Example #1
function net2ftp_module_sendHttpHeaders()
    // --------------
    // This function sends HTTP headers
    // --------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    // ------------------------------------
    // 1. Register the global variables
    // ------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 2) {
        // Code for old file jupload applet (jupload version 0.86)
        //		$file_counter = 0;
        //		foreach($_FILES as $tagname=>$object) {
        //			if ($object['name'] != "") {
        //				$file_counter = $file_counter + 1;
        //				$uploadedFilesArray["$file_counter"]["name"]               = $object['name'];
        //				$uploadedFilesArray["$file_counter"]["tmp_name"]           = $object['tmp_name'];
        //				$uploadedFilesArray["$file_counter"]["size"]               = $object['size'];
        //				$uploadedFilesArray["$file_counter"]["error"]              = $object['error'];
        //				// Look for special encoded jupload files
        //				$contentType = $object['type'];
        //				if (substr($contentType,0,7) == "jupload") {
        //					$base64_encoded_path = substr($contentType,8);
        //					$base64_decoded_path = base64_decode($base64_encoded_path);
        //					$uploadedFilesArray["$file_counter"]["absolute_directory"] = $base64_decoded_path;
        //				} // end if
        //			} // end if
        //		} // end foreach
        // Code for new file jupload applet (jupload version 5.0.8)
        $file_counter = 0;
        foreach ($_FILES as $tagname => $object) {
            if ($object['name'] != "") {
                $file_counter = $file_counter + 1;
                $uploadedFilesArray["{$file_counter}"]["name"] = $object['name'];
                $uploadedFilesArray["{$file_counter}"]["type"] = $object['type'];
                $uploadedFilesArray["{$file_counter}"]["tmp_name"] = $object['tmp_name'];
                $uploadedFilesArray["{$file_counter}"]["error"] = $object['error'];
                $uploadedFilesArray["{$file_counter}"]["size"] = $object['size'];
                $uploadedFilesArray["{$file_counter}"]["mime"] = validateEntry($_POST["mimetype" . $file_counter]);
                $uploadedFilesArray["{$file_counter}"]["relative_directory"] = validateDirectory($_POST["relpathinfo" . $file_counter]);
                $uploadedFilesArray["{$file_counter}"]["mtime"] = validateEntry($_POST["filemodificationdate" . $file_counter]);
            // end if
        // end foreach
        echo "Please wait, the files are being transferred to the FTP server...<br />\n";
        // ------------------------------------
        // 2. POST METHOD: Move files from the *webserver's* temporary directory to *net2ftp's*
        // temporary directory (move_uploaded_files).
        // ------------------------------------
        if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" && sizeof($uploadedFilesArray) > 0) {
            $moved_counter = 0;
            for ($j = 1; $j <= sizeof($uploadedFilesArray); $j++) {
                $file_name = $uploadedFilesArray["{$j}"]["name"];
                $file_tmp_name = $uploadedFilesArray["{$j}"]["tmp_name"];
                $file_size = $uploadedFilesArray["{$j}"]["size"];
                $file_error = $uploadedFilesArray["{$j}"]["error"];
                $file_relative_directory = $uploadedFilesArray["{$j}"]["relative_directory"];
                if ($file_name != "" && $file_tmp_name == "" || $file_size > $net2ftp_settings["max_filesize"]) {
                    // The case ($file_name != "" && $file_tmp_name == "") occurs when the file is bigger than the directives set in php.ini
                    // In that case, only $uploadedFilesArray["$j"]["name"] is filled in.
                    echo "WARNING: File <b>{$file_name}</b> skipped: this file is too big.<br />\n";
                } elseif (checkAuthorizedName($file_name) == false || checkAuthorizedName($file_relative_directory) == false) {
                    echo "WARNING: File <b>{$file_relative_directory}</b> skipped: it contains a banned keyword.<br />\n";
                    $skipped = $skipped + 1;
                // Create the temporary filename as follows: (from left to right)
                // - Use prefix "upload__", to be able to identify from where this temporary file comes from
                // - Create a random filename
                // - Add the original filename extension, to be able to identify the filetype
                // - Add suffix ".txt" to avoid that the file would be executed on the webserver
                $extension = get_filename_extension($file_name);
                if (substr($file_name, -6) == "tar.gz") {
                    $extension = "tar.gz";
                $tempfilename = tempnam2($net2ftp_globals["application_tempdir"], "upload__", "." . $extension . ".txt");
                if ($tempfilename == false) {
                    // If you get this warning message, you've probably forgotten to chmod 777 the /temp directory
                    echo "WARNING: File <b>{$file_name}</b> skipped: unable to create a temporary file on the webserver.<br />\n";
                // Move the uploaded file
                $move_uploaded_file_result = move_uploaded_file($uploadedFilesArray["{$j}"]["tmp_name"], $tempfilename);
                if ($move_uploaded_file_result == false) {
                    echo "WARNING: File <b>{$file_name}</b> skipped: unable to move the uploaded file to the webserver's temporary directory.<br />\n";
                } else {
                    $moved_counter = $moved_counter + 1;
                    $acceptedFilesArray["{$moved_counter}"] = $uploadedFilesArray["{$j}"];
                    // Copy all parameters for this file from the $uploadedFilesArray to the $acceptedFilesArray
                    $acceptedFilesArray["{$moved_counter}"]["tmp_name"] = $tempfilename;
                    // Overwrite the old temporary name by the new one
            // end for j
        // end if elseif
        // ------------------------------------
        // 3. Move the files from net2ftp's temporary directory to the FTP server.
