function fetch_export_item_rs($s_item_type, $owner_id, $restrict_status_type_r = NULL) { $query = "SELECT DISTINCT as item_id, i.title, i.s_item_type " . "FROM user u, item i, item_instance ii, s_status_type sst " . "WHERE u.user_id = ii.owner_id AND = ii.item_id AND sst.s_status_type = ii.s_status_type "; if (strlen($owner_id) > 0) { $query .= "AND ii.owner_id = '{$owner_id}' "; } // can only export items for active users. $query .= "AND u.active_ind = 'Y' "; if (strlen($s_item_type) > 0) { $query .= "AND i.s_item_type = '{$s_item_type}'"; } if (is_not_empty_array($restrict_status_type_r)) { $query .= 'AND sst.s_status_type IN(' . format_sql_in_clause($restrict_status_type_r) . ')'; } // Not the status_type restriction could override this, but thats fine leave it as is. if (!is_user_granted_permission(PERM_ITEM_ADMIN)) { $query .= " AND ( sst.hidden_ind = 'N' OR ii.owner_id = '" . get_opendb_session_var('user_id') . "') "; } $result = db_query($query); if ($result && db_num_rows($result) > 0) { return $result; } else { return FALSE; } }
function fetch_item_type_for_item_types_rs($item_type_r, $is_lookup = FALSE) { $query = "SELECT s_item_type" . ($is_lookup ? " as value" : "") . ", ifnull(stlv.value, description) " . ($is_lookup ? "display" : "description") . " \n\t\t\tFROM s_item_type \n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN s_table_language_var stlv\n\t\t\tON stlv.language = '" . get_opendb_site_language() . "' AND\n\t\t\tstlv.tablename = 's_item_type' AND\n\t\t\tstlv.columnname = 'description' AND\n\t\t\tstlv.key1 = s_item_type \n\t\t\tWHERE s_item_type IN (" . format_sql_in_clause($item_type_r) . ") \n\t\t\tORDER BY order_no, s_item_type"; $result = db_query($query); if ($result && db_num_rows($result) > 0) { return $result; } else { return FALSE; } }
function fetch_review_rating($item_id = NULL) { if ($item_id) { $query = "SELECT r.rating FROM review r "; if (get_opendb_config_var('item_review', 'include_other_title_reviews') === TRUE) { $item_r = fetch_item_r($item_id); $query .= ", item i " . "WHERE r.item_id = AND ( = {$item_id} OR i.title = '" . addslashes($item_r['title']) . "')"; if (get_opendb_config_var('item_review', 'other_title_reviews_restrict_to_item_type_group') !== FALSE) { // first of all we need to get the groups this item belongs to, then we need // to get the list of all other s_item_type's that are in those groups. $item_type_group_r = fetch_item_type_groups_for_item_type_r($item_r['s_item_type']); if (is_array($item_type_group_r)) { $item_type_r = fetch_item_types_for_group_r($item_type_group_r[0]); // only use first one. if (is_array($item_type_r)) { $query .= " AND i.s_item_type IN (" . format_sql_in_clause($item_type_r) . ")"; } } } } else { $query .= "WHERE r.item_id = {$item_id}"; } } else { $query = "SELECT rating FROM review"; } $result = db_query($query); if ($result && db_num_rows($result) > 0) { // Initialise. $total = 0; $number = 0; while ($review_r = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $total = $total + $review_r['rating']; $number++; } db_free_result($result); if ($number == 0) { return 0; } else { return $total / $number; } } //else return FALSE; }
/** * NOTE: PRIVATE FUNCTION. Will return the FROM and WHERE clauses for a selection from the item table. If $owner_id defined, will limit to only items owned by owner_id If $s_item_type defined, will limit to only items of that type. If $category defined, will limit to only items of that category. If $letter defined will limit to item.title starting with that letter. If $interest_level defined will limit to items with that interest level or higher. @param $HTTP_VARS['...'] variables supported: owner_id, s_item_type, s_item_type[], s_item_type_group, title, title_match, category, rating, attribute_type, lookup_attribute_val, attribute_val, attr_match, update_on, datetimemask, update_on_days, letter, start_item_id s_status_type[], status_comment, not_s_status_type[], interest_level */ function from_and_where_clause($HTTP_VARS, $column_display_config_rs = NULL, $query_type = 'LISTING') { // For checking whether count (DISTINCT ...) is supported, and thus // whether we have to do any special processing! $from_r[] = 'item i'; $from_r[] = 'item_instance ii'; $where_r[] = 'ii.item_id ='; // only parent items should ever be listed. // // Owner restriction // if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['owner_id']) > 0) { $where_r[] = 'ii.owner_id = \'' . $HTTP_VARS['owner_id'] . '\''; } else { if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['not_owner_id']) > 0) { //For not showing current user items. $where_r[] = 'ii.owner_id <> \'' . $HTTP_VARS['not_owner_id'] . '\''; } } // // Item Type / Item Type group restriction // if (!is_array($HTTP_VARS['s_item_type']) && strlen($HTTP_VARS['s_item_type']) > 0) { $where_r[] = 'i.s_item_type = \'' . $HTTP_VARS['s_item_type'] . '\''; } else { if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['s_item_type_group']) > 0) { $from_r[] = 's_item_type_group_rltshp sitgr'; $where_r[] = 'sitgr.s_item_type = i.s_item_type'; $where_r[] = 'sitgr.s_item_type_group = \'' . $HTTP_VARS['s_item_type_group'] . '\''; } else { if (is_not_empty_array($HTTP_VARS['s_item_type'])) { $where_r[] = 'i.s_item_type IN(' . format_sql_in_clause($HTTP_VARS['s_item_type']) . ')'; } } } $from_r[] = 's_status_type sst'; $where_r[] = 'sst.s_status_type = ii.s_status_type'; // // Status Type restriction // if (is_not_empty_array($HTTP_VARS['s_status_type'])) { $where_r[] = 'sst.s_status_type IN(' . format_sql_in_clause($HTTP_VARS['s_status_type']) . ')'; } else { if ($HTTP_VARS['s_status_type'] != 'ALL' && strlen($HTTP_VARS['s_status_type']) > 0) { $where_r[] = 'sst.s_status_type = \'' . $HTTP_VARS['s_status_type'] . '\''; } } // no need for such a restriction if current user is item admin if (!is_user_granted_permission(PERM_ITEM_ADMIN)) { $where_r[] = "( sst.hidden_ind = 'N' OR ii.owner_id = '" . get_opendb_session_var('user_id') . "') "; } // // User and Status type restriction // if (strcmp($HTTP_VARS['owner_id'], get_opendb_session_var('user_id')) !== 0) { // not current user $from_r[] = 'user u'; $where_r[] = 'u.user_id = ii.owner_id'; $where_r[] = 'u.active_ind = \'Y\''; } // // Status Comment restriction // if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['status_comment']) > 0) { // Escape only the single quote! $HTTP_VARS['status_comment'] = str_replace("'", "\\'", $HTTP_VARS['status_comment']); if ($HTTP_VARS['status_comment_match'] != 'exact') { $parser = new BooleanParser(); $statements = $parser->parseBooleanStatement($HTTP_VARS['status_comment']); if (is_array($statements)) { $where_r[] = build_boolean_clause($statements, 'ii.status_comment', $HTTP_VARS['status_comment_match'], 'AND', $HTTP_VARS['status_comment_case']); } } else { if (is_null($HTTP_VARS['status_comment_case'])) { $where_r[] = 'ii.status_comment = \'' . $HTTP_VARS['status_comment'] . '\''; } else { $where_r[] = 'BINARY ii.status_comment = \'' . $HTTP_VARS['status_comment'] . '\''; } } } // // Title restriction // if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['title']) > 0) { // Escape only the single quote! $HTTP_VARS['title'] = str_replace("'", "\\'", $HTTP_VARS['title']); if ($HTTP_VARS['title_match'] != 'exact') { $parser = new BooleanParser(); $statements = $parser->parseBooleanStatement($HTTP_VARS['title']); if (is_array($statements)) { $where_r[] = build_boolean_clause($statements, 'i.title', $HTTP_VARS['title_match'], 'AND', $HTTP_VARS['title_case']); } } else { if (is_null($HTTP_VARS['title_case'])) { $where_r[] = 'i.title = \'' . $HTTP_VARS['title'] . '\''; } else { $where_r[] = 'BINARY i.title = \'' . $HTTP_VARS['title'] . '\''; } } } else { if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['letter']) > 0) { // Numeric match. if ($HTTP_VARS['letter'] == '#') { $where_r[] = 'ASCII(LEFT(title,1)) BETWEEN ASCII(\'0\') AND ASCII(\'9\')'; } else { $where_r[] = 'UPPER(LEFT(i.title,1)) = \'' . strtoupper($HTTP_VARS['letter']) . '\''; } } } // // Last Updated support // if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['update_on']) > 0) { if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['datetimemask']) > 0) { $timestamp = get_timestamp_for_datetime($HTTP_VARS['update_on'], $HTTP_VARS['datetimemask']); if ($timestamp !