 * Adds meta keywords and description for SEO.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @since 1.5.4 Modified to replace %location% from meta when Yoast SEO plugin active.
 * @package GeoDirectory
 * @global object $wpdb WordPress Database object.
 * @global object $post The current post object.
 * @global object $wp_query WordPress Query object.
 * @global array $geodir_addon_list List of active GeoDirectory extensions.
function geodir_add_meta_keywords()
    global $wp, $post, $wp_query, $wpdb, $geodir_addon_list;
    $is_geodir_page = geodir_is_geodir_page();
    if (!$is_geodir_page) {
    // if non GD page, bail
    $use_gd_meta = true;
    if (class_exists('WPSEO_Frontend') || class_exists('All_in_One_SEO_Pack')) {
        $use_gd_meta = false;
        if (geodir_is_page('search')) {
            $use_gd_meta = true;
    if (!$use_gd_meta) {
    // bail if Yoast Wordpress SEO or All_in_One_SEO_Pack active.
    $current_term = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
    $all_postypes = geodir_get_posttypes();
    $geodir_taxonomies = geodir_get_taxonomies('', true);
    $meta_desc = '';
    $meta_key = '';
    if (isset($current_term->ID) && $current_term->ID == geodir_location_page_id()) {
         * Filter SEO meta location description.
         * @since 1.0.0
        $meta_desc = apply_filters('geodir_seo_meta_location_description', '');
        $meta_desc .= '';
    if (have_posts() && is_single() or is_page()) {
        while (have_posts()) {
            if (has_excerpt()) {
                $out_excerpt = strip_tags(strip_shortcodes(get_the_excerpt()));
                if (empty($out_excerpt)) {
                    $out_excerpt = strip_tags(do_shortcode(get_the_excerpt()));
                $out_excerpt = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), "", $out_excerpt);
            } else {
                $out_excerpt = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), "", $post->post_content);
                $out_excerpt = strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($out_excerpt));
                if (empty($out_excerpt)) {
                    $out_excerpt = strip_tags(do_shortcode($out_excerpt));
                    // parse short code from content
                $out_excerpt = trim(wp_trim_words($out_excerpt, 35, ''), '.!?,;:-');
            $meta_desc .= $out_excerpt;
    } elseif ((is_category() || is_tag()) && isset($current_term->taxonomy) && in_array($current_term->taxonomy, $geodir_taxonomies)) {
        if (is_category()) {
            $meta_desc .= __("Posts related to Category:", 'geodirectory') . " " . ucfirst(single_cat_title("", FALSE));
        } elseif (is_tag()) {
            $meta_desc .= __("Posts related to Tag:", 'geodirectory') . " " . ucfirst(single_tag_title("", FALSE));
    } elseif (isset($current_term->taxonomy) && in_array($current_term->taxonomy, $geodir_taxonomies)) {
        $meta_desc .= isset($current_term->description) ? $current_term->description : '';
    $geodir_post_type = geodir_get_current_posttype();
    $geodir_post_type_info = get_post_type_object($geodir_post_type);
    $geodir_is_page_listing = geodir_is_page('listing') ? true : false;
    $category_taxonomy = geodir_get_taxonomies($geodir_post_type);
    $tag_taxonomy = geodir_get_taxonomies($geodir_post_type, true);
    $geodir_is_category = isset($category_taxonomy[0]) && get_query_var($category_taxonomy[0]) ? get_query_var($category_taxonomy[0]) : false;
    $geodir_is_tag = isset($tag_taxonomy[0]) && get_query_var($tag_taxonomy[0]) ? true : false;
    $geodir_is_search = geodir_is_page('search') ? true : false;
    $geodir_is_location = geodir_is_page('location') ? true : false;
    $geodir_location_manager = isset($geodir_addon_list['geodir_location_manager']) && ($geodir_addon_list['geodir_location_manager'] = 'yes' ? true : false);
    $godir_location_terms = geodir_get_current_location_terms('query_vars');
    $gd_city = $geodir_location_manager && isset($godir_location_terms['gd_city']) ? $godir_location_terms['gd_city'] : NULL;
    $gd_region = $geodir_location_manager && isset($godir_location_terms['gd_region']) ? $godir_location_terms['gd_region'] : NULL;
    $gd_country = $geodir_location_manager && isset($godir_location_terms['gd_country']) ? $godir_location_terms['gd_country'] : NULL;
    $replace_location = __('Everywhere', 'geodirectory');
    $location_id = NULL;
    if ($geodir_location_manager) {
        $sql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT location_id FROM " . POST_LOCATION_TABLE . " WHERE city_slug=%s ORDER BY location_id ASC LIMIT 1", array($gd_city));
        $location_id = (int) $wpdb->get_var($sql);
        $location_type = geodir_what_is_current_location();
        if ($location_type == 'city') {
            $replace_location = geodir_get_current_location(array('what' => 'city', 'echo' => false));
        } elseif ($location_type == 'region') {
            $replace_location = geodir_get_current_location(array('what' => 'region', 'echo' => false));
        } elseif ($location_type == 'country') {
            $replace_location = geodir_get_current_location(array('what' => 'country', 'echo' => false));
            $replace_location = __($replace_location, 'geodirectory');
        $country = get_query_var('gd_country');
        $region = get_query_var('gd_region');
        $city = get_query_var('gd_city');
        $current_location = '';
        if ($country != '') {
            $current_location = get_actual_location_name('country', $country, true);
        if ($region != '') {
            $current_location = get_actual_location_name('region', $region);
        if ($city != '') {
            $current_location = get_actual_location_name('city', $city);
        $replace_location = $current_location != '' ? $current_location : $replace_location;
    $geodir_meta_keys = '';
    $geodir_meta_desc = '';
    if ($is_geodir_page && !empty($geodir_post_type_info)) {
        if ($geodir_is_page_listing || $geodir_is_search || geodir_is_page('add-listing')) {
            $geodir_meta_keys = isset($geodir_post_type_info->seo['meta_keyword']) && $geodir_post_type_info->seo['meta_keyword'] != '' ? $geodir_post_type_info->seo['meta_keyword'] : $geodir_meta_keys;
            $geodir_meta_desc = isset($geodir_post_type_info->description) ? $geodir_post_type_info->description : $geodir_meta_desc;
            $geodir_meta_desc = isset($geodir_post_type_info->seo['meta_description']) && $geodir_post_type_info->seo['meta_description'] != '' ? $geodir_post_type_info->seo['meta_description'] : $geodir_meta_desc;
            if ($geodir_is_category) {
                $category = $geodir_is_category ? get_term_by('slug', $geodir_is_category, $category_taxonomy[0]) : NULL;
                if (isset($category->term_id) && !empty($category->term_id)) {
                    $category_id = $category->term_id;
                    $category_desc = trim($category->description) != '' ? trim($category->description) : get_tax_meta($category_id, 'ct_cat_top_desc', false, $geodir_post_type);
                    if ($location_id) {
                        $option_name = 'geodir_cat_loc_' . $geodir_post_type . '_' . $category_id;
                        $cat_loc_option = get_option($option_name);
                        $gd_cat_loc_default = !empty($cat_loc_option) && isset($cat_loc_option['gd_cat_loc_default']) && $cat_loc_option['gd_cat_loc_default'] > 0 ? true : false;
                        if (!$gd_cat_loc_default) {
                            $option_name = 'geodir_cat_loc_' . $geodir_post_type . '_' . $category_id . '_' . $location_id;
                            $option = get_option($option_name);
                            $category_desc = isset($option['gd_cat_loc_desc']) && trim($option['gd_cat_loc_desc']) != '' ? trim($option['gd_cat_loc_desc']) : $category_desc;
                    $geodir_meta_desc = __("Posts related to Category:", 'geodirectory') . " " . ucfirst(single_cat_title("", FALSE)) . '. ' . $category_desc;
            } else {
                if ($geodir_is_tag) {
                    $geodir_meta_desc = __("Posts related to Tag:", 'geodirectory') . " " . ucfirst(single_tag_title("", FALSE)) . '. ' . $geodir_meta_desc;
    $gd_page = '';
    if (geodir_is_page('home')) {
        $gd_page = 'home';
        $meta_desc = get_option('geodir_meta_desc_homepage') ? get_option('geodir_meta_desc_homepage') : $meta_desc;
    } elseif (geodir_is_page('detail')) {
        $gd_page = 'detail';
        $meta_desc = get_option('geodir_meta_desc_detail') ? get_option('geodir_meta_desc_detail') : $meta_desc;
    } elseif (geodir_is_page('pt')) {
        $gd_page = 'pt';
        $meta_desc = get_option('geodir_meta_desc_pt') ? get_option('geodir_meta_desc_pt') : $meta_desc;
    } elseif (geodir_is_page('listing')) {
        $gd_page = 'listing';
        $meta_desc = get_option('geodir_meta_desc_listing') ? get_option('geodir_meta_desc_listing') : $meta_desc;
    } elseif (geodir_is_page('location')) {
        $gd_page = 'location';
        $meta_desc = get_option('geodir_meta_desc_location') ? get_option('geodir_meta_desc_location') : $meta_desc;
        $meta_desc = apply_filters('geodir_seo_meta_location_description', $meta_desc);
    } elseif (geodir_is_page('search')) {
        $gd_page = 'search';
        $meta_desc = get_option('geodir_meta_desc_search') ? get_option('geodir_meta_desc_search') : $meta_desc;
    } elseif (geodir_is_page('add-listing')) {
        $gd_page = 'add-listing';
        $meta_desc = get_option('geodir_meta_desc_add-listing') ? get_option('geodir_meta_desc_add-listing') : $meta_desc;
    } elseif (geodir_is_page('author')) {
        $gd_page = 'author';
        $meta_desc = get_option('geodir_meta_desc_author') ? get_option('geodir_meta_desc_author') : $meta_desc;
    } elseif (geodir_is_page('login')) {
        $gd_page = 'login';
        $meta_desc = get_option('geodir_meta_desc_login') ? get_option('geodir_meta_desc_login') : $meta_desc;
    } elseif (geodir_is_page('listing-success')) {
        $gd_page = 'listing-success';
        $meta_desc = get_option('geodir_meta_desc_listing-success') ? get_option('geodir_meta_desc_listing-success') : $meta_desc;
    $geodir_meta_desc = $geodir_meta_desc != '' ? $geodir_meta_desc : $meta_desc;
    if ($geodir_meta_desc != '') {
        $geodir_meta_desc = strip_tags($geodir_meta_desc);
        $geodir_meta_desc = esc_html($geodir_meta_desc);
        $geodir_meta_desc = wp_html_excerpt($geodir_meta_desc, 1000, '.');
        $geodir_meta_desc = isset($replace_location) ? str_replace('%location%', $replace_location, $geodir_meta_desc) : $geodir_meta_desc;
        $meta_desc = $geodir_meta_desc != '' ? $geodir_meta_desc : $meta_desc;
    if ($meta_desc) {
        $meta_desc = stripslashes_deep($meta_desc);
         * Filter page description to replace variables.
