$sql = "UPDATE trn_museum_profile_picture SET " . implode(",", $update) . " WHERE PIC_ID =" . $k; mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die($sql); } } // แหล่งเรียนรู้ใกล้เคียง = 9 NEARBY if (count($_POST['NEARBY_file']) > 0) { $sql_max = "SELECT MAX(ORDER_DATA) AS MAX_ORDER FROM trn_museum_profile_picture WHERE MUSEUM_ID = " . $_POST['museumId'] . " AND IMG_TYPE = 9"; $query_max = mysql_query($sql_max, $conn) or die($sql_max); $row_max = mysql_fetch_array($query_max); $max = $row_max['MAX_ORDER']; $max++; foreach ($_POST['NEARBY_file'] as $k => $file) { $filename = frontend_move_image_upload_dir('MUSEUM_' . $_POST['museumId'], end(explode('/', $file)), 1000, '', false, 150, 150); unset($insert); $insert['MUSEUM_ID'] = $_POST['museumId']; $insert['IMG_TYPE'] = 9; $insert['IMG_PATH'] = "'" . $filename . "'"; $insert['ORDER_DATA'] = $max++; $sql = "INSERT INTO trn_museum_profile_picture (" . implode(",", array_keys($insert)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(",", array_values($insert)) . ")"; mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die($sql); } } if (count($_POST['NEARBYorder_position']) > 0) { foreach ($_POST['NEARBYorder_position'] as $k => $val) {
$insert['EVENT_START_TIME'] = "'" . $_POST['startdate'] . "'"; $insert['EVENT_END_TIME'] = "'" . $_POST['enddate'] . "'"; $insert['PRICE_RATE_LOC'] = "'" . $_POST['txtPriceLoc'] . "'"; $insert['PRICE_RATE_ENG'] = "'" . $_POST['txtPriceEng'] . "'"; $sql = "INSERT INTO trn_content_detail (" . implode(",", array_keys($insert)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(",", array_values($insert)) . ")"; mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die($sql . ' Err : ' . mysql_error()); $retrunID = mysql_insert_id(); if (count($_POST['EVENT_PIC_file']) > 0) { $sql_max = "SELECT MAX(ORDER_ID) AS MAX_ORDER FROM trn_content_picture WHERE CONTENT_ID = " . $retrunID . " AND IMG_TYPE = 1 "; //$_POST['cmbCategory']; $query_max = mysql_query($sql_max, $conn) or die($sql_max); $row_max = mysql_fetch_array($query_max); $max = $row_max['MAX_ORDER']; $max++; foreach ($_POST['EVENT_PIC_file'] as $k => $file) { $filename = frontend_move_image_upload_dir('content_museum_' . $retrunID, end(explode('/', $file)), 1000, '', false, 150, 150); unset($insert); $insert['CONTENT_ID'] = $retrunID; $insert['IMG_TYPE'] = 1; $insert['IMG_PATH'] = "'" . $filename . "'"; $insert['CAT_ID'] = "'" . $CID . "'"; $insert['ORDER_ID'] = "'" . $max++ . "'"; $sql = "INSERT INTO trn_content_picture (" . implode(",", array_keys($insert)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(",", array_values($insert)) . ")"; mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die; } } // $IMG_TYPE = 3; if (count($_POST['YOUTUBE_file'])) { $sql_max = "SELECT MAX(ORDER_ID) AS MAX_ORDER FROM trn_content_picture WHERE CONTENT_ID = " . $retrunID . " AND IMG_TYPE = 3 "; $query_max = mysql_query($sql_max, $conn) or die($sql_max); $row_max = mysql_fetch_array($query_max);
แหล่งเรียนรู้ใกล้เคียง = 9 NEARBY */ $arrPic = array("", "HIS", "PHY", "LAND", "EXH", "ARC", "TOP_ARC", "STORAGE", "PUBLIC_INFO", "NEARBY"); for ($idx = 1; $idx <= 9; $idx++) { //ความเป็นมา Type = 1 HIS if (count($_POST[$arrPic[$idx] . '_file']) > 0) { $sql_max = "SELECT MAX(ORDER_DATA) AS MAX_ORDER FROM trn_museum_profile_picture WHERE MUSEUM_ID = " . $returnID . " AND IMG_TYPE = " . $idx; //$_POST['cmbCategory']; $query_max = mysql_query($sql_max, $conn) or die($sql_max); $row_max = mysql_fetch_array($query_max); $max = $row_max['MAX_ORDER']; $max++; foreach ($_POST[$arrPic[$idx] . '_file'] as $k => $file) { $filename = frontend_move_image_upload_dir('MUSEUM_' . $returnID, end(explode('/', $file)), 1000, '', false, 150, 150); unset($insert); $insert['MUSEUM_ID'] = $returnID; $insert['IMG_TYPE'] = $idx; $insert['IMG_PATH'] = "'" . $filename . "'"; $insert['ORDER_DATA'] = $max++; $sql = "INSERT INTO trn_museum_profile_picture (" . implode(",", array_keys($insert)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(",", array_values($insert)) . ")"; mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die($sql); } } } if (isset($_POST['catMuseum'])) { $sql = "delete from trn_mapping_museum_category where MUSEUM_DETAIL_ID = " . $returnID;