Example #1
  * Convert an array of WKT into a Geometry and features.
  * @return array
  *   An array containing the Geometry and the features.
  * @throws \exception
 private function initialDataToGeomFeatures()
     $initial_data = $this->getOption('initialData', '');
     $geom = new \GeometryCollection(array());
     $features = array();
     // Process initial data. Ensure it's WKT.
     if (isset($initial_data)) {
         $geoms = array();
         // Process strings and arrays likewise.
         if (!is_array($initial_data)) {
             $initial_data = array($initial_data);
         foreach ($initial_data as $delta => $item) {
             if (is_array($item) && array_key_exists('geom', $item)) {
                 $geoms[] = geoPHP::load($item['geom']);
         $geom = geoPHP::geometryReduce($geoms);
         // If we could parse the geom process further.
         if ($geom && !$geom->isEmpty()) {
             if (in_array($geom->getGeomType(), array('MultiPoint', 'MultiLineString', 'MultiPolygon', 'GeometryCollection'))) {
                 foreach ($geom->getComponents() as $component) {
                     $features[] = array('wkt' => $component->out('wkt'), 'projection' => 'EPSG:4326');
             } else {
                 $features[] = array('wkt' => $geom->out('wkt'), 'projection' => 'EPSG:4326');
     return array('geom' => $geom, 'features' => $features);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getJS()
     // Ensure the options are properly set and clean.
     $this->setOption('dataType', array_filter($this->getOption('dataType', array('WKT' => 'WKT'))));
     $this->setOption('typeOfFeature', array_filter($this->getOption('typeOfFeature', array())));
     $this->setOption('actionFeature', array_filter($this->getOption('actionFeature', array())));
     $initial_data = $this->getOption('initialData');
     // Process initial data. Ensure it's WKT.
     if (isset($initial_data)) {
         // Process strings and arrays likewise.
         if (!is_array($initial_data)) {
             $initial_data = array($initial_data);
         $geoms = array();
         foreach ($initial_data as $delta => $item) {
             if (is_array($item) && array_key_exists('geom', $item)) {
                 $geoms[] = geoPHP::load($item['geom']);
             } else {
                 // Is this really necessary ? Commented for now.
                 // $geoms[] = geoPHP::load('');
         $combined_geom = geoPHP::geometryReduce($geoms);
         // If we could parse the geom process further.
         if ($combined_geom && !$combined_geom->isEmpty()) {
             // We want to force the combined_geom into a geometryCollection.
             $geom_type = $combined_geom->geometryType();
             if ($geom_type == 'MultiPolygon' || $geom_type == 'MultiLineString' || $geom_type == 'MultiPoint') {
                 $combined_geom = new \GeometryCollection($combined_geom->getComponents());
             // Ensure proper initial data in the textarea / hidden field.
             $data_type = key($this->getOption('dataType', array('WKT' => 'WKT')));
             $this->setOption('initialData', $combined_geom->out(strtolower($data_type)));
             $this->setOption('initialDataType', $data_type);
         } else {
             // Set initial data to NULL if the data couldn't be evaluated.
             $this->setOption('initialData', NULL);
             $this->setOption('initialDataType', key($this->getOption('dataType', array('WKT' => 'WKT'))));
     return parent::getJS();
Example #3
  * Convert an object into a GeoPHP Geometry object.
  * The following rules will dictate the conversion:
  *  - Multi-value geofields of different types will be reduced to a
  *  - Multi-value geofields of the same 'simple type' (POINT, LINESTRING or
  *    POLYGON) will be reduced to the MULTI* equivalent.
  *  - GEOMETRYCOLLECTION's containing multiple values of only one 'simple type'
  *    will be reduced to the MULTI* equvalent.
  *  - GEOMETRYCOLLECTION's or MULTI* values containing only one geometry will be
  *    reduced to that geometery.
  * @param Traversable $object
  *    An object that represents a geometry or a (traversable) collection of
  *    such objects.
  * @param Callable $to_geom
  *    A callback that takes your object and returns a GeoPHP Geometry object.
  * @return
  *    A GeoPHP Geometry object representing the $object value
  *    converted according to the above rules.
 protected function createGeoPHPGeometry($object, $to_geom = NULL)
     if (empty($object)) {
         return NULL;
     if (!$to_geom) {
         $to_geom = function ($wkt) {
             return \geoPHP::load($wkt, 'wkt');
     // TODO: This reflection sucks.
     if (is_array($object) || $object instanceof \Traversable && $object instanceof \Countable && $object instanceof \ArrayAccess) {
         foreach ($object as $delta => $value) {
             $geometry = $this->createGeoPHPGeometry($value, $to_geom);
             if ($geometry) {
                 $geom[] = $geometry;
     } else {
         $geom = $to_geom($object);
     return \geoPHP::geometryReduce($geom);
Example #4
 protected function geometry()
     if (!$this->processed || $reset) {
     return \geoPHP::geometryReduce(array_map(function ($feature) {
         // TODO: GeoPHP cannot parse an array-based representation of a GeoJSON
         //       object. We have to encode the array then parse the JSON string.
         $json = json_encode($feature->geometry);
         return \geoPHP::load($json, 'json');
     }, $this->features));
Example #5
  * Compute the GeoJSON features array.
  * @return array
  *   The geojson array.
 protected function getGeojsonFeatures()
     $features = array();
     foreach ($this->getOption('fields', array()) as $field) {
         $feature = array('type' => 'Feature');
         if (isset($field['title']) && !empty($field['title'])) {
             $feature['properties']['name'] = $field['title'];
         if (isset($field['description']) && !empty($field['description'])) {
             $feature['properties']['description'] = $field['description'];
         $json = FALSE;
         if (isset($field['wkt']) && !empty($field['wkt'])) {
             $geophp = \geoPHP::load($field['wkt'], 'wkt');
             if (is_object($geophp)) {
                 $json = $geophp->out('json');
         } else {
             if (isset($field['address']) && !empty($field['address'])) {
                 $geocoder = geocoder($this->getOption('geocoder_handler', 'google'), $field['address'], array(), $this->getOption('geocoder_cache', 2));
                 if (is_object($geocoder)) {
                     $json = $geocoder->out('json');
         if ($json) {
             $feature['geometry'] = json_decode($json, TRUE);
             $features[] = $feature;
     return $features;