== FALSE) { $where_r[] = 'ii.update_on >= FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $timestamp . ')'; } else { // by default get items from 1 day ago, if update_on can not be parsed correctly. $where_r[] = 'TO_DAYS(ii.update_on) >= (TO_DAYS(now())-1)'; } } else { $where_r[] = 'ii.update_on >= \'' . $HTTP_VARS['update_on'] . '\''; } } else { if (is_numeric($HTTP_VARS['update_on_days'])) { // GIve us all records updated in the last however many days. $where_r[] = 'TO_DAYS(ii.update_on) >= (TO_DAYS(now())-' . $HTTP_VARS['update_on_days'] . ')'; } } // // Item Attribute listing/restriction // if (is_array($column_display_config_rs)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($column_display_config_rs); $i++) { if ($column_display_config_rs[$i]['column_type'] == 's_attribute_type') { if ($column_display_config_rs[$i]['search_attribute_ind'] != 'y') { // either LISTING or COUNT if ($query_type != 'COUNT') { $left_join = 'LEFT JOIN item_attribute ia' . $i . ' ON ' . 'ia' . $i . '.item_id = AND (ia' . $i . '.instance_no = 0 OR ia' . $i . '.instance_no = ii.instance_no) AND ia' . $i . '.s_attribute_type = \'' . $column_display_config_rs[$i]['s_attribute_type'] . '\' AND ia' . $i . '.attribute_no = 1'; // So we can work out which search attribute types to display if (is_numeric($column_display_config_rs[$i]['order_no'])) { $left_join .= ' AND ia' . $i . '.order_no = ' . $column_display_config_rs[$i]['order_no']; } $left_join_from_r[] = $left_join; } } else { // search attribute $from_r[] = 'item_attribute ia' . $i; // now do the where clause. $where_r[] = 'ia' . $i . '.item_id = AND (ia' . $i . '.instance_no = 0 OR ia' . $i . '.instance_no = ii.instance_no) AND ia' . $i . '.s_attribute_type = \'' . $column_display_config_rs[$i]['s_attribute_type'] . '\''; // AND ia'.$i.'.attribute_no = 1'; if (strlen($column_display_config_rs[$i]['attribute_val']) > 0 && $column_display_config_rs[$i]['attribute_val'] != '%' && $column_display_config_rs[$i]['attr_match'] != 'exact') { $parser = new BooleanParser(); $statements = $parser->parseBooleanStatement(strtoupper(str_replace("'", "\\'", $column_display_config_rs[$i]['attribute_val']))); if (is_array($statements)) { if ($column_display_config_rs[$i]['lookup_attribute_ind'] == 'Y') { $where_r[] = build_boolean_clause($statements, 'ia' . $i . '.lookup_attribute_val', 'plain', 'AND', $HTTP_VARS['attr_case']); } else { $where_r[] = build_boolean_clause($statements, 'ia' . $i . '.attribute_val', $column_display_config_rs[$i]['attr_match'], 'AND', $HTTP_VARS['attr_case']); } } } else { if (strlen($column_display_config_rs[$i]['lookup_attribute_val']) > 0 && $column_display_config_rs[$i]['lookup_attribute_val'] != '%' && $column_display_config_rs[$i]['lookup_attribute_ind'] == 'Y') { $value = str_replace("'", "\\'", $column_display_config_rs[$i]['lookup_attribute_val']); $where_r[] = 'ia' . $i . '.lookup_attribute_val = \'' . str_replace('\\_', '_', $value) . '\''; } else { if (strlen($column_display_config_rs[$i]['attribute_val']) > 0 && $column_display_config_rs[$i]['attribute_val'] != '%') { if (starts_with($column_display_config_rs[$i]['attribute_val'], '"') && ends_with($column_display_config_rs[$i]['attribute_val'], '"')) { $column_display_config_rs[$i]['attribute_val'] = substr($column_display_config_rs[$i]['attribute_val'], 1, -1); } $value = strtoupper(str_replace("'", "\\'", $column_display_config_rs[$i]['attribute_val'])); $where_r[] = 'UPPER(ia' . $i . '.attribute_val) = \'' . str_replace('\\_', '_', $value) . '\''; } } } if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on']) > 0) { if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['datetimemask']) > 0) { $timestamp = get_timestamp_for_datetime($HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on'], $HTTP_VARS['datetimemask']); if ($timestamp !