         * @since 1.5.4
         * @param string $title The page description including variables.
         * @param string $gd_page The GeoDirectory page type if any.
        $meta_desc = apply_filters('geodir_seo_meta_description_pre', __($meta_desc, 'geodirectory'), $gd_page, '');
         * Filter SEO meta description.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $meta_desc Meta description content.
        echo apply_filters('geodir_seo_meta_description', '<meta name="description" content="' . $meta_desc . '" />', $meta_desc);
    // meta keywords
    if (isset($post->post_type) && in_array($post->post_type, $all_postypes)) {
        $place_tags = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, $post->post_type . '_tags', array("fields" => "names"));
        $place_cats = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, $post->post_type . 'category', array("fields" => "names"));
        $meta_key .= implode(", ", array_merge((array) $place_cats, (array) $place_tags));
    } else {
        $posttags = get_the_tags();
        if ($posttags) {
            foreach ($posttags as $tag) {
                $meta_key .= $tag->name . ' ';
        } else {
            $tags = get_tags(array('orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC'));
            $xt = 1;
            foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                if ($xt <= 20) {
                    $meta_key .= $tag->name . ", ";
    $meta_key = $meta_key != '' ? rtrim(trim($meta_key), ",") : $meta_key;
    $geodir_meta_keys = $geodir_meta_keys != '' ? $meta_key != '' ? $meta_key . ', ' . $geodir_meta_keys : $geodir_meta_keys : $meta_key;
    if ($geodir_meta_keys != '') {
        $geodir_meta_keys = strip_tags($geodir_meta_keys);
        $geodir_meta_keys = esc_html($geodir_meta_keys);
        $geodir_meta_keys = geodir_strtolower($geodir_meta_keys);
        $geodir_meta_keys = wp_html_excerpt($geodir_meta_keys, 1000, '');
        $geodir_meta_keys = str_replace('%location%', $replace_location, $geodir_meta_keys);
        $meta_key = rtrim(trim($geodir_meta_keys), ",");
    if ($meta_key) {
        $meta_key = stripslashes_deep($meta_key);
         * Filter SEO meta keywords.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $meta_desc Meta keywords.
        echo apply_filters('geodir_seo_meta_keywords', '<meta name="keywords" content="' . $meta_key . '" />', $meta_key);
 * Handles user Authentication actions Ex. login, register, logout etc.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @since 1.5.7 It allows login by email also if site is using SSL.
 * @package GeoDirectory
 * @global object $errors WordPress Error object.
function geodir_user_signup()
    global $errors;
    $action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : 'login';
    $errors = new WP_Error();
    if (isset($_GET['key'])) {
        $action = 'resetpass';
    // validate action so as to default to the login screen
    if (!in_array($action, array('logout', 'lostpassword', 'retrievepassword', 'resetpass', 'rp', 'register', 'login')) && false === has_filter('login_form_' . $action)) {
        $action = 'login';
    if (defined('RELOCATE')) {
        // Move flag is set
        if (isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] != $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) {
            $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = str_replace($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], '', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
        $schema = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && geodir_strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on' ? 'https://' : 'http://';
        if (dirname($schema . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) != home_url()) {
            update_option('siteurl', dirname($schema . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));
    //Set a cookie now to see if they are supported by the browser.
    //setcookie(TEST_COOKIE, 'WP Cookie check', 0, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN);
        setcookie(TEST_COOKIE, 'WP Cookie check', 0, SITECOOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN);
     * Allow plugins to override the default actions, and to add extra actions if they want on the register/signin page.
     * Used dynamic hook login_form_$action
     * @since 1.0.0
    do_action('login_form_' . $action);
    $http_post = 'POST' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
    switch ($action) {
        case 'logout':
            $redirect_to = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
            //$redirect_to = home_url().'/?ptype=login&loggedout=true';
            if (isset($_REQUEST['redirect_to'])) {
                $redirect_to = $_REQUEST['redirect_to'];
            $redirect_to = home_url();
        case 'lostpassword':
        case 'retrievepassword':
            if ($http_post) {
                $errors = geodir_retrieve_password();
                $error_message = isset($errors->errors['invalid_email'][0]) ? $errors->errors['invalid_email'][0] : '';
                if (!is_wp_error($errors)) {
                    wp_redirect(geodir_login_url(array('checkemail' => 'confirm')));
                } else {
                    wp_redirect(geodir_login_url(array('emsg' => 'fw')));
            if (isset($_GET['error']) && 'invalidkey' == $_GET['error']) {
                $errors->add('invalidkey', __('Sorry, that key does not appear to be valid.', 'geodirectory'));
             * Called in the geodir_user_signup() function during the lostpassword case.
             * @since 1.0.0
            $message = '<div class="sucess_msg">' . ENTER_USER_EMAIL_NEW_PW_MSG . '</div>';
            $user_login = isset($_POST['user_login']) ? stripslashes($_POST['user_login']) : '';
        case 'resetpass':
        case 'rp':
            $errors = reset_password($_GET['key'], $_GET['login']);
            if (!is_wp_error($errors)) {
                wp_redirect(geodir_login_url(array('checkemail' => 'newpass')));
            wp_redirect(geodir_login_url(array('error' => 'invalidkey', 'action' => 'lostpassword')));
        case 'register':
            ############################### fix by Stiofan -  HebTech.co.uk ### SECURITY FIX ##############################
            if (!get_option('users_can_register')) {
                wp_redirect(geodir_login_url(array('emsg' => 'regnewusr')));
            ############################### fix by Stiofan -  HebTech.co.uk ### SECURITY FIX ##############################
            global $user_email, $user_fname;
            $user_login = '';
            $user_email = '';
            if ($http_post) {
                $user_login = $_POST['user_email'];
                $user_email = $_POST['user_email'];
                $user_fname = $_POST['user_fname'];
                $errors = geodir_register_new_user($user_login, $user_email);
                /* display error in registration form */
                if (is_wp_error($errors)) {
                    $error_code = $errors->get_error_code();
                    $error_message = $errors->get_error_message($error_code);
                    if (!isset($_POST['user_login']) && ($error_code == 'empty_username' || $error_code == 'invalid_username' || $error_code == 'username_exists')) {
                        if ($error_code == 'empty_username') {
                            $error_code = 'empty_email';
                        } else {
                            if ($error_code == 'invalid_username') {
                                $error_code = 'invalid_email';
                            } else {
                                if ($error_code == 'username_exists') {
                                    $error_code = 'email_exists';
                        $error_message = $errors->get_error_message($error_code);
                    global $geodir_signup_error;
                    $geodir_signup_error = $error_message;
                if (!is_wp_error($errors)) {
                    $_POST['log'] = $user_login;
                    $_POST['pwd'] = $errors[1];
                    $_POST['testcookie'] = 1;
                    $secure_cookie = '';
                    // If the user wants ssl but the session is not ssl, force a secure cookie.
                    if (!empty($_POST['log'])) {
                        $user_name = sanitize_user($_POST['log']);
                        if ($user = get_user_by('email', $user_name)) {
                            if (get_user_option('use_ssl', $user->ID)) {
                                $secure_cookie = true;
                    $redirect_to = $_REQUEST['redirect_to'];
                    if (!isset($_REQUEST['redirect_to']) || $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] == '') {
                        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], home_url())) {
                            $redirect_to = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
                        } else {
                            $redirect_to = home_url();
                    if (isset($_REQUEST['redirect_add_listing']) && $_REQUEST['redirect_add_listing'] != '') {
                        $redirect_to = $_REQUEST['redirect_add_listing'];
                    if (!$secure_cookie && is_ssl() && force_ssl_login() && !force_ssl_admin() && 0 !== strpos($redirect_to, 'https') && 0 === strpos($redirect_to, 'http')) {
                        $secure_cookie = false;
                    $user = wp_signon('', $secure_cookie);
                    $requested_redirect_to = isset($_REQUEST['redirect_add_listing']) && $_REQUEST['redirect_add_listing'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['redirect_add_listing'] : (isset($_REQUEST['redirect_to']) ? $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] : '');
                     * Filter the login redirect URL.
