protected function main_form($x, $y) { $balance = $this->data['balance'] < 0 ? -$this->data['balance'] : $this->data['balance']; $font_size = 14; $lineh = 25; $x += ConfigHelper::getConfig('finances.leftmargin', 0, true); $y += ConfigHelper::getConfig('finances.bottommargin', 0, true); $y += 275; $this->backend->addText($x, $y, $font_size, $this->data['d_name']); $y -= $lineh; $this->backend->addText($x, $y, $font_size, trim($this->data['d_zip'] . ' ' . $this->data['d_city'] . ' ' . $this->data['d_address'])); $y -= $lineh; $this->backend->addText($x, $y, $font_size, format_bankaccount(bankaccount($this->data['id'], $this->data['account']))); $y -= $lineh; $this->backend->addText($x + 220, $y, $font_size, sprintf('%.2f', $balance)); $y -= $lineh; $this->backend->addText($x, $y, $font_size, trans('$a dollars $b cents', to_words(floor($balance)), to_words(round(($balance - floor($balance)) * 100)))); $y -= $lineh; $this->backend->addText($x, $y, $font_size, $this->truncate($this->data['customername'])); $y -= $lineh; $this->backend->addText($x, $y, $font_size, $this->truncate(trim($this->data['zip'] . ' ' . $this->data['city'] . ' ' . $this->data['address']))); $y -= $lineh; $this->backend->addText($x, $y, $font_size, ConfigHelper::getConfig('finances.pay_title', trans('Not set'))); $y -= $lineh; $this->backend->addText($x, $y, $font_size, trans('Customer ID: $a', sprintf('%04d', $this->data['id']))); }
public function note_recipient() { $oldy = $this->backend->GetY(); $recipient = '<b>' . trans('Note recipient:') . '</b><br>'; $recipient .= $this->data['name'] . '<br>'; $recipient .= $this->data['address'] . '<br>'; $recipient .= $this->data['zip'] . ' ' . $this->data['city'] . '<br>'; if ($this->data['ten']) { $recipient .= trans('TEN') . ': ' . $this->data['ten'] . '<br>'; } elseif ($this->data['ssn']) { $recipient .= trans('SSN') . ': ' . $this->data['ssn'] . '<br>'; } $this->backend->SetFont('arial', '', 10); $this->backend->writeHTMLCell(80, '', 125, 50, $recipient, 0, 1, 0, true, 'L'); $y = $this->backend->GetY(); if (ConfigHelper::checkValue(ConfigHelper::getConfig('invoices.customer_bankaccount', true))) { $bankaccount = trans('Bank account:') . ' <b>' . format_bankaccount(bankaccount($this->data['customerid'], $this->data['account'])) . '</b>'; $this->backend->SetFont('arial', 'B', 8); $this->backend->writeHTMLCell('', '', 125, $oldy + round(($y - $oldy - 8) / 2), $bankaccount, 0, 1, 0, true, 'L'); } if (ConfigHelper::checkValue(ConfigHelper::getConfig('invoices.customer_credentials', true))) { $pin = '<b>' . trans('Customer ID: $a', sprintf('%04d', $this->data['customerid'])) . '</b><br>'; $pin .= '<b>PIN: ' . sprintf('%04d', $this->data['customerpin']) . '</b><br>'; $this->backend->SetFont('arial', 'B', 8); $this->backend->writeHTMLCell('', '', 125, $oldy + round(($y - $oldy) / 2), $pin, 0, 1, 0, true, 'L'); } $this->backend->SetY($y); }
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protected function main_fill($x, $y, $scale) { if (ConfigHelper::checkConfig('finances.control_lines')) { $this->backend->line(7 * $scale + $x, 115 * $scale + $y, 7 * $scale + $x, 145 * $scale + $y); $this->backend->line(7 * $scale + $x, 115 * $scale + $y, 37 * $scale + $x, 115 * $scale + $y); $this->backend->line(978 * $scale + $x, 115 * $scale + $y, 978 * $scale + $x, 145 * $scale + $y); $this->backend->line(978 * $scale + $x, 115 * $scale + $y, 948 * $scale + $x, 115 * $scale + $y); $this->backend->line(7 * $scale + $x, 726 * $scale + $y, 7 * $scale + $x, 696 * $scale + $y); $this->backend->line(7 * $scale + $x, 726 * $scale + $y, 37 * $scale + $x, 726 * $scale + $y); $this->backend->line(978 * $scale + $x, 726 * $scale + $y, 978 * $scale + $x, 696 * $scale + $y); $this->backend->line(978 * $scale + $x, 726 * $scale + $y, 948 * $scale + $x, 726 * $scale + $y); } $this->backend->addtext(15 * $scale + $x, 680 * $scale + $y, 30 * $scale, $this->data['d_name']); $this->backend->addtext(15 * $scale + $x, 617 * $scale + $y, 30 * $scale, $this->data['d_address'] . ' ' . $this->data['d_zip'] . ' ' . $this->data['d_city']); $this->backend->addtext(15 * $scale + $x, 555 * $scale + $y, 30 * $scale, format_bankaccount(bankaccount($this->data['id'], $this->data['account']))); $this->backend->addtext(550 * $scale + $x, 497 * $scale + $y, 30 * $scale, number_format($this->data['total'], 2, ',', '')); $this->backend->addtext(15 * $scale + $x, 375 * $scale + $y, 30 * $scale, $this->data['customername']); $this->backend->addtext(15 * $scale + $x, 315 * $scale + $y, 30 * $scale, $this->data['address'] . '; ' . $this->data['zip'] . ' ' . $this->data['city']); $this->backend->addtext(15 * $scale + $x, 250 * $scale + $y, 30 * $scale, trans('Payment for invoice No. $a', $this->data['t_number'])); }