== FALSE) { $where_r[] = 'ia' . $i . '.update_on >= FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $timestamp . ')'; } else { // by default get items from 1 day ago, if update_on can not be parsed correctly. $where_r[] = 'TO_DAYS(ia' . $i . '.update_on) >= (TO_DAYS(now())-1)'; } } else { $where_r[] = 'ia' . $i . '.update_on >= \'' . $HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on'] . '\''; } } else { if (is_numeric($HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on_days'])) { // GIve us all records updated in the last however many days. $where_r[] = 'TO_DAYS(ia' . $i . '.update_on) >= (TO_DAYS(now())-' . $HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on_days'] . ')'; } } } } else { if ($column_display_config_rs[$i]['column_type'] == 's_field_type') { if ($column_display_config_rs[$i]['s_field_type'] == 'CATEGORY') { $from_r[] = 's_item_attribute_type catsiat'; $from_r[] = 's_attribute_type catsat'; $where_r[] = 'catsiat.s_item_type = i.s_item_type AND catsat.s_attribute_type = catsiat.s_attribute_type AND catsat.s_field_type = \'CATEGORY\''; $left_join_clause = 'LEFT JOIN item_attribute catia ON ' . 'catia.item_id = AND (catia.instance_no = 0 OR catia.instance_no = ii.instance_no) AND catia.s_attribute_type = catsiat.s_attribute_type AND catia.order_no = catsiat.order_no'; if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['category']) > 0 || strcasecmp($HTTP_VARS['attr_match'], 'category') === 0 && strlen($HTTP_VARS['attribute_val']) > 0) { // Support specifying $attribute_val for $category where $attr_match=="category"! // If item_type && item_type_group are not set! if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['attribute_type']) > 0 && !is_array($HTTP_VARS['s_item_type']) && strlen($HTTP_VARS['s_item_type']) == 0 && strlen($HTTP_VARS['s_item_type_group']) == 0) { $where_r[] = 'catsat.s_attribute_type = \'' . $HTTP_VARS['attribute_type'] . '\''; } // Escape single quotes only. $value = strtoupper(str_replace("'", "\\'", ifempty($HTTP_VARS['category'], $HTTP_VARS['attribute_val']))); $where_r[] = 'UPPER(catia.lookup_attribute_val) = \'' . str_replace('\\_', '_', $value) . '\''; } else { $left_join_clause .= ' AND catia.attribute_no = 1'; } $left_join_from_r[] = $left_join_clause; } else { if ($column_display_config_rs[$i]['s_field_type'] == 'INTEREST') { // can only restrict interest level if its displayed as a column if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['interest_level']) > 0) { $where_r[] = "it.item_id = ii.item_id AND it.instance_no = ii.instance_no AND it.user_id = '" . get_opendb_session_var('user_id') . "'" . " AND it.level >= " . $HTTP_VARS['interest_level']; $from_r[] = "user_item_interest it"; } else { $left_join_from_r[] = "LEFT JOIN user_item_interest it ON it.item_id = AND it.instance_no = ii.instance_no AND it.user_id = '" . get_opendb_session_var('user_id') . "'"; } } } } } } } // If attribute_val specified without a attribute_type, then do a loose join to item_attribute table, // only on attribute_val column. if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['attribute_type']) == 0 && (strlen($HTTP_VARS['attribute_val']) > 0 || strlen($HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on']) > 0 || strlen($HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on_days']) > 0)) { $from_r[] = 'item_attribute ia'; // now do the where clause. $where_r[] = 'ia.item_id = '; //AND ia.attribute_no = 1'; if ($HTTP_VARS['attr_match'] != 'exact') { $parser = new BooleanParser(); $statements = $parser->parseBooleanStatement(strtoupper(str_replace("'", "\\'", $HTTP_VARS['attribute_val']))); if (is_array($statements)) { if (is_lookup_attribute_type($HTTP_VARS['attribute_type'])) { $where_r[] = build_boolean_clause($statements, 'ia.lookup_attribute_val', 'plain', 'AND', $HTTP_VARS['attr_case']); } else { $where_r[] = build_boolean_clause($statements, 'ia.attribute_val', $HTTP_VARS['attr_match'], 'AND', $HTTP_VARS['attr_case']); } } } else { // attr_match = 'exact' if (is_lookup_attribute_type($HTTP_VARS['attribute_type'])) { $value = str_replace("'", "\\'", $HTTP_VARS['attribute_val']); $where_r[] = 'ia.lookup_attribute_val = \'' . str_replace('\\_', '_', $value) . '\''; } else { $value = str_replace("'", "\\'", $HTTP_VARS['attribute_val']); if (is_null($HTTP_VARS['attr_case'])) { $where_r[] = '( ia.attribute_val = \'' . str_replace('\\_', '_', $value) . '\' OR ' . 'ia.attribute_val LIKE \'% ' . $value . ' %\' OR ' . 'ia.attribute_val LIKE \'' . $value . ' %\' OR ' . 'ia.attribute_val LIKE \'% ' . $value . '\')'; } else { $where_r[] = '( BINARY ia.attribute_val = \'' . str_replace('\\_', '_', $value) . '\' OR ' . 'ia.attribute_val LIKE BINARY \'% ' . $value . ' %\' OR ' . 'ia.attribute_val LIKE BINARY \'' . $value . ' %\' OR ' . 'ia.attribute_val LIKE BINARY \'% ' . $value . '\')'; } } } if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on']) > 0) { if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['datetimemask']) > 0) { $timestamp = get_timestamp_for_datetime($HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on'], $HTTP_VARS['datetimemask']); if ($timestamp !== FALSE) { $where_r[] = 'ia.update_on >= FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $timestamp . ')'; } else { // by default get items from 1 day ago, if update_on can not be parsed correctly. $where_r[] = 'TO_DAYS(ia.update_on) >= (TO_DAYS(now())-1)'; } } else { $where_r[] = 'ia.update_on >= \'' . $HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on'] . '\''; } } else { if (is_numeric($HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on_days'])) { // GIve us all records updated in the last however many days. $where_r[] = 'TO_DAYS(ia.update_on) >= (TO_DAYS(now())-' . $HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on_days'] . ')'; } } } // // Review restrictions // if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['rating']) > 0) { $where_r[] = 'r.item_id = AND r.rating >= ' . $HTTP_VARS['rating']; $from_r[] = 'review r'; } // // Item ID range restriction (Used by Import script) // if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['item_id_range']) > 0) { $where_r[] = ' IN (' . expand_number_range($HTTP_VARS['item_id_range']) . ')'; } // // Now build the SQL query // if (is_array($from_r)) { $from_clause = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($from_r); $i++) { if (strlen($from_clause) > 0) { $from_clause .= ', '; } $from_clause .= $from_r[$i]; } $query .= 'FROM (' . $from_clause . ') '; } if (is_array($left_join_from_r)) { $left_join_from_clause = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($left_join_from_r); $i++) { if (strlen($left_join_from_clause) > 0) { $left_join_from_clause .= ' '; } $left_join_from_clause .= $left_join_from_r[$i]; } $query .= $left_join_from_clause . ' '; } if (is_array($where_r)) { $where_clause = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($where_r); $i++) { if (strlen($where_clause) > 0) { $where_clause .= ' AND '; } $where_clause .= $where_r[$i]; } $query .= 'WHERE ' . $where_clause; } return $query; }
function fetch_sfieldtype_attribute_type_rs($s_field_type, $orderby = "s_attribute_type", $order = "asc") { $query = "SELECT s_attribute_type, s_field_type, description, prompt, input_type, display_type, site_type FROM s_attribute_type "; if (is_array($s_field_type)) { $query .= "WHERE s_field_type IN(" . format_sql_in_clause($s_field_type) . ") "; } else { $query .= "WHERE s_field_type = '{$s_field_type}' "; } $query .= "ORDER BY {$orderby} {$order}"; $result = db_query($query); if ($result && db_num_rows($result) > 0) { return $result; } else { return FALSE; } }