        // ------------------------------------
        if (sizeof($acceptedFilesArray) == 0 && sizeof($uploadedFilesArray) != 0) {
            echo "WARNING: No files were accepted (see messages above), so nothing will be transferred to the FTP server.<br />\n";
        } elseif (sizeof($acceptedFilesArray) > 0) {
            // ------------------------------
            // 3.1 Open connection
            // ------------------------------
            // Open connection
            echo __("Connecting to the FTP server") . "<br />\n";
            $conn_id = ftp_openconnection();
            if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
                echo "ERROR: " . $net2ftp_result["errormessage"] . "<br />\n";
                return false;
            // ------------------------------
            // For loop (loop over all the files)
            // ------------------------------
            for ($k = 1; $k <= sizeof($acceptedFilesArray); $k++) {
                $file_name = $acceptedFilesArray["{$k}"]["name"];
                $file_tmp_name = $acceptedFilesArray["{$k}"]["tmp_name"];
                $file_size = $acceptedFilesArray["{$k}"]["size"];
                $file_error = $acceptedFilesArray["{$k}"]["error"];
                $file_relative_directory = $acceptedFilesArray["{$k}"]["relative_directory"];
                $ftpmode = ftpAsciiBinary($file_name);
                if ($ftpmode == FTP_ASCII) {
                    $printftpmode = "FTP_ASCII";
                } elseif ($ftpmode == FTP_BINARY) {
                    $printftpmode = "FTP_BINARY";
                // ------------------------------
                // 3.2 Within the for loop: create the subdirectory if needed
                // ------------------------------
                // Replace Windows-style backslashes \ by Unix-style slashes /
                $file_relative_directory = str_replace("\\", "/", trim($file_relative_directory));
                // Get the names of the subdirectories by splitting the string using slashes /
                $file_subdirectories = explode("/", $file_relative_directory);
                // $targetdirectory contains the successive directories to be created
                $targetdirectory = $net2ftp_globals["directory"];
                // Loop over sizeof()-1 because the last part is the filename itself:
                for ($m = 0; $m < sizeof($file_subdirectories) - 1; $m++) {
                    // Create the targetdirectory string
                    $targetdirectory = glueDirectories($targetdirectory, $file_subdirectories[$m]);
                    // Check if the subdirectories exist
                    if ($targetdirectory != "") {
                        $result = @ftp_chdir($conn_id, $targetdirectory);
                        if ($result == false) {
                            $ftp_mkdir_result = ftp_mkdir($conn_id, $targetdirectory);
                            if ($ftp_mkdir_result == false) {
                                echo "WARNING: Unable to create the directory <b>{$targetdirectory}</b>. The script will try to continue...<br />\n";
                            echo "Directory {$targetdirectory} created.<br />\n";
                        // end if
                    // end if
                // end for m
                // Store the $targetdirectory in the $acceptedFilesArray
                if ($targetdirectory != "" && $targetdirectory != "/") {
                    $acceptedFilesArray["{$k}"]["targetdirectory"] = $targetdirectory;
                // ------------------------------
                // 3.3 Within the for loop: put local file to remote file
                // ------------------------------
                ftp_putfile($conn_id, "", $acceptedFilesArray["{$k}"]["tmp_name"], $acceptedFilesArray["{$k}"]["targetdirectory"], $acceptedFilesArray["{$k}"]["name"], $ftpmode, "move");
                if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
                    echo "ERROR: File <b>{$file_name}</b> skipped. Message: " . $net2ftp_result["errormessage"] . "<br />\n";
                    setErrorVars(true, "", "", "", "");
                } else {
                    echo "The file <b>{$file_name}</b> was transferred to the FTP server successfully. <br />\n";
            // End for k
            // Note: the java applet is looking for the word "SUCCESS" to determine if the upload result is OK or not (see applet parameter stringUploadSuccess)
            // The applet doesn't seem to recognize the words "SUCCESS", "WARNING" or "ERROR" when they are issued by the code above
            echo "SUCCESS";
            // ------------------------------
            // 3.4 Close connection
            // ------------------------------
        // end if
    // end if $screen == 2
function ftp_unziptransferfiles($archivesArray)
    // --------------
    // Extract the directories and files from the archive to a temporary directory on the web server, and
    // then create the directories and put the files on the FTP server
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Open connection
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $conn_id = ftp_openconnection();
    if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
        for ($archive_nr = 1; $archive_nr <= sizeof($archivesArray); $archive_nr++) {
        return false;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // For each archive...
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    for ($archive_nr = 1; $archive_nr <= sizeof($archivesArray); $archive_nr++) {
        // Set status
        setStatus($archive_nr, sizeof($archivesArray), __("Decompressing archives and transferring files"));
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Determine the type of archive depending on the filename extension
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        $archive_name = $archivesArray[$archive_nr]["name"];
        $archive_file = $archivesArray[$archive_nr]["tmp_name"];
        $archivename_without_dottext = substr($archivesArray[$archive_nr]["tmp_name"], 0, strlen($archive) - 4);
        $archive_type = get_filename_extension($archivename_without_dottext);
        $net2ftp_output["ftp_unziptransferfiles"][] = __("Processing archive nr %1\$s: <b>%2\$s</b>", $archive_nr, $archive_name);
        $net2ftp_output["ftp_unziptransferfiles"][] = "<ul>";
        if ($archive_type != "zip" && $archive_type != "tar" && $archive_type != "tgz" && $archive_type != "gz") {
            $net2ftp_output["ftp_unziptransferfiles"][] = __("Archive <b>%1\$s</b> was not processed because its filename extension was not recognized. Only zip, tar, tgz and gz archives are supported at the moment.", $archive_name);
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Extract directories and files
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ------------------------------
        // Check list of files to see if there are any malicious filenames
        // ------------------------------
        if ($archive_type == "zip") {
            $zip = new PclZip($archive_file);
            $list_to_check = $zip->listContent();
        } elseif ($archive_type == "tar" || $archive_type == "tgz" || $archive_type == "gz") {
            $list_to_check = PclTarList($archive_file);
        if ($list_to_check <= 0) {
            $net2ftp_output["ftp_unziptransferfiles"][] = __("Unable to extract the files and directories from the archive");
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($list_to_check); $i++) {
            $source = trim($list_to_check[$i]["filename"]);
            if (strpos($source, "../") !== false || strpos($source, "..\\") !== false) {
                $errormessage = __("Archive contains filenames with ../ or ..\\ - aborting the extraction");
                setErrorVars(false, $errormessage, debug_backtrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
                return false;
        // ------------------------------
        // Generate random directory
        // ------------------------------
        $tempdir = tempdir2($net2ftp_globals["application_tempdir"], "unzip__", "");
        if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
            return false;
        registerTempfile("register", "{$tempdir}");
        // ------------------------------
        // Extract
        // ------------------------------
        if ($archive_type == "zip") {
            $zip = new PclZip($archive_file);
            $list = $zip->extract($p_path = $tempdir);
        } elseif ($archive_type == "tar" || $archive_type == "tgz" || $archive_type == "gz") {
            $list = PclTarExtract($archive_file, $tempdir);
        // This code is not needed any more - see above: if ($list_to_check <= 0)
        if ($list <= 0) {
            //			$net2ftp_output["ftp_unziptransferfiles"][] = __("Unable to extract the files and directories from the archive");
        // ------------------------------
        // Create the directories and put the files on the FTP server
        // ------------------------------
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($list); $i++) {
            $source = trim($list[$i]["filename"]);
            $unzip_status = trim($list[$i]["status"]);
            $target_relative = substr($source, strlen($tempdir));
            $target = $net2ftp_globals["directory"] . $target_relative;
            $ftpmode = ftpAsciiBinary($source);
            if ($unzip_status != "ok") {
                $net2ftp_output["ftp_unziptransferfiles"][] = __("Could not unzip entry %1\$s (error code %2\$s)", $target_relative, $unzip_status);
                setErrorVars(true, "", "", "", "");
            // Directory entry in the archive: create the directory
            if (is_dir($source) == true) {
                ftp_newdirectory($conn_id, $target);
                if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == true) {
                    $net2ftp_output["ftp_unziptransferfiles"][] = __("Created directory %1\$s", $target);
                } else {
                    $net2ftp_output["ftp_unziptransferfiles"][] = __("Could not create directory %1\$s", $target);
                    setErrorVars(true, "", "", "", "");
            } elseif (is_file($source) == true) {
                ftp_putfile($conn_id, dirname($source), basename($source), dirname($target), basename($target), $ftpmode, "move");
                if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == true) {
                    $net2ftp_output["ftp_unziptransferfiles"][] = __("Copied file %1\$s", $target);
                } else {
                    setErrorVars(true, "", "", "", "");
                    $target_relative_parts = explode("/", str_replace("\\", "/", dirname($target_relative)));
                    $directory_to_create = $net2ftp_globals["directory"];
                    for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($target_relative_parts); $j = $j + 1) {
                        $directory_to_create = $directory_to_create . "/" . $target_relative_parts[$j];