function format_customer_account($contact) { return format_bankaccount($contact['contact']); }
WHERE e.userid = lms_current_user() AND a.customerid = d.customerid)' . ' ORDER BY CEIL(d.cdate/86400),', array($_GET['from'], $_GET['to'], DOC_DNOTE)); if (!$ids) { $SESSION->close(); die; } $count = sizeof($ids); $i = 0; foreach ($ids as $idx => $noteid) { $note = $LMS->GetNoteContent($noteid); if ($count == 1) { $docnumber = docnumber($note['number'], $note['template'], $note['cdate']); } $note['division_header'] = str_replace('%bankaccount', format_bankaccount(bankaccount($note['customerid'], $note['account'])), $note['division_header']); $document->Draw($note); } } elseif ($note = $LMS->GetNoteContent($_GET['id'])) { $docnumber = $number = docnumber($note['number'], $note['template'], $note['cdate']); $layout['pagetitle'] = trans('Debit Note No. $a', $number); $note['last'] = TRUE; $note['division_header'] = str_replace('%bankaccount', format_bankaccount(bankaccount($note['customerid'], $note['account'])), $note['division_header']); $document->Draw($note); } else { $SESSION->redirect('?m=notelist'); } if (!is_null($attachment_name) && isset($docnumber)) { $attachment_name = str_replace('%number', $docnumber, $attachment_name); $attachment_name = preg_replace('/[^[:alnum:]_\\.]/i', '_', $attachment_name); } else { $attachment_name = 'invoices.' . ($note_type == 'pdf' ? 'pdf' : 'html'); } $document->WriteToBrowser($attachment_name);
protected function invoice_footnote($x, $y, $width, $font_size) { if (!empty($this->data['division_footer'])) { $y = $y - $this->backend->getFontHeight($font_size); //$y = $y - $this->backend->text_align_left($x, $y, $font_size, '<b>' . trans('Notes:') . '</b>'); $tmp = $this->data['division_footer']; $accounts = array(bankaccount($this->data['customerid'], $this->data['account'])); if (ConfigHelper::checkConfig('invoices.show_all_accounts')) { $accounts = array_merge($accounts, $this->data['bankaccounts']); } foreach ($accounts as &$account) { $account = format_bankaccount($account); } $tmp = str_replace('%bankaccount', implode("\n", $accounts), $tmp); $tmp = preg_split('/\\r?\\n/', $tmp); foreach ($tmp as $line) { $y = $this->backend->text_wrap($x, $y, $width, $font_size, $line, "full"); } } }
protected function invoice_footnote() { if (!empty($this->data['division_footer'])) { $this->backend->Ln(7); //$this->backend->SetFont('arial', 'B', 10); //$this->backend->Write(0, trans('Notes:'), '', 0, 'L', true, 0, false, false, 0); $tmp = $this->data['division_footer']; $accounts = array(bankaccount($this->data['customerid'], $this->data['account'])); if (ConfigHelper::checkConfig('invoices.show_all_accounts')) { $accounts = array_merge($accounts, $this->data['bankaccounts']); } foreach ($accounts as &$account) { $account = format_bankaccount($account); } $tmp = str_replace('%bankaccount', implode("\n", $accounts), $tmp); $this->backend->SetFont('arial', '', 8); $h = $this->backend->getStringHeight(0, $tmp); $tmp = mb_ereg_replace('\\r?\\n', '<br>', $tmp); $this->backend->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', 188 - $h, $tmp, 0, 1, 0, true, 'C'); } }
imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, 1200, 630, $white); $FT0100A = imagecreatefrompng('img/FT0100A.png'); $FT0100B = imagecreatefrompng('img/FT0100B.png'); imagecopy($img, $FT0100A, 0, 10, 0, 0, imagesx($FT0100A), imagesy($FT0100A)); imagecopy($img, $FT0100B, 310, 10, 0, 0, imagesx($FT0100B), imagesy($FT0100B)); //odbiorca imagettftext($img, 8, 0, 47, 135, $black, $font, $division['name']); imagettftext($img, 8, 0, 47, 155, $black, $font, $division['address']); imagettftext($img, 8, 0, 47, 175, $black, $font, $division['zip'] . ' ' . $division['city']); imagettftext($img, 14, 0, 353, 48, $black, $font, $division['name']); imagettftext($img, 14, 0, 353, 100, $black, $font, $division['address'] . ' ' . $division['zip'] . ' ' . $division['city']); //numerkonta