function frontier_email_on_transition($new_status, $old_status, $post) { if ($post->post_type !== 'post') { return; } //Don't touch anything that's not a post (i.e. ignore links and attachments and whatnot ) //If some variety of a draft is being published, dispatch an email if ($old_status != 'pending' && $new_status == 'pending' && fp_get_option("fps_mail_to_approve", "false") == "true") { $author_name = get_the_author_meta('display_name', $post->post_author); $to = fp_get_option("fps_mail_address") ? fp_get_option("fps_mail_address") : get_option("admin_email"); $subject = __("Post for approval from", "frontier-post") . ": " . $author_name . " (" . get_bloginfo("name") . ")"; $body = __("Post for approval from", "frontier-post") . ": " . $author_name . " (" . get_bloginfo("name") . ")" . "\r\n\r\n"; $body .= __("Title", "frontier-post") . ": " . $post->post_title . "\r\n\r\n"; $concat = get_option("permalink_structure") ? "?" : "&"; if (fp_get_option_int('fps_pending_page_id', 0) > 0) { $tmp_link = get_permalink(fp_get_option('fps_pending_page_id')) . $concat . 'task=approve&postid=' . $post->ID; } else { $tmp_link = site_url('/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pending&post_type=post'); } $body .= __("Link to approval", "frontier-post") . ": " . $tmp_link . "\r\n\r\n"; if (!wp_mail($to, $subject, $body)) { error_log(__("Message delivery failed - Recipient: (", "frontier-post") . $to . ")"); } } if ($old_status == 'pending' && $new_status == 'publish' && fp_get_option("fps_mail_approved", "false") == "true") { if ($post->post_author == get_current_user_id()) { return; } // no reason to send email if current user is able to publish :) $to = get_the_author_meta('email', $post->post_author); $subject = __("Your post has been approved", "frontier-post") . " (" . get_bloginfo("name") . ")"; $body = __("Your post has been approved", "frontier-post") . ": (" . get_bloginfo("name") . ")" . "\r\n\r\n"; $body .= __("Title", "frontier-post") . ": " . $post->post_title . "\r\n\r\n"; $body .= __("Link", "frontier-post") . ": " . get_permalink($post->ID) . "\r\n\r\n"; if (!wp_mail($to, $subject, $body)) { error_log(__("Message delivery failed - Recipient: (", "frontier-post") . $to . ")"); } } }
function frontier_user_posts($atts) { global $wp_roles; global $current_user; global $post; $sc_allowed_post_types = fp_get_option_array('fps_sc_allowed_in', array("page")); //new in version 3.6.6, admin can choose wich post types are aloowed if (has_shortcode($post->post_content, 'frontier-post') && in_array($post->post_type, $sc_allowed_post_types)) { if (is_user_logged_in()) { //if ( !is_page(get_the_id()) ) if (!in_array($post->post_type, $sc_allowed_post_types)) { die('<center><h1>ERROR: ' . __("frontier-post Shortcode only allowed in pages", "frontier-post") . " (" . $post->post_type . ")</h1></center>"); return; } if (isset($_POST['task'])) { $post_task = $_POST['task']; } else { if (isset($_GET['task'])) { $post_task = $_GET['task']; } else { $post_task = "notaskset"; } } $post_action = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : "Unknown"; $fpost_sc_parms = shortcode_atts(array('frontier_mode' => 'none', 'frontier_parent_cat_id' => 0, 'frontier_cat_id' => 0, 'frontier_list_cat_id' => 0, 'frontier_list_all_posts' => 'false', 'frontier_list_pending_posts' => 'false', 'frontier_list_draft_posts' => 'false', 'frontier_list_text_before' => '', 'frontier_edit_text_before' => '', 'frontier_myid' => $post->ID, 'frontier_page_id' => $post->ID, 'frontier_return_text' => __("Save & Return", "frontier-post"), 'frontier_add_link_text' => '', 'frontier_add_post_type' => 'post', 'frontier_list_post_types' => 'post', 'frontier_custom_tax' => '', 'frontier_custom_tax_layout' => '', 'frontier_edit_form' => fp_get_option("fps_default_form", "standard"), 'frontier_editor_height' => fp_get_option_int("fps_editor_lines", 300), 'frontier_quick_editor_height' => fp_get_option_int("fps_quick_editor_lines", 200), 'frontier_list_form' => fp_get_option("fps_default_list", "list"), 'fps_cache_time_tax_lists' => fp_get_option_int("fps_cache_time_tax_lists", 30 * 60), 'frontier_pagination' => 'true', 'frontier_ppp' => (int) fp_get_option('fps_ppp', 5), 'frontier_user_status' => ''), $atts); // support for url link based creation of custom post types if (isset($_GET['task']) && $_GET['task'] == "new" && isset($_GET['frontier_add_post_type'])) { $tmp_post_type = $_GET['frontier_add_post_type']; $tmp_post_type_list = fp_get_option_array('fps_custom_post_type_list', array()); if (in_array($tmp_post_type, $tmp_post_type_list)) { $fpost_sc_parms['frontier_add_post_type'] = $tmp_post_type; } } // Remove quotes from post type $fpost_sc_parms['frontier_add_post_type'] = str_replace("'", "", $fpost_sc_parms['frontier_add_post_type']); $fpost_sc_parms['frontier_add_post_type'] = str_replace('"', '', $fpost_sc_parms['frontier_add_post_type']); //If Category parsed from widget assign it instead of category from shortcode if (isset($_GET['frontier_new_cat_widget']) && $_GET['frontier_new_cat_widget'] == "true") { $_REQUEST['frontier_new_cat_widget'] = "true"; $fpost_sc_parms['frontier_cat_id'] = isset($_GET['frontier_cat_id']) ? $_GET['frontier_cat_id'] : 0; } //Change Categories to array $fpost_sc_parms['frontier_cat_id'] = fp_list2array($fpost_sc_parms['frontier_cat_id']); $fpost_sc_parms['frontier_list_cat_id'] = fp_list2array($fpost_sc_parms['frontier_list_cat_id']); $fpost_sc_parms['frontier_list_post_types'] = fp_list2array($fpost_sc_parms['frontier_list_post_types']); $fpost_sc_parms['frontier_custom_tax'] = fp_list2array($fpost_sc_parms['frontier_custom_tax']); $fpost_sc_parms['frontier_custom_tax_layout'] = fp_list2array($fpost_sc_parms['frontier_custom_tax_layout']); $fpost_sc_parms['frontier_user_status'] = fp_list2array($fpost_sc_parms['frontier_user_status']); extract($fpost_sc_parms); // if mode is add, go directly to show form - enables use directly on several pages if ($frontier_mode == "add" && $post_task != 'delete') { $post_task = "new"; } ob_start(); switch ($post_task) { case 'new': if ($post_action == "wpfrtp_save_post") { frontier_posting_form_submit($fpost_sc_parms); } else { frontier_post_add_edit($fpost_sc_parms); } break; case 'edit': if ($post_action == "wpfrtp_save_post") { frontier_posting_form_submit($fpost_sc_parms); } else { frontier_post_add_edit($fpost_sc_parms); } break; case 'delete': if ($post_action == "wpfrtp_delete_post") { frontier_execute_delete_post($fpost_sc_parms); } else { frontier_prepare_delete_post($fpost_sc_parms); } break; case 'approve': if ($post_action == "wpfrtp_approve_post") { frontier_execute_approve_post($fpost_sc_parms); } else { frontier_prepare_approve_post($fpost_sc_parms); } break; case 'clone': frontier_clone_post($fpost_sc_parms); break; default: frontier_user_post_list($fpost_sc_parms); break; } //return content to shortcode for output $fp_content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $fp_content; } else { echo fp_login_text(); } // user_logged_in } else { //Shortcode called from enything else than page, not allowed if (!in_array($post->post_type, $sc_allowed_post_types) && is_singular()) { // Only show warning if single post $sing = is_singular() ? "S" : "M"; echo '<br><div id="frontier-post-alert">frontier-post shortcode ' . __("only allowed in", "frontier-post") . ': ' . implode(", ", $sc_allowed_post_types) . ' - This post type: (' . $post->post_type . ') - (' . $post->ID . '/' . $sing . ')</div><br>'; return; } } // has_shortcode }