                        $ftp_chdir_result = @ftp_chdir($conn_id, $directory_to_create);
                        if ($ftp_chdir_result == false) {
                            ftp_newdirectory($conn_id, $directory_to_create);
                            if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == true) {
                                $net2ftp_output["ftp_unziptransferfiles"][] = __("Created directory %1\$s", $directory_to_create);
                            } else {
                                setErrorVars(true, "", "", "", "");
                        // end if
                    // end for
                    ftp_putfile($conn_id, dirname($source), basename($source), dirname($target), basename($target), $ftpmode, "copy");
                    if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == true) {
                        $net2ftp_output["ftp_unziptransferfiles"][] = __("Copied file %1\$s", $target);
                    } else {
                        setErrorVars(true, "", "", "", "");
                        $net2ftp_output["ftp_unziptransferfiles"][] = __("Could not copy file %1\$s", $target);
            // end elseif file
        // end for
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Delete the uploaded archive and the temporary files
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Delete the temporary directory and its contents
        $delete_dirorfile_result = delete_dirorfile($tempdir);
        if ($delete_dirorfile_result == false) {
            $net2ftp_output["ftp_unziptransferfiles"][] = __("Unable to delete the temporary directory");
        } else {
            registerTempfile("unregister", "{$tempdir}");
        // Delete the archive
        $unlink_result = @unlink($archive_file);
        if ($unlink_result == false) {
            $net2ftp_output["ftp_unziptransferfiles"][] = __("Unable to delete the temporary file %1\$s", $archive_file);
        } else {
            registerTempfile("unregister", "{$archive_file}");
        $net2ftp_output["ftp_unziptransferfiles"][] = "</ul>";
    // End for
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Close connection
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the rename screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    if (isset($_POST["list"]) == true) {
        $list = getSelectedEntries($_POST["list"]);
    } else {
        $list = "";
    if (isset($_POST["newNames"]) == true) {
        $newNames = validateEntry($_POST["newNames"]);
    } else {
        $newNames = "";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for all screens
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Title
    $title = __("Rename directories and files");
    // Form name, back and forward buttons
    $formname = "RenameForm";
    $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='browse';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state2.value='main';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    $forward_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for screen 1
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 1) {
        // Next screen
        $nextscreen = 2;
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 2) {
        // Open connection
        setStatus(2, 10, __("Connecting to the FTP server"));
        $conn_id = ftp_openconnection();
        if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
            return false;
        // Rename files
        setStatus(4, 10, __("Processing the entries"));
        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list["all"]); $i++) {
            if (strstr($list["all"][$i]["dirfilename"], "..") != false) {
                $net2ftp_output["rename"][] = __("The new name may not contain any dots. This entry was not renamed to <b>%1\$s</b>", htmlEncode2($newNames[$i])) . "<br />";
            if (checkAuthorizedName($newNames[$i]) == false) {
                $net2ftp_output["rename"][] = __("The new name may not contain any banned keywords. This entry was not renamed to <b>%1\$s</b>", htmlEncode2($newNames[$i])) . "<br />";
            ftp_rename2($conn_id, $net2ftp_globals["directory"], $list["all"][$i]["dirfilename"], $newNames[$i]);
            if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
                setErrorVars(true, "", "", "", "");
                $net2ftp_output["rename"][] = __("<b>%1\$s</b> could not be renamed to <b>%2\$s</b>", htmlEncode2($list["all"][$i]["dirfilename"]), htmlEncode2($newNames[$i]));
            } else {
                $net2ftp_output["rename"][] = __("<b>%1\$s</b> was successfully renamed to <b>%2\$s</b>", htmlEncode2($list["all"][$i]["dirfilename"]), htmlEncode2($newNames[$i]));
        // End for
        // Close connection
    // end elseif
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the browse screen ($state2=="main") or the directory popup screen ($state2=="popup")
    // For the browse screen ($state2=="main"), 2 template files are called
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Check if the directory name contains \' and if it does, print an error message
    // Note: these directories cannot be browsed, but can be deleted
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //	if (strstr($directory, "\'") != false) {
    //		$errormessage = __("Directories with names containing \' cannot be displayed correctly. They can only be deleted. Please go back and select another subdirectory.");
    //		setErrorVars(false, $errormessage, debug_backtrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
    //		return false;
    //	}
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables
    // With status update if $state2=="main"
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------
    // Open connection
    // ------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "main") {
        setStatus(2, 10, __("Connecting to the FTP server"));
    $conn_id = ftp_openconnection();
    if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
        return false;
    // ------------------------------------
    // Get raw list of directories and files; parse the raw list and return a nice list
    // This function may change the current $directory; a warning message is returned in that case
    // ------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "main") {
        setStatus(4, 10, __("Getting the list of directories and files"));
    $list = ftp_getlist($conn_id, $net2ftp_globals["directory"]);
    if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
        return false;
    // ------------------------------------
    // Close connection
    // ------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------
    // Sort the list
    // ------------------------------------
    $list_directories = sort_list($list["directories"]);
    $list_files = sort_list($list["files"]);
    $list_symlinks = sort_list($list["symlinks"]);
    $list_unrecognized = sort_list($list["unrecognized"]);
    $warning_directory = $list["stats"]["warnings"];
    $directory = $list["stats"]["newdirectory"];
    $directory_html = htmlEncode2($directory);
    $directory_url = urlEncode2($directory);
    $directory_js = javascriptEncode2($directory);
    $updirectory = upDir($directory);
    $updirectory_html = htmlEncode2($updirectory);
    $updirectory_url = urlEncode2($updirectory);
    $updirectory_js = javascriptEncode2($updirectory);
    // ------------------------------------
    // Calculate the list of HTTP URLs
    // ------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "main") {
        $list_links_js = ftp2http($net2ftp_globals["directory"], $list_files, "no");
        $list_links_url = ftp2http($net2ftp_globals["directory"], $list_files, "yes");
    // ------------------------------------
    // Consumption message
    // ------------------------------------
    $warning_consumption = "";
    if (checkConsumption() == false) {
        $warning_consumption .= "<b>" . __("Daily limit reached: you will not be able to transfer data") . "</b><br /><br />\n";
        $warning_consumption .= __("In order to guarantee the fair use of the web server for everyone, the data transfer volume and script execution time are limited per user, and per day. Once this limit is reached, you can still browse the FTP server but not transfer data to/from it.") . "<br /><br />\n";
        $warning_consumption .= __("If you need unlimited usage, please install net2ftp on your own web server.") . "<br />\n";
    // ------------------------------------
    // Browse message
    // ------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_settings["message_browse"] != "" && $net2ftp_settings["message_browse"] != "Setting message_browse does not exist") {
        $warning_message = $net2ftp_settings["message_browse"];
    // ------------------------------------
    // Directory tree
    // ------------------------------------
    $directory_exploded = explode("/", stripDirectory($directory));
    if ($directory != "/" && checkAuthorizedDirectory("/") == true) {
        $directory_tree = "<a href=\"javascript:submitBrowseForm('/','','browse','main');\">root</a> ";
    } else {
        $directory_tree = "root ";
    $directory_goto = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($directory_exploded) - 1; $i++) {
        $directory_goto = glueDirectories($directory_goto, $directory_exploded[$i]);
        $directory_goto_url = urlEncode2($directory_goto);
        if (checkAuthorizedDirectory($directory_goto) == true) {
            $directory_tree .= "/<a href=\"javascript:submitBrowseForm('" . $directory_goto_url . "','','browse','main');\">" . htmlEncode2($directory_exploded[$i]) . "</a> ";
        } else {
            $directory_tree .= "/" . $directory_exploded[$i] . " ";
    $directory_tree .= "/" . $directory_exploded[sizeof($directory_exploded) - 1];
    // ------------------------------------
    // Language
    // ------------------------------------
    $language_onchange = "document.BrowseForm.language.value=document.forms['BrowseForm'].language2.options[document.forms['BrowseForm'].language2.selectedIndex].value; submitBrowseForm('{$directory_js}', '', 'browse', 'main');";
    // ------------------------------------
    // Skin
    // ------------------------------------
    $skin_onchange = "document.BrowseForm.skin.value=document.forms['BrowseForm'].skin2.options[document.forms['BrowseForm'].skin2.selectedIndex].value; submitBrowseForm('{$directory_js}', '', 'browse', 'main');";
    // ------------------------------------
    // $rowcounter counts the total nr of rows
    // ------------------------------------
    $rowcounter = 0;
    // ------------------------------------
    // Column spans
    // ------------------------------------
    $action_colspan = 1;
    if ($net2ftp_settings["functionuse_view"] == "yes") {
    if ($net2ftp_settings["functionuse_edit"] == "yes") {
    if ($net2ftp_settings["functionuse_update"] == "yes") {
    // Total nr of columns
    $total_colspan = $action_colspan + 9;
    // ------------------------------------
    // Name, Type, Size, ...
