Example #1
    $return['html'] = '<h1>Edit ' . $TYPES[$_POST['type']]['pluralName'] . '</h1>';
    foreach ($TYPES[$_POST['type']]['formData'] as $key => $section) {
        $return['html'] .= '<section><h2>' . $key . '</h2><div class="sectionData">';
        foreach ($section as $column) {
            $return['html'] .= '<ul>';
            foreach ($column as $field) {
                $formalName = $TYPES[$_POST['type']]['fields'][$field]['formalName'];
                $attributes = $TYPES[$_POST['type']]['fields'][$field]['verifyData'];
                if ($attributes[1] == 'int' || $attributes[1] == 'str' || $attributes[1] == 'dec') {
                    $return['html'] .= '<li><input type="checkbox">';
                    $return['html'] .= '<label for="' . $field . '">' . $formalName . '</label>';
                    $return['html'] .= '<input type="text" name="' . $field . '" autocomplete="off" disabled></li>';
                } elseif ($attributes[1] == 'id' || $attributes[1] == 'opt') {
                    $return['html'] .= '<li><input type="checkbox">';
                    $return['html'] .= '<label for="' . $field . '">' . $formalName . '</label><select name="' . $field . '" disabled>';
                    $return['html'] .= $attributes[1] == 'id' ? generateTypeOptions($attributes[2], true) : generateFieldOptions($_POST['type'], $field, true);
                    $return['html'] .= '</select></li>';
                } elseif ($attributes[1] == 'disp') {
                    $return['html'] .= '<li>&nbsp;</li>';
                } elseif ($attributes[1] == 'date') {
                    $return['html'] .= '<li><label for="' . $field . '">' . $formalName . '</label>';
                    $return['html'] .= '<input type="text" class="dateInput" name="' . $field . '" autocomplete="off" value="' . formatDate($item[$field]) . '"></li>';
            $return['html'] .= '</ul>';
        $return['html'] .= '</div></section>';
    $return['html'] .= '<div class="btnSpacer"><button id="editBtn">Edit</button></div>';
    echo json_encode($return);
Example #2
    public function customAjax($id, $data)
        global $dbh;
        global $SETTINGS;
        $return = ['status' => 'success'];
        if ($data['subAction'] == 'list') {
            //list subAction
            $return['products'] = generateTypeOptions('product', true);
            $return['locations'] = generateTypeOptions('location', true);
        } elseif ($data['subAction'] == 'add') {
            //add subAction
            $return['status'] = 'fail';
            $subType = $data['subType'];
            $data = cleanData('expense', $subType, $data);
            $return = verifyData('expense', $subType, 'add', $data);
            if ($return['status'] != 'fail') {
                if ($subType == 'payment') {
                    $dateTS = DateTime::createFromFormat($SETTINGS['dateFormat'] . '|', $data['date'])->getTimestamp();
                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO expensePayments (expenseID, date, paymentType, paymentAmount)
							VALUES(:expenseID, :date, :paymentType, :paymentAmount)');
                    $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id, ':date' => $dateTS, ':paymentType' => $data['paymentType'], ':paymentAmount' => $data['paymentAmount']]);
                    $changeData = ['subType' => 'payment', 'date' => $dateTS, 'paymentType' => $data['paymentType'], 'paymentAmount' => $data['paymentAmount']];
                } elseif ($subType == 'product') {
                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT quantity
							FROM expenses_products
							WHERE expenseID = :expenseID AND productID = :productID AND locationID = :locationID AND unitPrice = :unitPrice');
                    $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id, ':productID' => $data['productID'], ':locationID' => $data['locationID'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice']]);
                    $result = $sth->fetchAll();
                    if (count($result) == 1 && $data['recurring'] == 'no') {
                        //if the product is already present in the expense AND we aren't doing a recurring item, add the quantity to the existing row
                        $totalQuantity = $data['quantity'] + $result[0]['quantity'];
                        $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE expenses_products
								SET quantity = :quantity
								WHERE expenseID = :expenseID AND productID = :productID AND locationID = :locationID AND unitPrice = :unitPrice');
                        $sth->execute([':quantity' => $totalQuantity, ':expenseID' => $id, ':productID' => $data['productID'], ':locationID' => $data['locationID'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice']]);
                        $changeAction = 'E';
                        //this is technically an edit, not an add
                        $changeData = ['subType' => 'product', 'productID' => $data['productID'], 'locationID' => $data['locationID'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $totalQuantity];
                    } else {
                        if ($data['recurring'] == 'yes') {
                            $startTS = DateTime::createFromFormat($SETTINGS['dateFormat'] . '|', $data['startDate'])->getTimestamp();
                            $endTS = DateTime::createFromFormat($SETTINGS['dateFormat'] . '|', $data['endDate'])->getTimestamp();
                            //add the recurring item
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT MAX(recurringID) AS recurringID
									FROM expenses_products');
                            $result = $sth->fetchAll();
                            $recurringID = $result[0]['recurringID'] + 1;
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO expenses_products (expenseID, productID, locationID, unitPrice, quantity, recurringID, dayOfMonth, startDate, endDate)
									VALUES(:expenseID, :productID, :locationID, :unitPrice, :quantity, :recurringID, :dayOfMonth, :startDate, :endDate)');