function frontier_user_posts($atts) { global $wp_roles; global $current_user; global $post; if (has_shortcode($post->post_content, 'frontier-post') && $post->post_type == 'page') { if (is_user_logged_in()) { //if ( !is_page(get_the_id()) ) if ($post->post_type != 'page') { die('<center><h1>ERROR: ' . __("frontier-post Shortcode only allowed in pages", "frontier-post") . '</h1></center>'); return; } //error_log("Custom tax from settings ----->"); //error_log(print_r(fp_get_option_array("fps_custom_tax_list"), true)); /* error_log("Get var---->"); error_log(print_r($_GET, true)); */ if (isset($_POST['task'])) { $post_task = $_POST['task']; } else { if (isset($_GET['task'])) { $post_task = $_GET['task']; } else { $post_task = "notaskset"; } } //$post_task = isset($_GET['task']) ? $_GET['task'] : "notaskset"; $post_action = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : "Unknown"; /* error_log("Post task---->".$post_task); error_log("Post action---->".$post_action); error_log(print_r($_POST, true)); */ $frontier_post_shortcode_parms = shortcode_atts(array('frontier_mode' => 'none', 'frontier_parent_cat_id' => 0, 'frontier_cat_id' => 0, 'frontier_list_cat_id' => 0, 'frontier_list_all_posts' => 'false', 'frontier_list_pending_posts' => 'false', 'frontier_list_text_before' => '', 'frontier_edit_text_before' => '', 'frontier_myid' => $post->ID, 'frontier_page_id' => $post->ID, 'frontier_return_text' => __("Save & Return", "frontier-post"), 'frontier_add_link_text' => '', 'frontier_add_post_type' => 'post', 'frontier_list_post_types' => 'post', 'frontier_custom_tax' => '', 'frontier_custom_tax_layout' => '', 'frontier_edit_form' => fp_get_option("fps_default_form", "standard"), 'frontier_editor_height' => fp_get_option_int("fps_editor_lines", 300), 'frontier_list_form' => fp_get_option("fps_default_list", "list"), 'fps_cache_time_tax_lists' => fp_get_option_int("fps_cache_time_tax_lists", 30 * 60)), $atts); //error_log(print_r($frontier_post_shortcode_parms,true)); //If Category parsed from widget assign it instead of category from shortcode if (isset($_GET['frontier_new_cat_widget']) && $_GET['frontier_new_cat_widget'] == "true") { $_REQUEST['frontier_new_cat_widget'] = "true"; $frontier_post_shortcode_parms['frontier_cat_id'] = isset($_GET['frontier_cat_id']) ? $_GET['frontier_cat_id'] : 0; } //Change Categories to array $frontier_post_shortcode_parms['frontier_cat_id'] = fp_list2array($frontier_post_shortcode_parms['frontier_cat_id']); $frontier_post_shortcode_parms['frontier_list_cat_id'] = fp_list2array($frontier_post_shortcode_parms['frontier_list_cat_id']); $frontier_post_shortcode_parms['frontier_list_post_types'] = fp_list2array($frontier_post_shortcode_parms['frontier_list_post_types']); $frontier_post_shortcode_parms['frontier_custom_tax'] = fp_list2array($frontier_post_shortcode_parms['frontier_custom_tax']); $frontier_post_shortcode_parms['frontier_custom_tax_layout'] = fp_list2array($frontier_post_shortcode_parms['frontier_custom_tax_layout']); extract($frontier_post_shortcode_parms); // if mode is add, go directly to show form - enables use directly on several pages if ($frontier_mode == "add") { $post_task = "new"; } ob_start(); switch ($post_task) { case 'new': if ($post_action == "wpfrtp_save_post") { frontier_posting_form_submit($frontier_post_shortcode_parms); } else { frontier_post_add_edit($frontier_post_shortcode_parms); } break; case 'edit': if ($post_action == "wpfrtp_save_post") { frontier_posting_form_submit($frontier_post_shortcode_parms); } else { frontier_post_add_edit($frontier_post_shortcode_parms); } break; case 'delete': if ($post_action == "wpfrtp_delete_post") { frontier_execute_delete_post($frontier_post_shortcode_parms); } else { frontier_prepare_delete_post($frontier_post_shortcode_parms); } break; default: frontier_user_post_list($frontier_post_shortcode_parms); break; } //return content to shortcode for output $fp_content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $fp_content; } else { echo fp_login_text(); } // user_logged_in } else { //Shortcode called from post, not allowed if (is_singular()) { // Only show warning if single post echo '<br><div id="frontier-post-alert">frontier-post shortcode ' . __("not allowed in posts, only pages !", "frontier-post") . '</div><br>'; return; } } // has_shortcode }
function frontier_post_set_defaults() { if (!defined('FRONTIER_POST_SETTINGS_OPTION_NAME')) { define('FRONTIER_POST_SETTINGS_OPTION_NAME', "frontier_post_general_options"); } if (!defined('FRONTIER_POST_CAPABILITY_OPTION_NAME')) { define('FRONTIER_POST_CAPABILITY_OPTION_NAME', "frontier_post_capabilities"); } include FRONTIER_POST_DIR . '/include/frontier_post_defaults.php'; $fp_last_upgrade = fp_get_option('fps_options_migrated_version', get_option("frontier_post_version", '0.0.0')); // Upgrade old versions, but dont run upgrade if fresh install if ($fp_last_upgrade != '0.0.0' && version_compare($fp_last_upgrade, '3.3.0') < 0) { include FRONTIER_POST_DIR . '/admin/frontier-post-convert-options.php'; fps_cnv_general_options(true); $fp_upgrade_msg = 'Frontier Post - Settings upgraded from version: ' . $fp_last_upgrade . ' to version: ' . FRONTIER_POST_VERSION; } else { //****************************************************************************** // add settings if not already there //****************************************************************************** if (!fp_get_option_bool('fps_keep_options_uninstall', false)) { // Set default capabilities $saved_capabilities = frontier_post_get_capabilities(); // administrators capabilities $tmp_administrator_cap = array('frontier_post_can_add' => 'true', 'frontier_post_can_edit' => 'true', 'frontier_post_can_delete' => 'true', 'frontier_post_can_publish' => 'true', 'frontier_post_can_draft' => 'true', 'frontier_post_can_pending' => 'true', 'frontier_post_can_private' => 'true', 'frontier_post_redir_edit' => 'true', 'frontier_post_show_admin_bar' => 'true', 'frontier_post_exerpt_edit' => 'true', 'frontier_post_tags_edit' => 'true', 'frontier_post_can_media' => 'true', 'frontier_post_can_page' => 'true', 'fps_role_editor_type' => 'full', 'fps_role_category_layout' => 'multi', 'fps_role_default_category' => get_option("default_category"), 'fps_role_allowed_categories' => ''); // editor $tmp_editor_cap = $tmp_administrator_cap; // Author $tmp_author_cap = $tmp_editor_cap; $tmp_author_cap['frontier_post_can_private'] = 'false'; $tmp_author_cap['frontier_post_show_admin_bar'] = 'false'; $tmp_author_cap['frontier_post_can_page'] = 'false'; // Contributor $tmp_contributor_cap = $tmp_author_cap; $tmp_contributor_cap['frontier_post_can_delete'] = 'false'; $tmp_contributor_cap['frontier_post_can_publish'] = 'false'; $tmp_contributor_cap['frontier_post_redir_edit'] = 'false'; $tmp_contributor_cap['frontier_post_tags_edit'] = 'false'; $tmp_contributor_cap['frontier_post_can_media'] = 'false'; $tmp_contributor_cap['fps_role_editor_type'] = 'minimal-visual'; // Subscriber $tmp_subscriber_cap = $tmp_contributor_cap; $tmp_subscriber_cap['frontier_post_can_add'] = 'false'; $tmp_subscriber_cap['frontier_post_can_edit'] = 'false'; $tmp_subscriber_cap['frontier_post_can_pending'] = 'false'; $tmp_subscriber_cap['frontier_post_can_draft'] = 'false'; $wp_roles = new WP_Roles(); $roles = $wp_roles->get_names(); $saved_capabilities = frontier_post_get_capabilities(); foreach ($roles as $key => $item) { switch ($key) { case 'administrator': $tmp_cap_list = $tmp_administrator_cap; break; case 'editor': $tmp_cap_list = $tmp_editor_cap; break; case 'author': $tmp_cap_list = $tmp_author_cap; break; case 'frontier-author': $tmp_cap_list = $tmp_author_cap; break; case 'contributor': $tmp_cap_list = $tmp_contributor_cap; break; case 'subscriber': $tmp_cap_list = $tmp_subscriber_cap; break; default: $tmp_cap_list = $tmp_contributor_cap; break; } $saved_capabilities[$key] = $tmp_cap_list; } // roles // Save options update_option(FRONTIER_POST_CAPABILITY_OPTION_NAME, $saved_capabilities); } // end update settings if not saved from during previous uninstall } //end Upgrade or not // update default settings fp_post_set_defaults(); // Set Wordpress capabilities frontier_post_set_cap(); global $wpdb; // Check if page containing [frontier-post] exists already, else create it $tmp_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id \r\n\t\t FROM {$wpdb->posts} \r\n\t\t WHERE post_type='page' AND \r\n\t\t post_status='publish' AND \r\n\t\t post_content LIKE '%[frontier-post]%'\r\n\t\t"); if ((int) $tmp_id <= 0) { // Add new page $my_page = array('post_title' => __('My Posts', 'frontier-post'), 'post_content' => '[frontier-post]', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'comment_status' => 'closed', 'post_type' => 'page', 'ping_status' => 'closed'); // Insert the page into the database $tmp_id = wp_insert_post($my_page); // save page id $fps_save_general_options = frontier_post_get_settings(); $fps_save_general_options['fps_page_id'] = $tmp_id; update_option(FRONTIER_POST_SETTINGS_OPTION_NAME, $fps_save_general_options); } else { if (fp_get_option_int('fps_page_id', 0) === 0) { // save page id $fps_save_general_options = frontier_post_get_settings(); $fps_save_general_options['fps_page_id'] = $tmp_id; update_option(FRONTIER_POST_SETTINGS_OPTION_NAME, $fps_save_general_options); } } //save to options that capabilities has been migrated $fps_general_options = frontier_post_get_settings(); $fps_general_options['fps_options_migrated'] = "true"; $fps_general_options['fps_options_migrated_version'] = FRONTIER_POST_VERSION; update_option(FRONTIER_POST_SETTINGS_OPTION_NAME, $fps_general_options); // Put an updated message on the screen - NO NO, Cant do that in activation script. //echo '<div class="updated"><p><strong>'.__("Frontier Post - Default settings and capabilities set - Please review settings and capabilities", 'frontier-post' ).'</strong></p></div>'; }
function frontier_posting_form_submit($frontier_post_shortcode_parms = array()) { extract($frontier_post_shortcode_parms); global $current_user; // which button has been pressed $tmp_return = isset($_POST['user_post_submit']) ? $_POST['user_post_submit'] : "savereturn"; //Get Frontier Post capabilities $fp_capabilities = frontier_post_get_capabilities(); if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == "wpfrtp_save_post") { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['frontier_add_edit_post_' . $_POST['postid']], 'frontier_add_edit_post')) { wp_die(__("Security violation (Nonce check) - Please contact your Wordpress administrator", "frontier-post")); } if (isset($_REQUEST['task']) && $_REQUEST['task'] == "new") { $tmp_task_new = true; } else { $tmp_task_new = false; } //fp_log("New post ? : ".$tmp_task_new); if (isset($_POST['post_status'])) { $post_status = $_POST['post_status']; } else { $post_status = 'draft'; } //Check if Publish has been pressed if ($tmp_return === "publish" && current_user_can("frontier_post_can_publish")) { $post_status = 'publish'; } $tmp_post_type = isset($_POST['posttype']) ? $_POST['posttype'] : 'post'; $postid = $_POST['postid']; $tmp_title = trim($_POST['user_post_title']); $tmp_content = trim($_POST['user_post_desc']); // check empty title, and set status to draft if status is empty if (empty($tmp_title)) { if (strlen($tmp_content) > 20) { $tmp_title = wp_trim_words($tmp_content, 10); } else { $tmp_title = __("No Title", "frontier-post"); } $post_status = 'draft'; frontier_post_set_msg('<div id="frontier-post-alert">' . __("Warning", "frontier-post") . ': ' . __("Title was empty", "frontier-post") . ' - ' . __("Post status set to draft", "frontier-post") . '</div>'); } $tmp_title = trim(strip_tags($tmp_title)); if (empty($tmp_content)) { $tmp_content = __("No content", "frontier-post"); $post_status = 'draft'; frontier_post_set_msg('<div id="frontier-post-alert">' . __("Warning", "frontier-post") . ': ' . __("Content was empty", "frontier-post") . ' - ' . __("Post status set to draft", "frontier-post") . '</div>'); } $tmp_excerpt = isset($_POST['user_post_excerpt']) ? trim($_POST['user_post_excerpt']) : null; $users_role = frontier_get_user_role(); //**************************************************************************************************** // Manage Categories //**************************************************************************************************** // Do not manage categories for page if ($tmp_post_type != 'page') { $category_type = $fp_capabilities[$users_role]['fps_role_category_layout'] ? $fp_capabilities[$users_role]['fps_role_category_layout'] : "multi"; $default_category = $fp_capabilities[$users_role]['fps_role_default_category'] ? $fp_capabilities[$users_role]['fps_role_default_category'] : get_option("default_category"); $tmp_field_name = frontier_tax_field_name('category'); if ($category_type != "hide" && $category_type != "readonly") { $tmp_categorymulti = isset($_POST[$tmp_field_name]) ? $_POST[$tmp_field_name] : array(); } //frontier_post_set_msg("Default Category: ".$default_category); //frontier_post_set_msg("Post Categories: ".( isset($_POST['post_categories']) ? $_POST['post_categories'] : "NONE")); // if no category returned from entry form, check for hidden field, if this is empty set default category if (!isset($tmp_categorymulti) || count($tmp_categorymulti) == 0) { $tmp_categorymulti = isset($_POST['post_categories']) ? explode(',', $_POST['post_categories']) : array(); // Do not use default category if post type = page if ($tmp_post_type != 'page') { $tmp_categorymulti = count($tmp_categorymulti) > 0 && isset($tmp_categorymulti[0]) && $tmp_categorymulti[0] > 0 ? $tmp_categorymulti : array($default_category); } } //frontier_post_set_msg("Category from POST: ".print_r($tmp_categorymulti,true)); } // do not manage categories for pages //**************************************************************************************************** // Update post //**************************************************************************************************** $tmp_post = array('ID' => $postid, 'post_type' => $tmp_post_type, 'post_title' => $tmp_title, 'post_status' => $post_status, 'post_content' => $tmp_content, 'post_excerpt' => $tmp_excerpt); // Do not manage categories for page if ($tmp_post_type != 'page') { $tmp_post['post_category'] = $tmp_categorymulti; } //**************************************************************************************************** // Apply filter before update of post // filter: frontier_post_pre_update // $tmp_post Array that holds the updated fields // $tmp_task_new Equals true if the user is adding a post // $_POST Input form //**************************************************************************************************** $tmp_post = apply_filters('frontier_post_pre_update', $tmp_post, $tmp_task_new, $_POST); //Set $post_status to tmp_post value, if changed by filter $post_status = $tmp_post['post_status']; //force save with draft status first, if new post and status is set to published to align with wordpress standard if ($tmp_task_new == true && $post_status == "publish") { $tmp_post['post_status'] = "draft"; wp_update_post($tmp_post); $tmp_post = array('ID' => $postid, 'post_status' => $post_status); wp_update_post($tmp_post); } else { wp_update_post($tmp_post); } //**************************************************************************************************** // Tags //**************************************************************************************************** // Do not manage tags for page if (current_user_can('frontier_post_tags_edit') && $tmp_post_type != 'page') { $fp_tag_count = fp_get_option_int("fps_tag_count", 3); $taglist = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $fp_tag_count; $i++) { if (isset($_POST['user_post_tag' . $i])) { array_push($taglist, fp_tag_transform($_POST['user_post_tag' . $i])); } } wp_set_post_tags($postid, $taglist); } //**************************************************************************************************** // Add/Update message //**************************************************************************************************** if ($tmp_task_new == true) { frontier_post_set_msg(__("Post added", "frontier-post") . ": " . $tmp_title); } else { frontier_post_set_msg(__("Post updated", "frontier-post") . ": " . $tmp_title); } //**************************************************************************************************** // Taxonomies //**************************************************************************************************** // Do not manage taxonomies for page if ($tmp_post_type != 'page') { foreach ($frontier_custom_tax as $tmp_tax_name) { if (!empty($tmp_tax_name) && $tmp_tax_name != 'category') { $tmp_field_name = frontier_tax_field_name($tmp_tax_name); $tmp_value = isset($_POST[$tmp_field_name]) ? $_POST[$tmp_field_name] : array(); if (is_array($tmp_value)) { $tmp_tax_selected = $tmp_value; } else { $tmp_tax_selected = array($tmp_value); } wp_set_post_terms($postid, $tmp_tax_selected, $tmp_tax_name); //error_log("set terms: ".$tmp_tax_name." : ". print_r($tmp_tax_selected,true)); } } } // end do not manage taxonomies for pages //**************************************************************************************************** // End updating post //**************************************************************************************************** //Get the updated post $my_post = get_post($postid); // Delete users cache for My Posts widget fp_delete_my_post_w_cache(); //*************************************************************************************** //* Save post moderation fields //*************************************************************************************** if (fp_get_option_bool("fps_use_moderation") && (current_user_can("edit_others_posts") || $current_user->ID == $my_post->post_author)) { if (isset($_POST['frontier_post_moderation_new_text'])) { $fp_moderation_comments_new = $_POST['frontier_post_moderation_new_text']; //$fp_moderation_comments_new = trim(stripslashes(strip_tags($fp_moderation_comments_new))); $fp_moderation_comments_new = wp_strip_all_tags($fp_moderation_comments_new); $fp_moderation_comments_new = nl2br($fp_moderation_comments_new); $fp_moderation_comments_new = stripslashes($fp_moderation_comments_new); $fp_moderation_comments_new = trim($fp_moderation_comments_new); if (strlen($fp_moderation_comments_new) > 0) { global $current_user; $fp_moderation_comments_old = get_post_meta($my_post->ID, 'FRONTIER_POST_MODERATION_TEXT', true); $fp_moderation_comments = current_time('mysql') . " - " . $current_user->user_login . ":<br>"; $fp_moderation_comments .= $fp_moderation_comments_new . "<br>"; $fp_moderation_comments .= '<hr>' . "<br>"; $fp_moderation_comments .= $fp_moderation_comments_old . "<br>"; update_post_meta($my_post->ID, 'FRONTIER_POST_MODERATION_TEXT', $fp_moderation_comments); update_post_meta($my_post->ID, 'FRONTIER_POST_MODERATION_DATE', current_time('mysql')); update_post_meta($my_post->ID, 'FRONTIER_POST_MODERATION_FLAG', 'true'); // Email author on moderation comments if (isset($_POST['frontier_post_moderation_send_email']) && $_POST['frontier_post_moderation_send_email'] == "true") { $to = get_the_author_meta('email', $my_post->post_author); $subject = __("Moderator has commented your pending post", "frontier-post") . " (" . get_bloginfo("name") . ")"; $body = __("Moderator has commented your pending post", "frontier-post") . ": " . $my_post->post_title . " (" . get_bloginfo("name") . ")" . "\r\n\r\n"; $body .= "Comments: " . $_POST['frontier_post_moderation_new_text'] . "\r\n\r\n"; if (!wp_mail($to, $subject, $body)) { frontier_post_set_msg(__("Message delivery failed - Recipient: (", "frontier-post") . $to . ")"); } } } } } //**************************************************************************************************** // Action fires after add/update of post, and after taxonomies are updated // Do action frontier_post_post_save // $my_post Post object for the post just updated // $tmp_task_new Equals true if the user is adding a post // $_POST Input form //**************************************************************************************************** do_action('frontier_post_post_save', $my_post, $tmp_task_new, $_POST); //If save, set task to edit if ($tmp_return == "save") { $_REQUEST['task'] = "edit"; $_REQUEST['postid'] = $postid; } // if shortcode frontier_mode=add, return to add form instead of list if ($frontier_mode == "add" && $tmp_return == "savereturn") { $tmp_return = "add"; } switch ($tmp_return) { case 'preview': frontier_preview_post($postid); break; case 'add': frontier_post_add_edit($frontier_post_shortcode_parms); break; case 'savereturn': frontier_user_post_list($frontier_post_shortcode_parms); break; case 'save': frontier_post_add_edit($frontier_post_shortcode_parms); break; case 'delete': frontier_prepare_delete_post($frontier_post_shortcode_parms); break; default: frontier_user_post_list($frontier_post_shortcode_parms); break; } } else { frontier_post_set_msg(__("Error - Unable to save post", "frontier-post")); frontier_user_post_list($frontier_post_shortcode_parms); } // end isset post }
function frontier_can_delete($tmp_post) { $fps_access_check_msg = ""; $cur_user = wp_get_current_user(); $tmp_can_do = true; // Check if the user is allowed to delete posts if (!current_user_can('frontier_post_can_delete')) { $tmp_can_do = false; $fps_access_check_msg .= __("You are not allowed to delete posts", "frontier-post") . "<br>"; } // Users can not delete other users posts unless they have capability "delete_others_posts" (Administrators & Editors) if ($cur_user->ID != $tmp_post->post_author && !current_user_can('delete_others_posts')) { $tmp_can_do = false; $fps_access_check_msg .= __("You are not allowed to delete post from another user", "frontier-post") . "<br>"; } // Check that the age of the post is below the Frontier Post setting if (frontier_post_age($tmp_post->post_date) > fp_get_option_int('fps_delete_max_age')) { $tmp_can_do = false; $fps_access_check_msg .= __("You are not allowed to delete post older than: ", "frontier-post") . get_option('frontier_post_delete_max_age') . " " . __("days", "frontier-post") . "<br>"; } // Check that user is allowed to delete posts that already has comments if ((int) $tmp_post->comment_count > 0 && !fp_get_option_bool("fps_del_w_comments")) { $tmp_can_do = false; $fps_access_check_msg .= __("You are not allowed to deelete post that already has comments", "frontier-post") . "<br>"; } // Check that user is allowed to delete published posts if (!fp_get_option("fps_change_status") && $tmp_post->post_status == "publish") { $tmp_can_do = false; $fps_access_check_msg .= __("You are not allowed to delete published posts", "frontier-post") . "<br>"; } // check if it is an allowed posttype if (!fp_check_post_type($tmp_post->post_type)) { $tmp_can_do = false; $fps_access_check_msg .= __("You are not allowed to delete", "frontier-post") . ": " . fp_get_posttype_label($tmp_post->post_type) . "<br>"; } // Always allow the boss if (current_user_can('administrator')) { $tmp_can_do = true; $fps_access_check_msg = ""; } // Last check, PRIVATE posts can only be deleted by the author, or users with capability delete_private_posts (admins and editors) if ($tmp_post->post_status == "private" && ($cur_user->ID != $tmp_post->post_author || !current_user_can('frontier_post_can_private') || !current_user_can('frontier_post_can_delete'))) { $tmp_can_do = false; $fps_access_check_msg .= __("You are not allowed to delete PRIVATE post from another user", "frontier-post") . "<br>"; } return $tmp_can_do; }