    // Determine the sort criteria and direction (ascending/descending)
    // ------------------------------------
    $sortArray["dirfilename"]["text"] = __("Name");
    $sortArray["type"]["text"] = __("Type");
    $sortArray["size"]["text"] = __("Size");
    $sortArray["owner"]["text"] = __("Owner");
    $sortArray["group"]["text"] = __("Group");
    $sortArray["permissions"]["text"] = __("Perms");
    $sortArray["mtime"]["text"] = __("Mod Time");
    $icon_directory = $net2ftp_globals["application_rootdir_url"] . "/skins/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/images/mime";
    // Loop over all the sort possibilities
    while (list($key, $value) = each($sortArray)) {
        // The list is sorted by the current $key
        // Print the icon representing the current sortorder
        // Print the link to sort using the other sortorder
        if ($net2ftp_globals["sort"] == $key) {
            // Ascending
            if ($net2ftp_globals["sortorder"] == "ascending") {
                $sortArray[$key]["title"] = __("Click to sort by %1\$s in descending order", $value["text"]);
                $sortArray[$key]["onclick"] = "do_sort('" . $key . "','descending');";
                $icon = "ascend.png";
                $alt = __("Ascending order");
            } else {
                $sortArray[$key]["title"] = __("Click to sort by %1\$s in ascending order", $value["text"]);
                $sortArray[$key]["onclick"] = "do_sort('" . $key . "','ascending');";
                $icon = "descend.png";
                $alt = __("Descending order");
        } else {
            $sortArray[$key]["title"] = __("Click to sort by %1\$s in ascending order", $value["text"]);
            $sortArray[$key]["onclick"] = "do_sort('" . $key . "','ascending');";
            $icon = "";
            $alt = "";
        // The icon to be printed is determined above
        // Now, print the full HTML depending on the browser agent, version and platform
        if ($icon != "") {
            if ($net2ftp_globals["browser_agent"] == "IE" && ($net2ftp_globals["browser_version"] == "5.5" || $net2ftp_globals["browser_version"] == "6") && $net2ftp_globals["browser_platform"] == "Win") {
                $sortArray[$key]["icon"] = "<img src=\"{$icon_directory}/spacer.gif\"   alt=\"{$alt}\" style=\"border: 0px; width: 16px; height: 16px; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='{$icon_directory}/{$icon}', sizingMethod='scale');\" />\n";
            } else {
                $sortArray[$key]["icon"] = "<img src=\"{$icon_directory}/{$icon}\"        alt=\"{$alt}\" style=\"border: 0px; width: 16px; height: 16px;\" />\n";
        } else {
            $sortArray[$key]["icon"] = "";
    // ------------------------------------
    // popup - FormAndFieldname
    // ------------------------------------
    if (isset($_POST["FormAndFieldName"]) == true) {
        $FormAndFieldName = validateGenericInput($_POST["FormAndFieldName"]);
    } else {
        $FormAndFieldName = "";
    // ------------------------------------
    // Action URL
    // Used for Up, Subdirectories, Files (download + actions)
    // ------------------------------------
    $action_url = printPHP_SELF("actions");
    // ------------------------------------
    // Data transfer statistics
    // Print this only if the consumption statistics are available (logging must be on, using a MySQL database)
    // ------------------------------------
    if (isset($net2ftp_globals["consumption_ipaddress_datatransfer"]) == true || isset($net2ftp_globals["consumption_ftpserver_datatransfer"]) == true) {
        $print_consumption = true;
        $consumption_ipaddress_datatransfer = formatFilesize($net2ftp_globals["consumption_ipaddress_datatransfer"]);
        $consumption_ftpserver_datatransfer = formatFilesize($net2ftp_globals["consumption_ftpserver_datatransfer"]);
    } else {
        $print_consumption = false;
    // ------------------------------------
    // HTTP URL
    // ------------------------------------
    $list_files_tmp[1]["dirfilename_url"] = "";
    $httplink = ftp2http($directory, $list_files_tmp, "no");
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output - part 2
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "main") {
        setStatus(6, 10, __("Printing the list of directories and files"));
        require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/browse_main.template.php";
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "popup") {
        require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/browse_popup.template.php";
Example #5
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the login screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    if (isset($_POST["list"]) == true) {
        $list = getSelectedEntries($_POST["list"]);
    } else {
        $list = "";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Title
    $title = __("Size of selected directories and files");
    // Form name, back and forward buttons
    $formname = "CalculateSizeForm";
    $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='browse';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state2.value='main';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    // Open connection
    setStatus(2, 10, __("Connecting to the FTP server"));
    $conn_id = ftp_openconnection();
    if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
        return false;
    // Calculate the size
    $options = array();
    $result['size'] = 0;
    $result['skipped'] = 0;
    $result = ftp_processfiles("calculatesize", $conn_id, $net2ftp_globals["directory"], $list, $options, $result, 0);
    // Close connection
    // Print message
    $net2ftp_output["calculatesize"][] = __("The total size taken by the selected directories and files is:") . " <b>" . formatFilesize($result['size']) . "</b> (" . $result['size'] . " Bytes)";
    if ($result['skipped'] > 0) {
        $net2ftp_output["calculatesize"][] = __("The number of files which were skipped is:") . " <b>" . $result['skipped'] . "</b>";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";
Example #6
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the chmod screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    if (isset($_POST["list"]) == true) {
        $list = getSelectedEntries($_POST["list"]);
    } else {
        $list = "";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for all screens
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Title
    $title = __("Install software packages");
    // Form name, back and forward buttons
    $formname = "InstallForm";
    $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='browse';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state2.value='main';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Screen 1
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 1) {
        // ----------------------------------------------
        // Read the net2ftp installer script template $text
        // ----------------------------------------------
        $templatefile = $net2ftp_globals["application_rootdir"] . "/modules/install/net2ftp_installer.txt";
        $handle = fopen($templatefile, "r");
        // Open the local template file for reading only
        if ($handle == false) {
            $errormessage = __("Unable to open the template file");
            setErrorVars(false, $errormessage, debug_backtrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
            return false;
        // for filesize
        $text = fread($handle, filesize($templatefile));
        if ($text == false) {
            $errormessage = __("Unable to read the template file");
            setErrorVars(false, $errormessage, debug_backtrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
            return false;
        // ----------------------------------------------
        // Read the list of packages
        // ----------------------------------------------
        $packagelistfile_net2ftp = "http://www.net2ftp.com/package_list.txt";
        $packagelistfile_local = $net2ftp_globals["application_rootdir"] . "/modules/install/package_list.txt";
        // Get the list of packages from net2ftp.com
        $handle_net2ftp = @fopen($packagelistfile_net2ftp, "r");
        // for filesize
        $packagelist_net2ftp = @fread($handle_net2ftp, filesize($packagelistfile_net2ftp));
        // If net2ftp.com can't be reached, get it from the local installation
        if ($packagelist_net2ftp == false) {
