function file_download($content, $filename, $extension) { //header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); //header("Cache-Control: public"); //for IE over SSL header("Cache-Control: maxage=1"); //In seconds header("Pragma: public"); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Length: " . strlen($content)); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . format_file_name($filename, $extension)); echo $content; db_close(); }
$nb_erreur++; } # if($_FILES['file']['error']!=0) { $page['erreur'][$nb_erreur]['message']=$lang['file']['E_invalid_file']; $nb_erreur++; } if (isset($_POST['name']) and !empty($_POST['name']) and !check_file_name($_POST['name'])) { $page['erreur'][$nb_erreur]['message'] = $lang['file']['E_invalid_name']; $nb_erreur++; } # we check if the file does not exist if ($nb_erreur == 0) { # name of the file if (isset($_POST['name']) and !empty($_POST['name'])) { # we get the extension $file_ext = substr($_FILES['file']['name'], strrpos($_FILES['file']['name'], ".")); $file_name = format_file_name($_POST['name']) . $file_ext; } else { $file_name = format_file_name($_FILES['file']['name']); } $path_file = ROOT . "/" . FILE_FOLDER . "/" . $_POST['upload_folder'] . "/" . $file_name; # check if (file_exists($path_file)) { $page['erreur'][$nb_erreur]['message'] = $lang['file']['E_exist_file']; $nb_erreur++; } } # there is no error, we copy the file if ($nb_erreur == 0) { # we try to upload the file $copy_file = @move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $path_file); if ($copy_file) { $page['L_message_file'] = $lang['file']['form_file_add_1']; } else {
<?php include "../../include.php"; $d = db_grab("SELECT \n\t\ta.title, \n\t\tt.extension, \n\t\ta.content \n\tFROM wiki_topics_attachments a \n\tJOIN docs_types t ON a.type_id =\n\tWHERE = " . $_GET["id"]); //db_query("INSERT INTO docs_views ( documentID, user_id, viewedOn ) VALUES ( {$_GET["id"]}, {$_SESSION["user_id"]}, GETDATE() )"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Length: " . strlen($d["content"])); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . format_file_name($d["title"], $d["extension"])); echo $d["content"]; db_close();
function attachments_make_link($attachment, $show_thumbs = true, $limit_filename = false, $local_path = false, $img_tag = true) { if (!is_array($attachment)) { return false; } if (!is_bool($show_thumbs)) { $show_thumbs = true; } if (!is_bool($limit_filename)) { $limit_filename = false; } if (!is_bool($local_path)) { $local_path = false; } if (!is_bool($img_tag)) { $img_tag = true; } if (!($attachment_dir = attachments_check_dir())) { return false; } if (!isset($attachment['hash'])) { return false; } if (!isset($attachment['filename'])) { return false; } if (!isset($attachment['downloads'])) { return false; } if (!is_md5($attachment['hash'])) { return false; } $thumbnail_max_size = 100; $webtag = get_webtag(); forum_check_webtag_available($webtag); if (isset($_SESSION['SHOW_THUMBS']) && is_numeric($_SESSION['SHOW_THUMBS'])) { $user_show_thumbs = $_SESSION['SHOW_THUMBS']; } else { $user_show_thumbs = 100; } if ($show_thumbs && forum_get_setting('attachment_thumbnails', 'Y') && ($user_show_thumbs > 0 || !session::logged_in())) { $thumbnail_size = array(1 => 50, 2 => 100, 3 => 150); $thumbnail_max_size = isset($thumbnail_size[$user_show_thumbs]) ? $thumbnail_size[$user_show_thumbs] : 100; } else { $show_thumbs = false; } if ($local_path) { $attachment_href = "attachments/{$attachment['filename']}"; } else { $attachment_href = "get_attachment.php?webtag={$webtag}&hash={$attachment['hash']}"; $attachment_href .= "&filename={$attachment['filename']}"; } if ($img_tag) { $title_array = array(); if (mb_strlen($attachment['filename']) > 16 && $limit_filename) { $title_array[] = sprintf(gettext("Filename: %s"), $attachment['filename']); $attachment['filename'] = format_file_name($attachment['filename']); } if (isset($attachment['filesize']) && is_numeric($attachment['filesize']) && $attachment['filesize'] > 0) { $title_array[] = sprintf(gettext("Size: %s"), format_file_size($attachment['filesize'])); } if ($attachment['downloads'] == 1) { $title_array[] = gettext("Downloaded: 1 time"); } else { $title_array[] = sprintf(gettext("Downloaded: %d times"), $attachment['downloads']); } if (isset($attachment['width'], $attachment['height'])) { $title_array[] = sprintf(gettext("Dimensions %dx%dpx"), $attachment['width'], $attachment['height']); } $title = implode(", ", $title_array); if ($show_thumbs && isset($attachment['thumbnail']) && $attachment['thumbnail'] == 'Y') { $thumbnail_width = 150; $thumbnail_height = 150; while ($thumbnail_width > $thumbnail_max_size) { $thumbnail_width--; $thumbnail_height--; } $attachment_link = "<a href=\"{$attachment_href}\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"attachment_thumb\" "; $attachment_link .