function frontier_post_add_edit($frontier_post_shortcode_parms = array()) { require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/post.php'; global $current_user; global $wpdb; //add_thickbox(); $frontier_permalink = get_permalink(); $concat = get_option("permalink_structure") ? "?" : "&"; //set start of output debug query $qlog = $wpdb->queries; $qlog_start = count($qlog); $fps_access_check_msg = ""; $user_can_edit_this_post = false; //Reset access message $fps_access_check_msg = ""; //Get Frontier Post capabilities $fp_capabilities = frontier_post_get_capabilities(); //$fp_settings = frontier_post_get_settings() // Get vars from shortcode extract($frontier_post_shortcode_parms); if (!is_user_logged_in()) { echo fp_login_text(); } else { // Check if new, and if Edit that current users is allowed to edit if (isset($_REQUEST['task']) && $_REQUEST['task'] == "edit") { $thispost = get_post($_REQUEST['postid']); $user_post_excerpt = get_post_meta($thispost->ID, "user_post_excerpt"); $tmp_task_new = false; if (frontier_can_edit($thispost) == true) { $user_can_edit_this_post = true; } } else { $tmp_post_type = post_type_exists($frontier_add_post_type) ? $frontier_add_post_type : 'post'; if (frontier_can_add($tmp_post_type) == true) { if (empty($thispost->ID)) { $thispost = get_default_post_to_edit("{$tmp_post_type}", true); $thispost->post_author = $current_user->ID; $thispost->post_type = $tmp_post_type; //echo "New post for edit: ".$thispost->ID."<br>"; } $_REQUEST['task'] = "new"; $tmp_task_new = true; $user_can_edit_this_post = true; } } } // Do not proceed with all the processing if user is not able to add/edit if ($user_can_edit_this_post == true) { $post_id = $thispost->ID; //get users role: $users_role = frontier_get_user_role(); // get list of taxonomies $tax_form_lists = frontier_get_tax_lists($frontier_page_id, intval($frontier_parent_cat_id), intval($fps_cache_time_tax_lists)); //****************************************************************************************** // Set defaults, so post can be saved without errors //****************************************************************************************** if (!isset($thispost->post_type)) { $thispost->post_type = 'post'; } if (!isset($thispost->post_content)) { $thispost->post_content = ''; } // Call media fix (to support older versions) frontier_media_fix($post_id); //****************************************************************************************** // Manage post status //****************************************************************************************** //build post status list based on current status and users capability $tmp_status_list = get_post_statuses(); $tmp_status_list = array_reverse($tmp_status_list); // Remove private status from array if not allowed if (!current_user_can('frontier_post_can_private')) { unset($tmp_status_list['private']); } // Remove draft status from array if user is not allowed to use drafts if (!current_user_can('frontier_post_can_draft')) { unset($tmp_status_list['draft']); } // Remove pending status from array if user is not allowed to use pending status or if it is a page we are editing if (!current_user_can('frontier_post_can_pending') || $thispost->post_type == 'page') { unset($tmp_status_list['pending']); } // Remove publish status from array if not allowed if (!current_user_can('frontier_post_can_publish')) { unset($tmp_status_list['publish']); } // Set default status if new post - Check if the default status is in the allowed statuses, and if so set the default status $tmp_default_status = fp_get_option("fps_default_status", "publish"); if ($tmp_task_new == true && array_key_exists($tmp_default_status, $tmp_status_list)) { $thispost->post_status = $tmp_default_status; } $status_list = array(); $tmp_post_status = $thispost->post_status ? $thispost->post_status : $tmp_default_status; // if The deafult status is not in the list, set default status to the first in the list if (!in_array($tmp_post_status, array_keys($tmp_status_list))) { $tmp_post_status = current(array_keys($tmp_status_list)); } $status_list = $tmp_status_list; //************************************************************************************************** // -- Setup wp_editor layout // full: full Tiny MCE // minimal-visual: Teeny layout // minimal-html: simple layout with html options // text: text only //************************************************************************************************** // If capabilities is managed from other plugin, use default setting for all profiles if (get_option("frontier_post_external_cap", "false") == "true") { $editor_type = fp_get_option("fps_default_editor", "full"); } else { $editor_type = $fp_capabilities[$users_role]['fps_role_editor_type'] ? $fp_capabilities[$users_role]['fps_role_editor_type'] : "full"; } $editor_layout = array('dfw' => false, 'tabfocus_elements' => 'sample-permalink,post-preview', 'editor_height' => 300); $frontier_media_button = current_user_can('frontier_post_can_media') ? current_user_can('frontier_post_can_media') : false; // Call to wp_editor in done in entry form //************************************************************************ // Setup category //************************************************************************ // Do not manage categories for page if ($thispost->post_type != 'page') { // If capabilities is managed from other plugin, use default setting for all profiles if (fp_get_option("fps_external_cap", "false") == "true") { $category_type = fp_get_option("fps_default_cat_select", "multi"); } else { $category_type = $fp_capabilities[$users_role]['fps_role_category_layout'] ? $fp_capabilities[$users_role]['fps_role_category_layout'] : "multi"; } $default_category = $fp_capabilities[$users_role]['fps_role_default_category'] ? $fp_capabilities[$users_role]['fps_role_default_category'] : get_option("default_category"); // set default category, if new and category parsed from shortcode, if ($tmp_task_new) { $cats_selected = $frontier_cat_id; if (count($frontier_cat_id) > 0 && $frontier_cat_id[0] > 0) { $default_category = $frontier_cat_id[0]; } } else { $cats_selected = $thispost->post_category; } // if no category selected (from post), insert default category. // removed in version 3.5.7, as default category is set on save /* if (empty($cats_selected[0])) $cats_selected[0] = $default_category; */ // Build list of categories (3 levels) // removed in version 3.5.7 /* if ( ($category_type == "multi") || ($category_type == "checkbox") ) { $catlist = array(); $catlist = frontier_tax_list("category", fp_get_option("fps_excl_cats", ''), $frontier_parent_cat_id ); } */ } else { $cats_selected = array(); } // end exclude categories for pages // Set variable for hidden field, if category field is removed from the form $cats_selected_txt = implode(',', $cats_selected); //echo "Cats selected: ".