/** Its possible to specify an array of content groups */ function fetch_file_type_extensions_r($content_group) { if (!is_array($content_group) && strlen($content_group) > 0) { $content_group_r[] = $content_group; } else { if (is_array($content_group)) { $content_group_r =& $content_group; } } $query = "SELECT sfte.extension\n\tFROM \ts_file_type sft,\n\t\t\ts_file_type_extension sfte \n\tWHERE\tsft.content_type = sfte.content_type"; if (is_array($content_group_r)) { $query .= " AND sft.content_group IN(" . format_sql_in_clause($content_group_r) . ")"; } $extensions_r = array(); $results = db_query($query); if ($results && db_num_rows($results) > 0) { while ($extensions_rs = db_fetch_assoc($results)) { $extensions_r[] = strtolower($extensions_rs['extension']); } db_free_result($results); } return $extensions_r; }
function fetch_user_cnt($user_role_permissions = NULL, $user_role_permissions_mode = INCLUDE_ROLE_PERMISSIONS, $current_user_mode = INCLUDE_CURRENT_USER, $restrict_users_mode = EXCLUDE_DEACTIVATED_USER) { $query = "SELECT COUNT(u.user_id) AS count FROM user u"; // List all users who can borrow records. $user_permissions_clause = format_sql_in_clause($user_role_permissions); if ($user_permissions_clause != NULL) { $query .= ", s_role_permission srp "; $where_clause .= "sr.role_name = srp.role_name \n\t\t\t\tAND srp.permission_name "; if ($user_role_permissions_mode == EXCLUDE_ROLE_PERMISSIONS) { $where_clause .= "NOT "; } $where_clause .= "IN({$user_permissions_clause}) "; } if ($current_user_mode == EXCLUDE_CURRENT_USER) { if (strlen($where_clause) > 0) { $where_clause .= " AND "; } $where_clause .= "u.user_id != '" . get_opendb_session_var('user_id') . "' "; } if ($restrict_users_mode == EXCLUDE_DEACTIVATED_USER) { if (strlen($where_clause) > 0) { $where_clause .= " AND "; } $where_clause .= "u.active_ind = 'Y' "; } else { if ($restrict_users_mode == INCLUDE_ACTIVATE_USER) { if (strlen($where_clause) > 0) { $where_clause .= " AND "; } $where_clause .= "u.active_ind = 'X' "; } } if (strlen($where_clause) > 0) { $query .= " WHERE {$where_clause}"; } $result = db_query($query); if ($result && db_num_rows($result) > 0) { $found = db_fetch_assoc($result); db_free_result($result); if ($found !== FALSE) { return $found['count']; } } return FALSE; }
/** * The $site_plugin_attributes_r will consist of array entries, each identified by a * alphakey. The value may in fact be another array and this has to be handled * appropriately. */ function get_expanded_and_mapped_site_plugin_item_variables_r($site_type, $s_item_type, $site_item_attributes_r) { $query = "SELECT variable, s_attribute_type, lookup_attribute_val_restrict_ind " . "FROM s_site_plugin_s_attribute_type_map " . "WHERE site_type = '" . $site_type . "' "; $query .= "AND (s_item_type = '*' OR s_item_type = '" . $s_item_type . "') AND "; $query .= "(s_item_type_group = '*' "; $item_type_group_arr = fetch_item_type_groups_for_item_type_r($s_item_type); if (is_array($item_type_group_arr)) { $query .= "OR s_item_type_group IN (" . format_sql_in_clause($item_type_group_arr) . ")) "; } else { $query .= ") "; } $query .= "ORDER BY variable, s_attribute_type"; $new_attributes_r = array(); // cache this, so we can check if lookup_attribute_val_restrict_ind = 'Y' $lookup_attribute_val_restrict_ind = array(); $mapped_attributes_r = array(); $results = db_query($query); if ($results && db_num_rows($results) > 0) { $variable = NULL; while ($attribute_type_map_r = db_fetch_assoc($results)) { $value = NULL; $variable = $attribute_type_map_r['variable']; if (isset($site_item_attributes_r[$variable])) { $value = $site_item_attributes_r[$variable]; // at least one direct mapping - title should not be flagged - as there is requirement for multiple mappings if ($variable != 'title') { $mapped_attributes_r[] = $variable; } } $key = strtolower($attribute_type_map_r['s_attribute_type']); if ($value !