imagettftext($img, 11, 0, 48, 44, $black, $fontb, format_bankaccount($customer['bankaccount'])); $count = strlen($customer['bankaccount']); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { imagettftext($img, 18, 0, 355 + $i * 30, 155, $black, $fontb, format_bankaccount($customer['bankaccount'][$i])); } $_GET['v'] = str_replace(',', '.', $_GET['v']); $value = moneyf($_GET['v']); $width = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($value); $i++) { $tmp = imagettfbbox(20, 0, $fontb, substr($value, $i, 1)); $width += $tmp[2]; } imageline($img, 810, 200, 1180 - $width - 10, 200, $black); imagettftext($img, 20, 0, 1180 - $width, 207, $black, $fontb, $value); $width = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($value); $i++) { $tmp = imagettfbbox(12, 0, $fontb, substr($value, $i, 1)); $width += $tmp[2]; }
imagettftext($img, 9, 0, 243, 50, $black, $fontb, $division['address'] . ', ' . $division['zip'] . ' ' . $division['city']); $con = substr($customer['bankaccount'], 0, 2); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($con); $i++) { imagettftext($img, 12, 0, 241 + $i * 17, 76, $black, $fontb, format_bankaccount($con[$i])); } $con = substr($customer['bankaccount'], 2, 8); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($con); $i++) { imagettftext($img, 12, 0, 277 + $i * 17, 76, $black, $fontb, format_bankaccount($con[$i])); } $con = substr($customer['bankaccount'], 10, 8); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($con); $i++) { imagettftext($img, 12, 0, 417 + $i * 17, 76, $black, $fontb, format_bankaccount($con[$i])); } $con = substr($customer['bankaccount'], 18, 8); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($con); $i++) { imagettftext($img, 12, 0, 557 + $i * 17, 76, $black, $fontb, format_bankaccount($con[$i])); } $width = mb_strlen($value) * 17; for ($i = 0; $i < mb_strlen($value); $i++) { imagettftext($img, 12, 0, 710 - $width + $i * 17, 101, $black, $fontb, $value[$i]); } imageline($img, 502, 95, 710 - $width - 12, 95, $black); $value = trans('$a dollars $b cents', to_words(floor($value)), to_words(round(($value - floor($value)) * 100))); imagettftext($img, 11, 0, 243, 126, $black, $fontb, $value); imagettftext($img, 9, 0, 243, 152, $black, $fontb, $name1 . ' ' . $name2); imagettftext($img, 9, 0, 243, 177, $black, $fontb, $address . ', ' . $city); imagettftext($img, 9, 0, 243, 202, $black, $fontb, 'Abonament za ' . $msc[intval($_GET['month'])] . ' ' . $_GET['year'] . ', ' . ' ID:' . $customer['id']); header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); imagejpeg($img); imagedestroy($img); }
function BodyVars(&$body, $data) { global $LMS, $LANGDEFS; $body = str_replace('%customer', $data['customername'], $body); $body = str_replace('%balance', $data['balance'], $body); $body = str_replace('%cid', $data['id'], $body); $body = str_replace('%pin', $data['pin'], $body); if (strpos($body, '%bankaccount') !== false) { $body = str_replace('%bankaccount', format_bankaccount(bankaccount($data['id'])), $body); } if (!(strpos($body, '%last_10_in_a_table') === FALSE)) { $last10 = ''; if ($last10_array = $LMS->DB->GetAll('SELECT comment, time, value FROM cash WHERE customerid = ? ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 10', array($data['id']))) { foreach ($last10_array as $r) { $last10 .= date("Y/m/d | ", $r['time']); $last10 .= sprintf("%20s | ", sprintf($LANGDEFS[$LMS->ui_lang]['money_format'], $r['value'])); $last10 .= $r['comment'] . "\n"; } } $body = str_replace('%last_10_in_a_table', $last10, $body); } }
if ($customerinfo['messengers']) { foreach ($customerinfo['messengers'] as $idx => $val) { $customerinfo['uid'][$idx] = $val['uid']; } } if (empty($customerinfo['contacts'])) { $customerinfo['contacts'][] = array(); } if (empty($customerinfo['emails'])) { $customerinfo['emails'][] = array(); } if (empty($customerinfo['accounts'])) { $customerinfo['accounts'][] = array(); } else { foreach ($customerinfo['accounts'] as &$account) { $account['account'] = format_bankaccount($account['account']); } } } $layout['pagetitle'] = trans('Customer Edit: $a', $customerinfo['customername']); $SESSION->save('backto', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $customerid = $customerinfo['id']; include MODULES_DIR . '/'; } $LMS->InitXajax(); $hook_data = $LMS->executeHook('customeredit_before_display', array('customerinfo' => $customerinfo, 'smarty' => $SMARTY)); $customerinfo = $hook_data['customerinfo']; $SMARTY->assign('xajax', $LMS->RunXajax()); $SMARTY->assign('customerinfo', $customerinfo); $SMARTY->assign('cstateslist', $LMS->GetCountryStates()); $SMARTY->assign('countrieslist', $LMS->GetCountries());