$cats_selected_txt."<hr>"; //*************************************************************************************** //* Set tags //*************************************************************************************** $fp_tag_count = fp_get_option_int("fps_tag_count", 3); if (current_user_can('frontier_post_tags_edit') && $thispost->post_type != 'page') { $taglist = array(); if (isset($thispost->ID)) { $tmptags = get_the_tags($thispost->ID); if ($tmptags) { foreach ($tmptags as $tag) { array_push($taglist, $tag->name); } } } } $hide_post_status = fp_get_option("fps_hide_status", "false") == "true" ? true : false; $frontier_use_feat_img = fp_get_option("fps_show_feat_img", "false"); //*************************************************************************************** //* Get post moderation fields //*************************************************************************************** if (fp_get_option_bool("fps_use_moderation") && (current_user_can("edit_others_posts") || $current_user->ID == $thispost->post_author)) { $fp_moderation_comments = get_post_meta($post_id, 'FRONTIER_POST_MODERATION_TEXT', true); } } // end if OK to Edit if ($user_can_edit_this_post) { $fp_form = $frontier_edit_form; if ($thispost->post_type == 'page') { $fp_form = "page"; } //echo "Form: ".$fp_form."<br>"; switch ($fp_form) { case "standard": include frontier_load_form("frontier_post_form_standard.php"); break; case "old": include frontier_load_form("frontier_post_form_old.php"); break; case "simple": include frontier_load_form("frontier_post_form_simple.php"); break; case "page": include frontier_load_form("frontier_post_form_page.php"); break; default: include frontier_load_form("frontier_post_form_standard.php"); break; } //output debug query if (1 === 2) { error_log('---------------- SQL LOG START (' . $qlog_start . ')---------------'); global $wpdb; $q_log = $wpdb->queries; error_log("Queries"); error_log(print_r($q_log, true)); $l = 0; echo "<hr>Queries<hr>"; foreach ($q_log as $tmp_sql) { if ($l >= $qlog_start) { //error_log('('.zeroise($l,3).') '.$tmp_sql[1].' '.$tmp_sql[0]); echo '(' . zeroise($l, 3) . ') ' . $tmp_sql[1] . ' ' . $tmp_sql[0] . "<hr>"; } $l++; } error_log('---------------- SQL LOG END---------------'); } } else { // Echo reason why user cant add/edit post. global $fps_access_check_msg; if (empty($fps_access_check_msg) || $fps_access_check_msg < " ") { echo __("You are not allowed to edit this post, sorry ", "frontier-post"); } else { echo "<br>" . $fps_access_check_msg; } //Reset message once displayed $fps_access_check_msg = ""; } }
function frontier_post_cache_expiration($tmp_type = "NONE") { return fp_get_option_int("fps_cache_time_tax_lists", 0); }
function frontier_post_add_edit($fpost_sc_parms = array(), $fp_use_quickpost = false) { require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/post.php'; global $current_user; //global $wpdb; global $fps_access_check_msg; //Reset access message $fps_access_check_msg = ""; $frontier_permalink = get_permalink(); $concat = get_option("permalink_structure") ? "?" : "&"; $user_can_edit_this_post = false; //Get Frontier Post capabilities $fp_capabilities = frontier_post_get_capabilities(); //$fp_settings = frontier_post_get_settings() // Get vars from shortcode //extract($frontier_post_shortcode_parms); if (!is_user_logged_in()) { // stop and display message echo fp_login_text(); } else { // Check if new, and if Edit that current users is allowed to edit if (isset($_REQUEST['task']) && $_REQUEST['task'] == "edit") { $thispost = get_post($_REQUEST['postid']); $user_post_excerpt = get_post_meta($thispost->ID, "user_post_excerpt"); $tmp_task_new = false; if (frontier_can_edit($thispost)) { $user_can_edit_this_post = true; } } else { if (frontier_can_add($fpost_sc_parms['frontier_add_post_type'])) { if (empty($thispost->ID)) { $thispost = get_default_post_to_edit($fpost_sc_parms['frontier_add_post_type'], true); $thispost->post_author = $current_user->ID; $thispost->post_type = $fpost_sc_parms['frontier_add_post_type']; //echo "New post for edit: <pre>".print_r($thispost, true)."</pre><br>"; } $_REQUEST['task'] = "new"; $tmp_task_new = true; $user_can_edit_this_post = true; } else { echo '<br><div id="frontier-post-alert">'; echo $fps_access_check_msg; echo '</div><br>'; return; } } } //************************************************************************************************** // Do not proceed with all the processing if user is not able to add/edit //************************************************************************************************** if (!$user_can_edit_this_post) { // Echo reason why user cant add/edit post. global $fps_access_check_msg; if (empty($fps_access_check_msg) || $fps_access_check_msg < " ") { echo __("You are not allowed to edit this post, sorry ", "frontier-post"); } else { echo "<br>" . $fps_access_check_msg; } //Reset message once displayed $fps_access_check_msg = ""; return; } else { $post_id = $thispost->ID; $users_role = frontier_get_user_role(); $tax_form_lists = frontier_get_tax_lists($fpost_sc_parms['frontier_page_id'], intval($fpost_sc_parms['frontier_parent_cat_id']), intval($fpost_sc_parms['fps_cache_time_tax_lists'])); //****************************************************************************************** // Set defaults, so post can be saved without errors //****************************************************************************************** if (!isset($thispost->post_type)) { $thispost->post_type = 'post'; } if (!isset($thispost->post_content)) { $thispost->post_content = ''; } // Call media fix (to support older versions) frontier_media_fix($post_id); //****************************************************************************************** // Manage post status //****************************************************************************************** //build post status list based on current status and users capability $tmp_status_list = get_post_statuses(); $tmp_status_list = array_reverse($tmp_status_list); // Remove private status from array if not allowed if (!current_user_can('frontier_post_can_private')) { unset($tmp_status_list['private']); } // Remove draft status from array if user is not allowed to use drafts if (!current_user_can('frontier_post_can_draft')) { unset($tmp_status_list['draft']); } // Remove pending status from array if user is not allowed to use pending status or if it is a page we are editing if (!current_user_can('frontier_post_can_pending') || $thispost->post_type == 'page') { unset($tmp_status_list['pending']); } // Remove publish status from array if not allowed if (!current_user_can('frontier_post_can_publish')) { unset($tmp_status_list['publish']); } // Add Future to status list, if post status is future if ($thispost->post_status == "future") { $tmp_status_list['future'] = __("Future", "frontier-post"); } // Set default status if new post - Check if the default status is in the allowed statuses, and if so set the default status $tmp_default_status = fp_get_option("fps_default_status", "publish"); if ($tmp_task_new == true && array_key_exists($tmp_default_status, $tmp_status_list)) { $thispost->post_status = $tmp_default_status; } $status_list = array(); $tmp_post_status = $thispost->post_status ? $thispost->post_status : $tmp_default_status; // if The deafult status is not in the list, set default status to the first in the list if (!in_array($tmp_post_status, array_keys($tmp_status_list))) { $tmp_post_status = current(array_keys($tmp_status_list)); } $status_list = $tmp_status_list; //************************************************************************ // Setup category //************************************************************************ // Do not manage categories for page if ($thispost->post_type != 'page') { // If capabilities is managed from other plugin, use default setting for all profiles if (fp_get_option("fps_external_cap", "false") == "true") { $category_type = fp_get_option("fps_default_cat_select", "multi"); } else { $category_type = $fp_capabilities[$users_role]['fps_role_category_layout'] ? $fp_capabilities[$users_role]['fps_role_category_layout'] : "multi"; } $default_category = $fp_capabilities[$users_role]['fps_role_default_category'] ? $fp_capabilities[$users_role]['fps_role_default_category'] : get_option("default_category"); // set default category, if new and category parsed from shortcode, if ($tmp_task_new) { $cats_selected = $fpost_sc_parms['frontier_cat_id']; if (count($cats_selected) > 0 && ${$cats_selected}[0] > 0) { $default_category = $frontier_cat_id[0]; } } else { $cats_selected = $thispost->post_category; } } else { $cats_selected = array(); } // end exclude categories for pages // Set variable for hidden field, if category field is removed from the form $cats_selected_txt = implode(',', $cats_selected); //*************************************************************************************** //* Set tags //*************************************************************************************** $fp_tag_count = fp_get_option_int("fps_tag_count", 3); if (current_user_can('frontier_post_tags_edit') && $thispost->post_type != 'page') { $taglist = array(); if (isset($thispost->ID)) { $tmptags = get_the_tags($thispost->ID); if ($tmptags) { foreach ($tmptags as $tag) { array_push($taglist, $tag->name); } } } } //*************************************************************************************** //* Get post moderation fields //*************************************************************************************** if (fp_get_option_bool("fps_use_moderation") && (current_user_can("edit_others_posts") || $current_user->ID == $thispost->post_author)) { $fp_moderation_comments = get_post_meta($post_id, 'FRONTIER_POST_MODERATION_TEXT', true); } //*************************************************************************************** // Enqueue media javascript //*************************************************************************************** wp_enqueue_media(array('post' => $thispost->ID)); //*************************************************************************************** // Setup entry form //*************************************************************************************** $fp_form = $fpost_sc_parms['frontier_edit_form']; // override if this is a quickpost if (fp_bool($fp_use_quickpost)) { $fp_form = "quickpost"; } if ($thispost->post_type == 'page') { $fp_form = "page"; } switch ($fp_form) { case "standard": include frontier_load_form("frontier_post_form_standard.php"); break; case "old": include frontier_load_form("frontier_post_form_old.php"); break; case "simple": include frontier_load_form("frontier_post_form_simple.php"); break; case "page": include frontier_load_form("frontier_post_form_page.php"); break; case "quickpost": include frontier_load_form("frontier_post_form_quickpost.php"); break; default: include frontier_load_form("frontier_post_form_standard.php"); break; } } // end $user_can_edit_this_post }
function frontier_post_cache_expiration($tmp_type = "NONE") { return fp_get_option_int("fps_cache_time_tax_lists", 0); //tmp fixed to 15 minutes //return (15*60); }
/** @see WP_Widget::widget */ function widget($args, $instance) { if (is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can("edit_others_posts")) { $instance = array_merge($this->defaults, $instance); // from version 3.4.6 caching will be available, and as such changed to handle in one array. $fp_cache_name = $args['widget_id']; $fp_cache_time = $instance['fp_cache_time']; $fp_cache_test = "Cache active"; global $wpdb; //error_log(print_r($instance), true); if ($fp_cache_time <= 0 || false === ($fp_wdata = get_transient($fp_cache_name))) { $fp_wdata = array(); if (isset($instance['show_draft']) && $instance['show_draft'] == true) { $fp_wdata['draft_cnt'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(id) AS draft_cnt FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_status = 'draft'"); $fp_wdata['draft_txt'] = $fp_wdata['draft_cnt'] . ' ' . __('draft posts', 'frontier-post'); $fp_wdata['show_draft'] = true; } else { $fp_wdata['show_draft'] = false; } if (isset($instance['show_pending']) && $instance['show_pending'] == true) { $fp_wdata['pending_cnt'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(id) AS pending_cnt FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_status = 'pending'"); $fp_wdata['pending_txt'] = $fp_wdata['pending_cnt'] . ' ' . __('posts to be approved', 'frontier-post'); $fp_wdata['show_pending'] = true; } else { $fp_wdata['show_pending'] = false; } if (isset($instance['show_comments']) && $instance['show_comments'] == true) { $fp_wdata['cmt_pending_cnt'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(comment_ID) AS cmt_pending_cnt FROM {$wpdb->comments} WHERE comment_approved = 0"); $fp_wdata['cmt_pending_txt'] = $fp_wdata['cmt_pending_cnt'] . ' ' . __('comments to be approved', 'frontier-post'); $fp_wdata['show_comments'] = true; } else { $fp_wdata['show_comments'] = false; } if (isset($instance['show_comment_spam']) && $instance['show_comment_spam'] == true) { $fp_wdata['cmt_spam_cnt'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(comment_ID) AS cmt_pending_cnt FROM {$wpdb->comments} WHERE comment_approved = 'spam'"); $fp_wdata['cmt_spam_txt'] = $fp_wdata['cmt_spam_cnt'] . ' ' . __('spam comments', 'frontier-post'); $fp_wdata['show_comment_spam'] = true; } else { $fp_wdata['show_comment_spam'] = false; } if ($fp_cache_time <= 0) { $fp_cache_test = "Caching disabled"; } else { $fp_cache_test = "Cache refreshed"; set_transient($fp_cache_name, $fp_wdata, $fp_cache_time); } } // end caching echo $args['before_widget']; if (!empty($instance['title'])) { echo $args['before_title']; echo $instance['title']; echo $args['after_title']; } ?> <div class="frontier-my-post-widget"> <ul> <?php if ($fp_wdata['show_pending']) { if (fp_get_option_int('fps_pending_page_id', 0) > 0) { $tmp_link = get_permalink(fp_get_option('fps_pending_page_id')); } else { $tmp_link = site_url('/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pending&post_type=post'); } //echo ."<hr>"; //echo $tmp_link."<hr>"; ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo $tmp_link; ?> "><?php echo $fp_wdata['pending_txt']; ?> </a> </li> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fp_wdata['show_draft']) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo site_url('/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=draft&post_type=post'); ?> "><?php echo $fp_wdata['draft_txt']; ?> </a> </li> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fp_wdata['show_comments']) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo site_url('/wp-admin/edit-comments.php?comment_status=moderated'); ?> "><?php echo $fp_wdata['cmt_pending_txt']; ?> </a> </li> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fp_wdata['show_comment_spam']) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo site_url('/wp-admin/edit-comments.php?comment_status=spam'); ?> "><?php echo $fp_wdata['cmt_spam_txt']; ?> </a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <?php echo $args['after_widget']; } }