            $handle_local = @fopen($packagelistfile_local, "r");
            // for filesize
            $packagelist_local = @fread($handle_local, filesize($packagelistfile_local));
        // Issue an error message if no list could be read
        if ($packagelist_net2ftp != "") {
            $packagelist = $packagelist_net2ftp;
        } elseif ($packagelist_local != "") {
            $packagelist = $packagelist_local;
        } else {
            $errormessage = __("Unable to get the list of packages");
            setErrorVars(false, $errormessage, debug_backtrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
            return false;
        // ----------------------------------------------
        // Security code
        // Random key generator by goochivasquez -at- gmail (15-Apr-2005 11:53)
        // ----------------------------------------------
        // Random key generator
        $keychars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
        $length = 20;
        $security_code = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
            $security_code .= substr($keychars, rand(1, strlen($keychars)), 1);
        // Random key generator
        $keychars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
        $length = 5;
        $tempdir_extension = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
            $tempdir_extension .= substr($keychars, rand(1, strlen($keychars)), 1);
        $tempdir_ftp = glueDirectories($net2ftp_globals["directory"], "net2ftp_temp_") . $tempdir_extension;
        // ----------------------------------------------
        // Replace certain values
        // ----------------------------------------------
        $text = str_replace("NET2FTP_SECURITY_CODE", $security_code, $text);
        $text = str_replace("NET2FTP_TEMPDIR_EXTENSION", $tempdir_extension, $text);
        $text = str_replace("NET2FTP_PACKAGELIST", $packagelist, $text);
        $text = str_replace("NET2FTP_FTP_SERVER", $net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"], $text);
        $text = str_replace("NET2FTP_FTPSERVER_PORT", $net2ftp_globals["ftpserverport"], $text);
        $text = str_replace("NET2FTP_USERNAME", $net2ftp_globals["username"], $text);
        $text = str_replace("NET2FTP_DIRECTORY", $net2ftp_globals["directory"], $text);
        // ----------------------------------------------
        // Open connection
        // ----------------------------------------------
        setStatus(2, 10, __("Connecting to the FTP server"));
        $conn_id = ftp_openconnection();
        if ($conn_id == false) {
            return false;
        // ----------------------------------------------
        // Create temporary /net2ftp_temp directory
        // ----------------------------------------------
        setStatus(4, 10, __("Creating a temporary directory on the FTP server"));
        ftp_newdirectory($conn_id, $tempdir_ftp);
        if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
            setErrorVars(true, "", "", "", "");
        // ----------------------------------------------
        // Chmodding the temporary /net2ftp_temp directory to 777
        // ----------------------------------------------
        setStatus(6, 10, __("Setting the permissions of the temporary directory"));
        $sitecommand = "chmod 0777 " . $tempdir_ftp;
        $ftp_site_result = @ftp_site($conn_id, $sitecommand);
        // ----------------------------------------------
        // Put a .htaccess in the /net2ftp_temp directory to avoid anyone else reading the contents it
        // (Works only for Apache web servers...)
        // ----------------------------------------------
        ftp_writefile($conn_id, $tempdir_ftp, ".htaccess", "deny from all");
        if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
            setErrorVars(true, "", "", "", "");
        // ----------------------------------------------
        // Write the net2ftp installer script to the FTP server
        // ----------------------------------------------
        setStatus(8, 10, __("Copying the net2ftp installer script to the FTP server"));
        ftp_writefile($conn_id, $net2ftp_globals["directory"], "net2ftp_installer.php", $text);
        if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
            return false;
        // ----------------------------------------------
        // Close connection
        // ----------------------------------------------
        // ----------------------------------------------
        // Variables for screen 1
        // ----------------------------------------------
        // URL to the installer script
        $list_files[1]["dirfilename_js"] = "net2ftp_installer.php?security_code=" . $security_code;
        $ftp2http_result = ftp2http($net2ftp_globals["directory"], $list_files, "no");
        $net2ftp_installer_url = $ftp2http_result[1];
    // end if
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the new directory screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    if (isset($_POST["newNames"]) == true) {
        $newNames = validateEntry($_POST["newNames"]);
    } else {
        $newNames = "";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for all screens
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Title
    $title = __("Create new directories");
    // Form name, back and forward buttons
    $formname = "NewDirForm";
    $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='browse';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state2.value='main';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    $forward_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for screen 1
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 1) {
        // Next screen
        $nextscreen = 2;
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 2) {
        // Open connection
        setStatus(2, 10, __("Connecting to the FTP server"));
        $conn_id = ftp_openconnection();
        if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
            return false;
        // Create new directories
        setStatus(4, 10, __("Processing the entries"));
        for ($k = 1; $k <= sizeof($newNames); $k++) {
            if (strlen($newNames[$k]) > 0) {
                $newsubdir = glueDirectories($net2ftp_globals["directory"], $newNames[$k]);
                ftp_newdirectory($conn_id, $newsubdir);
                if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
                    setErrorVars(true, "", "", "", "");
                    // Continue anyway
                    $net2ftp_output["newdir"][] = __("Directory <b>%1\$s</b> could not be created.", htmlEncode2($newNames[$k]));
                } else {
                    $net2ftp_output["newdir"][] = __("Directory <b>%1\$s</b> was successfully created.", htmlEncode2($newNames[$k]));
            // End if
        // End for
        // Close connection
    // end elseif
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the raw FTP command screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    if (isset($_POST["command"]) == true) {
        $command = $_POST["command"];
    } else {
        $command = "CWD {$directory_html}\nPWD\n";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Title
    $title = __("Send arbitrary FTP commands");
    // Form name, back and forward buttons
    $formname = "RawForm";
    $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='advanced';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].screen.value='1';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    $forward_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    // Open connection
    setStatus(2, 10, __("Connecting to the FTP server"));
    $conn_id = ftp_openconnection();
    if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
        return false;
    // Explode list of commands to an array
    $command_exploded = explode("\n", $command);
    // Remove the empty lines
    $new_command_nr = 0;
    for ($command_nr = 0; $command_nr < sizeof($command_exploded); $command_nr++) {
        if (trim($command_exploded[$command_nr]) != "") {
            $command_exploded_trimmed[$new_command_nr] = trim($command_exploded[$command_nr]);
    // Send arbitrary FTP command
    $command_total = sizeof($command_exploded_trimmed);
    for ($command_nr = 0; $command_nr < $command_total; $command_nr++) {
        setStatus($command_nr + 1, $command_total, __("Sending FTP command %1\$s of %2\$s", $command_nr + 1, $command_total));
