public function view() { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/libs/licai.php'; $id = intval($_REQUEST["id"]); if (!$id) { $this->error("操作失败,请返回重试"); } $vo = $GLOBALS["db"]->getRow("select lco.*,lc.type,,lc.licai_sn from " . DB_PREFIX . "licai_order lco\n\t\t left join " . DB_PREFIX . "licai lc on lco.licai_id = where =" . $id); if ($vo["status"] == 0) { $vo["status_format"] = "未支付"; } elseif ($vo["status"] == 1) { $vo["status_format"] = "已支付"; } elseif ($vo["status"] == 2) { $vo["status_format"] = "部分赎回"; } elseif ($vo["status"] == 3) { $vo["status_format"] = "已完结"; } $vo["site_buy_fee_rate_format"] = $vo['site_buy_fee_rate'] . "%"; if ($vo["begin_interest_type"] == 0) { $vo["begin_interest_type_format"] = "当日生效"; } elseif ($vo["begin_interest_type"] == 1) { $vo["begin_interest_type_format"] = "次日生效"; } elseif ($vo["begin_interest_type"] == 2) { $vo["begin_interest_type_format"] = "下个工作日生效"; } elseif ($vo["begin_interest_type"] == 3) { $vo["begin_interest_type_format"] = "下二个工作日生效"; } switch ($vo["type"]) { //case 0: $vo["type_format"] = "余额宝"; // break; case 1: $vo["type_format"] = "固定定存"; break; case 2: $vo["type_format"] = "浮动定存"; break; //case 3: $vo["type_format"] = "票据"; // break; //case 4: $vo["type_format"] = "基金"; // break; } $vo["fee_format"] = format_price($vo["site_buy_fee_rate"] * $vo["money"]); $vo["freeze_bond_format"] = format_price($vo["freeze_bond"]); $vo["pay_money_format"] = format_money_wan($vo["pay_money"]); $vo["before_breach_rate_format"] = $vo["before_breach_rate"] . "%"; $vo["site_buy_fee_rate_format"] = $vo["site_buy_fee_rate"] . "%"; $vo["breach_rate_format"] = $vo["breach_rate"] . "%"; $vo["money_format"] = format_money_wan($vo["money"]); if ($vo["status_time"] == "" || $vo["status_time"] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") { $vo["status_time"] = $vo["create_time"]; } $this->assign('vo', $vo); $this->display(); }
public function status() { $id = intval($_REQUEST["id"]); $vo = $GLOBALS["db"]->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "licai_redempte where id =" . $id); $vo["money_format"] = format_money_wan($vo["money"]); $this->assign("vo", $vo); $this->display(); }
public function export_csv($page = 1) { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/libs/licai.php'; $pagesize = 10; set_time_limit(0); $limit = ($page - 1) * intval($pagesize) . "," . intval($pagesize); // $limit=((0).",".(10)); //echo $limit;exit; $condition = " "; if (strim($_REQUEST["type"]) != "" && intval($_REQUEST["type"]) != -1) { $condition .= " and lc.type = " . intval($_REQUEST["type"]); } if (strim($_REQUEST["p_name"]) != "") { $condition .= " and like '%" . strim($_REQUEST["p_name"]) . "%'"; } if (strim($_REQUEST["user_name"]) != "") { $condition .= " and u.user_name like '%" . strim($_REQUEST["user_name"]) . "%'"; } $start_time = strim($_REQUEST['start_time']); $end_time = strim($_REQUEST['end_time']); $d = explode('-', $start_time); if (isset($_REQUEST['start_time']) && $start_time != "" && checkdate($d[1], $d[2], $d[0]) == false) { $this->error("开始时间不是有效的时间格式:{$start_time}(yyyy-mm-dd)"); exit; } $d = explode('-', $end_time); if (isset($_REQUEST['end_time']) && strim($end_time) != "" && checkdate($d[1], $d[2], $d[0]) == false) { $this->error("结束时间不是有效的时间格式:{$end_time}(yyyy-mm-dd)"); exit; } if ($start_time != "" && strim($end_time) != "" && to_timespan($start_time) > to_timespan($end_time)) { $this->error('开始时间不能大于结束时间:' . $start_time . '至' . $end_time); exit; } if (strim($start_time) != "") { $condition .= " and lc.begin_buy_date >= '" . strim($start_time) . "'"; $this->assign("start_time", $start_time); } if (strim($end_time) != "") { $condition .= " and lc.begin_buy_date <= '" . strim($end_time) . "'"; $this->assign("end_time", $end_time); } $list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("SELECT lc.