                     * @since 1.4.9
                     * @param string $redirect_to The redirect destination URL.
                     * @param string $requested_redirect_to The requested redirect destination URL passed as a parameter.
                     * @param WP_User|WP_Error $user WP_User object if login was successful, WP_Error object otherwise.
                    $redirect_to = apply_filters('login_redirect', $redirect_to, $requested_redirect_to, $user);
                    if (!is_wp_error($user)) {
        case 'login':
            $secure_cookie = '';
            if (!empty($_POST['log'])) {
                $user_name = sanitize_user($_POST['log']);
                if ($user = get_user_by('login', $user_name)) {
                    if (get_user_option('use_ssl', $user->ID)) {
                        $secure_cookie = true;
                } elseif ($user = get_user_by('email', $user_name)) {
                    $_POST['log'] = $user->user_login;
                    // If signing in by email, set the username for normal WP login
                    if (get_user_option('use_ssl', $user->ID)) {
                        $secure_cookie = true;
            if (isset($_REQUEST['redirect_add_listing'])) {
                $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] = $_REQUEST['redirect_add_listing'];
            if (!isset($_REQUEST['redirect_to']) || $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] == '') {
                if (is_user_logged_in()) {
                    $user_ID = isset($user->ID) ? $user->ID : '';
                    $author_link = get_author_posts_url($user_ID);
                    $default_author_link = geodir_getlink($author_link, array('geodir_dashbord' => 'true', 'stype' => 'gd_place'), false);
                     * Filter the author link.
                     * @since 1.0.0
                     * @param string $default_author_link Default author link.
                     * @param int $user_ID The user ID.
                    $default_author_link = apply_filters('geodir_dashboard_author_link', $default_author_link, $user_ID);
                    $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] = $default_author_link;
                } else {
                    $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] = home_url();
            if (isset($_REQUEST['redirect_to'])) {
                $redirect_to = $_REQUEST['redirect_to'];
                // Redirect to https if user wants ssl
                if ($secure_cookie && false !== strpos($redirect_to, 'wp-admin')) {
                    $redirect_to = preg_replace('|^http://|', 'https://', $redirect_to);
            } else {
                $redirect_to = admin_url();
            if (!$secure_cookie && is_ssl() && force_ssl_login() && !force_ssl_admin() && 0 !== strpos($redirect_to, 'https') && 0 === strpos($redirect_to, 'http')) {
                $secure_cookie = false;
            $user = wp_signon('', $secure_cookie);
             * Filter the login redirect URL.
             * @since 1.4.9
             * @param string $redirect_to The redirect destination URL.
             * @param WP_User|WP_Error $user WP_User object if login was successful, WP_Error object otherwise.
            $redirect_to = apply_filters('login_redirect', $redirect_to, isset($_REQUEST['redirect_to']) ? $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] : '', $user);
            if (is_wp_error($user)) {
                if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'ptype=property_submit') && $_POST['log'] != '' && $_POST['pwd'] != '') {
                    wp_redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '&emsg=1');
            if (!is_wp_error($user)) {
                // Some servers are not logging the user in properly after wp_signon, se we set the user here.
                //echo '###';exit;
                if ($redirect_to) {
                } else {
            $errors = $user;
            // Clear errors if loggedout is set.
            if (!empty($_GET['loggedout'])) {
                $errors = new WP_Error();
            // If cookies are disabled we can't log in even with a valid user+pass
            if (isset($_POST['testcookie']) && empty($_COOKIE[TEST_COOKIE])) {
                $errors->add('test_cookie', __("<strong>ERROR</strong>: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must <a href='http://www.google.com/cookies.html'>enable cookies</a> to use WordPress.", 'geodirectory'));
            // Some parts of this script use the main login form to display a message
            if (isset($_GET['loggedout']) && TRUE == $_GET['loggedout']) {
                $successmsg = '<div class="sucess_msg">' . YOU_ARE_LOGED_OUT_MSG . '</div>';
            } elseif (isset($_GET['registration']) && 'disabled' == $_GET['registration']) {
                $successmsg = USER_REG_NOT_ALLOW_MSG;
            } elseif (isset($_GET['checkemail']) && 'confirm' == $_GET['checkemail']) {
                $successmsg = EMAIL_CONFIRM_LINK_MSG;
            } elseif (isset($_GET['checkemail']) && 'newpass' == $_GET['checkemail']) {
                $successmsg = NEW_PW_EMAIL_MSG;
            } elseif (isset($_GET['checkemail']) && 'registered' == $_GET['checkemail']) {
                $successmsg = REG_COMPLETE_MSG;
            if (isset($_POST['log']) && $_POST['log'] != '' && $errors || (!isset($_POST['log']) || $_POST['log'] == '') && isset($_REQUEST['testcookie']) && $_REQUEST['testcookie']) {
                if (isset($_REQUEST['pagetype']) && $_REQUEST['pagetype'] != '') {
                    wp_redirect($_REQUEST['pagetype'] . '&emsg=1');
                } else {
                    wp_redirect(geodir_login_url(array('logemsg' => '1', 'redirect_to' => urlencode($_REQUEST['redirect_to']))));
    // end action switch
            if (postal_code.long_name) {
                getZip = postal_code.long_name;
 * Fires to add javascript variable to use in google map.
 * @since 1.0.0
if ($is_map_restrict) {
            if (getCity.toLowerCase() != '<?php 
    echo geodir_strtolower(addslashes_gpc($city));
') {
    echo addslashes_gpc(wp_sprintf(__('Please choose any address of the (%s) city only.', 'geodirectory'), $city));
    echo $prefix . 'map';
                jQuery.goMap.map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng('<?php 
    echo $default_lat;
', '<?php 
    echo $default_lng;
 * Imports data from CSV file using ajax.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @package GeoDirectory
 * @global object $wpdb WordPress Database object.
 * @global string $plugin_prefix Geodirectory plugin table prefix.
 * @global object $current_user Current user object.
function geodir_ajax_import_csv()
    // hide error to get clean json response
    global $wpdb, $plugin_prefix, $current_user;
    $uploads = wp_upload_dir();
    ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true);
    $wp_post_statuses = get_post_statuses();
    // All of the WordPress supported post statuses.
