/** * if user agrees to send system information and the last sent info is outdated outputs a bunch of stuff that sends sysinfo without interrupting */ function fs_output_send_info_form() { if (fs_is_admin() && fs_get_system_option("user_agreed_to_send_system_information") && fs_last_sent_info_outdated()) { ?> <iframe id="hidden_frame" name="hidden_frame" style="width:0px; height:0px; border: 0px" src="about:blank"></iframe> <form name="send_info_form" target="hidden_frame" method="post" action="<?echo FS_SYSINFO_URL?>"> <?php $sysinfo = fs_get_sysinfo(); foreach ($sysinfo as $k => $v) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $k; ?> " value="<?php echo $v; ?> "></input> <?php } ?> </form> <script type='text/javascript'> sendSilentRequest('action=saveSentSysInfo'); document.forms['send_info_form'].submit(); </script> <?php } }
/** * store some usage FireStats usage information */ function fs_maintain_usage_stats() { if (fs_is_admin()) { $first_run_time = fs_get_system_option('first_run_time'); if (!$first_run_time) { fs_update_system_option('first_run_time', time()); } $firestats_id = fs_get_system_option('firestats_id'); if (!$firestats_id) { fs_update_system_option('firestats_id', mt_rand()); } } $first_login = fs_get_option('first_login'); if (!$first_login) { fs_update_option('first_login', time()); } }
?> <script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ // this is done here instead of sending an updated page in the first place // to improve startup time. updateAllStats(); toggleAutoRefresh(); sendSilentRequest('action=getNextUserMessage'); <?php if (fs_is_admin()) { if (fs_get_auto_bots_list_update() == 'true') { ?> sendSilentRequest('action=updateBotsList&update=botlist_placeholder,num_excluded&user_initiated=false'); <?php } if (fs_get_system_option('archive_method') == 'auto') { ?> FS.archiveOldData(); <?php } ?> sendSilentRequest('action=handle_pending_maintanence'); <?php } ?> //]]> </script> <?php }
function fs_add_pending_maintanence_job($id) { $jobs = fs_get_system_option('pending_maintanence', ''); if ($jobs == '') { $jobs = $id; } else { $jobs .= ",{$id}"; } // remove duplicate jobs $jobs = implode(',', array_unique(explode(',', $jobs))); fs_update_system_option('pending_maintanence', $jobs); }
function fs_get_archive_method_dropbox() { $automatically = fs_r('Automatically'); $manually = fs_r('Manually'); $select = fs_r('Please select'); $n = fs_get_system_option('archive_method'); $res = "<select id='archive_method' onchange=\"saveSystemOption('archive_method','archive_method','string')\">"; if ($n == null) { $res .= "<option value='ask' selected='selected'>{$select}</option>"; } $res .= "<option value='auto'" . ('auto' == $n ? " selected='selected'" : "") . ">{$automatically}</option>"; $res .= "<option value='manual'" . ('manual' == $n ? " selected='selected'" : "") . ">{$manually}</option>"; $res .= "</select>"; return $res; }
function fs_ajax_handle_pending_maintanence(&$response) { $str = fs_get_system_option('pending_maintanence', ''); if ($str != '') { $jobs = explode(',', $str); if (count($jobs) > 0) { $job = array_pop($jobs); $response['execute'] = "FS.executeProcess('{$job}')"; fs_update_system_option('pending_maintanence', implode(',', $jobs)); } } }
function fs_get_archive_older_than() { return fs_get_system_option('archive_older_than', 90); }
function fs_get_botlist_version_hash() { return fs_get_system_option('botlist_version_hash', ''); }