Example #1
 function registerTempUser()
     // No user name or password? Temp user registration
     // Let's make a user with a GUID instead of an email address?
     $guid = generateGUID();
     $result = User::getUserInfo($guid);
     while (!empty($result)) {
         $guid = generateGUID();
         $result = User::getUserInfo($guid);
     return $guid;
Example #2
function gateway_paypal_payflow($seperator, $sessionid)
    global $wpdb, $wpsc_cart;
    $purchase_log_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . "` WHERE `sessionid`= " . $sessionid . " LIMIT 1";
    $purchase_log = $wpdb->get_results($purchase_log_sql, ARRAY_A);
    $fraud = 'NO';
    $env = get_option('paypal_payflow_test') ? 'Test' : 'Live';
    $user = get_option('paypal_payflow_user');
    $password = get_option('paypal_payflow_pass');
    $partner = get_option('paypal_payflow_partner');
    $vendor = get_option('paypal_payflow_vendor');
    $currency = get_option('paypal_payflow_curcode');
    if ($env == 'Live') {
        $submiturl = 'https://payflowpro.paypal.com';
        $PayPalURL = 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&token=';
    } else {
        $submiturl = 'https://pilot-payflowpro.paypal.com';
        $PayPalURL = 'https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&token=';
    $cart_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS . "` WHERE `purchaseid`='" . $purchase_log[0]['id'] . "'";
    $cart = $wpdb->get_results($cart_sql, ARRAY_A);
    $member_subtype = get_product_meta($cart[0]['prodid'], 'is_permenant', true);
    $member_shiptype = get_product_meta($cart[0]['prodid'], 'membership_length', true);
    $member_shiptype = $member_shiptype[0];
    $status = get_product_meta($cart[0]['prodid'], 'is_membership', true);
    $is_member = $status;
    $is_perm = $member_subtype;
    $length = $member_shiptype['length'];
    $custom = $purchase_log[0]['id'];
    if ($_POST['collected_data'][get_option('paypal_form_first_name')] != '') {
        $data['first_name'] = urlencode($_POST['collected_data'][get_option('paypal_form_first_name')]);
    if ($_POST['collected_data'][get_option('paypal_form_last_name')] != '') {
        $data['last_name'] = urlencode($_POST['collected_data'][get_option('paypal_form_last_name')]);
    if ($_POST['collected_data'][get_option('paypal_form_address')] != '') {
        $address_rows = explode("\n\r", $_POST['collected_data'][get_option('paypal_form_address')]);
        $data['address1'] = urlencode(str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $address_rows[0]));
        if ($address_rows != null) {
            $data['address2'] = implode(", ", $address_rows);
        } else {
            $data['address2'] = '';
    if ($_POST['collected_data'][get_option('paypal_form_city')] != '') {
        $data['city'] = urlencode($_POST['collected_data'][get_option('paypal_form_city')]);
    if ($_POST['collected_data'][get_option('paypal_form_state')] != '') {
        $data['state'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT code FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX . "` WHERE id='" . wpsc_get_customer_meta('billing_region') . "'");
    $customer_billing_country = wpsc_get_customer_meta('billing_country');
    if (preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]{2}\$/", $customer_billing_country)) {
        $data['country'] = $customer_billing_country;
    if (is_numeric($_POST['collected_data'][get_option('paypal_form_post_code')])) {
        $data['zip'] = urlencode($_POST['collected_data'][get_option('paypal_form_post_code')]);
    $email_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `id`,`type` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . "` WHERE `type` IN ('email') AND `active` = '1'", ARRAY_A);
    foreach ((array) $email_data as $email) {