    $task = isset($_POST['task']) ? $_POST['task'] : '';
    $uploadedFile = isset($_POST['gddata']['uploadedFile']) ? $_POST['gddata']['uploadedFile'] : NULL;
    $filename = $uploadedFile;
    $uploads = wp_upload_dir();
    $uploads_dir = $uploads['path'];
    $image_name_arr = explode('/', $filename);
    $filename = end($image_name_arr);
    $target_path = $uploads_dir . '/temp_' . $current_user->data->ID . '/' . $filename;
    $return = array();
    $return['file'] = $uploadedFile;
    $return['error'] = __('The uploaded file is not a valid csv file. Please try again.', 'geodirectory');
    if (is_file($target_path) && file_exists($target_path) && $uploadedFile) {
        $wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype_and_ext($target_path, $filename);
        if (!empty($wp_filetype) && isset($wp_filetype['ext']) && geodir_strtolower($wp_filetype['ext']) == 'csv') {
            $return['error'] = NULL;
            $return['rows'] = 0;
            if (($handle = fopen($target_path, "r")) !== FALSE) {
                while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
                    if (is_array($data) && !empty($data)) {
                        $file[] = '"' . implode('","', $data) . '"';
                $file = $file;
            $return['rows'] = !empty($file) && count($file) > 1 ? count($file) - 1 : 0;
            if (!$return['rows'] > 0) {
                $return['error'] = __('No data found in csv file.', 'geodirectory');
    if ($task == 'prepare' || !empty($return['error'])) {
        echo json_encode($return);
    $totRecords = isset($_POST['gddata']['totRecords']) ? $_POST['gddata']['totRecords'] : NULL;
    $importlimit = isset($_POST['gddata']['importlimit']) ? $_POST['gddata']['importlimit'] : 1;
    $count = $importlimit;
    $requested_limit = $importlimit;
    $tmpCnt = isset($_POST['gddata']['tmpcount']) ? $_POST['gddata']['tmpcount'] : 0;
    if ($count < $totRecords) {
        $count = $tmpCnt + $count;
        if ($count > $totRecords) {
            $count = $totRecords;
    } else {
        $count = $totRecords;
    $total_records = 0;
    $rowcount = 0;
    $address_invalid = 0;
    $blank_address = 0;
    $upload_files = 0;
    $invalid_post_type = 0;
    $invalid_title = 0;
    $customKeyarray = array();
    $gd_post_info = array();
    $post_location = array();
    $countpost = 0;
    if (!empty($file)) {
        $columns = isset($file[0]) ? geodir_str_getcsv($file[0]) : NULL;
        $customKeyarray = $columns;
        if (empty($columns) || !empty($columns) && $columns[0] == '') {
            $return['error'] = CSV_INVAILD_FILE;
            echo json_encode($return);
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $importlimit; $i++) {
            $current_index = $tmpCnt + $i;
            if (isset($file[$current_index])) {
                $buffer = geodir_str_getcsv($file[$current_index]);
                $post_title = addslashes($buffer[0]);
                $current_post_author = $buffer[1];
                $post_desc = addslashes($buffer[2]);
                $post_cat = array();
                $catids_arr = array();
                $post_cat = trim($buffer[3]);
                // comma seperated category name
                if ($post_cat) {
                    $post_cat_arr = explode(',', $post_cat);
                    for ($c = 0; $c < count($post_cat_arr); $c++) {
                        $catid = wp_kses_normalize_entities(trim($post_cat_arr[$c]));
                        if (!empty($buffer[5])) {
                            if (in_array($buffer[5], geodir_get_posttypes())) {
                                $p_taxonomy = geodir_get_taxonomies(addslashes($buffer[5]));
                                if (get_term_by('name', $catid, $p_taxonomy[0])) {
                                    $cat = get_term_by('name', $catid, $p_taxonomy[0]);
                                    $catids_arr[] = $cat->slug;
                                } else {
                                    if (get_term_by('slug', $catid, $p_taxonomy[0])) {
                                        $cat = get_term_by('slug', $catid, $p_taxonomy[0]);
                                        $catids_arr[] = $cat->slug;
                                    } else {
                                        $ret = wp_insert_term($catid, $p_taxonomy[0]);
                                        if ($ret && !is_wp_error($ret)) {
                                            if (get_term_by('name', $catid, $p_taxonomy[0])) {
                                                $cat = get_term_by('name', $catid, $p_taxonomy[0]);
                                                $catids_arr[] = $cat->slug;
                                            } elseif (get_term_by('slug', $catid, $p_taxonomy[0])) {
                                                $cat = get_term_by('slug', $catid, $p_taxonomy[0]);
                                                $catids_arr[] = $cat->slug;
                if (!$catids_arr) {
                    $catids_arr[] = 1;
                $post_tags = trim($buffer[4]);
                // comma seperated tags
                $tag_arr = '';
                if ($post_tags) {
                    $tag_arr = explode(',', $post_tags);
                $table = $plugin_prefix . $buffer[5] . '_detail';
                // check table in database
                $error = '';
                if ($wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . $table . "'") != $table) {
                if ($post_title != '') {
                    $menu_order = 0;
                    $image_folder_name = 'uplaod/';
                    $image_names = array();
                    for ($c = 5; $c < count($customKeyarray); $c++) {
                        $gd_post_info[$customKeyarray[$c]] = addslashes($buffer[$c]);
                        if ($customKeyarray[$c] == 'IMAGE') {
                            $buffer[$c] = trim($buffer[$c]);
                            if (!empty($buffer[$c])) {
                                $image_names[] = $buffer[$c];
                        if ($customKeyarray[$c] == 'alive_days') {
                            if ($buffer[$c] != '0' && $buffer[$c] != '') {
                                $submitdata = date('Y-m-d');
                                $gd_post_info['expire_date'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($submitdata . "+" . addslashes($buffer[$c]) . " days"));
                            } else {
                                $gd_post_info['expire_date'] = 'Never';
                        if ($customKeyarray[$c] == 'post_city') {
                            $post_city = addslashes($buffer[$c]);
                        if ($customKeyarray[$c] == 'post_region') {
                            $post_region = addslashes($buffer[$c]);
                        if ($customKeyarray[$c] == 'post_country') {
                            $post_country = addslashes($buffer[$c]);
                        if ($customKeyarray[$c] == 'post_latitude') {
                            $post_latitude = addslashes($buffer[$c]);
                        if ($customKeyarray[$c] == 'post_longitude') {
                            $post_longitude = addslashes($buffer[$c]);
                        // Post status
                        if ($customKeyarray[$c] == 'post_status') {
                            $post_status = sanitize_key($buffer[$c]);
                    /* ================ before array create ============== */
                    $location_result = geodir_get_default_location();
                    if (!isset($gd_post_info['post_city']) || $gd_post_info['post_city'] == '' || (!isset($gd_post_info['post_region']) || $gd_post_info['post_region'] == '') || (!isset($gd_post_info['post_country']) || $gd_post_info['post_country'] == '') || (!isset($gd_post_info['post_address']) || $gd_post_info['post_address'] == '') || (!isset($gd_post_info['post_latitude']) || $gd_post_info['post_latitude'] == '') || (!isset($gd_post_info['post_longitude']) || $gd_post_info['post_longitude'] == '')) {
                    } else {
                        if ($location_result->location_id == 0) {
                            if (geodir_strtolower($gd_post_info['post_city']) != geodir_strtolower($location_result->city) || geodir_strtolower($gd_post_info['post_region']) != geodir_strtolower($location_result->region) || geodir_strtolower($gd_post_info['post_country']) != geodir_strtolower($location_result->country)) {
                    // Default post status
                    $default_status = 'publish';
                    $post_status = !empty($post_status) ? sanitize_key($post_status) : $default_status;
                    $post_status = !empty($wp_post_statuses) && !isset($wp_post_statuses[$post_status]) ? $default_status : $post_status;
                    $my_post['post_title'] = $post_title;
                    $my_post['post_content'] = $post_desc;
                    $my_post['post_type'] = addslashes($buffer[5]);
                    $my_post['post_author'] = $current_post_author;
                    $my_post['post_status'] = $post_status;
                    $my_post['post_category'] = $catids_arr;
                    $my_post['post_tags'] = $tag_arr;
                    $gd_post_info['post_tags'] = $tag_arr;
                    $gd_post_info['post_title'] = $post_title;
                    $gd_post_info['post_status'] = $post_status;
                    $gd_post_info['submit_time'] = time();
                    $gd_post_info['submit_ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
                    $last_postid = wp_insert_post($my_post);
                    // Check if we need to save post location as new location
                    if ($location_result->location_id > 0) {
                        if (isset($post_city) && isset($post_region)) {
                            $request_info['post_location'] = array('city' => $post_city, 'region' => $post_region, 'country' => $post_country, 'geo_lat' => $post_latitude, 'geo_lng' => $post_longitude);
                            $post_location_info = $request_info['post_location'];
                            if ($location_id = geodir_add_new_location($post_location_info)) {
                                $post_location_id = $location_id;
                        } else {
                            $post_location_id = 0;
                    } else {
                        $post_location_id = 0;
                    /* ------- get default package info ----- */
                    $payment_info = array();
                    $package_info = array();
                    $package_info = (array) geodir_post_package_info($package_info, '', $buffer[5]);
                    $package_id = '';
                    if (isset($gd_post_info['package_id']) && $gd_post_info['package_id'] != '') {
                        $package_id = $gd_post_info['package_id'];
                    if (!empty($package_info)) {
                        $payment_info['package_id'] = $package_info['pid'];
                        if (isset($package_info['alive_days']) && $package_info['alive_days'] != 0) {
                            $payment_info['expire_date'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+" . $package_info['alive_days'] . " days"));
                        } else {
                            $payment_info['expire_date'] = 'Never';
                        $gd_post_info = array_merge($gd_post_info, $payment_info);
                    $gd_post_info['post_location_id'] = $post_location_id;
                    $post_type = get_post_type($last_postid);
                    $table = $plugin_prefix . $post_type . '_detail';
                    geodir_save_post_info($last_postid, $gd_post_info);
                    if (!empty($image_names)) {
                        $menu_order = 1;
                        foreach ($image_names as $image_name) {
                            $img_name_arr = explode('.', $image_name);
                            $uploads = wp_upload_dir();
                            $sub_dir = $uploads['subdir'];
                            $arr_file_type = wp_check_filetype($image_name);
                            $uploaded_file_type = $arr_file_type['type'];
                            $attachment = array();
                            $attachment['post_id'] = $last_postid;
                            $attachment['title'] = $img_name_arr[0];
                            $attachment['content'] = '';
                            $attachment['file'] = $sub_dir . '/' . $image_name;
                            $attachment['mime_type'] = $uploaded_file_type;
                            $attachment['menu_order'] = $menu_order;
                            $attachment['is_featured'] = 0;
                            $attachment_set = '';
                            foreach ($attachment as $key => $val) {
                                if ($val != '') {
                                    $attachment_set .= $key . " = '" . $val . "', ";
                            $attachment_set = trim($attachment_set, ", ");
                            $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO " . GEODIR_ATTACHMENT_TABLE . " SET " . $attachment_set);
                            if ($menu_order == 1) {
                                $post_type = get_post_type($last_postid);
                                $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE " . $table . " SET featured_image = %s where post_id =%d", array($sub_dir . '/' . $image_name, $last_postid)));
                    $gd_post_info['package_id'] = $package_id;
                    /** This action is documented in geodirectory-functions/post-functions.php */
                    do_action('geodir_after_save_listing', $last_postid, $gd_post_info);
                    if (!empty($buffer[5])) {
                        if (in_array($buffer[5], geodir_get_posttypes())) {
                            $taxonomies = geodir_get_posttype_info(addslashes($buffer[5]));
                            wp_set_object_terms($last_postid, $my_post['post_tags'], $taxonomy = $taxonomies['taxonomies'][1]);
                            wp_set_object_terms($last_postid, $my_post['post_category'], $taxonomy = $taxonomies['taxonomies'][0]);
                            $post_default_category = isset($my_post['post_default_category']) ? $my_post['post_default_category'] : '';
                            $post_category_str = isset($my_post['post_category_str']) ? $my_post['post_category_str'] : '';
                            geodir_set_postcat_structure($last_postid, $taxonomy, $post_default_category, $post_category_str);
                } else {
    $return['rowcount'] = $countpost;
    $return['invalidcount'] = $address_invalid;
    $return['blank_address'] = $blank_address;
    $return['upload_files'] = $upload_files;
    $return['invalid_post_type'] = $invalid_post_type;
    $return['invalid_title'] = $invalid_title;
    $return['total_records'] = $total_records;
    echo json_encode($return);
  * Calculates the distance radius.