*,u.user_name \n\t\tFROM " . DB_PREFIX . "licai lc \n\t\tleft join " . DB_PREFIX . "user u on = lc.user_id \n\t\twhere 1=1 " . $condition . " limit " . $limit); foreach ($list as $k => $v) { //收益率 $list[$k]["average_income_rate_format"] = $v["average_income_rate"] . "%"; //产品期限 if ($v["end_date"] == "" || $v["end_date"] == "0000-00-00") { $v["end_date"] = "无期限"; } $list[$k]["show_time"] = $v["begin_buy_date"] . "至" . $v["end_date"]; $list[$k]["is_recommend_format"] = $v["is_recommend"] == 0 ? "否" : "是"; //参与人数 $list[$k]["member_count"] = intval($v["total_people"]); $list[$k]["status_format"] = $v["status"] == 0 ? "无效" : "有效"; switch ($v["type"]) { //case 0: $result["list"][$k]["type_format"] = "余额宝"; // break; case 1: $list[$k]["type_format"] = "固定定存"; break; case 2: $list[$k]["type_format"] = "浮动定存"; // break; //case 3: $result["list"][$k]["type_format"] = "票据"; // break; //case 4: $result["list"][$k]["type_format"] = "基金"; // break; } $list[$k]["subscribing_amount_format"] = format_money_wan($v["subscribing_amount"]); } if ($list) { register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, 'export_csv'), $page + 1); $order_value = array('id' => '""', 'name' => '""', 'licai_sn' => '""', 'user_name' => '""', 'product_size' => '""', 'type_format' => '""', 'average_income_rate_format' => '""', 'show_time' => '""', 'member_count' => '""', 'subscribing_amount_format' => '""'); if ($page == 1) { $content = iconv("utf-8", "gbk", "编号,产品名称,理财代码,发起人,产品规模,类型,收益率,产品期限,参与人数,成交总额"); $content = $content . "\n"; } foreach ($list as $k => $v) { $order_value['id'] = '"' . iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $v['id']) . '"'; $order_value['name'] = '"' . iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $v['name']) . '"'; $order_value['licai_sn'] = '"' . iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $v['licai_sn']) . '"'; $order_value['user_name'] = '"' . iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $v['user_name']) . '"'; $order_value['product_size'] = '"' . iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $v['product_size']) . '"'; $order_value['average_income_rate_format'] = '"' . iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $v['average_income_rate_format']) . '"'; $order_value['type_format'] = '"' . iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $v['type_format']) . '"'; $order_value['show_time'] = '"' . iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $v['show_time']) . '"'; $order_value['member_count'] = '"' . iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $v['member_count']) . '"'; $order_value['subscribing_amount_format'] = '"' . iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $v['subscribing_amount_format']) . '"'; $content .= implode(",", $order_value) . "\n"; } // header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=order_list.csv"); echo $content; } else { if ($page == 1) { $this->error(L("NO_RESULT")); } } }
public function uc_expire_status() { if (!$GLOBALS['user_info']) { app_redirect(url("user#login")); } $id = intval($_REQUEST["id"]); $vo = $GLOBALS["db"]->getRow("select lco.* from " . DB_PREFIX . "licai_order lco\n\t\tleft join " . DB_PREFIX . "licai lc on lco.licai_id \n\t\twhere =" . $id . " and lc.user_id = " . $GLOBALS["user_info"]["id"]); $vo['before_interest_enddate'] = to_timespan($vo['before_interest_enddate']); $vo['before_interest_date'] = to_timespan($vo['before_interest_date']); $vo['end_interest_date'] = to_timespan($vo['end_interest_date']); $vo['begin_interest_date'] = to_timespan($vo['begin_interest_date']); $vo["money"] = $vo["money"] - $vo['redempte_money'] - $vo["site_buy_fee"]; $money = $vo["money"]; $vo["money_format"] = format_money_wan($vo["money"]); $licai_interest = get_licai_interest($vo['licai_id'], $money); $day_before = intval(($vo['before_interest_enddate'] - $vo['before_interest_date']) / 24 / 3600); $before_earn_money = $money * $day_before * $licai_interest['before_rate'] * 0.01 / 365; $day_begin = intval(($vo['end_interest_date'] - $vo['begin_interest_date']) / 24 / 3600); $begin_earn_money = $money * $day_begin * $licai_interest['interest_rate'] * 0.01 / 365; $vo['earn_money'] = round($before_earn_money + $begin_earn_money, 2); $vo['fee'] = round($money * ($day_before + $day_begin) * $licai_interest['redemption_fee_rate'] * 0.01 / 365, 2); $vo['organiser_fee'] = round($money * ($day_before + $day_begin) * $licai_interest['platform_rate'] * 0.01 / 365, 2); $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("vo", $vo); $GLOBALS['tmpl']->display("licai/licai_uc_expire_status.html"); }