== NULL) { if (isset($new_attributes_r[$key])) { if (!is_array($new_attributes_r[$key])) { $new_attributes_r[$key] = array($new_attributes_r[$key]); } if (is_array($value)) { $new_attributes_r[$key] = array_merge($new_attributes_r[$key], $value); } else { $new_attributes_r[$key][] = $value; } } else { $new_attributes_r[$key] = $value; } } if ($attribute_type_map_r['lookup_attribute_val_restrict_ind'] == 'Y') { $lookup_attribute_val_restrict_ind_r[$key] = 'Y'; } } db_free_result($results); } // now for any variables that do not have a mapping, add them to the $new_attributes_r reset($site_item_attributes_r); while (list($key, $value) = @each($site_item_attributes_r)) { $key = strtolower($key); if (isset($new_attributes_r[$key])) { $oldValue = NULL; // we want the direct mapping attributes first. if (is_array($new_attributes_r[$key])) { $oldValue = $new_attributes_r[$key]; } else { $oldValue[] = $new_attributes_r[$key]; } unset($new_attributes_r[$key]); if (is_array($value)) { $new_attributes_r[$key] = $value; } else { $new_attributes_r[$key][] = $value; } while (list(, $value) = each($oldValue)) { if (!in_array($value, $new_attributes_r[$key])) { $new_attributes_r[$key][] = $value; } } } else { if (!in_array($key, $mapped_attributes_r)) { $new_attributes_r[$key] = $value; } } } $site_item_attributes_r = NULL; // now we need to check to see if any lookup mappings exist for each // of the attribute values, and update the $value's appropriately. reset($new_attributes_r); while (list($key, $value) = @each($new_attributes_r)) { // temporary UPPER so we can work with actual s_attribute_type records in database $s_attribute_type = strtoupper($key); if (is_lookup_attribute_type($s_attribute_type)) { $values_r = NULL; // if a lookup attribute type, we want to make sure that the $value's // are all arrays anyway, so lets do that check each time. if (is_array($value)) { $values_r = $value; } else { $values_r[] = $value; } $results = fetch_site_plugin_s_attribute_type_lookup_map_rs($site_type, $s_attribute_type); if ($results) { $found_entries_r = array(); $new_values_r = array(); while ($lookup_map_r = db_fetch_assoc($results)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($values_r); $i++) { if (strcasecmp($values_r[$i], $lookup_map_r['value']) === 0) { $found_entries_r[] = $values_r[$i]; if (!in_array($lookup_map_r['lookup_attribute_val'], $new_values_r)) { $new_values_r[] = $lookup_map_r['lookup_attribute_val']; } } } } db_free_result($results); // now process all back into $values_r for ($i = 0; $i < count($values_r); $i++) { if (!in_array($values_r[$i], $found_entries_r) && !in_array($values_r[$i], $new_values_r)) { $new_values_r[] = $values_r[$i]; } } $values_r = $new_values_r; } //if($results) // now reassign back. $site_item_attributes_r[strtolower($s_attribute_type)] = $values_r; } else { // the next process prefers arrays to deal with, even if single element $site_item_attributes_r[strtolower($s_attribute_type)] = $value; } } // // now that we have expanded mappings, we need to map to s_item_attribute_type order number mappings // $new_attributes_r = $site_item_attributes_r; $site_item_attributes_r = NULL; // now we want to expand the $new_attributes_r, so we have a set of // variables that include the order_no $fieldname type format. $results = fetch_item_attribute_type_rs($s_item_type, NULL, 's_attribute_type'); if ($results) { // this will be set if array encountered, but not lookup value. $processing_s_attribute_type = FALSE; while ($attribute_type_r = db_fetch_assoc($results)) { $variable = strtolower($attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type']); if (isset($new_attributes_r[$variable])) { $fieldname = get_field_name($attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'], $attribute_type_r['order_no']); if (is_not_empty_array($new_attributes_r[$variable])) { // TODO: Consider adding values not found in the lookup table to the s_attribute_type_lookup. if (is_lookup_attribute_type($attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'])) { $lookup_attribute_val_restrict_ind = $lookup_attribute_val_restrict_ind_r[strtolower($attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'])]; // here is where we want some sanity checking of the options $value_r = $new_attributes_r[$variable]; $lookup_value_r = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($value_r); $i++) { $raw_value = trim($value_r[$i]); if (strlen($raw_value) > 0) { $value = fetch_attribute_type_lookup_value($attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'], $raw_value); if ($value !