        $ftp_raw_result[$command_nr] = ftp_raw($conn_id, trim($command_exploded_trimmed[$command_nr]));
    // Close connection
    // Get the messages
    for ($command_nr = 0; $command_nr < sizeof($command_exploded_trimmed); $command_nr++) {
        for ($line_nr = 0; $line_nr < sizeof($ftp_raw_result[$command_nr]); $line_nr++) {
            $net2ftp_output["ftp_raw"][] = $ftp_raw_result[$command_nr][$line_nr] . "\n";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";
Example #9
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the search screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    if (isset($_POST["list"]) == true) {
        $list = getSelectedEntries($_POST["list"]);
    } else {
        $list = "";
    if (isset($_POST["searchoptions"]) == true) {
        $searchoptions = $_POST["searchoptions"];
    if (isset($searchoptions["string"]) == false) {
        $searchoptions["string"] = "";
    if (isset($searchoptions["case_sensitive"]) == false) {
        $searchoptions["case_sensitive"] = "";
    if (isset($searchoptions["filename"]) == false) {
        $searchoptions["filename"] = "";
    if (isset($searchoptions["size_from"]) == false) {
        $searchoptions["size_from"] = "";
    if (isset($searchoptions["size_to"]) == false) {
        $searchoptions["size_to"] = "";
    if (isset($searchoptions["modified_from"]) == false) {
        $searchoptions["modified_from"] = "";
    if (isset($searchoptions["modified_to"]) == false) {
        $searchoptions["modified_to"] = "";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for all screens
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Title
    // See below
    // Form name, back and forward buttons
    $formname = "FindstringForm";
    $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='browse';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state2.value='main';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    $forward_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    // Next screen
    $nextscreen = 2;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for screen 1
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 1) {
        // Title
        $title = __("Search directories and files");
        // From and to dates
        $tomorrow = date("Y-m-d", time() + 3600 * 24);
        $oneweekago = date("Y-m-d", time() - 3600 * 24 * 7);
        $modified_from = $oneweekago;
        $modified_to = $tomorrow;
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 2) {
        // Title
        $title = __("Search results");
        // Check if $searchoptions["string"] is a valid string
        if (is_string($searchoptions["string"]) == false) {
            $errormessage = __("Please enter a valid search word or phrase.");
            setErrorVars(false, $errormessage, debug_backtrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
            return false;
        // Check if $searchoptions["filename"] is a valid filename with a possible wildcard character *
        if ($searchoptions["filename"] != "" && preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_ *\\.-]*\$/", $searchoptions["filename"]) == 0) {
            $errormessage = __("Please enter a valid filename.");
            setErrorVars(false, $errormessage, debug_backtrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
            return false;
        // Check if $searchoptions["size_from"] and $searchoptions["size_to"] are valid numbers
        if ($searchoptions["size_from"] != "" && is_numeric($searchoptions["size_from"]) == false) {
            $errormessage = __("Please enter a valid file size in the \"from\" textbox, for example 0.");
            setErrorVars(false, $errormessage, debug_backtrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
            return false;
        if ($searchoptions["size_to"] != "" && is_numeric($searchoptions["size_to"]) == false) {
            $errormessage = __("Please enter a valid file size in the \"to\" textbox, for example 500000.");
            setErrorVars(false, $errormessage, debug_backtrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
            return false;
        // Check if $searchoptions["modified_from"] and $searchoptions["modified_to"] are valid dates
        if ($searchoptions["modified_from"] != "" && preg_match("/^[0-9-]*\$/", $searchoptions["modified_from"]) == 0) {
            $errormessage = __("Please enter a valid date in Y-m-d format in the \"from\" textbox.");
            setErrorVars(false, $errormessage, debug_backtrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
            return false;
        if ($searchoptions["modified_to"] != "" && preg_match("/^[0-9-]*\$/", $searchoptions["modified_to"]) == 0) {
            $errormessage = __("Please enter a valid date in Y-m-d format in the \"to\" textbox.");
            setErrorVars(false, $errormessage, debug_backtrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
            return false;
        // ------------
        // CONVERSIONS
        // ------------
        // Convert the wildcard character * in the filename by the wildcard .* that can be read by preg_match
        // So this *.* becomes this .*..*
        $searchoptions["filename"] = str_replace("*", ".*", $searchoptions["filename"]);
        // Convert the mtime to a unix timestamp
        $searchoptions["modified_from"] = strtotime($searchoptions["modified_from"]);
        $searchoptions["modified_to"] = strtotime($searchoptions["modified_to"]);
        // Open connection
        setStatus(2, 10, __("Connecting to the FTP server"));
        $conn_id = ftp_openconnection();
        if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
            return false;
        // Find the files
        $result = array();
        setStatus(4, 10, __("Searching the files..."));
        $result = ftp_processfiles("findstring", $conn_id, $net2ftp_globals["directory"], $list, $searchoptions, $result, 0);
        if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
            return false;
        // Close connection
        if (sizeof($result) == 0) {
            $net2ftp_output["findstring"][] = __("The word <b>%1\$s</b> was not found in the selected directories and files.", $searchoptions["string"]);
        } else {
            $net2ftp_output["findstring"][] = __("The word <b>%1\$s</b> was found in the following files:", $searchoptions["string"]);
    // end if
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the copy/move/delete screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    if (isset($_POST["list"]) == true) {
        $list = getSelectedEntries($_POST["list"]);
    } else {
        $list = "";
    if (isset($_POST["ftpserver2"]) == true) {
        $net2ftp_globals["ftpserver2"] = validateFtpserver($_POST["ftpserver2"]);
    } else {
        $net2ftp_globals["ftpserver2"] = "";
    if (isset($_POST["ftpserverport2"]) == true) {
        $net2ftp_globals["ftpserverport2"] = validateFtpserverport($_POST["ftpserverport2"]);
    } else {
        $net2ftp_globals["ftpserverport2"] = "";
    if (isset($_POST["username2"]) == true) {
        $net2ftp_globals["username2"] = validateUsername($_POST["username2"]);
    } else {
        $net2ftp_globals["username2"] = "";
    if (isset($_POST["password2"]) == true) {
        $net2ftp_globals["password2"] = validatePassword($_POST["password2"]);
    } else {
        $net2ftp_globals["password2"] = "";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for all screens
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Title
    if ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "copy") {
        $title = __("Copy directories and files");
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "move") {
        $title = __("Move directories and files");
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "delete") {
        $title = __("Delete directories and files");
    // Form name, back and forward buttons
    $formname = "CopyMoveDeleteForm";
    $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='browse';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state2.value='main';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    $forward_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for screen 1
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 1) {
        // Next screen
        $nextscreen = 2;
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 2) {
        // ---------------------------------------
        // Open connection to the source server
        // ---------------------------------------
