllIpaddress(); } $vlist['ipaddress'] = array('s', $iplist); return $vlist; } return parent::updateform($subaction, $param); }
static function getSelectList($parent, $var) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; switch ($var) { case "ttype": return array("virtual", "forward"); case "ipaddress": return getAllIpaddress(); } }
function updateform($subaction, $param) { switch ($subaction) { // For template Only... For domain, the ip address is kept in web. case "preview_config": $vlist['previewdomain'] = null; return $vlist; case "fix_openbasedir": $vlist['remove_openbasedir'] = null; return $vlist; case "catchall": $name[] = "--bounce--"; $name[] = "postmaster"; $name[] = "Delete"; $vlist['catchall'] = array('s', $name); return $vlist; case "redirect_domain": $vlist['redirect_domain'] = array('M', $this->getObject('web')->redirect_domain); //$vlist['web_s_syncserver'] = array('M', $this->getObject('web')->syncserver); //$vlist['mmail_s_syncserver'] = array('M', $this->getObject('mmail')->syncserver); //$vlist['dns_s_syncserver'] = array('M', $this->getObject('dns')->syncserver); $mmail = $this->getObject('mmail'); if ($mmail->ttype !== 'forward') { $this->syncserver = $this->getParentO()->getFromList('domain', $this->getObject('web')->redirect_domain)->getObject('mmail')->syncserver; $mmail->ttype = 'forward'; $mmail->redirect_domain = $this->getObject('web')->redirect_domain; } $vlist['__v_button'] = array(); return $vlist; case "ipaddress": if (!$this->isRightParent()) { $vlist['ipaddress'] = array('M', $this->ipaddress_sing); return $vlist; } $iplist = $this->getParentO()->getIpaddress(array('localhost')); if (!$iplist) { $iplist = getAllIpaddress(); } $vlist['ipaddress'] = array('s', $iplist); return $vlist; //ONly for Template... //ONly for Template... case "description": $vlist['description'] = null; //$vlist['share_status'] = null; if (!$this->isRightParent()) { $this->convertToUnmodifiable($vlist); } return $vlist; case "dnstemplate": $res = DomainBase::getDnsTemplateList($this->getParentO()); $vlist['dnstemplate'] = array('s', $res); return $vlist; case "information": $web = $this->getObject('web'); $mmail = $this->getObject('mmail'); $dns = $this->getObject('dns'); $vlist['nname'] = array('M', $this->nname); $vlist['uuser_dummy'] = array('M', $web->ftpusername); $vlist['ddate'] = array('M', @date('d-m-Y', $this->ddate)); $vlist['parent_name_f'] = array('M', $this->getParentName()); $webserv = " (ftp.{$this->nname})"; $mailserv = " (mail.{$this->nname})"; $vlist['web_s_syncserver'] = array('M', $webserv); if ($web->iisid) { $vlist['web_s_iisid'] = array('M', $web->iisid); } $vlist['mmail_s_syncserver'] = array('M', $mailserv); //$vlist['dns_s_syncserver'] = array('M', $dns->syncserver); //$vlist['dbtype_list'] = array('M', $this->listpriv->dbtype_list); //$vlist['contactemail'] = ""; if (!$this->isLogin()) { $vlist['text_comment'] = null; } return $vlist; // Only for template... // Only for template... case "pserver_s": $parent = $this->getParentO(); $vlist['webpserver_sing'] = null; $vlist['mmailpserver_sing'] = null; $vlist['dnspserver_sing'] = null; $vlist['secdnspserver_sing'] = array('Q', add_disabled($parent->listpriv->secdnspserver_list)); if (!$this->isRightParent()) { $this->convertToUnmodifiable($vlist); } return $vlist; } return parent::updateform($subaction, $param); }