Example #1
 * Updates the (single) administration menu.
 * @param array $info
function ft_update_admin_menu($info)
    global $g_table_prefix, $g_pages, $g_root_url, $LANG;
    $menu_id = $info["menu_id"];
    $account_id = $info["account_id"];
    $sortable_id = $info["sortable_id"];
    $sortable_rows = explode(",", $info["{$sortable_id}_sortable__rows"]);
    $sortable_new_groups = explode(",", $info["{$sortable_id}_sortable__new_groups"]);
    $menu_items = array();
    foreach ($sortable_rows as $i) {
        // if this row doesn't have a page identifier, just ignore it
        if (!isset($info["page_identifier_{$i}"]) || empty($info["page_identifier_{$i}"])) {
        $page_identifier = $info["page_identifier_{$i}"];
        $display_text = ft_sanitize($info["display_text_{$i}"]);
        $custom_options = isset($info["custom_options_{$i}"]) ? ft_sanitize($info["custom_options_{$i}"]) : "";
        $is_submenu = isset($info["submenu_{$i}"]) ? "yes" : "no";
        // construct the URL for this menu item
        $url = ft_construct_page_url($page_identifier, $custom_options);
        $menu_items[] = array("url" => $url, "page_identifier" => $page_identifier, "display_text" => $display_text, "custom_options" => $custom_options, "is_submenu" => $is_submenu, "is_new_sort_group" => in_array($i, $sortable_new_groups) ? "yes" : "no");
    mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$g_table_prefix}menu_items WHERE menu_id = {$menu_id}");
    $order = 1;
    foreach ($menu_items as $hash) {
        $url = $hash["url"];
        $page_identifier = $hash["page_identifier"];
        $display_text = $hash["display_text"];
        $custom_options = $hash["custom_options"];
        $is_submenu = $hash["is_submenu"];
        $is_new_sort_group = $hash["is_new_sort_group"];
        mysql_query("\r\n      INSERT INTO {$g_table_prefix}menu_items (menu_id, display_text, page_identifier, custom_options, url,\r\n        is_submenu, list_order, is_new_sort_group)\r\n      VALUES ({$menu_id}, '{$display_text}', '{$page_identifier}', '{$custom_options}', '{$url}', '{$is_submenu}',\r\n        {$order}, '{$is_new_sort_group}')\r\n        ");
    // update the administrator's cache, so the menu automatically updates
    $success = true;
    $message = $LANG["notify_admin_menu_updated"];
    extract(ft_process_hook_calls("end", compact("success", "message", "info"), array("success", "message")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    return array($success, $message);
Example #2
 * The login procedure for both administrators and clients in. If successful, redirects them to the
 * appropriate page, otherwise returns an error.
 * @param array   $infohash This parameter should be a hash (e.g. $_POST or $_GET) containing both
 *                "username" and "password" keys, containing that information for the user trying
 *                to log in.
 * @param boolean $login_as_client [optional] This optional parameter is used by administrators
 *                to log in as a particular client, allowing them to view how the account looks,
 *                even if it is disabled.
 * @return string error message string (if error occurs). Otherwise it redirects the user to the
 *                appropriate page, based on account type.
function ft_login($infohash, $login_as_client = false)
    global $g_root_url, $g_table_prefix, $LANG;
    $settings = ft_get_settings("", "core");
    $username = strip_tags($infohash["username"]);
    $username = ft_sanitize($username);
    $password = isset($infohash["password"]) ? ft_sanitize($infohash["password"]) : "";
    $password = strip_tags($password);
    // extract info about this user's account
    $query = mysql_query("\r\n    SELECT account_id, account_type, account_status, password, temp_reset_password, login_page\r\n    FROM   {$g_table_prefix}accounts\r\n    WHERE  username = '******'\r\n      ");
    $account_info = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
    $has_temp_reset_password = empty($account_info["temp_reset_password"]) ? false : true;
    // error check user login info
    if (!$login_as_client) {
        if (empty($password)) {
            return $LANG["validation_no_password"];
        if ($account_info["account_status"] == "disabled") {
            return $LANG["validation_account_disabled"];
        if ($account_info["account_status"] == "pending") {
            return $LANG["validation_account_pending"];
        if (empty($username)) {
            return $LANG["validation_account_not_recognized"];
        $password_correct = md5(md5($password)) == $account_info["password"];
        $temp_password_correct = md5(md5($password)) == $account_info["temp_reset_password"];
        if (!$password_correct && !$temp_password_correct) {
            // if this is a client account and the administrator has enabled the maximum failed login attempts feature,
            // keep track of the count
            $account_settings = ft_get_account_settings($account_info["account_id"]);
            // stores the MAXIMUM number of failed attempts permitted, before the account gets disabled. If the value
            // is empty in either the user account or for the default value, that means the administrator doesn't want
            // to track the failed login attempts
            $max_failed_login_attempts = isset($account_settings["max_failed_login_attempts"]) ? $account_settings["max_failed_login_attempts"] : $settings["default_max_failed_login_attempts"];
            if ($account_info["account_type"] == "client" && !empty($max_failed_login_attempts)) {
                $num_failed_login_attempts = isset($account_settings["num_failed_login_attempts"]) && !empty($account_settings["num_failed_login_attempts"]) ? $account_settings["num_failed_login_attempts"] : 0;
                if ($num_failed_login_attempts >= $max_failed_login_attempts) {
                    ft_set_account_settings($account_info["account_id"], array("num_failed_login_attempts" => 0));
                    return $LANG["validation_account_disabled"];
                } else {
                    ft_set_account_settings($account_info["account_id"], array("num_failed_login_attempts" => $num_failed_login_attempts));
            return $LANG["validation_wrong_password"];
    extract(ft_process_hook_calls("main", compact("account_info"), array("account_info")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    // all checks out. Log them in, after populating sessions
    $_SESSION["ft"]["settings"] = $settings;
    $_SESSION["ft"]["account"] = ft_get_account_info($account_info["account_id"]);
    $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["is_logged_in"] = true;
    // this is deliberate.