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @package GeoDirectory
  * @param string $uom Measurement unit type.
  * @return float The mean radius.
 function geodir_getDistanceRadius($uom = 'km')
     //	Use Haversine formula to calculate the great circle distance between two points identified by longitude and latitude
     switch (geodir_strtolower($uom)) {
         case 'km':
             $earthMeanRadius = 6371.009;
             // km
         case 'm':
         case 'meters':
             $earthMeanRadius = 6371.009 * 1000;
             // km
         case 'miles':
             $earthMeanRadius = 3958.761;
             // miles
         case 'yards':
         case 'yds':
             $earthMeanRadius = 3958.761 * 1760;
             // yards
         case 'feet':
         case 'ft':
             $earthMeanRadius = 3958.761 * 1760 * 3;
             // feet
         case 'nm':
             $earthMeanRadius = 3440.069;
             //  miles
             $earthMeanRadius = 3958.761;
             // miles
     return $earthMeanRadius;
 * Set first image as post's featured image.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @package GeoDirectory
 * @global object $wpdb WordPress Database object.
 * @global string $plugin_prefix Geodirectory plugin table prefix.
 * @param int $post_id The post ID.
function geodir_set_wp_featured_image($post_id)
    global $wpdb, $plugin_prefix;
    $uploads = wp_upload_dir();
    //	print_r($uploads ) ;
    $post_first_image = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . GEODIR_ATTACHMENT_TABLE . " WHERE post_id = %d and menu_order = 1  ", array($post_id)));
    $old_attachment_name = '';
    $post_thumbnail_id = '';
    if (has_post_thumbnail($post_id)) {
        if (has_post_thumbnail($post_id)) {
            $post_thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id);
            $old_attachment_name = basename(get_attached_file($post_thumbnail_id));
    if (!empty($post_first_image)) {
        $post_type = get_post_type($post_id);
        $table_name = $plugin_prefix . $post_type . '_detail';
        $wpdb->query("UPDATE " . $table_name . " SET featured_image='" . $post_first_image[0]->file . "' WHERE post_id =" . $post_id);
        $new_attachment_name = basename($post_first_image[0]->file);
        if (geodir_strtolower($new_attachment_name) != geodir_strtolower($old_attachment_name)) {
            if (has_post_thumbnail($post_id) && $post_thumbnail_id != '' && (!isset($_REQUEST['action']) || $_REQUEST['action'] != 'delete')) {
                add_filter('wp_delete_file', 'geodir_only_supportable_attachments_remove');
            $filename = $uploads['basedir'] . $post_first_image[0]->file;
            $attachment = array('post_mime_type' => $post_first_image[0]->mime_type, 'guid' => $uploads['baseurl'] . $post_first_image[0]->file, 'post_parent' => $post_id, 'post_title' => preg_replace('/\\.[^.]+$/', '', $post_first_image[0]->title), 'post_content' => '');
            $id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment, $filename, $post_id);
            if (!is_wp_error($id)) {
                set_post_thumbnail($post_id, $id);
                require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php';
                wp_update_attachment_metadata($id, wp_generate_attachment_metadata($id, $filename));
    } else {
        if (has_post_thumbnail($post_id) && $post_thumbnail_id != '' && (!isset($_REQUEST['action']) || $_REQUEST['action'] != 'delete')) {
 * Get the listing layout name from layout parameter.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param string $layout_choice Listing layout.
 * @return string Layout name.
function gdsc_validate_layout_choice($layout_choice)
    switch (geodir_strtolower($layout_choice)) {
        case 'list':
        case 'one':
        case 'one_column':
        case 'onecolumn':
        case '1':
            $layout_choice = 'list';
        case 'gridview_onehalf':
        case 'two':
        case 'two_column':
        case 'two_columns':
        case 'twocolumn':
        case 'twocolumns':
        case '2':
            $layout_choice = 'gridview_onehalf';
        case 'gridview_onethird':
        case 'three':
        case 'three_column':
        case 'three_columns':
        case 'threecolumn':
        case 'threecolumns':
        case '3':
            $layout_choice = 'gridview_onethird';
        case 'gridview_onefourth':
        case 'four':
        case 'four_column':
        case 'four_columns':
        case 'fourcolumn':
        case 'fourcolumns':
        case '4':
            $layout_choice = 'gridview_onefourth';
        case 'gridview_onefifth':
        case 'five':
        case 'five_column':
        case 'five_columns':
        case 'fivecolumn':
        case 'fivecolumns':
        case '5':
            $layout_choice = 'gridview_onefifth';
            $layout_choice = 'gridview_onehalf';
    return $layout_choice;
 * Add the location variables in session.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param object $wp The WordPress object.
function geodir_set_location_var_in_session_in_core($wp)
    //$wp->geodir_query_vars = $wp->query_vars ;
    // this code will determine when a user wants to switch location
    // Fix for WPML removing page_id query var:
    if (isset($wp->query_vars['page']) && !isset($wp->query_vars['page_id']) && isset($wp->query_vars['pagename']) && !is_home()) {
        global $wpdb;
        $page_for_posts = get_option('page_for_posts');
        $real_page_id = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type='page' AND post_name=%s", $wp->query_vars['pagename']));
        if (function_exists('icl_object_id')) {
            $real_page_id = icl_object_id($real_page_id, 'page', true, ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE);
        if ($real_page_id && $real_page_id != $page_for_posts) {
            $wp->query_vars['page_id'] = $real_page_id;
    // Query Vars will have page_id parameter
    // check if query var has page_id and that page id is location page
    // if is GD homepage set the page ID
    if (geodir_is_page('home')) {
        $wp->query_vars['page_id'] = get_option('page_on_front');
    // The location url format (all or country_city or region_city or city).
    $geodir_show_location_url = get_option('geodir_show_location_url');
    if (isset($wp->query_vars['page_id']) && $wp->query_vars['page_id'] == geodir_location_page_id()) {
        $gd_country = '';
        $gd_region = '';
        $gd_city = '';
        if (isset($wp->query_vars['gd_country']) && $wp->query_vars['gd_country'] != '') {
            $gd_country = urldecode($wp->query_vars['gd_country']);
        if (isset($wp->query_vars['gd_region']) && $wp->query_vars['gd_region'] != '') {
            $gd_region = urldecode($wp->query_vars['gd_region']);
        if (isset($wp->query_vars['gd_city']) && $wp->query_vars['gd_city'] != '') {
            $gd_city = urldecode($wp->query_vars['gd_city']);
        if (!($gd_country == '' && $gd_region == '' && $gd_city == '')) {
            $default_location = geodir_get_default_location();
            if (get_option('geodir_add_location_url')) {
                if ($geodir_show_location_url != 'all') {
                    if ($gd_region == '') {
                        if (isset($_SESSION['gd_region'])) {
                            $gd_region = $_SESSION['gd_region'];
                        } else {
                            $gd_region = $default_location->region_slug;
                    if ($gd_city == '') {
                        if (isset($_SESSION['gd_city'])) {
                            $gd_city = $_SESSION['gd_city'];
                        } else {
                            $gd_city = $default_location->city_slug;
                        $base_location_link = geodir_get_location_link('base');
                        wp_redirect($base_location_link . '/' . $gd_country . '/' . $gd_region . '/' . $gd_city);
            $args = array('what' => 'city', 'city_val' => $gd_city, 'region_val' => $gd_region, 'country_val' => $gd_country, 'country_column_name' => 'country_slug', 'region_column_name' => 'region_slug', 'city_column_name' => 'city_slug', 'location_link_part' => false, 'compare_operator' => '');
            $location_array = function_exists('geodir_get_location_array') ? geodir_get_location_array($args) : array();
            if (!empty($location_array)) {
                $_SESSION['gd_multi_location'] = 1;
                $_SESSION['gd_country'] = $gd_country;
                $_SESSION['gd_region'] = $gd_region;
                $_SESSION['gd_city'] = $gd_city;
                $wp->query_vars['gd_country'] = $gd_country;
                $wp->query_vars['gd_region'] = $gd_region;
                $wp->query_vars['gd_city'] = $gd_city;
            } else {
                unset($_SESSION['gd_multi_location'], $_SESSION['gd_city'], $_SESSION['gd_region'], $_SESSION['gd_country']);
        } else {
            unset($_SESSION['gd_multi_location'], $_SESSION['gd_city'], $_SESSION['gd_region'], $_SESSION['gd_country']);
    } else {
        if (isset($wp->query_vars['post_type']) && $wp->query_vars['post_type'] != '') {
            if (!is_admin()) {
                $requested_post_type = $wp->query_vars['post_type'];
                // check if this post type is geodirectory post types
                $post_type_array = geodir_get_posttypes();
                if (in_array($requested_post_type, $post_type_array)) {
                    // now u can apply geodirectory related manipulation.
