function runTest($data) { global $rebuild; if (array_key_exists('format', $data)) { $output = file('http://server1/include/shield/drawshield?format=' . $data['format'] . '&blazon=' . urlencode($data['blazon'])); } else { $output = file('http://server1/include/shield/drawshield?blazon=' . urlencode($data['blazon'])); } $outfile = 'regress\\' . $data['name'] . '.out'; $difffile = 'regress\\' . $data['name'] . '.diff'; if (!$rebuild and file_exists($outfile)) { $output = explode("\n", rtrim(formatXML($output))); $previous = file($outfile); $diff =& new Text_Diff($output, $previous); $renderer =& new Text_Diff_Renderer(); $diffString = $renderer->render($diff); if ($diffString) { $back = 'red'; $diffCell = '<pre>' . htmlentities($diffString) . '</pre>'; } else { $back = 'green'; $diffCell = 'No changes'; } } else { $back = 'yellow'; $diffCell = 'Output created'; writeFile($outfile, $output); } echo '<tr>'; echo '<td style="background-color:' . $back . '">' . $data['name'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $data['desc'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $diffCell . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; return !($back == 'red'); }
function addToPlaylist($mpdFilePath) { global $baseurl, $playlistxml; $attr = $baseurl . $mpdFilePath; $playlistpath = "/home/cs5248-15/team06/public_html/upl/playlist.xml"; if (file_exists($playlistpath)) { $playlist = simplexml_load_file($playlistpath); } else { try { $playlist = new SimpleXMLElement($playlistxml); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } } $mpdchild = $playlist->addChild("mpd"); $mpdchild->addAttribute("path", $attr); $fp = fopen($playlistpath, "w") or die("Unable to open playlist file"); fwrite($fp, formatXML($playlist)); fclose($fp); }
function insertarEnXML($question, $answer, $complejidad, $subject) { $xml = simplexml_load_file('XML/preguntas.xml'); $assessmentItem = $xml->addChild('assessmentItem'); if ($_REQUEST['complejidad'] == 0) { $assessmentItem->addAttribute('complexity', 'sin complejidad'); } else { $assessmentItem->addAttribute('complexity', $complejidad); } $assessmentItem->addAttribute('subject', $subject); $itemBody = $assessmentItem->addChild('itemBody'); $itemBody->addChild('p', $question); $correctResponse = $assessmentItem->addChild('correctResponse'); $correctResponse->addChild('value', $answer); $xml = formatXML($xml); $return = $xml->asXML('XML/preguntas.xml'); if ($return == 1) { echo 'Pregunta insertada correctamente en preguntas.xml<br/>'; echo '<br/><a href="verPreguntasXML.php"> Ver Preguntas </a>'; } else { echo 'La pregunta no se ha insertado en preguntas.xml'; } }
function rt_create_user($a) { $sxe = new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents('gen/users.xml')); $user = $sxe->addChild('u'); $user->addAttribute('id', $a['id']); // user id $user->addAttribute('u', $a['u']); // username $user->addAttribute('e', $a['e']); // email $user->addAttribute('p', $a['p']); // password hash $user->addAttribute('n', $a['n']); // display name $user->addAttribute('b', $a['b']); // unix birthday date $user->addAttribute('j', time()); // unix joined date $user->addAttribute('pp', $a['pp']); // proifle picture url $user->addAttribute('ba', $a['ba']); // banner picture url $user->addAttribute('l', $a['l']); // location $user->addAttribute('w', $a['w']); // website $user->addAttribute('ab', $a['ab']); // about bio $user->addAttribute('ac', $a['ac']); // achievements / badges array $user->addAttribute('tl', 0); // trust level ( $user->addAttribute('ad', $a['ad']); // places where this user is an admin / moderator file_put_contents('rt-content/hidden/users.xml', formatXML($sxe)); }
