public function common_functions() { echo is_php('5.3'); echo is_really_writable('file.php'); echo config_item('key'); echo set_status_header('200', 'text'); echo remove_invisible_characters('Java\\0script'); echo html_escape(array()); echo get_mimes(); echo is_https(); echo is_cli(); echo function_usable('eval'); }
/** * Image Process Using NetPBM * * This function will resize, crop or rotate * * @param string * @return bool */ public function image_process_netpbm($action = 'resize') { if ($this->library_path === '') { $this->set_error('imglib_libpath_invalid'); return FALSE; } // Build the resizing command switch ($this->image_type) { case 1: $cmd_in = 'giftopnm'; $cmd_out = 'ppmtogif'; break; case 2: $cmd_in = 'jpegtopnm'; $cmd_out = 'ppmtojpeg'; break; case 3: $cmd_in = 'pngtopnm'; $cmd_out = 'ppmtopng'; break; } if ($action === 'crop') { $cmd_inner = 'pnmcut -left ' . $this->x_axis . ' -top ' . $this->y_axis . ' -width ' . $this->width . ' -height ' . $this->height; } elseif ($action === 'rotate') { switch ($this->rotation_angle) { case 90: $angle = 'r270'; break; case 180: $angle = 'r180'; break; case 270: $angle = 'r90'; break; case 'vrt': $angle = 'tb'; break; case 'hor': $angle = 'lr'; break; } $cmd_inner = 'pnmflip -' . $angle . ' '; } else { $cmd_inner = 'pnmscale -xysize ' . $this->width . ' ' . $this->height; } $cmd = $this->library_path . $cmd_in . ' ' . $this->full_src_path . ' | ' . $cmd_inner . ' | ' . $cmd_out . ' > ' . $this->dest_folder . 'netpbm.tmp'; $retval = 1; // exec() might be disabled if (function_usable('exec')) { @exec($cmd, $output, $retval); } // Did it work? if ($retval > 0) { $this->set_error('imglib_image_process_failed'); return FALSE; } // With NetPBM we have to create a temporary image. // If you try manipulating the original it fails so // we have to rename the temp file. copy($this->dest_folder . 'netpbm.tmp', $this->full_dst_path); unlink($this->dest_folder . 'netpbm.tmp'); chmod($this->full_dst_path, $this->file_permissions); return TRUE; }
/** * File MIME type * * Detects the (actual) MIME type of the uploaded file, if possible. * The input array is expected to be $_FILES[$field] * * @param array $file * @return void */ protected function _file_mime_type($file) { // We'll need this to validate the MIME info string (e.g. text/plain; charset=us-ascii) $regexp = '/^([a-z\\-]+\\/[a-z0-9\\-\\.\\+]+)(;\\s.+)?$/'; /* Fileinfo extension - most reliable method * * Unfortunately, prior to PHP 5.3 - it's only available as a PECL extension and the * more convenient FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE flag doesn't exist. */ if (function_exists('finfo_file')) { $finfo = @finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME); if (is_resource($finfo)) { $mime = @finfo_file($finfo, $file['tmp_name']); finfo_close($finfo); /* According to the comments section of the PHP manual page, * it is possible that this function returns an empty string * for some files (e.g. if they don't exist in the magic MIME database) */ if (is_string($mime) && preg_match($regexp, $mime, $matches)) { $this->file_type = $matches[1]; return; } } } /* This is an ugly hack, but UNIX-type systems provide a "native" way to detect the file type, * which is still more secure than depending on the value of $_FILES[$field]['type'], and as it * was reported in issue #750 ( - it's better * than mime_content_type() as well, hence the attempts to try calling the command line with * three different functions. * * Notes: * - the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR comparison ensures that we're not on a Windows system * - many system admins would disable the exec(), shell_exec(), popen() and similar functions * due to security concerns, hence the function_usable() checks */ if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR !== '\\') { $cmd = function_exists('escapeshellarg') ? 