function module_main() { global $DB, $LMS, $SESSION, $SMARTY; if (isset($_GET['ar'])) { $archiwum = true; } else { $archiwum = false; } if (isset($_GET['p'])) { $id = (int) $_GET['p']; $DB->Execute('UPDATE messageitems SET isread = ? WHERE id = ?;', array(1, $id)); } $message = $DB->GetAll('SELECT, m.subject, m.body, m.cdate, mi.isread , mi.firstread FROM messageitems mi, messages m WHERE = mi.messageid AND m.type=? AND mi.customerid = ? AND mi.status = ? ' . (!$archiwum ? ' AND mi.isread=\'0\'' : '') . ' ORDER BY m.cdate DESC ;', array(MSG_USERPANEL, $SESSION->id, MSG_SENT)); if ($message) { $czas = time(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($message); $i++) { if (!$message[$i]['isread']) { $DB->Execute('UPDATE messageitems SET ' . (!$message[$i]['firstread'] ? ' firstread=\'' . $czas . '\', ' : '') . ' lastread=\'' . $czas . '\' WHERE id = ?;', array($message[$i]['id'])); } } } if ($message) { $data = $LMS->DB->GetRow('SELECT, email, pin, ' . $LMS->DB->Concat('c.lastname', "' '", '') . ' AS customername, ' . $LMS->DB->Concat('c.address', "' '", '', "' '", '') . ' AS address, ' . $LMS->DB->Concat('c.post_address', "' '", 'c.post_zip', "' '", 'c.post_city') . ' AS postaddress, ' . 'COALESCE(b.value, 0) AS balance FROM customers c LEFT JOIN ( SELECT SUM(value) AS value, customerid FROM cash GROUP BY customerid ) b ON (b.customerid = WHERE = ? LIMIT 1', array($SESSION->id)); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($message); $i++) { if (!empty($data['customername'])) { $message[$i]['body'] = str_replace('%customer', $data['customername'], $message[$i]['body']); } else { $message[$i]['body'] = str_replace('%customer', '', $message[$i]['body']); } if (!empty($data['balance'])) { $message[$i]['body'] = str_replace('%balance', $data['balance'], $message[$i]['body']); } else { $message[$i]['body'] = str_replace('%balance', '', $message[$i]['body']); } if (!empty($data['id'])) { $message[$i]['body'] = str_replace('%cid', $data['id'], $message[$i]['body']); } else { $message[$i]['body'] = str_replace('%cid', '', $message[$i]['body']); } if (!empty($data['pin'])) { $message[$i]['body'] = str_replace('%pin', $data['pin'], $message[$i]['body']); } else { $message[$i]['body'] = str_replace('%pin', '', $message[$i]['body']); } if (!empty($data['address'])) { $message[$i]['body'] = str_replace('%address', $data['address'], $message[$i]['body']); } else { $message[$i]['body'] = str_replace('%address', '', $message[$i]['body']); } if (!empty($data['postaddress'])) { $message[$i]['body'] = str_replace('%postaddress', $data['postaddress'], $message[$i]['body']); } else { $message[$i]['body'] = str_replace('%postaddress', '', $message[$i]['body']); } if (bankaccount($data['id']) != '') { if (strpos($message[$i]['body'], '%bankaccount') !== false) { $message[$i]['body'] = str_replace('%bankaccount', format_bankaccount(bankaccount($data['id'])), $message[$i]['body']); } } else { $message[$i]['body'] = str_replace('%bankaccount', '', $message[$i]['body']); } if (!(strpos($message[$i]['body'], '%last_3_in_a_table') === FALSE)) { $last3 = ''; if ($last3_array = $LMS->DB->GetAll('SELECT comment, time, value FROM cash WHERE customerid = ? ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 3', array($data['id']))) { foreach ($last3_array as $r) { $last3 .= date("Y/m/d | ", $r['time']); $last3 .= sprintf("%20s | ", sprintf($LANGDEFS[$LMS->ui_lang]['money_format'], $r['value'])); $last3 .= $r['comment'] . "\n"; } } $message[$i]['body'] = str_replace('%last_3_in_a_table', $last3, $message[$i]['body']); } if (!(strpos($message[$i]['body'], '%last_10_in_a_table') === FALSE)) { $last10 = ''; if ($last10_array = $LMS->DB->GetAll('SELECT comment, time, value FROM cash WHERE customerid = ? ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 10', array($data['id']))) { foreach ($last10_array as $r) { $last10 .= date("Y/m/d | ", $r['time']); $last10 .= sprintf("%20s | ", sprintf($LANGDEFS[$LMS->ui_lang]['money_format'], $r['value'])); $last10 .= $r['comment'] . "\n"; } } $message[$i]['body'] = str_replace('%last_10_in_a_table', $last10, $message[$i]['body']); } } } $count = count($message); // if ($count!==0) for ($i=0;$i<$count;$i++) $message[$i]['body'] = base64_decode($message[$i]['body']); $SMARTY->assign('archiwum', $archiwum); $SMARTY->assign('message', $message); $SMARTY->display('module:wiadomosci.html'); }