        } else {
            // check if a geodirectory taxonomy is set
            $gd_country = '';
            $gd_region = '';
            $gd_city = '';
            $is_geodir_taxonomy = false;
            $is_geodir_taxonomy_term = false;
            // the last term is real geodirectory taxonomy term or not
            $is_geodir_location_found = false;
            $geodir_taxonomy = '';
            $geodir_post_type = '';
            $geodir_term = '';
            $geodir_set_location_session = true;
            $geodir_taxonomis = geodir_get_taxonomies('', true);
            foreach ($geodir_taxonomis as $taxonomy) {
                if (array_key_exists($taxonomy, $wp->query_vars)) {
                    $is_geodir_taxonomy = true;
                    $geodir_taxonomy = $taxonomy;
                    $geodir_post_type = str_replace('category', '', $taxonomy);
                    $geodir_post_type = str_replace('_tags', '', $geodir_post_type);
                    $geodir_term = $wp->query_vars[$geodir_taxonomy];
            // now get an array of all terms seperated by '/'
            $geodir_terms = explode('/', $geodir_term);
            $geodir_last_term = end($geodir_terms);
            if ($is_geodir_taxonomy) {
                // do all these only when it is a geodirectory taxonomy
                $wp->query_vars['post_type'] = $geodir_post_type;
                // now check if last term is a post of geodirectory post types
                $geodir_post = get_posts(array('name' => $geodir_last_term, 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'post_type' => $geodir_post_type));
                if (empty($geodir_post)) {
                    $geodir_post = get_posts(array('name' => $geodir_last_term, 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'post_type' => $geodir_post_type, 'post_status' => 'draft', 'suppress_filters' => false));
                if (!empty($geodir_post)) {
                    if ($geodir_post[0]->post_status != 'publish') {
                        foreach ($wp->query_vars as $key => $vars) {
                        $wp->query_vars['error'] = '404';
                        // set it as 404 if post exists but its status is not published yet
                    } else {
                        //$wp->query_vars[$geodir_taxonomy] = str_replace( '/'.$geodir_last_term , ''  , $geodir_term);
                        $wp->query_vars[$geodir_post_type] = $geodir_last_term;
                        $wp->query_vars['name'] = $geodir_last_term;
                    $geodir_term = str_replace('/' . $geodir_last_term, '', $geodir_term, $post_title_replace_count);
                    if (!$post_title_replace_count) {
                        $geodir_term = str_replace($geodir_last_term, '', $geodir_term, $post_title_replace_count);
                    $geodir_terms = explode('/', $geodir_term);
                    $geodir_last_term = end($geodir_terms);
                    $geodir_set_location_session = false;
                    //return ;
                $geodir_location_terms = '';
                // if last term is not a post then check if last term is a term of the specific texonomy or not
                if (geodir_term_exists($geodir_last_term, $geodir_taxonomy)) {
                    $is_geodir_taxonomy_term = true;
                    $geodir_set_location_session = false;
                // now check if there is location parts in the url or not
                if (get_option('geodir_add_location_url')) {
                    $default_location = geodir_get_default_location();
                    if ($geodir_show_location_url == 'all') {
                        if (count($geodir_terms) >= 3) {
                            $gd_country = urldecode($geodir_terms[0]);
                            $gd_region = urldecode($geodir_terms[1]);
                            $gd_city = urldecode($geodir_terms[2]);
                        } else {
                            if (count($geodir_terms) >= 2) {
                                $gd_country = urldecode($geodir_terms[0]);
                                $gd_region = urldecode($geodir_terms[1]);
                            } else {
                                if (count($geodir_terms) >= 1) {
                                    $gd_country = urldecode($geodir_terms[0]);
                        if (geodir_strtolower($default_location->country_slug) == geodir_strtolower($gd_country) && geodir_strtolower($default_location->region_slug) == geodir_strtolower($gd_region) && geodir_strtolower($default_location->city_slug) == geodir_strtolower($gd_city)) {
                            $is_geodir_location_found = true;
                        // if location has not been found for country , region and city then search for country and region only
                        if (!$is_geodir_location_found) {
                            $gd_city = '';
                            if (geodir_strtolower($default_location->country_slug) == geodir_strtolower($gd_country) && geodir_strtolower($default_location->region_slug) == geodir_strtolower($gd_region)) {
                                $is_geodir_location_found = true;
                        // if location has not been found for country , region  then search for country only
                        if (!$is_geodir_location_found) {
                            $gd_city = '';
                            $gd_region = '';
                            if (geodir_strtolower($default_location->country_slug) == geodir_strtolower($gd_country)) {
                                $is_geodir_location_found = true;
                    } else {
                        if ($geodir_show_location_url == 'country_city') {
                            if (count($geodir_terms) >= 2) {
                                $gd_country = urldecode($geodir_terms[0]);
                                $gd_city = urldecode($geodir_terms[1]);
                            } else {
                                if (count($geodir_terms) >= 1) {
                                    $gd_country = urldecode($geodir_terms[0]);
                            if (geodir_strtolower($default_location->country_slug) == geodir_strtolower($gd_country) && geodir_strtolower($default_location->city_slug) == geodir_strtolower($gd_city)) {
                                $is_geodir_location_found = true;
                            // if location has not been found for country and city  then search for country only
                            if (!$is_geodir_location_found) {
                                $gd_city = '';
                                if (geodir_strtolower($default_location->country_slug) == geodir_strtolower($gd_country)) {
                                    $is_geodir_location_found = true;
                        } else {
                            if ($geodir_show_location_url == 'region_city') {
                                if (count($geodir_terms) >= 2) {
                                    $gd_region = urldecode($geodir_terms[0]);
                                    $gd_city = urldecode($geodir_terms[1]);
                                } else {
                                    if (count($geodir_terms) >= 1) {
                                        $gd_region = urldecode($geodir_terms[0]);
                                if (geodir_strtolower($default_location->region_slug) == geodir_strtolower($gd_region) && geodir_strtolower($default_location->city_slug) == geodir_strtolower($gd_city)) {
                                    $is_geodir_location_found = true;
                                // if location has not been found for region and city  then search for region only
                                if (!$is_geodir_location_found) {
                                    $gd_city = '';
                                    if (geodir_strtolower($default_location->region_slug) == geodir_strtolower($gd_region)) {
                                        $is_geodir_location_found = true;
                            } else {
                                $gd_city = $geodir_terms[0];
                                if (geodir_strtolower($default_location->city_slug) == geodir_strtolower($gd_city)) {
                                    $is_geodir_location_found = true;
                                    $gd_region = $default_location->region_slug;
                                    $gd_country = $default_location->country_slug;
                    // if locaton still not found then clear location related session variables
                    if ($is_geodir_location_found && $geodir_set_location_session) {
                        $_SESSION['gd_multi_location'] = 1;
                        $_SESSION['gd_country'] = $gd_country;
                        $_SESSION['gd_region'] = $gd_region;
                        $_SESSION['gd_city'] = $gd_city;
                    if ($geodir_show_location_url == 'all') {
                    } else {
                        if ($geodir_show_location_url == 'country_city') {
                            $gd_region = '';
                        } else {
                            if ($geodir_show_location_url == 'region_city') {
                                $gd_country = '';
                            } else {
                                $gd_country = '';
                                $gd_region = '';
                    if ($is_geodir_location_found) {
                        $wp->query_vars['gd_country'] = $gd_country;
                        $wp->query_vars['gd_region'] = $gd_region;
                        $wp->query_vars['gd_city'] = $gd_city;
                    } else {
                        $gd_country = '';
                        $gd_region = '';
                        $gd_city = '';
                $wp->query_vars[$geodir_taxonomy] = $geodir_term;
                // eliminate location related terms from taxonomy term
                if ($gd_country != '') {
                    $wp->query_vars[$geodir_taxonomy] = preg_replace('/' . urlencode($gd_country) . '/', '', $wp->query_vars[$geodir_taxonomy], 1);
                if ($gd_region != '') {
                    $wp->query_vars[$geodir_taxonomy] = preg_replace('/' . urlencode($gd_region) . '/', '', $wp->query_vars[$geodir_taxonomy], 1);
                if ($gd_city != '') {
                    $wp->query_vars[$geodir_taxonomy] = preg_replace('/' . urlencode($gd_city) . '/', '', $wp->query_vars[$geodir_taxonomy], 1);
                $wp->query_vars[$geodir_taxonomy] = str_replace('///', '', $wp->query_vars[$geodir_taxonomy]);
                $wp->query_vars[$geodir_taxonomy] = str_replace('//', '', $wp->query_vars[$geodir_taxonomy]);
                $wp->query_vars[$geodir_taxonomy] = trim($wp->query_vars[$geodir_taxonomy], '/');
                if ($wp->query_vars[$geodir_taxonomy] == '') {
                } else {
                    if (!$is_geodir_taxonomy_term) {
                        foreach ($wp->query_vars as $key => $vars) {
                        $wp->query_vars['error'] = '404';
    // Unset location session if gd page and location not set.