'file --brief --mime ' . escapeshellarg($file['tmp_name']) . ' 2>&1' : 'file --brief --mime ' . $file['tmp_name'] . ' 2>&1'; if (function_usable('exec')) { /* This might look confusing, as $mime is being populated with all of the output when set in the second parameter. * However, we only need the last line, which is the actual return value of exec(), and as such - it overwrites * anything that could already be set for $mime previously. This effectively makes the second parameter a dummy * value, which is only put to allow us to get the return status code. */ $mime = @exec($cmd, $mime, $return_status); if ($return_status === 0 && is_string($mime) && preg_match($regexp, $mime, $matches)) { $this->file_type = $matches[1]; return; } } if (!ini_get('safe_mode') && function_usable('shell_exec')) { $mime = @shell_exec($cmd); if (strlen($mime) > 0) { $mime = explode("\n", trim($mime)); if (preg_match($regexp, $mime[count($mime) - 1], $matches)) { $this->file_type = $matches[1]; return; } } } if (function_usable('popen')) { $proc = @popen($cmd, 'r'); if (is_resource($proc)) { $mime = @fread($proc, 512); @pclose($proc); if ($mime !== FALSE) { $mime = explode("\n", trim($mime)); if (preg_match($regexp, $mime[count($mime) - 1], $matches)) { $this->file_type = $matches[1]; return; } } } } } // Fall back to the deprecated mime_content_type(), if available (still better than $_FILES[$field]['type']) if (function_exists('mime_content_type')) { $this->file_type = @mime_content_type($file['tmp_name']); if (strlen($this->file_type) > 0) { return; } } $this->file_type = $file['type']; }
/** * Send using Sendmail * * @return bool */ protected function _send_with_sendmail() { // is popen() enabled? if (!function_usable('popen') or FALSE === ($fp = @popen($this->mailpath . ' -oi -f ' . $this->clean_email($this->_headers['From']) . ' -t -r ' . $this->clean_email($this->_headers['Return-Path']), 'w'))) { return FALSE; } fputs($fp, $this->_header_str); fputs($fp, $this->_finalbody); $status = pclose($fp); if ($status !== 0) { $this->_set_error_message('lang:email_exit_status', $status); $this->_set_error_message('lang:email_no_socket'); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
function isWindowsNT() { static $winnt; if (isset($winnt)) { return $winnt; } // FIXME: Do this using PHP_OS instead of php_uname(). // $winnt = (PHP_OS == "WINNT"); // example from if (function_usable('php_uname')) { $winnt = preg_match('/^Windows NT/', php_uname()); } else { $winnt = false; } // FIXME: punt. return $winnt; }
/** * Internal CI Data Loader * * Used to load views and files. * * Variables are prefixed with _ci_ to avoid symbol collision with * variables made available to view files. * * @used-by CI_Loader::view() * @used-by CI_Loader::file() * @param array $_ci_data Data to load * @return object */ protected function _ci_load($_ci_data) { // Set the default data variables foreach (array('_ci_view', '_ci_vars', '_ci_path', '_ci_return') as $_ci_val) { ${$_ci_val} = isset($_ci_data[$_ci_val]) ? $_ci_data[$_ci_val] : FALSE; } $file_exists = FALSE; // Set the path to the requested file if (is_string($_ci_path) && $_ci_path !== '') { $_ci_x = explode('/', $_ci_path); $_ci_file = end($_ci_x); } else { $_ci_ext = pathinfo($_ci_view, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $_ci_file = $_ci_ext === '' ? $_ci_view . '.php' : $_ci_view; foreach ($this->_ci_view_paths as $_ci_view_file => $cascade) { if (file_exists($_ci_view_file . $_ci_file)) { $_ci_path = $_ci_view_file . $_ci_file; $file_exists = TRUE; break; } if (!$cascade) { break; } } } if (!