function invoice_footnote() { global $pdf, $invoice; if (!empty($invoice['division_footer'])) { $pdf->Ln(7); //$pdf->SetFont('arial', 'B', 10); //$pdf->Write(0, trans('Notes:'), '', 0, 'L', true, 0, false, false, 0); $tmp = $invoice['division_footer']; $account = format_bankaccount(bankaccount($invoice['customerid'], $invoice['account'])); $tmp = str_replace('%bankaccount', $account, $tmp); $pdf->SetFont('arial', '', 8); $h = $pdf->getStringHeight(0, $tmp); $tmp = mb_ereg_replace('\\r?\\n', '<br>', $tmp); $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', 188 - $h, $tmp, 0, 1, 0, true, 'C'); } }
function GetInvoiceContent($invoiceid) { global $PAYTYPES; $result = $this->DB->GetRow('SELECT, d.number,, d.customerid, d.type, d.userid, d.address,,, d.countryid, AS country, d.ten, d.ssn, d.cdate, d.sdate, d.paytime, d.paytype, d.numberplanid, d.closed, d.reference, d.reason, d.divisionid, (SELECT name FROM users WHERE id = d.userid) AS user, n.template, d.div_name AS division_name, d.div_name AS division_shortname, d.div_shortname AS division_shortnames, d.div_address AS division_address, d.div_zip AS division_zip, d.div_city AS division_city, d.div_countryid AS division_countryid, d.div_ten AS division_ten, d.div_regon AS division_regon, d.div_account AS account, d.div_inv_header AS division_header, d.div_inv_footer AS division_footer, d.div_inv_author AS division_author, d.div_inv_cplace AS division_cplace, d.fullnumber AS fullnumber,d.version, d.templatetype, d.templatefile, d.sdateview, d.urllogofile, d.print_balance_info, AS customerpin, c.divisionid AS current_divisionid, d.post_name, d.post_address, d.post_zip, d.post_city, c.invoice_name, c.invoice_address, c.invoice_zip, c.invoice_city, c.invoice_countryid, c.invoice_ten FROM documents d JOIN customers c ON ( = d.customerid) LEFT JOIN countries cn ON ( = d.countryid) LEFT JOIN numberplans n ON (d.numberplanid = WHERE = ? AND (d.type = ? OR d.type = ? OR d.type = ?)', array($invoiceid, DOC_INVOICE, DOC_CNOTE, DOC_INVOICE_PRO)); if ($result) { $result['pdiscount'] = 0; $result['vdiscount'] = 0; $result['totalbase'] = 0; $result['totaltax'] = 0; $result['total'] = 0; if ($result['version'] != '2' && ($firma = $this->DB->getrow('SELECT shortname,name,address,city,zip,ten,account,inv_header,inv_footer,inv_author,inv_cplace FROM divisions WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1;', array($result['divisionid'])))) { if (empty($result['division_name'])) { $result['division_name'] = $firma['name']; } if (empty($result['division_shortname'])) { $result['division_shortname'] = $firma['name']; } if (empty($result['division_address'])) { $result['division_address'] = $firma['address']; } if (empty($result['division_zip'])) { $result['division_zip'] = $firma['zip']; } if (empty($result['division_city'])) { $result['division_city'] = $firma['city']; } if (empty($result['division_ten'])) { $result['division_ten'] = $firma['ten']; } if (empty($result['account'])) { $result['account'] = $firma['account']; } if (empty($result['division_header'])) { $result['division_header'] = $firma['inv_header']; } if (empty($result['division_footer'])) { $result['division_footer'] = $firma['inv_footer']; } if (empty($result['division_author'])) { $result['division_author'] = $firma['inv_author']; } if (empty($result['division_cplace'])) { $result['division_cplace'] = $firma['inv_cplace']; } } if ($result['reference'] && $result['type'] != DOC_INVOICE_PRO) { $result['invoice'] = $this->GetInvoiceContent($result['reference']); } if (!