        $data['email'] = $_POST['collected_data'][$email['id']];
    if ($_POST['collected_data'][get_option('email_form_field')] != null && $data['email'] == null) {
        $data['email'] = $_POST['collected_data'][get_option('email_form_field')];
    $card_num = $_POST['card_number'];
    $cvv2 = $_POST['card_cvv'];
    $expiry = $_POST['expiry']['month'] . $_POST['expiry']['year'];
    $unique_id = generateGUID();
    $fname = $data['first_name'];
    $lname = $data['last_name'];
    $addr1 = $data['address1'] . $data['address2'];
    $addr2 = $data['city'];
    $addr3 = $data['state'];
    $addr4 = $data['zip'];
    $country = $data['country'];
    $email = $data['email'];
    $amount = wpsc_cart_total(false);
    $amount = number_format($amount, 2, '.', '');
    if ($is_member[0]) {
        switch ($member_shiptype['unit']) {
            case 'w':
                $member_ship_unit = 'WEEK';
            case 'm':
                $member_ship_unit = 'MONT';
            case 'y':
                $member_ship_unit = 'YEAR';
        $paypal_query_array = array('USER' => $user, 'PROFILENAME' => $fname . $lname . $purchase_log[0]['id'], 'VENDOR' => $vendor, 'PARTNER' => $partner, 'PWD' => $password, 'TENDER' => 'C', 'TRXTYPE' => 'R', 'ACTION' => 'A', 'START' => date('m') . (date('d') + 1) . date('Y'), 'ACCT' => $card_num, 'CVV2' => $cvv2, 'EXPDATE' => $expiry, 'ACCTTYPE' => $card, 'AMT' => $amount, 'CURRENCY' => $currency, 'FIRSTNAME' => $fname, 'LASTNAME' => $lname, 'STREET' => $addr1, 'CITY' => $addr2, 'STATE' => $addr3, 'ZIP' => $addr4, 'COUNTRY' => $country, 'EMAIL' => $email, 'OPTIONALTRX' => 'A', 'OPTIONALTRXAMT' => '0.00', 'CLIENTIP' => $cust_ip, 'COMMENT1' => $custom, 'ORDERDESC' => $fname . $lname . $purchase_log[0]['id'], 'PAYPERIOD' => $member_ship_unit);
        foreach ($paypal_query_array as $key => $value) {
            if ($key == 'USER') {
                $paypal_query .= $key . '[' . strlen($value) . ']=' . $value;
            } else {
                $paypal_query .= '&' . $key . '[' . strlen($value) . ']=' . $value;
        $response = fetch_data($unique_id, $submiturl, $paypal_query);
        response_handler($response, 'NO', $sessionid, $colected_data, 1);
    if (get_option('paypal_payflow_method') == '0') {
        $tender = 'P';
    } else {
        $tender = 'C';
    $fname = $data['first_name'];
    $lname = $data['last_name'];
    $addr1 = $data['address1'] . $data['address2'];
    $addr2 = $data['city'];
    $addr3 = $data['state'];
    $addr4 = $data['zip'];
    $country = $data['country'];
    $email = $data['email'];
    $paypal_query_array = array('USER' => $user, 'VENDOR' => $vendor, 'PARTNER' => $partner, 'PWD' => $password, 'TENDER' => $tender, 'TRXTYPE' => 'S', 'ACCT' => $card_num, 'CVV2' => $cvv2, 'EXPDATE' => $expiry, 'ACCTTYPE' => $card, 'AMT' => $amount, 'CURRENCY' => $currency, 'FIRSTNAME' => $fname, 'LASTNAME' => $lname, 'STREET' => $addr1, 'CITY' => $addr2, 'STATE' => $addr3, 'ZIP' => $addr4, 'COUNTRY' => $country, 'EMAIL' => $email, 'CLIENTIP' => $cust_ip, 'COMMENT1' => $custom, 'COMMENT2' => '', 'INVNUM' => $order_num, 'ORDERDESC' => $desc, 'VERBOSITY' => 'MEDIUM', 'CARDSTART' => $card_start, 'CARDISSUE' => $card_issue);
    foreach ($paypal_query_array as $key => $value) {
        if ($key == 'USER') {
            $paypal_query .= $key . '[' . strlen($value) . ']=' . $value;
        } else {
            $paypal_query .= '&' . $key . '[' . strlen($value) . ']=' . $value;
    $response = fetch_data($unique_id, $submiturl, $paypal_query);
    response_handler($response, 'NO', $sessionid, $colected_data);
Example #3
function ConfirmPayment($FinalPaymentAmt)
    /* Gather the information to make the final call to
       finalize the PayPal payment.  The variable nvpstr
       holds the name value pairs