    $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["password"] = md5(md5($password));
    // if this is an administrator, ensure the API version is up to date
    if ($account_info["account_type"] == "admin") {
    } else {
        ft_set_account_settings($account_info["account_id"], array("num_failed_login_attempts" => 0));
    // for clients, store the forms & form Views that they are allowed to access
    if ($account_info["account_type"] == "client") {
        $_SESSION["ft"]["permissions"] = ft_get_client_form_views($account_info["account_id"]);
    // if the user just logged in with a temporary password, append some args to pass to the login page
    // so that they will be prompted to changing it upon login
    $reset_password_args = array();
    if (md5(md5($password)) == $account_info["temp_reset_password"]) {
        $reset_password_args["message"] = "change_temp_password";
    // redirect the user to whatever login page they specified in their settings
    $login_url = ft_construct_page_url($account_info["login_page"], "", $reset_password_args);
    $login_url = "{$g_root_url}{$login_url}";
    if (!$login_as_client) {
    header("Location: {$login_url}");
Example #3
 * The uninstallation script for the Pages module. This basically does a little clean up
 * on the database to ensure it doesn't leave any footprints. Namely:
 *   - the module_pages table is removed
 *   - any references in client or admin menus to any Pages are removed
 *   - if the default login page for any user account was a Page, it attempts to reset it to
 *     a likely login page (the Forms page for both).
 * The message returned by the script informs the user the module has been uninstalled, and warns them
 * that any references to any of the Pages in the user accounts has been removed.
 * @return array [0] T/F, [1] success message
function pages__uninstall($module_id)
    global $g_table_prefix, $LANG;
    $pages = mysql_query("SELECT page_id FROM {$g_table_prefix}module_pages");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($pages)) {
        $page_id = $row["page_id"];
        mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$g_table_prefix}menu_items WHERE page_identifier = 'page_{$page_id}");
    // delete the Pages module tables
    @mysql_query("DROP TABLE {$g_table_prefix}module_pages");
    @mysql_query("DROP TABLE {$g_table_prefix}module_pages_clients");
    // update sessions in case a Page was in the administrator's account menu
    ft_cache_account_menu($account_id = $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["account_id"]);
    mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$g_table_prefix}settings WHERE module = 'pages'");
    return array(true, $LANG["pages"]["notify_module_uninstalled"]);
Example #4
 * This function lets you log a client or administrator in programmatically. By default, it logs the user in
 * and redirects them to whatever login page they specified in their user account. However, you can override
 * this in two ways: either specify a custom URL where they should be directed to, or avoid redirecting at
 * all. If you choose the latter, make sure you've initiated SESSIONS on the calling page - otherwise the
 * login account information (needed to be stored in sessions) is lost.
 * @param array $info a hash with the following possible parameters:
 *     "username" - the username
 *     "password" - the password
 *     "auto_redirect_after_login" - (boolean, defaulted to false) determines whether or not the user should
 *         be automatically redirected to a URL after a successful login.