$result['division_header']) { $result['division_header'] = $result['division_name'] . "\n" . $result['division_address'] . "\n" . $result['division_zip'] . ' ' . $result['division_city'] . ($result['division_countryid'] && $result['countryid'] && $result['division_countryid'] != $result['countryid'] ? "\n" . trans($this->GetCountryName($result['division_countryid'])) : '') . ($result['division_ten'] != '' ? "\n" . trans('TEN') . ' ' . $result['division_ten'] : '') . ($result['account'] != '' ? "\n" . "Nr konta: " . format_bankaccount(bankaccount($result['customerid'], $result['account'])) : ''); } if ($result['content'] = $this->DB->GetAll('SELECT invoicecontents.value AS value, itemid, taxid, taxes.value AS taxvalue, taxes.label AS taxlabel, prodid, content, count, invoicecontents.description AS description, tariffid, itemid, pdiscount, vdiscount FROM invoicecontents LEFT JOIN taxes ON taxid = WHERE docid=? ORDER BY itemid', array($invoiceid))) { foreach ($result['content'] as $idx => $row) { if (isset($result['invoice'])) { $row['value'] += $result['invoice']['content'][$idx]['value']; $row['count'] += $result['invoice']['content'][$idx]['count']; } $result['content'][$idx]['basevalue'] = round($row['value'] / (100 + $row['taxvalue']) * 100, 2); $result['content'][$idx]['total'] = round($row['value'] * $row['count'], 2); $result['content'][$idx]['totalbase'] = round($result['content'][$idx]['total'] / (100 + $row['taxvalue']) * 100, 2); $result['content'][$idx]['totaltax'] = round($result['content'][$idx]['total'] - $result['content'][$idx]['totalbase'], 2); $result['content'][$idx]['value'] = $row['value']; $result['content'][$idx]['count'] = $row['count']; if (isset($result['taxest'][$row['taxvalue']])) { $result['taxest'][$row['taxvalue']]['base'] += $result['content'][$idx]['totalbase']; $result['taxest'][$row['taxvalue']]['total'] += $result['content'][$idx]['total']; $result['taxest'][$row['taxvalue']]['tax'] += $result['content'][$idx]['totaltax']; } else { $result['taxest'][$row['taxvalue']]['base'] = $result['content'][$idx]['totalbase']; $result['taxest'][$row['taxvalue']]['total'] = $result['content'][$idx]['total']; $result['taxest'][$row['taxvalue']]['tax'] = $result['content'][$idx]['totaltax']; $result['taxest'][$row['taxvalue']]['taxlabel'] = $row['taxlabel']; } $result['totalbase'] += $result['content'][$idx]['totalbase']; $result['totaltax'] += $result['content'][$idx]['totaltax']; $result['total'] += $result['content'][$idx]['total']; // for backward compatybility $result['taxest'][$row['taxvalue']]['taxvalue'] = $row['taxvalue']; $result['content'][$idx]['pkwiu'] = $row['prodid']; $result['pdiscount'] += $row['pdiscount']; $result['vdiscount'] += $row['vdiscount']; } } $result['pdate'] = $result['cdate'] + $result['paytime'] * 86400; $result['value'] = $result['total'] - (isset($result['invoice']) ? $result['invoice']['value'] : 0); if ($result['value'] < 0) { $result['value'] = abs($result['value']); $result['rebate'] = true; } $result['valuep'] = round(($result['value'] - floor($result['value'])) * 100); // NOTE: don't waste CPU/mem when printing history is not set: if (chkconfig($this->CONFIG['invoices']['print_balance_history']) && $result['type'] != DOC_INVOICE_PRO) { if (isset($this->CONFIG['invoices']['print_balance_history_save']) && chkconfig($this->CONFIG['invoices']['print_balance_history_save'])) { $result['customerbalancelist'] = $this->GetCustomerBalanceList($result['customerid'], $result['cdate']); } else { $result['customerbalancelist'] = $this->GetCustomerBalanceList($result['customerid']); } $result['customerbalancelistlimit'] = $this->CONFIG['invoices']['print_balance_history_limit']; } $result['paytypename'] = $PAYTYPES[$result['paytype']]; // for backward compat. $result['totalg'] = round(($result['value'] - floor($result['value'])) * 100); $result['year'] = date('Y', $result['cdate']); $result['month'] = date('m', $result['cdate']); $result['pesel'] = $result['ssn']; $result['nip'] = $result['ten']; if ($result['post_name'] || $result['post_address']) { $reulst['serviceaddr'] = $result['post_name']; if ($result['post_address']) { $result['serviceaddr'] .= "\n" . $result['post_address']; } if ($result['post_zip'] && $result['post_city']) { $result['serviceaddr'] .= "\n" . $result['post_zip'] . ' ' . $result['post_city']; } } return $result; } else { return FALSE; } }