== FALSE) { $lookup_value_r[] = $value; } else { if ($lookup_attribute_val_restrict_ind != 'Y') { // do not include if restricted to lookup values $lookup_value_r[] = $raw_value; } } } } $site_item_attributes_r[$fieldname] = array_unique($lookup_value_r); } else { // This indicates we have a repeated s_attribute_type, and so should act appropriately. if ($processing_s_attribute_type != NULL && $attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'] == $processing_s_attribute_type) { $site_item_attributes_r[$fieldname] = $new_attributes_r[$variable][0]; // remove it array_splice($new_attributes_r[$variable], 0, 1); } else { if (count($new_attributes_r[$variable]) > 1) { // this is the first occurence of the s_attribute_type, so lets see if its repeated at least once. if (is_numeric(fetch_s_item_attribute_type_next_order_no($s_item_type, $attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'], $attribute_type_r['order_no']))) { $site_item_attributes_r[$fieldname] = $new_attributes_r[$variable][0]; // remove it array_splice($new_attributes_r[$variable], 0, 1); $processing_s_attribute_type = $attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type']; } else { // otherwise just copy the whole thing. $site_item_attributes_r[$fieldname] = $new_attributes_r[$variable]; unset($new_attributes_r[$variable]); } } else { $site_item_attributes_r[$fieldname] = $new_attributes_r[$variable][0]; unset($new_attributes_r[$variable]); } } } } else { if (!is_array($new_attributes_r[$variable])) { $site_item_attributes_r[$fieldname] = $new_attributes_r[$variable]; unset($new_attributes_r[$variable]); } } } else { if ($attribute_type_r['s_field_type'] == 'TITLE' && isset($new_attributes_r['title'])) { // in case developer forgot to setup title mapping. $fieldname = get_field_name($attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'], $attribute_type_r['order_no']); $site_item_attributes_r[$fieldname] = $new_attributes_r['title']; } } } //while db_free_result($results); } return $site_item_attributes_r; }
function is_exists_borrowed_item($status = NULL) { $query = "SELECT 'X' FROM borrowed_item "; if (is_array($status)) { $query .= "WHERE status IN(" . format_sql_in_clause($status) . ") "; } else { if ($status !== NULL) { $query .= "WHERE status = '" . $status . "' "; } } $query .= "LIMIT 0,1"; $result = db_query($query); if ($result && db_num_rows($result) > 0) { db_free_result($result); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
function fetch_value_match_attribute_type_lookup_rs($s_attribute_type, $value_array, $order_by = 'value', $order = 'asc') { $query = "SELECT satl.value, IF(LENGTH(IFNULL(stlv.value, display))>0,IFNULL(stlv.value, display),satl.value) AS display, img, checked_ind " . "FROM s_attribute_type_lookup satl\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN s_table_language_var stlv\n\t\t\tON stlv.language = '" . get_opendb_site_language() . "' AND\n\t\t\tstlv.tablename = 's_attribute_type_lookup' AND\n\t\t\tstlv.columnname = 'display' AND\n\t\t\tstlv.key1 = s_attribute_type AND\n\t\t\tstlv.key2 = satl.value \n\t\t\tWHERE satl.s_attribute_type = '" . $s_attribute_type . "' AND satl.value IN (" . format_sql_in_clause($value_array) . ") " . "ORDER BY satl.order_no, {$order_by} {$order}"; $result = db_query($query); if ($result && db_num_rows($result) > 0) { return $result; } else { return FALSE; } }