/** @see WP_Widget::widget */ function widget($args, $instance) { if (is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can("edit_others_posts")) { $instance = array_merge($this->defaults, $instance); $frontier_page_link = get_permalink(fp_get_option('fps_page_id')); // from version 3.4.6 caching will be available, and as such changed to handle in one array. $fp_cache_name = FRONTIER_MY_APPROVALS_W_PREFIX . $this->number; $fp_cache_time = $instance['fp_cache_time']; $fp_cache_test = "Cache active"; global $wpdb; //error_log(print_r($instance), true); if ($fp_cache_time <= 0 || false === ($fp_wdata = get_transient($fp_cache_name))) { $fp_wdata = array(); if (isset($instance['show_draft']) && $instance['show_draft'] == true) { $fp_wdata['draft_cnt'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(id) AS draft_cnt FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_status = 'draft'"); $fp_wdata['draft_txt'] = $fp_wdata['draft_cnt'] . ' ' . __('draft posts', 'frontier-post'); $fp_wdata['show_draft'] = true; } else { $fp_wdata['show_draft'] = false; } if (isset($instance['show_pending']) && $instance['show_pending'] == true) { $fp_wdata['pending_cnt'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(id) AS pending_cnt FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_status = 'pending'"); $fp_wdata['pending_txt'] = $fp_wdata['pending_cnt'] . ' ' . __('posts to be approved', 'frontier-post'); $fp_wdata['show_pending'] = true; } else { $fp_wdata['show_pending'] = false; } if (isset($instance['show_comments']) && $instance['show_comments'] == true) { $fp_wdata['cmt_pending_cnt'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(comment_ID) AS cmt_pending_cnt FROM {$wpdb->comments} WHERE comment_approved = 0"); $fp_wdata['cmt_pending_txt'] = $fp_wdata['cmt_pending_cnt'] . ' ' . __('comments to be approved', 'frontier-post'); $fp_wdata['show_comments'] = true; } else { $fp_wdata['show_comments'] = false; } if (isset($instance['show_comment_spam']) && $instance['show_comment_spam'] == true) { $fp_wdata['cmt_spam_cnt'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(comment_ID) AS cmt_pending_cnt FROM {$wpdb->comments} WHERE comment_approved = 'spam'"); $fp_wdata['cmt_spam_txt'] = $fp_wdata['cmt_spam_cnt'] . ' ' . __('spam comments', 'frontier-post'); $fp_wdata['show_comment_spam'] = true; } else { $fp_wdata['show_comment_spam'] = false; } if (intval($instance['pending_count']) > 0) { //$tmp_sql = ""; $tmp_sql = "SELECT ID AS post_id, post_title AS post_title FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_status = 'pending' ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT " . intval($instance['pending_count']) . " "; $fp_wdata['pending_list'] = $wpdb->get_results($tmp_sql); $fp_wdata['pending_count'] = intval($instance['pending_count']); } else { $fp_wdata['pending_count'] = 0; } if (intval($instance['draft_count']) > 0) { //$tmp_sql = ""; $tmp_sql = "SELECT ID AS post_id, post_title AS post_title FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_status = 'draft' ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT " . intval($instance['draft_count']) . " "; $fp_wdata['draft_list'] = $wpdb->get_results($tmp_sql); $fp_wdata['draft_count'] = intval($instance['draft_count']); } else { $fp_wdata['draft_count'] = 0; } $fp_wdata['postdateformat'] = $instance['postdateformat']; $fp_wdata['show_author'] = fp_bool($instance['show_author']); if ($fp_cache_time <= 0) { $fp_cache_test = "Caching disabled"; } else { $fp_cache_test = "Cache refreshed"; set_transient($fp_cache_name, $fp_wdata, $fp_cache_time); } } // end caching echo $args['before_widget']; if (!empty($instance['title'])) { echo $args['before_title']; echo $instance['title']; echo $args['after_title']; } echo '<div class="frontier-my-post-widget">'; echo '<ul>'; if ($fp_wdata['show_pending']) { if (fp_get_option_int('fps_pending_page_id', 0) > 0) { $tmp_pending_link = get_permalink(fp_get_option('fps_pending_page_id')); } else { $tmp_pending_link = site_url('/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pending&post_type=post'); } if (fp_get_option_int('fps_draft_page_id', 0) > 0) { $tmp_draft_link = get_permalink(fp_get_option('fps_draft_page_id')); } else { $tmp_draft_link = site_url('/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=draft&post_type=post'); } echo '<li>'; echo '<a href="' . $tmp_pending_link . '">' . $fp_wdata['pending_txt'] . '</a>'; echo '</li>'; } if (array_key_exists('pending_count', $fp_wdata) && $fp_wdata['pending_count'] > 0) { if (!$fp_wdata['show_pending']) { echo '<li>' . __("Pending posts", "frontier-post") . '</li>'; } echo '<ul class="frontier-my-approvals-pending">'; foreach ($fp_wdata['pending_list'] as $q_post) { $tmp_post = get_post($q_post->post_id); echo '<li class="frontier-my-approvals-pending">'; if ($fp_wdata['postdateformat'] != 'nodate') { echo '<div id="frontier-my-approvals-date-pending">' . mysql2date($instance['postdateformat'], $tmp_post->post_date) . ' </div>'; } echo $q_post->post_title; if ($fp_wdata['show_author']) { echo '<div id="frontier-my-approvals-author">' . ' (' . get_the_author_meta('nicename', $tmp_post->post_author) . ')</div>'; } echo ' ' . frontier_post_edit_link($tmp_post, true, $frontier_page_link, 'fp-my-approvals-post-edit-link'); echo ' ' . frontier_post_delete_link($tmp_post, true, $frontier_page_link, 'fp-my-approvals-post-delete-link'); echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } if ($fp_wdata['show_draft']) { echo '<li>'; echo '<a href="' . $tmp_draft_link . '">' . $fp_wdata['draft_txt'] . '</a>'; echo '</li>'; } if (array_key_exists('draft_count', $fp_wdata) && $fp_wdata['draft_count'] > 0) { if (!$fp_wdata['show_draft']) { echo '<li>' . __("Draft posts", "frontier-post") . '</li>'; } echo '<ul class="frontier-my-approvals-draft">'; foreach ($fp_wdata['draft_list'] as $q_post) { $tmp_post = get_post($q_post->post_id); echo '<li class="frontier-my-approvals-draft">'; if ($fp_wdata['postdateformat'] != 'nodate') { echo '<div id="frontier-my-approvals-date-draft">' . mysql2date($instance['postdateformat'], $tmp_post->post_date) . ' </div>'; } echo $q_post->post_title; if ($fp_wdata['show_author']) { echo '<div id="frontier-my-approvals-author">' . ' (' . get_the_author_meta('nicename', $tmp_post->post_author) . ')</div>'; } echo ' ' . frontier_post_edit_link($tmp_post, true, $frontier_page_link, 'fp-my-approvals-post-edit-link'); echo ' ' . frontier_post_delete_link($tmp_post, true, $frontier_page_link, 'fp-my-approvals-post-delete-link'); echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } if ($fp_wdata['show_comments']) { echo '<li>'; echo '<a href="' . site_url('/wp-admin/edit-comments.php?comment_status=moderated') . '">' . $fp_wdata['cmt_pending_txt'] . '</a>'; echo '</li>'; } if ($fp_wdata['show_comment_spam']) { echo '<li>'; echo '<a href="' . site_url('/wp-admin/edit-comments.php?comment_status=spam') . '">' . $fp_wdata['cmt_spam_txt'] . '</a>'; echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; echo '</div>'; //echo "<pre>".print_r($fp_wdata, true)."</pre><br>"; echo $args['after_widget']; } }