$file_exists && !file_exists($_ci_path)) { show_error('Unable to load the requested file: ' . $_ci_file); } // This allows anything loaded using $this->load (views, files, etc.) // to become accessible from within the Controller and Model functions. $_ci_CI =& get_instance(); foreach (get_object_vars($_ci_CI) as $_ci_key => $_ci_var) { if (!isset($this->{$_ci_key})) { $this->{$_ci_key} =& $_ci_CI->{$_ci_key}; } } /* * Extract and cache variables * * You can either set variables using the dedicated $this->load->vars() * function or via the second parameter of this function. We'll merge * the two types and cache them so that views that are embedded within * other views can have access to these variables. */ if (is_array($_ci_vars)) { $this->_ci_cached_vars = array_merge($this->_ci_cached_vars, $_ci_vars); } extract($this->_ci_cached_vars); /* * Buffer the output * * We buffer the output for two reasons: * 1. Speed. You get a significant speed boost. * 2. So that the final rendered template can be post-processed by * the output class. Why do we need post processing? For one thing, * in order to show the elapsed page load time. Unless we can * intercept the content right before it's sent to the browser and * then stop the timer it won't be accurate. */ ob_start(); // If the PHP installation does not support short tags we'll // do a little string replacement, changing the short tags // to standard PHP echo statements. if (!is_php('5.4') && !ini_get('short_open_tag') && config_item('rewrite_short_tags') === TRUE && function_usable('eval')) { echo eval('?>' . preg_replace('/;*\\s*\\?>/', '; ?>', str_replace('<?=', '<?php echo ', file_get_contents($_ci_path)))); } else { include $_ci_path; // include() vs include_once() allows for multiple views with the same name } log_message('info', 'File loaded: ' . $_ci_path); // Return the file data if requested if ($_ci_return === TRUE) { $buffer = ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); return $buffer; } /* * Flush the buffer... or buff the flusher? * * In order to permit views to be nested within * other views, we need to flush the content back out whenever * we are beyond the first level of output buffering so that * it can be seen and included properly by the first included * template and any subsequent ones. Oy! */ if (ob_get_level() > $this->_ci_ob_level + 1) { ob_end_flush(); } else { $_ci_CI->output->append_output(ob_get_contents()); @ob_end_clean(); } return $this; }
public function render() { if (!empty($this->image)) { if (isset($this->_template)) { $vars = get_object_vars($this); extract($vars); ob_start(); // If the PHP installation does not support short tags we'll // do a little string replacement, changing the short tags // to standard PHP echo statements. if (!ini_get('short_open_tag') and function_usable('eval')) { echo eval('?>' . preg_replace('/;*\\s*\\?>/', '; ?>', str_replace('<?=', '<?php echo ', $this->_template))); } else { echo eval('?>' . preg_replace('/;*\\s*\\?>/', '; ?>', $this->_template)); } $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $output; } else { if (isset($this->link)) { $output[] = new Link($this->image, $this->link); $caption = new Link($this->caption, $this->link, ['class' => 'caption']); } else { $output[] = $this->image; $caption = new Tag('div', $this->caption, ['class' => 'caption']); } if (isset($this->description)) { $caption->append_content($this->description); } if (!empty($this->buttons)) { $button = new Tag('p', implode(PHP_EOL, $this->buttons), ['class' => 'thumbnail-buttons']); $caption->append_content($button); } $output[] = $caption; return (new Tag($this->_tag, implode(PHP_EOL, $output), $this->_attributes))->render(); } } return ''; }
/** * Send using Sendmail. * * @return bool */ protected function _send_with_sendmail() { // is popen() enabled? if (!function_usable('popen') or false === ($fp = @popen($this->mailpath . ' -oi -f ' . $this->clean_email($this->_headers['From']) . ' -t', 'w'))) { // server probably has popen disabled, so nothing we can do to get a verbose error. return false; } fwrite($fp, $this->_header_str); fwrite($fp, $this->_finalbody); $status = pclose($fp); if ($status !== 0) { $this->_set_error_message('lang:email_exit_status', $status); $this->_set_error_message('lang:email_no_socket'); return false; } return true; }