    //Format the other parameters that were stored in the session from the previous calls
    $token = $_SESSION['token'];
    $paymentType = $_SESSION['paymentType'];
    $currencyCodeType = $_SESSION['currencyCodeType'];
    $payerID = $_SESSION['payer_id'];
    $serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
    $nvpstr = "&TENDER=P&ACTION=D";
    if ("Sale" == $paymentType) {
        $nvpstr .= "&TRXTYPE=S";
    } elseif ("Authorization" == $paymentType) {
        $nvpstr .= "&TRXTYPE=A";
    } else {
        $nvpstr .= "&TRXTYPE=S";
    $nvpstr .= "&TOKEN=" . $token . "&PAYERID=" . $payerID . "&AMT=" . $FinalPaymentAmt;
    $nvpstr .= '&CURRENCY=' . $currencyCodeType . '&IPADDRESS=' . $serverName;
    // Each part of Express Checkout must have a unique request ID.
    // Save it as a session variable in order to avoid duplication
    $unique_id = isset($_SESSION['unique_id']) ? $_SESSION['unique_id'] : generateGUID();
    $_SESSION['unique_id'] = $unique_id;
    /* Make the call to PayPal to finalize payment
       If an error occured, show the resulting errors
    $resArray = hash_call($nvpstr, $unique_id);
    /* Display the API response back to the browser.
       If the response from PayPal was a success, display the response parameters'
       If the response was an error, display the errors received using APIError.php.
    $ack = strtoupper($resArray["RESULT"]);
    return $resArray;
Example #4
 function createUser($userID, $privilegeID, $accessID, $pwd, $attrs = array(), $site = SITENAME)
         $site = SITENAME;
     if (checkUserID($userID, $site)) {
         return array("error" => "UserID Exists");
     //Check PrivilegeID
     $sql = _db(true)->_selectQ(_dbTable("privileges", true), "count(*) as cnt")->_where(array("id" => $privilegeID))->_whereOR("site", [SITENAME, '*']);
     $resData = $sql->_GET();
     if (!$resData) {
         return array("error" => "PrivilegeID Query Error");
     } elseif ($resData[0]['cnt'] <= 0) {
         return array("error" => "PrivilegeID Not Found For Site");
     $sql = _db(true)->_selectQ(_dbTable("access", true), "count(*) as cnt")->_where(array("blocked" => 'false', "id" => $accessID))->_whereMulti([["sites", [SITENAME, "FIND"]], ["sites", '*']], "AND", "OR");
     $resData = $sql->_GET();
     if (!$resData) {
         return array("error" => "AccessID Query Error");
     } elseif ($resData[0]['cnt'] <= 0) {
         return array("error" => "AccessID Not Found For Site");
     $params = getDefaultParams($userID, $pwd, $privilegeID, $accessID);
     //code added by Mita
     if (isset($attrs['pwd'])) {
     if (isset($attrs['pwd_salt'])) {
     //End of Mita's Code
     $data = array_merge($params, $attrs);
     //If custom guid is there, then no default guid
     if (isset($data['guid'])) {
         $data['guid'] = generateGUID($data['guid']);
     } else {
         $data['guid'] = generateGUID($params['guid']);
     $reqParams = explode(",", getConfig("USER_CREATE_REQUIRED_FIELDS"));
     foreach ($reqParams as $vx) {
         if (!isset($data[$vx]) || $data[$vx] == null || strlen($data[$vx]) <= 0) {
             return array("error" => "Missing Field", "field" => $vx);
     $sql = _db(true)->_insertQ1(_dbTable("users", true), $data);
     $res = _dbQuery($sql, true);
     if ($res) {
         return array("guid" => $data['guid'], "userid" => $data['userid'], "name" => $data['name'], "email" => $data['email'], "status" => "success");
     $errMsg = _db(true)->get_error();
     if (strpos(strtolower("###" . $errMsg), "duplicate") > 2) {
         return array("error" => "UserID Duplicate Across Sites");
     } else {
         return array("error" => "Error In User Creation", "details" => $errMsg);
 * @param array $params with at least filebase and ext as required keys,
 * and licenselines and authorlines as optional keys.