    if (isset($wp->query_vars['gd_is_geodir_page']) && !isset($wp->query_vars['gd_country'])) {
        unset($_SESSION['gd_multi_location'], $_SESSION['gd_city'], $_SESSION['gd_region'], $_SESSION['gd_country']);
    if (isset($_SESSION['gd_multi_location']) && $_SESSION['gd_multi_location'] == 1) {
        $wp->query_vars['gd_country'] = $_SESSION['gd_country'];
        $wp->query_vars['gd_region'] = $_SESSION['gd_region'];
        $wp->query_vars['gd_city'] = $_SESSION['gd_city'];
    // now check if there is location parts in the url or not
    if (get_option('geodir_add_location_url')) {
        if ($geodir_show_location_url == 'all') {
        } else {
            if ($geodir_show_location_url == 'country_city') {
                if (isset($wp->query_vars['gd_region'])) {
                    $wp->query_vars['gd_region'] = '';
            } else {
                if ($geodir_show_location_url == 'region_city') {
                    if (isset($wp->query_vars['gd_country'])) {
                        $wp->query_vars['gd_country'] = '';
                } else {
                    if (isset($wp->query_vars['gd_country'])) {
                        $wp->query_vars['gd_country'] = '';
                    if (isset($wp->query_vars['gd_region'])) {
                        $wp->query_vars['gd_region'] = '';
    } else {
        if (isset($wp->query_vars['gd_country'])) {
            $wp->query_vars['gd_country'] = '';
        if (isset($wp->query_vars['gd_region'])) {
            $wp->query_vars['gd_region'] = '';
        if (isset($wp->query_vars['gd_city'])) {
            $wp->query_vars['gd_city'] = '';
 * Validate the event data.
 * @since 1.5.1
 * @package GeoDirectory
 * @param array $gd_post Post array.
 * @return array Event data array.
function geodir_imex_process_event_data($gd_post)
    $recurring_pkg = geodir_event_recurring_pkg((object) $gd_post);
    $is_recurring = isset($gd_post['is_recurring_event']) && (int) $gd_post['is_recurring_event'] == 0 ? false : true;
    $event_date = isset($gd_post['event_date']) && $gd_post['event_date'] != '' ? geodir_imex_get_date_ymd($gd_post['event_date']) : '';
    $event_enddate = isset($gd_post['event_enddate']) && $gd_post['event_enddate'] != '' ? geodir_imex_get_date_ymd($gd_post['event_enddate']) : $event_date;
    $all_day = isset($gd_post['is_whole_day_event']) && !empty($gd_post['is_whole_day_event']) ? true : false;
    $starttime = isset($gd_post['starttime']) && !$all_day ? $gd_post['starttime'] : '';
    $endtime = isset($gd_post['endtime']) && !$all_day ? $gd_post['endtime'] : '';
    $repeat_type = '';
    $different_times = '';
    $starttimes = '';
    $endtimes = '';
    $repeat_days = '';
    $repeat_weeks = '';
    $event_recurring_dates = '';
    $repeat_x = '';
    $duration_x = '';
    $repeat_end_type = '';
    $max_repeat = '';
    $repeat_end = '';
    if ($recurring_pkg && $is_recurring) {
        $repeat_type = $gd_post['recurring_type'];
        if ($repeat_type == 'custom') {
            $starttimes = !$all_day && !empty($gd_post['event_starttimes']) ? explode(",", $gd_post['event_starttimes']) : array();
            $endtimes = !$all_day && !empty($gd_post['event_endtimes']) ? explode(",", $gd_post['event_endtimes']) : array();
            if (!empty($starttimes) || !empty($endtimes)) {
                $different_times = true;
            $recurring_dates = isset($gd_post['recurring_dates']) && $gd_post['recurring_dates'] != '' ? explode(",", $gd_post['recurring_dates']) : array();
            if (!empty($recurring_dates)) {
                $event_recurring_dates = array();
                foreach ($recurring_dates as $recurring_date) {
                    $recurring_date = trim($recurring_date);
                    if ($recurring_date != '') {
                        $event_recurring_dates[] = geodir_imex_get_date_ymd($recurring_date);
                $event_recurring_dates = array_unique($event_recurring_dates);
                $event_recurring_dates = implode(",", $event_recurring_dates);
        } else {
            $duration_x = !empty($gd_post['event_duration_days']) ? (int) $gd_post['event_duration_days'] : 1;
            $repeat_x = !empty($gd_post['recurring_interval']) ? (int) $gd_post['recurring_interval'] : 1;
            $max_repeat = !empty($gd_post['max_recurring_count']) ? (int) $gd_post['max_recurring_count'] : 1;
            $repeat_end = !empty($gd_post['recurring_end_date']) ? geodir_imex_get_date_ymd($gd_post['recurring_end_date']) : '';
            $repeat_end_type = $repeat_end != '' ? 1 : 0;
            $max_repeat = $repeat_end != '' ? '' : $max_repeat;
            $week_days = array_flip(array('sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat'));
            $a_repeat_days = isset($gd_post['recurring_week_days']) && trim($gd_post['recurring_week_days']) != '' ? explode(',', trim($gd_post['recurring_week_days'])) : array();
            $repeat_days = array();
            if (!empty($a_repeat_days)) {
                foreach ($a_repeat_days as $repeat_day) {
                    $repeat_day = geodir_strtolower(trim($repeat_day));
                    if ($repeat_day != '' && isset($week_days[$repeat_day])) {
                        $repeat_days[] = $week_days[$repeat_day];
                $repeat_days = array_unique($repeat_days);
            $a_repeat_weeks = isset($gd_post['recurring_week_nos']) && trim($gd_post['recurring_week_nos']) != '' ? explode(",", trim($gd_post['recurring_week_nos'])) : array();
            $repeat_weeks = array();
            if (!empty($a_repeat_weeks)) {
                foreach ($a_repeat_weeks as $repeat_week) {
                    $repeat_weeks[] = (int) $repeat_week;
                $repeat_weeks = array_unique($repeat_weeks);
    if (isset($gd_post['recurring_dates'])) {
    $gd_post['is_recurring'] = $is_recurring;
    $gd_post['event_date'] = $event_date;
    $gd_post['event_start'] = $event_date;
    $gd_post['event_end'] = $event_enddate;
    $gd_post['all_day'] = $all_day;
    $gd_post['starttime'] = $starttime;
    $gd_post['endtime'] = $endtime;
    $gd_post['repeat_type'] = $repeat_type;
    $gd_post['different_times'] = $different_times;
    $gd_post['starttimes'] = $starttimes;
    $gd_post['endtimes'] = $endtimes;
    $gd_post['repeat_days'] = $repeat_days;
    $gd_post['repeat_weeks'] = $repeat_weeks;
    $gd_post['event_recurring_dates'] = $event_recurring_dates;
    $gd_post['repeat_x'] = $repeat_x;
    $gd_post['duration_x'] = $duration_x;
    $gd_post['repeat_end_type'] = $repeat_end_type;
    $gd_post['max_repeat'] = $max_repeat;
    $gd_post['repeat_end'] = $repeat_end;
    return $gd_post;
 * Outputs the listings template title.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @package GeoDirectory
 * @global object $wp The WordPress object.