die; } $user_id = $qresult[1]['user_id']; if ((int) $qresult[1]['state_size'] == 0) { postgis_query("INSERT INTO {$postgis_table_states}(user_id,state) VALUES({$user_id},'{$state}');"); } else { postgis_query("UPDATE {$postgis_table_states} SET state='{$state}' WHERE user_id={$user_id};"); } echo '<?xml version="1.0"?> <state_response result="OK" token="' . $token . '"/>'; die; } else { if (strtolower($xml->getName()) == "state_load") { $token = $xml['token']; $qresult = postgis_query("SELECT s.user_id,state FROM {$postgis_table_sessions} AS s,{$postgis_table_states} AS t WHERE s.user_id=t.user_id AND s.token='{$token}';"); if (count($qresult) < 2) { echo '<?xml version="1.0"?> <state_response result="EMPTY" reason="No state exists."/>'; die; } $xmlresponse = new SimpleXMLElement("<state_response />"); $xmlresponse->addAttribute("result", "OK"); $xmlresponse->addAttribute("token", $token); $xmlresponse->addChild("state", $qresult[1]['state']); echo formatXML($xmlresponse); } else { echo '<?xml version="1.0"?> <state_response result="ERROR" reason="Invalid state request."/>'; die; } }
function addToPlaylist($mpdFilePath) { echo "123"; global $baseurl, $playlistxml; echo "q23"; $attr = $baseurl . $mpdFilePath; echo "w23"; $playlistpath = "upload/playlist.xml"; echo "e23"; if (file_exists($playlistpath)) { echo "fi43423"; $playlist = simplexml_load_file($playlistpath); echo "d3423"; } else { try { echo "z23"; $playlist = new SimpleXMLElement($playlistxml); echo "rhf23"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "In exception"; echo $e->getMessage(); } } echo "f23"; $mpdchild = $playlist->addChild("mpd"); echo "d23"; $mpdchild->addAttribute("path", $attr); echo "s23"; $fp = fopen($playlistpath, "w") or die("Unable to open playlist file"); echo "g23"; fwrite($fp, formatXML($playlist)); echo "t23"; fclose($fp); echo "end2"; }
@($result = pg_query($pgc, $qtext)); pg_close($pgc); if (!$result) { echo '<?xml version="1.0"?> <query_result result="ERROR" reason="Error performing query: Query failed in database."/>'; die; } $xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<query_result/>"); $xml->addAttribute("table", pg_field_table($result, 0)); $xml->addAttribute("token", $query_token); if ($query_limit == "0") { $xml->addAttribute("result", "FIELDS"); for ($i = 0; $i < pg_num_fields($result); $i++) { $field = $xml->addChild("field"); $field->addAttribute("name", pg_field_name($result, $i)); $field->addAttribute("type", pg_field_type($result, $i)); } } else { $xml->addAttribute("result", "ROWS"); } while ($row = pg_fetch_row($result)) { $rowXML = $xml->addChild("row"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($row); $i++) { $field = $rowXML->addChild("field", $row[$i]); $field->addAttribute("name", pg_field_name($result, $i)); $field->addAttribute("type", pg_field_type($result, $i)); } } pg_free_result($result); echo formatXML($xml);
############################################################################################ # This class takes care of getting and creating layers # XML (SOAP) layers are implemented as tables that are deleted when the user deletes them, and can only be refreshed explicitly. # Metalayers are implemented as SQL views on other tables. require_once "include.php"; header("Content-type: text/xml"); $post = trim(file_get_contents('php://input')); global $xml; try { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($post); } catch (Exception $e) { echo '<?xml version="1.0"?> <layers_response result="ERROR" reason="Unable to parse layer request XML."/>'; die; } if (strtolower($xml->getName()) == "layers_request") { $token = $xml['token']; $array = getLayersForToken($token); $response = new SimpleXMLElement("<layers_response/>"); $response->addAttribute("token", $token); $response->addAttribute("result", "OK"); $keys = array_keys($array[0]); for ($i = 1; $i < count($array); $i++) { $layer = $response->addChild("layer"); for ($j = 0; $j < count($keys); $j++) { $layer->addAttribute($keys[$j], $array[$i][$keys[$j]]); } } echo formatXML($response); }