function getOptions() { $query = gc("option_model", "getOptions"); $res = array(); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($query->result_array() as $item) { $key = $item['key']; $val = $item['value']; $res[$key] = $val; } } return $res; }
} if ($pxip != "") { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, $pxip); } if ($nobody == "true") { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1); } if ($sslverify == "true") { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); } $result = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); return $result; } $text = gc($link); $pos = strpos($text, '"download":"'); if ($pos !== false) { $text = substr($text, $pos + 12); $pos = strpos($text, '"'); if ($pos !== false) { $text = substr($text, 0, $pos); $text = str_replace('\\/', '/', $text); $text = '[{"url":"","height":215,"width":512,"type":"image/gif","medium":"image"},{"url":"' . $text . '","height":536,"width":1280,"type":"video/mpeg4","medium":"video"}]'; if ($fd_cache) { apc_store($fd_cache_key, $text, 900); } if (isset($is_vi) && isset($cache_key)) { if ($is_vi) { apc_store($cache_key, $text, 3600); }
$text = '[{"url":"' . $ht . '4.bp.blogspot' . $cm . '-csh-pGuVtOU/Um6LUwFsKMI/AAAAAAAAAOM/UoBgOWhutGA/s1600/background.png","height":215,"width":512,"type":"image/gif","medium":"image"},{"url":"' . $text . '","height":536,"width":1280,"type":"video/mpeg4","medium":"video"}]'; die($text); } } die("nada"); } else { //link de watch $pos = strpos($text, 'sDownloadLink":"'); if ($pos !== false) { $text = substr($text, $pos + 16); $pos = strpos($text, '"'); if ($pos !== false) { $fin = strpos($text, '"', $pos); $text = substr($text, 0, $fin); $status = gc($text . "?exists=create&container=flv"); if (strpos($status, "<state>true") < 1) { sleep(2); $status = gc($text . "?exists=create&container=flv"); if (strpos(gc($text . "?exists=create&container=flv"), "<state>true") < 1) { die('{"error":"Try later please","status","' . $status . '"}'); } } $text = $text . "?container=flv"; $text = '[{"url":"' . $ht . '4.bp.blogspot' . $cm . '-csh-pGuVtOU/Um6LUwFsKMI/AAAAAAAAAOM/UoBgOWhutGA/s1600/background.png","height":215,"width":512,"type":"image/gif","medium":"image"},{"url":"' . $text . '","height":358,"width":854,"type":"application/x-shockwave-flash","medium":"video"}]'; die($text); } } die; } ?>
function gnc($a, $r, $n) { $a = gc($a, $r); return $a[$n]; }
function txt($i, $s = 30, $t = '版权所有', $c = 'rand', $a = 0, $p = 5, $f = true, $fn = 't_') { $font = dirname(__FILE__) . '/f.ttf'; $ii = getimagesize($i); if ($ii[2] == 2) { if ($ii[0] > 300) { $ni = imagecreatefromjpeg($i); $pos = imagettfbbox($s, 0, $font, $t); $pad = 30; switch ($p) { case 1: //左上角 $x = 0 - $pos[0] + $pad; $y = 0 - $pos[7] + $pad; break; case 2: //上边 水平中央 $x = ($ii[0] - $pos[2]) / 2; $y = 0 - $pos[7] + $pad; break; case 3: $x = $ii[0] - $pos[2] - $pad; $y = 0 - $pos[7] + $pad; break; case 4: $x = 0 - $pos[0] + $pad; $y = ($ii[1] - $pos[6]) / 2; break; case 5: $x = ($ii[0] - $pos[2]) / 2; $y = ($ii[1] - $pos[6]) / 2; break; case 6: $x = $ii[0] - $pos[2] - $pad; $y = ($ii[1] - $pos[6]) / 2; break; case 7: $x = 0 - $pos[0] + $pad; $y = $ii[1] - $pos[6] - $pad; break; case 8: $x = ($ii[0] - $pos[2]) / 2; $y = $ii[1] - $pos[6] - $pad; break; case 9: $x = $ii[0] - $pos[2] - $pad; $y = $ii[1] - $pos[6] - $pad; break; } imagettftext($ni, $s, 0, $x, $y, gc($ni, $c, $a), $font, $t); if ($f) { imagejpeg($ni, $i); } else { $path = dirname($i) . '/'; $name = $fn . substr($i, strrpos($i, '/') + 1); imagejpeg($ni, $path . $name); } imagedestroy($ni); } } }
table .flooding { background-color: #4169e1; } table .flooded { background-color: #000080; } </style> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" /> </head> <body> <?php function gc($p2) { global $g_iSize; return !$p2 ? rand(0, ceil($g_iSize / 2 - 1)) : rand(ceil($g_iSize / 2 - 1), $g_iSize - 1); } // sections = topright, righttop, rightbottom, bottomright, bottomleft, leftbottom, lefttop, topleft $sections = array(array(gc(1), 0), array($g_iSize - 1, gc(0)), array($g_iSize - 1, gc(1)), array(gc(1), $g_iSize - 1), array(gc(0), $g_iSize - 1), array(0, gc(1)), array(0, gc(0)), array(gc(0), 0)); $sides = array('t', 'r', 'r', 'b', 'b', 'l', 'l', 't'); $start = rand(0, 7); $target = $start - 4 < 0 ? $start + 4 : $start - 4; $start = array($sections[$start], $sides[$start]); $target = array($sections[$target], $sides[$target]); echo '<table id="flow">' . "\n"; echo '<tr>' . str_repeat('<th></th>', $g_iSize + 2) . '</tr>' . "\n"; foreach ($arrTiles as $n => $t) { if (0 == $n % $g_iSize) { echo '<tr>' . '<th></th>'; } echo '<td tile="' . $t . '" style="background-image: url(images/161_t' . $t . '.png);"></td>'; if (0 == ($n + 1) % $g_iSize) { echo '<th></th>' . '</tr>' . "\n"; }
scan,s,look,l // <? if($d){ $C[$s][b]=0; if(!$r){ w($s,"At ~13{$C[$s][a]}~07/~13{$C[$s][r]}~07, detected:"); // give list of exits // WARN //if (is_array(gc($C[$s][a],$C[$s][r]))) foreach(gc($C[$s][a],$C[$s][r])as$d=>$n){ $x=cr($C[$s][per],$n[ste]); // print the connection if the detect it if($x>0) $e.=" ~14$d~07"; // show the type if they're good if($x>1) if($n[f]==$C[$s][r]) $e.=":~14{$W[$C[$s][a]][n][$n[t]][type]}"; else $e.=":~14{$W[$C[$s][a]][n][$n[f]][type]}"; // and the name if they're really good if($x>2) if($n[f]==$C[$s][r]) $e.="~07:~14{$n[t]}"; else $e.="~07:~14{$n[f]}"; }
function noisy_gc($maxlifetime) { echo "GC [" . $maxlifetime . "]\n"; echo gc($maxlifetime) . " deleted\n"; return true; }
function noisy_gc($maxlifetime) { echo "GC [" . $maxlifetime . "]\n"; gc($maxlifetime); }