function delete($key) { $vars =& $GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']; if (!function_usable('ini_get') or ini_get('register_globals')) { unset($GLOBALS[$key]); } if (DEBUG) { trigger_error("delete session {$key}", E_USER_WARNING); } unset($vars[$key]); session_unregister($key); }
function delete($key) { if (!function_usable('ini_get') or ini_get('register_globals')) { unset($GLOBALS[$key]); } if (DEBUG) { trigger_error("delete session {$key}", E_USER_WARNING); } unset($_SESSION[$key]); }
/** * Send using Sendmail * * @return bool */ protected function _send_with_sendmail() { // is popen() enabled? if (!function_usable('popen') or FALSE === ($fp = @popen($this->mailpath . ' -oi -f ' . $this->clean_email($this->_headers['From']) . ' -t', 'w'))) { return FALSE; } fputs($fp, $this->_header_str); fputs($fp, $this->_finalbody); $status = pclose($fp); if ($status !== 0) { $this->_set_error_message(_dgettext("system", "Exit status code: %s"), $status); $this->_set_error_message(_dgettext("system", "Unable to open a socket to Sendmail. Please check settings.")); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
function delete($key) { $vars =& $GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']; if (!function_usable('ini_get') or ini_get('register_globals')) { unset($GLOBALS[$key]); } if (DEBUG) { trigger_error("delete session {$key}", E_USER_WARNING); } unset($vars[$key]); if (isset($_SESSION)) { // php-5.2 unset($_SESSION[$key]); } if (!check_php_version(5, 3)) { session_unregister($key); } }
/** * File MIME type * 文件的MIME类型 * Detects the (actual) MIME type of the uploaded file, if possible. 检测(实际)上传文件的MIME类型,如果可能的话。 * The input array is expected to be $_FILES[$field] 输入数组将带有$_FILES($字段) * * @param array $file * @return void */ protected function _file_mime_type($file) { // We'll need this to validate the MIME info string (e.g. text/plain; charset=us-ascii) 我们需要这个来验证MIME信息字符串(例如文本/平原;charset = us - ascii) $regexp = '/^([a-z\\-]+\\/[a-z0-9\\-\\.\\+]+)(;\\s.+)?$/'; /* Fileinfo extension - most reliable method * Fileinfo扩展,最可靠的方法 * Unfortunately, prior to PHP 5.3 - it's only available as a PECL extension and the * more convenient FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE flag doesn't exist. * 不幸的是,PHP 5.3之前——这是只有PECL扩展和更方便FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE标识不存在。 */ if (function_exists('finfo_file')) { $finfo = @finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME); if (is_resource($finfo)) { //有可能是一个错误的返回值,如果没有魔法MIME数据库文件系统上发现的 $mime = @finfo_file($finfo, $file['tmp_name']); finfo_close($finfo); /* According to the comments section of the PHP manual page, 根据PHP手册页的评论部分, * it is possible that this function returns an empty string 有可能是这个函数返回一个空字符串 * for some files (e.g. if they don't exist in the magic MIME database) 对一些文件(例如,如果他们不存在于魔法MIME数据库) */ if (is_string($mime) && preg_match($regexp, $mime, $matches)) { $this->file_type = $matches[1]; return; } } } /* This is an ugly hack, but UNIX-type systems provide a "native" way to detect the file type, * which is still more secure than depending on the value of $_FILES[$field]['type'], and as it * was reported in issue #750 ( - it's better * than mime_content_type() as well, hence the attempts to try calling the command line with * three different functions. * 这是一个丑陋的黑客,但类unix系统提供一种“本地”的方式来检测文件类型,仍比的值取决于安全带有$_file($场)(“类型”), * 据报道在问题# 750(——这比mime_content_type(), * 因此,试图尝试调用命令行,有三个不同的功能。 * Notes: 注释: * - the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR comparison ensures that we're not on a Windows system DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR比较确保我们不是在Windows系统上 * - many system admins would disable the exec(), shell_exec(), popen() and similar functions 许多系统管理员可以禁用exec(),shell_exec(),popen()和类似的功能 * due to security concerns, hence the function_usable() checks 由于安全问题,因此function_usable()检查 */ if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR !== '\\') { $cmd = function_exists('escapeshellarg') ? 