 *     "login_url" - the URL to redirect to (if desired). If this isn't set, but auto_redirect_after_login IS,
 *         it will log the user in normally, to whatever login page they've specified in their account.
function ft_api_login($info)
    global $g_root_url, $g_table_prefix, $LANG, $g_api_debug;
    $username = ft_sanitize($info["username"]);
    $password = isset($info["password"]) ? ft_sanitize($info["password"]) : "";
    // extract info about this user's account
    $query = mysql_query("\n    SELECT account_id, account_type, account_status, password, login_page\n    FROM   {$g_table_prefix}accounts\n    WHERE  username = '******'\n      ");
    $account_info = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
    if (empty($password)) {
        if ($g_api_debug) {
            $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 1000, "error_type" => "user");
            ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
        } else {
            return array(false, 1000);
    if (empty($account_info)) {
        if ($g_api_debug) {
            $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 1004, "error_type" => "user");
            ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
        } else {
            return array(false, 1004);
    if ($account_info["account_status"] == "disabled") {
        if ($g_api_debug) {
            $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 1001, "error_type" => "user");
            ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
        } else {
            return array(false, 1001);
    if ($account_info["account_status"] == "pending") {
        if ($g_api_debug) {
            $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 1002, "error_type" => "user");
            ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
        } else {
            return array(false, 1002);
    if (md5(md5($password)) != $account_info["password"]) {
        if ($g_api_debug) {
            $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 1003, "error_type" => "user");
            ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
        } else {
            return array(false, 1003);
    // all checks out. Log them in, after populating sessions
    $_SESSION["ft"]["settings"] = ft_get_settings("", "core");
    // only load the core settings
    $_SESSION["ft"]["account"] = ft_get_account_info($account_info["account_id"]);
    $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["is_logged_in"] = true;
    $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["password"] = md5(md5($password));
    // if this is an administrator, build and cache the upgrade link and ensure the API version is up to date
    if ($account_info["account_type"] == "admin") {
    // for clients, store the forms & form Views that they are allowed to access
    if ($account_info["account_type"] == "client") {
        $_SESSION["ft"]["permissions"] = ft_get_client_form_views($account_info["account_id"]);
    // redirect the user to whatever login page they specified in their settings
    if (isset($info["auto_redirect_after_login"]) && $info["auto_redirect_after_login"]) {
        if (isset($info["login_url"]) && !empty($info["login_url"])) {
            header("Location: {$login_url}");
        } else {
            $login_url = ft_construct_page_url($account_info["login_page"]);
            $login_url = "{$g_root_url}{$login_url}";
            header("Location: {$login_url}");
    return array(true, "");
Example #5
 * Uninstalls a module from the database.
 * @param integer $module_id
function ft_uninstall_module($module_id)
    global $g_table_prefix, $LANG, $g_root_dir, $g_delete_module_folder_on_uninstallation;
    $module_info = ft_get_module($module_id);
    $module_folder = $module_info["module_folder"];
    if (empty($module_info)) {
        return false;
    $success = true;
    $has_custom_uninstall_script = false;
    if (is_file("{$g_root_dir}/modules/{$module_folder}/library.php")) {
        @(include_once "{$g_root_dir}/modules/{$module_folder}/library.php");
        $uninstall_function_name = "{$module_folder}__uninstall";
        if (function_exists($uninstall_function_name)) {
            $has_custom_uninstall_script = true;
            // get the module language file contents and store the info in the $LANG global for
            // so it can be accessed by the uninstallation script
            $LANG[$module_folder] = ft_get_module_lang_file_contents($module_folder);
            list($success, $custom_message) = $uninstall_function_name($module_id);
            // if there was a custom message returned (error or notification), overwrite the default
            // message
            if (!empty($custom_message)) {
                $message = $custom_message;
    // finally, if there wasn't a custom uninstallation script, or there WAS and it was successfully
    // run, remove the module record and any old database references
    if (!$has_custom_uninstall_script || $has_custom_uninstall_script && $success) {
        // delete the module tables
        mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$g_table_prefix}modules WHERE module_id = {$module_id}");
        mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$g_table_prefix}module_menu_items WHERE module_id = {$module_id}");
        // if this module was used in any menus, update them
        $query = mysql_query("\n      SELECT DISTINCT menu_id\n      FROM   {$g_table_prefix}menu_items\n      WHERE  page_identifier = 'module_{$module_id}'\n    ");
        $affected_menu_ids = array();
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
            $affected_menu_ids[] = $row["menu_id"];
        if (!empty($affected_menu_ids)) {
            mysql_query("\n        DELETE FROM {$g_table_prefix}menu_items\n        WHERE page_identifier = 'module_{$module_id}'\n          ");
            // now update the orders of all affected menus
            foreach ($affected_menu_ids as $menu_id) {
            // if rows were deleted, re-cache the admin menu and update the ordering of the admin account.
            // ASSUMPTION: only administrator accounts can have modules as items (will need to update at some
            // point soon, no doubt).
        // delete any hooks registered by this module
    // now delete the entire module folder
    $deleted = false;
    if ($g_delete_module_folder_on_uninstallation) {
        $deleted = ft_delete_folder("{$g_root_dir}/modules/{$module_folder}");
    if ($deleted) {
        $message = $LANG["notify_module_uninstalled"];
    } else {
        $message = $LANG["notify_module_uninstalled_files_not_deleted"];
    extract(ft_process_hook_calls("end", compact("module_id", "success", "message"), array("success", "message")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    return array($success, $message);