                            $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id, ':productID' => $data['productID'], ':locationID' => $data['locationID'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity'], ':recurringID' => $recurringID, ':dayOfMonth' => $data['dayOfMonth'], ':startDate' => $startTS, ':endDate' => $endTS]);
                            //add occasions from start date to now
                            $temp = new DateTime();
                            $patternStart = new DateTime($data['dayOfMonth'] . '-' . $temp->format('M') . '-' . $temp->format('Y'));
                            $interval = new DateInterval('P1M');
                            $now = new DateTime();
                            $period = new DatePeriod($patternStart, $interval, $now);
                            foreach ($period as $date) {
                                $timestamp = $date->getTimestamp();
                                if ($timestamp >= $startTS && $timestamp <= $endTS) {
                                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO expenses_products (expenseID, productID, locationID, date, unitPrice, quantity, parentRecurringID)
											VALUES(:expenseID, :productID, :locationID, :date, :unitPrice, :quantity, :parentRecurringID)');
                                    $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id, ':productID' => $data['productID'], ':locationID' => $data['locationID'], ':date' => $timestamp, ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity'], ':parentRecurringID' => $recurringID]);
                            $changeData = ['subType' => 'product', 'productID' => $data['productID'], 'locationID' => $data['locationID'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $data['quantity'], 'recurring' => $data['recurring'], 'interval' => $data['interval'], 'dayOfMonth' => $data['dayOfMonth'], 'startDate' => $startTS, 'endDate' => $endTS];
                        } else {
                            //get date of expense
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT date
									FROM expenses
									WHERE expenseID = :expenseID');
                            $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id]);
                            $row = $sth->fetch();
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO expenses_products (expenseID, productID, locationID, date, unitPrice, quantity)
									VALUES(:expenseID, :productID, :locationID, :date, :unitPrice, :quantity)');
                            $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id, ':productID' => $data['productID'], ':locationID' => $data['locationID'], ':date' => $row['date'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity']]);
                            $changeData = ['subType' => 'product', 'productID' => $data['productID'], 'locationID' => $data['locationID'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $data['quantity']];
                } elseif ($subType == 'other') {
                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT quantity
							FROM expenseOthers
							WHERE expenseID = :expenseID AND name = :name AND unitPrice = :unitPrice');
                    $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id, ':name' => $data['name'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice']]);
                    $result = $sth->fetchAll();
                    if (count($result) == 1 && $data['recurring'] == 'no') {
                        //if the item is already present in the expense AND we aren't doing a recurring item, add the quantity to the existing row
                        $totalQuantity = $data['quantity'] + $result[0]['quantity'];
                        $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE expenseOthers
								SET quantity = :quantity
								WHERE expenseID = :expenseID AND name = :name AND unitPrice = :unitPrice');
                        $sth->execute([':quantity' => $totalQuantity, ':expenseID' => $id, ':name' => $data['name'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice']]);
                        $changeAction = 'E';
                        //this is technically an edit, not an add
                        $changeData = ['subType' => 'other', 'name' => $data['name'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $totalQuantity];
                    } else {
                        if ($data['recurring'] == 'yes') {
                            $startTS = DateTime::createFromFormat($SETTINGS['dateFormat'] . '|', $data['startDate'])->getTimestamp();
                            $endTS = DateTime::createFromFormat($SETTINGS['dateFormat'] . '|', $data['endDate'])->getTimestamp();
                            //add the recurring item
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT MAX(recurringID) AS recurringID
									FROM expenseOthers');
                            $result = $sth->fetchAll();
                            $recurringID = $result[0]['recurringID'] + 1;
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO expenseOthers (expenseID, name, unitPrice, quantity, recurringID, dayOfMonth, startDate, endDate)
									VALUES(:expenseID, :name, :unitPrice, :quantity, :recurringID, :dayOfMonth, :startDate, :endDate)');
                            $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id, ':name' => $data['name'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity'], ':recurringID' => $recurringID, ':dayOfMonth' => $data['dayOfMonth'], ':startDate' => $startTS, ':endDate' => $endTS]);
                            //add occasions from start date to now
                            $temp = new DateTime();
                            $patternStart = new DateTime($data['dayOfMonth'] . '-' . $temp->format('M') . '-' . $temp->format('Y'));
                            $interval = new DateInterval('P1M');
                            $now = new DateTime();
                            $period = new DatePeriod($patternStart, $interval, $now);
                            foreach ($period as $date) {
                                $timestamp = $date->getTimestamp();