function generateBoilerplate($params)
    $ext = $params['ext'];
    $type = getTemplateType($ext);
    if (strlen($type) == 0) {
        die("Warning: Bad value for 'ext' - could not look up template type for: {$ext}\n");
    $output_ext = getExtensionForType($ext);
    $mimetype = getMimeForExtension($output_ext);
    $filebase = $params['filebase'];
    $filename = $filebase . '.' . $output_ext;
    // TODO hardcoded hack for prettier templates
    $headerext = '.h';
    $year = date('Y');
    $substitutions = array('YEAR' => $year);
    if (array_has_valid_string_for_key('licenselines', $params)) {
        $licenseraw = '[LICENSE]' . $params['licenselines'] . '[LICENSE]';
    } else {
        global $defaultLicense;
        $licenseraw = $defaultLicense;
    if (array_has_valid_string_for_key('authorlines', $params)) {
        $authorinfo = $params['authorlines'];
    } else {
        global $defaultAuthor;
        $authorinfo = $defaultAuthor;
    generateAttachment($filename, $mimetype);
    $mysubstitutions = array('YEAR' => $year, 'AUTHORLINES' => doSubstitutions(indentAuthorInfo($authorinfo), $substitutions), 'LICENSELINES' => doSubstitutions(commentLicense($licenseraw), $substitutions), 'DEF' => makeCIdentifier('INCLUDED_' . $filebase . '_' . $output_ext . '_GUID_' . strtoupper(generateGUID())), 'FILEBASE' => $filebase, 'HEADEREXT' => $headerext);
    print doSubstitutions(file_get_contents('templates/' . $type . '.tpl', true), $mysubstitutions);
Example #6
    $appToEdit = null;
    if (isset($_GET['guid'], $_GET['token'], $myappsToken) && md5($myappsToken) === $_GET['token']) {
        $matchingApps = getArrayFromSQLQuery($mysqlConn, 'SELECT guid, name, description, category, subcategory, rating, downloads, webicon, publishstate,
																appversions.number AS version, appversions.appdata, group_concat(screenshots.imageIndex) AS screenshots FROM apps
																LEFT JOIN appversions ON appversions.versionId = (SELECT versionId FROM appversions appver WHERE appver.appGuid = ? ORDER BY appver.versionId DESC LIMIT 1)
																LEFT JOIN screenshots ON screenshots.appGuid = ?
																WHERE guid = ? AND publisher = ?
																GROUP BY guid LIMIT 1', 'ssss', [$_GET['guid'], $_GET['guid'], $_GET['guid'], $_SESSION['user_id']]);
        //Get app with user/GUID combination
        printAndExitIfTrue(count($matchingApps) != 1, 'Invalid app GUID.');
        //Check if there is one app matching attempted GUID/user combination
        $appToEdit = $matchingApps[0];
        $_SESSION['publish_app_guid' . $guidId] = $appToEdit['guid'];
        $_SESSION['user_app_version' . $appToEdit['guid']] = $appToEdit['version'];
    } else {
        $_SESSION['publish_app_guid' . $guidId] = generateGUID();
    if (!isset($_SESSION['publish_token' . $_SESSION['publish_app_guid' . $guidId]])) {
        $_SESSION['publish_token' . $_SESSION['publish_app_guid' . $guidId]] = uniqid(mt_rand(), true);
    $editing = isset($appToEdit);
		<h1 class="animated bounceInDown text-center"><?php 
    if (isset($appToEdit)) {
        echo 'Updating ' . escapeHTMLChars($appToEdit['name']);
    } else {
        echo 'Add a new application';
		<br />