function parse_data($id, $tresc, $customer) { global $LMS, $LANGDEFS; $tresc = preg_replace("/\\%dzis/", date("d/m/Y"), $tresc); $tresc = preg_replace("/\\%balance/", sprintf("%6.2f", $customer['balance']), $tresc); $tresc = preg_replace("/\\%bankaccount/", format_bankaccount($customer['bankaccount']), $tresc); if (!(strpos($tresc, '%last_10_in_a_table') === FALSE)) { $last10 = ''; if ($last10_array = $LMS->DB->GetAll('SELECT comment, time, value FROM cash WHERE customerid = ? ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 10', array($customer['id']))) { foreach ($last10_array as $r) { $last10 .= date("Y/m/d | ", $r['time']); $last10 .= sprintf("%20s | ", sprintf($LANGDEFS[$LMS->ui_lang]['money_format'], $r['value'])); $last10 .= $r['comment'] . "\n"; } } $tresc = str_replace('%last_10_in_a_table', $last10, $tresc); } return $tresc; }
} else { $customerinfo = $LMS->GetCustomer($_GET['id']); $customerinfo['cutoffstopindefinitely'] = 0; if ($customerinfo['cutoffstop']) { if ($customerinfo['cutoffstop'] == intval(pow(2, 31) - 1)) { $customerinfo['cutoffstop'] = 0; $customerinfo['cutoffstopindefinitely'] = 1; } else { $customerinfo['cutoffstop'] = strftime('%Y/%m/%d', $customerinfo['cutoffstop']); } } else { $customerinfo['cutoffstop'] = 0; } if (!empty($customerinfo['accounts'])) { foreach ($customerinfo['accounts'] as &$account) { $account['contact'] = format_bankaccount($account['contact']); } } } $layout['pagetitle'] = trans('Customer Edit: $a', $customerinfo['customername']); $SESSION->save('backto', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $customerid = $customerinfo['id']; include MODULES_DIR . '/'; } $LMS->InitXajax(); $hook_data = $LMS->executeHook('customeredit_before_display', array('customerinfo' => $customerinfo, 'smarty' => $SMARTY)); $customerinfo = $hook_data['customerinfo']; $SMARTY->assign('xajax', $LMS->RunXajax()); $SMARTY->assign('customerinfo', $customerinfo); $SMARTY->assign('cstateslist', $LMS->GetCountryStates()); $SMARTY->assign('countrieslist', $LMS->GetCountries());
function invoice_footnote($x, $y, $width, $font_size) { global $pdf, $invoice; if (!empty($invoice['division_footer'])) { $y = $y - $pdf->getFontHeight($font_size); //$y = $y - text_align_left($x, $y, $font_size, '<b>'.iconv("UTF-8","ISO-8859-2//TRANSLIT", trans('Notes:')).'</b>'); $tmp = iconv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-2//TRANSLIT", $invoice['division_footer']); $account = format_bankaccount(bankaccount($invoice['customerid'], $invoice['account'])); $tmp = str_replace('%bankaccount', $account, $tmp); $tmp = preg_split('/\\r?\\n/', $tmp); foreach ($tmp as $line) { $y = text_wrap($x, $y, $width, $font_size, $line, "full"); } } }
function invoice_footnote_v2() { global $pdf, $invoice; if (!empty($invoice['division_footer'])) { $pdf->Ln(5); $tmp = $invoice['division_footer']; $account = format_bankaccount(bankaccount($invoice['customerid'], $invoice['account'])); $tmp = str_replace('%bankaccount', $account, $tmp); $pdf->SetFont('arial', '', 7); $h = $pdf->getStringHeight(0, $tmp); $tmp = mb_ereg_replace('\r?\n', '<br>', $tmp); if ($invoice['templatefile']=='standard') $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', '', $tmp, 0, 1, 0, true, 'C'); else $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', 188 - $h, $tmp, 0, 1, 0, true, 'C'); } }
function parse_customer_data($data, $row) { global $DB; $amount = -$row['balance']; $data = preg_replace("/\\%bankaccount/", format_bankaccount(bankaccount($row['id'], $row['account'])), $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%b/", $amount, $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%date-y/", strftime("%Y"), $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%date-m/", strftime("%m"), $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%date_month_name/", strftime("%B"), $data); $deadline = $row['cdate'] + $row['paytime'] * 86400; $data = preg_replace("/\\%deadline-y/", strftime("%Y", $deadline), $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%deadline-m/", strftime("%m", $deadline), $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%deadline-d/", strftime("%d", $deadline), $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%B/", $row['balance'], $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%saldo/", moneyf($row['balance']), $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%pin/", $row['pin'], $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%cid/", $row['id'], $data); if (preg_match("/\\%abonament/", $data)) { $saldo = $DB->GetOne("SELECT SUM(value)\n\t\t\tFROM assignments, tariffs\n\t\t\tWHERE tariffid = AND customerid = ?