        setStatus(2, 10, __("Connecting to the FTP server"));
        $conn_id_source = ftp_openconnection();
        if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
            return false;
        // ---------------------------------------
        // Open connection to the target server, if it is different from the source server, or if the username
        // is different (different users may have different authorizations on the same FTP server)
        // ---------------------------------------
        if (($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver2"] != "" || $net2ftp_globals["username2"] != "") && ($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver2"] != $net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"] || $net2ftp_globals["username2"] != $net2ftp_globals["username"])) {
            $conn_id_target = ftp_openconnection2();
            // Note: ftp_openconnection2 cleans the input values
            if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
                return false;
        } else {
            $conn_id_target = $conn_id_source;
        // ---------------------------------------
        // Copy, move or delete the files and directories
        // ---------------------------------------
        ftp_copymovedelete($conn_id_source, $conn_id_target, $list, $net2ftp_globals["state2"], 0);
        // ---------------------------------------
        // Close the connection to the source server
        // ---------------------------------------
        // ---------------------------------------
        // Close the connection to the target server, if it is different from the source server
        // ---------------------------------------
        if ($conn_id_source != $conn_id_target) {
    // end elseif
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";
Example #11
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the unzip screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    if (isset($_POST["list"]) == true) {
        $list = getSelectedEntries($_POST["list"]);
    } else {
        $list = "";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for all screens
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Title
    $title = __("Unzip archives");
    // Form name, back and forward buttons
    $formname = "UnzipForm";
    $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='browse';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state2.value='main';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    $forward_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for screen 1
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 1) {
        // Next screen
        $nextscreen = 2;
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 2) {
        $net2ftp_output["unzip"] = array();
        $net2ftp_output["ftp_unziptransferfiles"] = array();
        // ---------------------------------------
        // Initialize variables
        // ---------------------------------------
        $moved_ok = 0;
        // Index of the archives that have been treated successfully
        $moved_notok = 0;
        // Index of the archives that have been treated unsuccessfully
        // ---------------------------------------
        // Open connection to the FTP server
        // ---------------------------------------
        setStatus(2, 10, __("Connecting to the FTP server"));
        $conn_id = ftp_openconnection();
        if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
            return false;
        // ---------------------------------------
        // Get the archives from the FTP server
        // ---------------------------------------
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $list["stats"]["files"]["total_number"]; $i = $i + 1) {
            // Set the status
            $message = __("Getting archive %1\$s of %2\$s from the FTP server", $i, $list["stats"]["files"]["total_number"]);
            setStatus($i, $list["stats"]["files"]["total_number"], $message);
            // Get the archive from the FTP server
            $localtargetdir = $net2ftp_globals["application_tempdir"];
            $localtargetfile = $list["files"][$i]["dirfilename"] . ".txt";
            $remotesourcedir = $net2ftp_globals["directory"];
            $remotesourcefile = $list["files"][$i]["dirfilename"];
            $ftpmode = ftpAsciiBinary($list["files"][$i]["dirfilename"]);
            $copymove = "copy";
            ftp_getfile($conn_id, $localtargetdir, $localtargetfile, $remotesourcedir, $remotesourcefile, $ftpmode, $copymove);
            if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
                setErrorVars(true, "", "", "", "");
                $net2ftp_output["unzip"][] = __("Unable to get the archive <b>%1\$s</b> from the FTP server", htmlEncode2($list["files"][$i]["dirfilename"]));
                $moved_notok = $moved_notok + 1;
            // Register the temporary file
            registerTempfile("register", glueDirectories($localtargetdir, $localtargetfile));
            // Enter the temporary filename and the real filename in the array
            $moved_ok = $moved_ok + 1;
            $acceptedArchivesArray[$moved_ok]["name"] = $list["files"][$i]["dirfilename"];
            $acceptedArchivesArray[$moved_ok]["tmp_name"] = glueDirectories($localtargetdir, $localtargetfile);
            $acceptedArchivesArray[$moved_ok]["targetdirectory"] = $list["files"][$i]["targetdirectory"];
            $acceptedArchivesArray[$moved_ok]["use_folder_names"] = $list["files"][$i]["use_folder_names"];
        // end for
        // ---------------------------------------
        // Unzip archives and transfer the files (create subdirectories if needed)
        // ---------------------------------------
        if (isset($acceptedArchivesArray) == true && sizeof($acceptedArchivesArray) > 0) {
            $net2ftp_output["unzip"] = $net2ftp_output["unzip"] + $net2ftp_output["ftp_unziptransferfiles"];
            if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
                return false;
        // ---------------------------------------
        // Close the connection to the FTP server
        // ---------------------------------------
    // end elseif
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";
Example #12
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the chmod screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    if (isset($_POST["list"]) == true) {
        $list = getSelectedEntries($_POST["list"]);
    } else {
        $list = "";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for all screens
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Title
    $title = __("Chmod directories and files");
    // Form name, back and forward buttons
    $formname = "ChmodForm";
    $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='browse';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state2.value='main';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    $forward_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for screen 1
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 1) {
        // Next screen
        $nextscreen = 2;
        // Initialize variables
        $directory_index = 1;
        $file_index = 1;
        $symlink_index = 1;
        for ($i = 1; $i <= count($list["all"]); $i++) {
            if ($list["all"][$i]["dirorfile"] == "d") {
                $list["all"][$i]["message"] = __("Set the permissions of directory <b>%1\$s</b> to: ", $list["all"][$i]["dirfilename"]) . "<br />\n";
            } elseif ($list["all"][$i]["dirorfile"] == "-") {
                $list["all"][$i]["message"] = __("Set the permissions of file <b>%1\$s</b> to: ", $list["all"][$i]["dirfilename"]) . "<br />\n";
            } elseif ($list["all"][$i]["dirorfile"] == "l") {
                $list["all"][$i]["message"] = __("Set the permissions of symlink <b>%1\$s</b> to: ", $list["all"][$i]["dirfilename"]) . "<br />\n";
            $owner_chmod = 0;
            if (substr($list["all"][$i]["permissions"], 0, 1) == "r") {
                $owner_chmod += 4;
                $list["all"][$i]["owner_read"] = "checked=\"checked\"";
            } else {
                $list["all"][$i]["owner_read"] = "";
            if (substr($list["all"][$i]["permissions"], 1, 1) == "w") {
                $owner_chmod += 2;
                $list["all"][$i]["owner_write"] = "checked=\"checked\"";
            } else {
                $list["all"][$i]["owner_write"] = "";