 * @global string $term Current term slug.
function geodir_action_listings_title()
    global $wp, $term;
    $gd_post_type = geodir_get_current_posttype();
    $post_type_info = get_post_type_object($gd_post_type);
    $add_string_in_title = __('All', 'geodirectory') . ' ';
    if (isset($_REQUEST['list']) && $_REQUEST['list'] == 'favourite') {
        $add_string_in_title = __('My Favorite', 'geodirectory') . ' ';
    $list_title = $add_string_in_title . __(ucfirst($post_type_info->labels->name), 'geodirectory');
    $single_name = $post_type_info->labels->singular_name;
    $taxonomy = geodir_get_taxonomies($gd_post_type, true);
    $gd_country = get_query_var('gd_country');
    $gd_region = get_query_var('gd_region');
    $gd_city = get_query_var('gd_city');
    if (!empty($term)) {
        $location_name = '';
        if ($gd_country != '' || $gd_region != '' || $gd_city != '') {
            if ($gd_country != '') {
                $location_name = geodir_sanitize_location_name('gd_country', $gd_country);
            if ($gd_region != '') {
                $location_name = geodir_sanitize_location_name('gd_region', $gd_region);
            if ($gd_city != '') {
                $location_name = geodir_sanitize_location_name('gd_city', $gd_city);
        $current_term = get_term_by('slug', $term, $taxonomy[0]);
        if (!empty($current_term)) {
            $current_term_name = __(ucfirst($current_term->name), 'geodirectory');
            if ($current_term_name != '' && $location_name != '' && isset($current_term->taxonomy) && $current_term->taxonomy == $gd_post_type . 'category') {
                $location_last_char = substr($location_name, -1);
                $location_name_attach = geodir_strtolower($location_last_char) == 's' ? __("'", 'geodirectory') : __("'s", 'geodirectory');
                $list_title .= __(' in', 'geodirectory') . ' ' . $location_name . $location_name_attach . ' ' . $current_term_name;
            } else {
                $list_title .= __(' in', 'geodirectory') . " '" . $current_term_name . "'";
        } else {
            if (count($taxonomy) > 1) {
                $current_term = get_term_by('slug', $term, $taxonomy[1]);
                if (!empty($current_term)) {
                    $current_term_name = __(ucfirst($current_term->name), 'geodirectory');
                    if ($current_term_name != '' && $location_name != '' && isset($current_term->taxonomy) && $current_term->taxonomy == $gd_post_type . 'category') {
                        $location_last_char = substr($location_name, -1);
                        $location_name_attach = geodir_strtolower($location_last_char) == 's' ? __("'", 'geodirectory') : __("'s", 'geodirectory');
                        $list_title .= __(' in', 'geodirectory') . ' ' . $location_name . $location_name_attach . ' ' . $current_term_name;
                    } else {
                        $list_title .= __(' in', 'geodirectory') . " '" . $current_term_name . "'";
    } else {
        $gd_country = isset($wp->query_vars['gd_country']) && $wp->query_vars['gd_country'] != '' ? $wp->query_vars['gd_country'] : '';
        $gd_region = isset($wp->query_vars['gd_region']) && $wp->query_vars['gd_region'] != '' ? $wp->query_vars['gd_region'] : '';
        $gd_city = isset($wp->query_vars['gd_city']) && $wp->query_vars['gd_city'] != '' ? $wp->query_vars['gd_city'] : '';
        $gd_country_actual = $gd_region_actual = $gd_city_actual = '';
        if (function_exists('get_actual_location_name')) {
            $gd_country_actual = $gd_country != '' ? get_actual_location_name('country', $gd_country, true) : $gd_country;
            $gd_region_actual = $gd_region != '' ? get_actual_location_name('region', $gd_region) : $gd_region;
            $gd_city_actual = $gd_city != '' ? get_actual_location_name('city', $gd_city) : $gd_city;
        if ($gd_city != '') {
            if ($gd_city_actual != '') {
                $gd_city = $gd_city_actual;
            } else {
                $gd_city = preg_replace('/-(\\d+)$/', '', $gd_city);
                $gd_city = preg_replace('/[_-]/', ' ', $gd_city);
                $gd_city = __(geodir_ucwords($gd_city), 'geodirectory');
            $list_title .= __(' in', 'geodirectory') . " '" . $gd_city . "'";
        } else {
            if ($gd_region != '') {
                if ($gd_region_actual != '') {
                    $gd_region = $gd_region_actual;
                } else {
                    $gd_region = preg_replace('/-(\\d+)$/', '', $gd_region);
                    $gd_region = preg_replace('/[_-]/', ' ', $gd_region);
                    $gd_region = __(geodir_ucwords($gd_region), 'geodirectory');
                $list_title .= __(' in', 'geodirectory') . " '" . $gd_region . "'";
            } else {
                if ($gd_country != '') {
                    if ($gd_country_actual != '') {
                        $gd_country = $gd_country_actual;
                    } else {
                        $gd_country = preg_replace('/-(\\d+)$/', '', $gd_country);
                        $gd_country = preg_replace('/[_-]/', ' ', $gd_country);
                        $gd_country = __(geodir_ucwords($gd_country), 'geodirectory');
                    $list_title .= __(' in', 'geodirectory') . " '" . $gd_country . "'";
    if (is_search()) {
        $list_title = __('Search', 'geodirectory') . ' ' . __(ucfirst($post_type_info->labels->name), 'geodirectory') . __(' For :', 'geodirectory') . " '" . get_search_query() . "'";
    /** This action is documented in geodirectory_template_actions.php */
    $class = apply_filters('geodir_page_title_class', 'entry-title fn');
    /** This action is documented in geodirectory_template_actions.php */
    $class_header = apply_filters('geodir_page_title_header_class', 'entry-header');
    $title = $list_title;
    if (geodir_is_page('pt')) {
        $gd_page = 'pt';
        $title = get_option('geodir_page_title_pt') ? get_option('geodir_page_title_pt') : $title;
    } elseif (geodir_is_page('listing')) {
        $gd_page = 'listing';
        global $wp_query;
        $current_term = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
        if (strpos($current_term->taxonomy, '_tags') !== false) {
            $title = get_option('geodir_page_title_tag-listing') ? get_option('geodir_page_title_tag-listing') : $title;
        } else {
            $title = get_option('geodir_page_title_cat-listing') ? get_option('geodir_page_title_cat-listing') : $title;
    } elseif (geodir_is_page('author')) {
        $gd_page = 'author';
        if (isset($_REQUEST['list']) && $_REQUEST['list'] == 'favourite') {
            $title = get_option('geodir_page_title_favorite') ? get_option('geodir_page_title_favorite') : $title;
        } else {
            $title = get_option('geodir_page_title_author') ? get_option('geodir_page_title_author') : $title;
     * Filter page title to replace variables.
     * @since 1.5.4
     * @param string $title The page title including variables.
     * @param string $gd_page The GeoDirectory page type if any.
    $title = apply_filters('geodir_seo_page_title', __($title, 'geodirectory'), $gd_page);
    echo '<header class="' . $class_header . '"><h1 class="' . $class . '">' . apply_filters('geodir_listing_page_title', $title) . '</h1></header>';
 * The geodirectory related listing widget shortcode.
 * This implements the functionality of the shortcode for displaying related listing widget.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @package GeoDirectory
 * @param array $atts {
 *     Attributes of the shortcode.
 *     @type int $add_location_filter   Filter listings using current location. Default 0.
 *     @type string $before_title       HTML content to prepend to the title when displayed. Default. <style type="text/css">.geodir_category_list_view li{margin:0px!important}</style>.
 *     @type int $character_count       The excerpt length Default. 20.
 *     @type int $is_widget             Is this a widget? Default. 1.
 *     @type string $layout             Layout to display listing. Should be gridview_onehalf, gridview_onethird,
 *                                      gridview_onefourth, gridview_onefifth, list. Default 'gridview_onehalf'. Default. gridview_onehalf.
 *     @type string $list_sort          Sort by. Default. latest.
 *     @type string $listing_width      Width of the listing in %. Default. Empty.
 *     @type int $post_number           No. of post to display. Default. 5.
 *     @type string $relate_to          Type to use for making relation. Can be tags or category. Default. category.
 * }
 * @return string Related widget HTML.
function geodir_sc_related_listings($atts)
    $defaults = array('post_number' => 5, 'relate_to' => 'category', 'layout' => 'gridview_onehalf', 'add_location_filter' => 0, 'listing_width' => '', 'list_sort' => 'latest', 'character_count' => 20, 'is_widget' => 1, 'before_title' => '<style type="text/css">.geodir_category_list_view li{margin:0px!important}</style>');
    // The "before_title" code is an ugly & terrible hack. But it works for now. I should enqueue a new stylesheet.
    $params = shortcode_atts($defaults, $atts);
     * Begin validating parameters
    // Validate that post_number is a number and is 1 or higher
    $params['post_number'] = absint($params['post_number']);
    if (0 === $params['post_number']) {
        $params['post_number'] = 1;
    // Validate relate_to - only category or tags
    $params['relate_to'] = geodir_strtolower($params['relate_to']);
    if ('category' != $params['relate_to'] && 'tags' != $params['relate_to']) {
        $params['relate_to'] = 'category';
    // Validate layout selection
    $params['layout'] = gdsc_validate_layout_choice($params['layout']);
    // Validate sorting option
    $params['list_sort'] = gdsc_validate_sort_choice($params['list_sort']);
    // Validate add_location_filter
    $params['add_location_filter'] = gdsc_to_bool_val($params['add_location_filter']);
    // Validate listing_width
    $params['listing_width'] = gdsc_validate_listing_width($params['listing_width']);
    // Validate character_count
    $params['character_count'] = absint($params['character_count']);
    if (20 > $params['character_count']) {
        $params['character_count'] = 20;
    if ($related_display = geodir_related_posts_display($params)) {
        echo $related_display;
    $output = ob_get_contents();
    return $output;