\n\t\t\t\tAND (datefrom <= {$currtime} OR datefrom = 0)\n\t\t\t\tAND (dateto > {$currtime} OR dateto = 0)\n\t\t\t\tAND ((datefrom < dateto) OR (datefrom = 0 AND datefrom = 0))", array($row['id'])); $data = preg_replace("/\\%abonament/", $saldo, $data); } // invoices, debit notes $data = preg_replace("/\\%invoice/", $row['doc_number'], $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%number/", $row['doc_number'], $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%value/", $row['value'], $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%cdate-y/", strftime("%Y", $row['cdate']), $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%cdate-m/", strftime("%m", $row['cdate']), $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%cdate-d/", strftime("%d", $row['cdate']), $data); list($now_y, $now_m) = explode('/', strftime("%Y/%m", time())); $data = preg_replace("/\\%lastday/", strftime("%d", mktime(12, 0, 0, $now_m + 1, 0, $now_y)), $data); return $data; }
function parse_customer_data($data, $row) { $DB = LMSDB::getInstance(); $amount = -$row['balance']; $totalamount = -$row['totalbalance']; $data = preg_replace("/\\%bankaccount/", format_bankaccount(bankaccount($row['id'], $row['account'])), $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%b/", $amount, $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%totalb/", $totalamount, $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%date-y/", strftime("%Y"), $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%date-m/", strftime("%m"), $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%date_month_name/", strftime("%B"), $data); $deadline = $row['cdate'] + $row['paytime'] * 86400; $data = preg_replace("/\\%deadline-y/", strftime("%Y", $deadline), $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%deadline-m/", strftime("%m", $deadline), $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%deadline-d/", strftime("%d", $deadline), $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%B/", $row['balance'], $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%totalB/", $row['totalbalance'], $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%saldo/", moneyf($row['balance']), $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%totalsaldo/", moneyf($row['totalbalance']), $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%pin/", $row['pin'], $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%cid/", $row['id'], $data); if (preg_match("/\\%abonament/", $data)) { $saldo = $DB->GetOne("SELECT SUM(value)\n\t\t\tFROM assignments, tariffs\n\t\t\tWHERE tariffid = AND customerid = ?\n\t\t\t\tAND datefrom <= {$currtime} AND (dateto > {$currtime} OR dateto = 0)\n\t\t\t\tAND ((datefrom < dateto) OR (datefrom = 0 AND datefrom = 0))", array($row['id'])); $data = preg_replace("/\\%abonament/", $saldo, $data); } if (preg_match("/\\%last_10_in_a_table/", $data)) { $last10 = $DB->GetAll("SELECT comment, value, time FROM cash WHERE\n\t\t\tcustomerid = ? ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 10", array($row['id'])); // ok, now we are going to rise up system's load $l10 = "-----------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------\n"; foreach ($last10 as $row_s) { $op_time = strftime("%Y/%m/%d", $row_s['time']); $op_amount = sprintf("%9.2f", $row_s['value']); $for_what = sprintf("%-52s", $row_s['comment']); $l10 = $l10 . "{$op_time} | {$op_amount} | {$for_what}\n"; } $l10 = $l10 . "-----------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------\n"; $data = preg_replace("/\\%last_10_in_a_table/", $l10, $data); } // invoices, debit notes $data = preg_replace("/\\%invoice/", $row['doc_number'], $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%number/", $row['doc_number'], $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%value/", $row['value'], $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%cdate-y/", strftime("%Y", $row['cdate']), $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%cdate-m/", strftime("%m", $row['cdate']), $data); $data = preg_replace("/\\%cdate-d/", strftime("%d", $row['cdate']), $data); list($now_y, $now_m) = explode('/', strftime("%Y/%m", time())); $data = preg_replace("/\\%lastday/", strftime("%d", mktime(12, 0, 0, $now_m + 1, 0, $now_y)), $data); return $data; }