            if (substr($list["all"][$i]["permissions"], 2, 1) == "x") {
                $owner_chmod += 1;
                $list["all"][$i]["owner_execute"] = "checked=\"checked\"";
            } else {
                $list["all"][$i]["owner_execute"] = "";
            $group_chmod = 0;
            if (substr($list["all"][$i]["permissions"], 3, 1) == "r") {
                $group_chmod += 4;
                $list["all"][$i]["group_read"] = "checked=\"checked\"";
            } else {
                $list["all"][$i]["group_read"] = "";
            if (substr($list["all"][$i]["permissions"], 4, 1) == "w") {
                $group_chmod += 2;
                $list["all"][$i]["group_write"] = "checked=\"checked\"";
            } else {
                $list["all"][$i]["group_write"] = "";
            if (substr($list["all"][$i]["permissions"], 5, 1) == "x") {
                $group_chmod += 1;
                $list["all"][$i]["group_execute"] = "checked=\"checked\"";
            } else {
                $list["all"][$i]["group_execute"] = "";
            $other_chmod = 0;
            if (substr($list["all"][$i]["permissions"], 6, 1) == "r") {
                $other_chmod += 4;
                $list["all"][$i]["other_read"] = "checked=\"checked\"";
            } else {
                $list["all"][$i]["other_read"] = "";
            if (substr($list["all"][$i]["permissions"], 7, 1) == "w") {
                $other_chmod += 2;
                $list["all"][$i]["other_write"] = "checked=\"checked\"";
            } else {
                $list["all"][$i]["other_write"] = "";
            if (substr($list["all"][$i]["permissions"], 8, 1) == "x") {
                $other_chmod += 1;
                $list["all"][$i]["other_execute"] = "checked=\"checked\"";
            } else {
                $list["all"][$i]["other_execute"] = "";
            $list["all"][$i]["chmodvalue"] = $owner_chmod . $group_chmod . $other_chmod;
            if ($list["all"][$i]["dirorfile"] == "d") {
                $list["directories"][$directory_index]["chmodvalue"] = $list["all"][$i]["chmodvalue"];
            } elseif ($list["all"][$i]["dirorfile"] == "-") {
                $list["files"][$file_index]["chmodvalue"] = $list["all"][$i]["chmodvalue"];
            } elseif ($list["all"][$i]["dirorfile"] == "l") {
                $list["symlinks"][$symlink_index]["chmodvalue"] = $list["all"][$i]["chmodvalue"];
        // end for
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 2) {
        // Initialize variables
        $directory_index = 1;
        $file_index = 1;
        $symlink_index = 1;
        // Calculate the chmod octal
        for ($i = 1; $i <= count($list["all"]); $i++) {
            if (isset($list["all"][$i]["owner_read"]) == false) {
                $list["all"][$i]["owner_read"] = 0;
            if (isset($list["all"][$i]["owner_write"]) == false) {
                $list["all"][$i]["owner_write"] = 0;
            if (isset($list["all"][$i]["owner_execute"]) == false) {
                $list["all"][$i]["owner_execute"] = 0;
            if (isset($list["all"][$i]["group_read"]) == false) {
                $list["all"][$i]["group_read"] = 0;
            if (isset($list["all"][$i]["group_write"]) == false) {
                $list["all"][$i]["group_write"] = 0;
            if (isset($list["all"][$i]["group_execute"]) == false) {
                $list["all"][$i]["group_execute"] = 0;
            if (isset($list["all"][$i]["other_read"]) == false) {
                $list["all"][$i]["other_read"] = 0;
            if (isset($list["all"][$i]["other_write"]) == false) {
                $list["all"][$i]["other_write"] = 0;
            if (isset($list["all"][$i]["other_execute"]) == false) {
                $list["all"][$i]["other_execute"] = 0;
            $ownerOctal = $list["all"][$i]["owner_read"] + $list["all"][$i]["owner_write"] + $list["all"][$i]["owner_execute"];
            $groupOctal = $list["all"][$i]["group_read"] + $list["all"][$i]["group_write"] + $list["all"][$i]["group_execute"];
            $otherOctal = $list["all"][$i]["other_read"] + $list["all"][$i]["other_write"] + $list["all"][$i]["other_execute"];
            $chmodOctal = $ownerOctal . $groupOctal . $otherOctal;
            if ($chmodOctal > 777 || $chmodOctal < 0) {
                $errormessage = __("The chmod nr <b>%1\$s</b> is out of the range 000-777. Please try again.", $chmodOctal);
                setErrorVars(false, $errormessage, debug_backtrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
                return false;
            } else {
                $list["all"][$i]["chmodoctal"] = $chmodOctal;
                if ($list["all"][$i]["dirorfile"] == "d") {
                    $list["directories"][$directory_index]["chmodoctal"] = $list["all"][$i]["chmodoctal"];
                } elseif ($list["all"][$i]["dirorfile"] == "-") {
                    $list["files"][$file_index]["chmodoctal"] = $list["all"][$i]["chmodoctal"];
                } elseif ($list["all"][$i]["dirorfile"] == "l") {
                    $list["symlinks"][$symlink_index]["chmodoctal"] = $list["all"][$i]["chmodoctal"];
        // End for
        // Open connection
        setStatus(2, 10, __("Connecting to the FTP server"));
        $conn_id = ftp_openconnection();
        if ($conn_id == false) {
            return false;
        // Chmod the entries
        setStatus(4, 10, __("Processing the entries"));
        ftp_chmod2($conn_id, $net2ftp_globals["directory"], $list, 0);
        if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
            return false;
        // Close connection
    // end elseif
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";
Example #13
function net2ftp_module_sendHttpHeaders()
    // --------------
    // This function sends HTTP headers
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Construct the symlink target
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // A symlink has $entry = FreeBSD -> mirror/ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD
    // Get the 2nd part, after the ->
    $pos = strpos($net2ftp_globals["entry"], " -> ");
    $entry_part2 = substr($net2ftp_globals["entry"], $pos + 4);
    // Glue the current directory with the symlink
    // and resolve the .. which it may contain (this is done by validateDirectory)
    $symlinktarget = validateDirectory(glueDirectories($net2ftp_globals["directory"], $entry_part2));
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Check if the symlink points to a directory
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------
    // Open connection
    // ------------------------------------
    $conn_id = ftp_openconnection();
    if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
        return false;
    // ------------------------------------
    // Get raw list of directories and files
    // ------------------------------------
    $list = ftp_getlist($conn_id, $symlinktarget);
    if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
        $is_directory = false;
        setErrorVars(true, "", "", "", "");
    } else {
        $is_directory = true;
    // ------------------------------------
    // Close connection
    // ------------------------------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Directory (main or popup): redirect to Browse page
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($is_directory == true) {
        $action_url = printPHP_SELF("actions");
        $action_url = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $action_url);
        header("Location: " . $action_url . "&state=browse&state2=" . $net2ftp_globals["state2"] . "&directory=" . $symlinktarget);
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "popup") {
        $action_url = printPHP_SELF("actions");
        $action_url = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $action_url);
        header("Location: " . $action_url . "&state=browse&state2=" . $net2ftp_globals["state2"] . "&directory=" . $net2ftp_globals["directory"]);
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "main") {
        if ($net2ftp_settings["functionuse_downloadfile"] == "yes") {
            $newdirectory = dirname($symlinktarget);
            $newfile = basename($symlinktarget);
            ftp_downloadfile($newdirectory, $newfile);
        } else {
            $errormessage = __("This function has been disabled by the Administrator of this website.");
            setErrorVars(false, $errormessage, debug_backtrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
            return false;