                                if ($timestamp >= $startTS && $timestamp <= $endTS) {
                                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO expenseOthers (expenseID, name, date, unitPrice, quantity, parentRecurringID)
											VALUES(:expenseID, :name, :date, :unitPrice, :quantity, :parentRecurringID)');
                                    $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id, ':name' => $data['name'], ':date' => $timestamp, ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity'], ':parentRecurringID' => $recurringID]);
                            $changeData = ['subType' => 'other', 'name' => $data['name'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $data['quantity'], 'recurring' => $data['recurring'], 'interval' => $data['interval'], 'dayOfMonth' => $data['dayOfMonth'], 'startDate' => $startTS, 'endDate' => $endTS];
                        } else {
                            //get date of expense
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT date
									FROM expenses
									WHERE expenseID = :expenseID');
                            $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id]);
                            $row = $sth->fetch();
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO expenseOthers (expenseID, name, date, unitPrice, quantity)
									VALUES(:expenseID, :name, :date, :unitPrice, :quantity)');
                            $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id, ':name' => $data['name'], ':date' => $row['date'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity']]);
                            $changeData = ['subType' => 'other', 'name' => $data['name'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $data['quantity']];
                $temp = isset($changeAction) ? $changeAction : 'A';
                addChange('expense', $id, $_SESSION['employeeID'], $temp, json_encode($changeData));
        } elseif ($data['subAction'] == 'edit') {
            //edit subAction
            $subType = $data['subType'];
            $subID = $data['subID'];
            $data = cleanData('expense', $subType, $data);
            $return = verifyData('expense', $subType, 'edit', $data);
            if ($return['status'] != 'fail') {
                if ($subType == 'product') {
                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE expenses_products
							SET unitPrice = :unitPrice, quantity = :quantity
							WHERE expenseProductID = :expenseProductID');
                    $sth->execute([':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity'], ':expenseProductID' => $subID]);
                    $changeData = ['subType' => 'product', 'productID' => $data['productID'], 'locationID' => $data['locationID'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $data['quantity']];
                } elseif ($subType == 'other') {
                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE expenseOthers
							SET unitPrice = :unitPrice, quantity = :quantity
							WHERE expenseOtherID = :expenseOtherID');
                    $sth->execute([':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity'], ':expenseOtherID' => $subID]);
                    $changeData = ['subType' => 'other', 'name' => $data['name'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $data['quantity']];
                addChange('expense', $id, $_SESSION['employeeID'], 'E', json_encode($changeData));
        } elseif ($data['subAction'] == 'delete') {
            //delete subAction
            if ($data['subType'] == 'payment') {
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT date, paymentAmount FROM expensePayments
						WHERE paymentID = :paymentID');
                $sth->execute([':paymentID' => $data['subID']]);
                $row = $sth->fetch();
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM expensePayments
						WHERE paymentID = :paymentID');
                $sth->execute([':paymentID' => $data['subID']]);
                $changeData = ['subType' => 'payment', 'date' => $row['date'], 'paymentAmount' => $row['paymentAmount']];
            } elseif ($data['subType'] == 'product') {
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT productID, locationID, unitPrice, quantity, recurringID
						FROM expenses_products 
						WHERE expenseProductID = :expenseProductID');
                $sth->execute([':expenseProductID' => $data['subID']]);
                $row = $sth->fetch();
                $recurring = $row['recurringID'] === null ? 'no' : 'yes';
                //delete item and children (if any)
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM expenses_products
						WHERE expenseProductID = :expenseProductID OR parentRecurringID = :recurringID');
                $sth->execute([':expenseProductID' => $data['subID'], ':recurringID' => $row['recurringID']]);
                $changeData = ['subType' => 'product', 'productID' => $row['productID'], 'locationID' => $row['locationID'], 'unitPrice' => $row['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $row['quantity'], 'recurring' => $recurring];
            } elseif ($data['subType'] == 'other') {
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT name, unitPrice, quantity, recurringID 
						FROM expenseOthers 
						WHERE expenseOtherID = :expenseOtherID');
                $sth->execute([':expenseOtherID' => $data['subID']]);
                $row = $sth->fetch();
                $recurring = $row['recurringID'] === null ? 'no' : 'yes';
                //delete item and children (if any)
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM expenseOthers
						WHERE expenseOtherID = :expenseOtherID OR parentRecurringID = :recurringID');
                $sth->execute([':expenseOtherID' => $data['subID'], ':recurringID' => $row['recurringID']]);
                $changeData = ['subType' => 'other', 'name' => $row['name'], 'unitPrice' => $row['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $row['quantity'], 'recurring' => $recurring];
            addChange('expense', $id, $_SESSION['employeeID'], 'D', json_encode($changeData));
        return $return;