= "style=\"background-image: url('{$attachment_href}&thumb=1'); "; $attachment_link .= "width: {$thumbnail_width}px; height: {$thumbnail_height}px\" "; $attachment_link .= "title=\"{$title}\"></span></a>"; } else { $attachment_link = html_style_image('attach', gettext("Attachment")); $attachment_link .= "<a href=\"{$attachment_href}\" title=\"{$title}\" "; $attachment_link .= "target=\"_blank\">{$attachment['filename']}</a>"; } return $attachment_link; } return $attachment_href; }
function action_update_file($filepath) { log_write("debug", "file_storage", "Executing action_update_file({$filepath})"); /* Make sure the supplied file exists */ if (!file_exists($filepath)) { log_write("error", "file_storage", "The requested file {$filepath} does not exist, unable to upload new file."); return 0; } /* Start SQL Transaction */ $sql_obj = new sql_query(); $sql_obj->trans_begin(); /* If no ID exists, create a new file entry first */ if (!$this->id) { if (!$this->action_create()) { $sql_obj->trans_rollback(); log_write("error", "file_storage", "Unexpected DB error whilst attempting to create a new file metadata entry"); return 0; } } /* Fetch metadata from file */ $this->data["file_size"] = filesize($filepath); if (empty($this->data["file_name"])) { // no filename supplied, take the filename of the provided file path $this->data["file_name"] = format_file_name($filepath); } if ($this->config["data_storage_method"] == "filesystem") { /* Upload file to configured location on filesystem For this, we simply need to copy the temporary file that has been uploaded to the new location. */ $uploadname = $this->config["data_storage_location"] . "/" . $this->id; if (!copy($filepath, $uploadname)) { log_write("error", "file_storage", "Unable to upload file to filesystem storage location ('{$uploadname}')- possible permissions issue."); } $this->data["file_location"] = "fs"; } elseif ($this->config["data_storage_method"]) { /* Upload file to database We need to split the file into 64kb chunks, and add a new row to the file_upload_data table for each chunk - by splitting the file we reduce memory usage when retrieving the file data as well as supporting standard MySQL database configurations. */ // delete any existing files from the database $sql_obj->string = "DELETE FROM file_upload_data WHERE fileid='" . $this->id . "'"; $sql_obj->execute(); // open the file - read only & binary $file_handle = fopen($filepath, "rb"); while (!feof($file_handle)) { // make the data safe for MySQL, we don't want any // SQL injections from file uploads! $binarydata = addslashes(fread($file_handle, 65535)); // upload the row // note that the ID of the rows will increase, so if we sort the rows // in ascenting order, we will recieve the correct data. $sql_obj->string = "INSERT INTO file_upload_data (fileid, data) values ('" . $this->id . "', '" . $binarydata . "')"; $sql_obj->execute(); } // close the file fclose($file_handle); $this->data["file_location"] = "db"; } else { log_write("error", "file_storage", "Invalid data_storage_method (" . $this->config["data_storage_method"] . ") configured, unable to upload file."); } // update database record $sql_obj->string = "UPDATE file_uploads SET " . "timestamp='" . time() . "', " . "file_name='" . $this->data["file_name"] . "', " . "file_size='" . $this->data["file_size"] . "', " . "file_location='" . $this->data["file_location"] . "' " . "WHERE id='" . $this->id . "' LIMIT 1"; $sql_obj->execute(); /* Commit */ if (error_check()) { $sql_obj->trans_rollback(); log_write("error", "file_storage", "An error occured whilst attempting to upload the file, no changes have been made."); return 0; } else { $sql_obj->trans_commit(); log_write("debug", "file_storage", "Successfully uploaded file ID '" . $this->id . "'"); return $this->id; } }