'file --brief --mime ' . escapeshellarg($file['tmp_name']) . ' 2>&1' : 'file --brief --mime ' . $file['tmp_name'] . ' 2>&1'; if (function_usable('exec')) { /* This might look confusing, as $mime is being populated with all of the output when set in the second parameter. * 这看起来令人困惑,因为美元mime正在填充所有的输出时,设置在第二个参数。 * However, we only need the last line, which is the actual return value of exec(), and as such - it overwrites * anything that could already be set for $mime previously. This effectively makes the second parameter a dummy * value, which is only put to allow us to get the return status code. * 然而,我们只需要最后一行,这是实际的exec()的返回值,因此,它覆盖任何可能已经被设置为mime之前。 * 这有效地使一个假值,第二个参数是只允许我们返回状态代码。 */ $mime = @exec($cmd, $mime, $return_status); if ($return_status === 0 && is_string($mime) && preg_match($regexp, $mime, $matches)) { $this->file_type = $matches[1]; return; } } if (!ini_get('safe_mode') && function_usable('shell_exec')) { $mime = @shell_exec($cmd); if (strlen($mime) > 0) { $mime = explode("\n", trim($mime)); if (preg_match($regexp, $mime[count($mime) - 1], $matches)) { $this->file_type = $matches[1]; return; } } } if (function_usable('popen')) { $proc = @popen($cmd, 'r'); if (is_resource($proc)) { $mime = @fread($proc, 512); @pclose($proc); if ($mime !== FALSE) { $mime = explode("\n", trim($mime)); if (preg_match($regexp, $mime[count($mime) - 1], $matches)) { $this->file_type = $matches[1]; return; } } } } } // Fall back to the deprecated mime_content_type(), if available (still better than $_FILES[$field]['type']) 回落到弃用mime_content_type(),如果可用 if (function_exists('mime_content_type')) { $this->file_type = @mime_content_type($file['tmp_name']); if (strlen($this->file_type) > 0) { return; } } $this->file_type = $file['type']; }
public function _ci_load($_ci_data) { extract($_ci_data); if (isset($_ci_view)) { $_ci_path = ''; /* add file extension if not provided */ $_ci_file = pathinfo($_ci_view, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) ? $_ci_view : $_ci_view . '.php'; foreach ($this->_ci_view_paths as $path => $cascade) { if (file_exists($view = $path . $_ci_file)) { $_ci_path = $view; break; } if (!$cascade) { break; } } } elseif (isset($_ci_path)) { $_ci_file = basename($_ci_path); if (!file_exists($_ci_path)) { $_ci_path = ''; } } if (empty($_ci_path)) { show_error('Unable to load the requested file: ' . $_ci_file); } if (isset($_ci_vars)) { $this->_ci_cached_vars = array_merge($this->_ci_cached_vars, (array) $_ci_vars); } extract($this->_ci_cached_vars); // Added by Ivan Tcholakov, 28-DEC-2013. if (!empty($_ci_parsers)) { CI::$APP->load->parser(); $_ci_parsers = CI::$APP->parser->parse_config($_ci_parsers, TRUE); } else { $_ci_parsers = array(); } // ob_start(); if (empty($_ci_parsers)) { if (!is_php('5.4') && !ini_get('short_open_tag') && CI::$APP->config->item('rewrite_short_tags') == TRUE && function_usable('eval')) { echo eval('?>' . preg_replace("/;*\\s*\\?>/", "; ?>", str_replace('<?=', '<?php echo ', file_get_contents($_ci_path)))); } else { include $_ci_path; } } else { // This conditional branch has been added by Ivan Tcholakov, 27-DEC-2013. if (!isset($_ci_vars)) { $_ci_vars = array(); } ob_start(); if (!is_php('5.4') && !ini_get('short_open_tag') && CI::$APP->config->item('rewrite_short_tags') == TRUE && function_usable('eval')) { echo eval('?>' . preg_replace("/;*\\s*\\?>/", "; ?>", str_replace('<?=', '<?php echo ', file_get_contents($_ci_path)))); } else { include $_ci_path; } $_ci_template_content = ob_get_clean(); foreach ($_ci_parsers as $_ci_parser) { CI::$APP->load->parser($_ci_parser['parser']); $_ci_template_content = CI::$APP->{$_ci_parser['parser']}->parse_string($_ci_template_content, $_ci_vars, true, $_ci_parser['config']); } echo $_ci_template_content; } log_message('debug', 'File loaded: ' . $_ci_path); if ($_ci_return == TRUE) { return ob_get_clean(); } if (ob_get_level() > $this->_ci_ob_level + 1) { ob_end_flush(); } else { CI::$APP->output->append_output(ob_get_clean()); } }