function edit_form($user, $team, $forum, $first) { page_head(tra("Team Message Board")); echo "\n <form action=team_forum.php method=post>\n <input type=hidden name=teamid value={$team->id}>\n <input type=hidden name=cmd value=edit_action>\n "; echo form_tokens($user->authenticator); start_table(); if (!strlen($forum->title)) { $forum->title = $team->name; } if (!strlen($forum->description)) { $forum->description = tra("Discussion among members of %1", $team->name); } row2(tra("Title"), "<input name=title size=80 value=\"{$forum->title}\">"); row2(tra("Description"), "<textarea name=description>{$forum->description}</textarea>"); row2(tra("Minimum time between posts (seconds)"), "<input name=post_min_interval value={$forum->post_min_interval}>"); row2(tra("Minimum total credit to post"), "<input name=post_min_total_credit value={$forum->post_min_total_credit}>"); row2(tra("Minimum average credit to post"), "<input name=post_min_expavg_credit value={$forum->post_min_expavg_credit}>"); row2("", "<input class=\"btn btn-default\" type=submit value=" . tra("Submit") . ">"); end_table(); echo "\n </form>\n "; if (!$first) { echo "\n <p>\n <a href=team_forum.php?teamid={$team->id}&cmd=remove_confirm{$tokens}>\n " . tra("Remove your team's message board.") . "</a>\n "; } page_tail(); }
function edit_form($user, $team, $forum, $first) { page_head("Team forum"); echo ' <form action="team_forum.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="teamid" value="$team->id"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="edit_action"> '; echo form_tokens($user->authenticator); start_table(); if (!strlen($forum->title)) { $forum->title = $team->name; } if (!strlen($forum->description)) { $forum->description = "Discussion among members of {$team->name}"; } row2('Title', '<input name="title" value="$forum->title">'); row2('Description', '<textarea name="description">$forum->description</textarea>'); row2('Minimum time between posts (seconds)', '<input name="post_min_interval" value="$forum->post_min_interval">'); row2('Minimum total credit to post', '<input name="post_min_total_credit" value="$forum->post_min_total_credit">'); row2('Minimum average credit to post', '<input name="post_min_expavg_credit" value="$forum->post_min_expavg_credit">'); row2('', '<input type="submit" value="OK">'); end_table(); echo "</form>"; if (!$first) { echo '<p><a href="team_forum.php?teamid=$team->id&cmd=remove_confirm$tokens">Remove your team\'s message board.</a></p>'; } page_tail(); }
function show_admins($user, $teamid) { page_head(tra("Add or remove Team Admins")); echo tra("You can select team members as 'Team Admins'. Team Admins can:") . "\n <ul>\n <li>" . tra("Edit team information (name, URL, description, country)") . "\n <li>" . tra("View the team's join/quit history") . "\n <li>" . tra("Moderate the team forum, if any (admins get email notification of moderation events and red X reports)") . "\n </ul>\n " . tra("Team Admins cannot:") . "\n <ul>\n <li>" . tra("Change the team founder") . "\n <li>" . tra("Remove members") . "\n <li>" . tra("Add or remove Team Admins") . "\n </ul>\n " . tra("If a Team Admin quits the team, they cease to be a Team Admin.") . "\n <br /><br />" . tra("We recommend that you select only people you know and trust very well as Team Admins."); $admins = BoincTeamAdmin::enum("teamid={$teamid}"); start_table(); if (count($admins) == 0) { row1(tra("There are currently no Team Admins")); } else { row1(tra("Current Team Admins"), 3); table_header(tra("Name"), tra("Became Team Admin on"), ""); foreach ($admins as $admin) { show_admin($user, $admin); } } end_table(); echo "\n <p>\n <form action=team_admins.php>\n <input type=hidden name=action value=add>\n <input type=hidden name=teamid value={$teamid}>\n "; echo form_tokens($user->authenticator); start_table(); row1(tra("Add Team Admin")); row2(tra("Email address of team member:"), "<input name=email_addr>"); row2("", "<input type=submit action value=\"" . tra("Add") . "\">"); end_table(); echo "</form>"; page_tail(); }
function show_admins($user, $teamid) { page_head("Add or remove Team Admins"); echo "\n\t\tYou can select team members as 'Team Admins'.\n\t\tTeam Admins can:\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Edit team information (name, URL, description, country).</li>\n\t\t<li>View the team's join/quit history.</li>\n\t\t<li>Moderate the team forum, if any (admins get emails notification of moderation events and red X reports).</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n\t\tTeam Admins cannot:\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Change the team founder.</li>\n\t\t<li>Remove members.</li>\n\t\t<li>Add or remove Team Admins.</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n\t\tIf a Team Admin quits the team, they cease to be a Team Admin.\n\t\t<p>\n\t\tWe recommend that you select only people\n\t\tyou know and trust very well as Team Admins.\n\t"; $admins = BoincTeamAdmin::enum("teamid={$teamid}"); start_table(); if (count($admins) == 0) { row1("There are currently no Team Admins"); } else { row1("Current Team Admins", 3); table_header("Name", "Became Team Admin on", ""); foreach ($admins as $admin) { show_admin($user, $admin); } } end_table(); echo ' <p> <form action="team_admins.php"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="add"> <input type="hidden" name="teamid" value="$teamid"> '; echo form_tokens($user->authenticator); start_table(); row1("Add Team Admin"); row2('Email address of team member:', '<input name="email_addr">'); row2('', '<input type="submit" action value="Add">'); end_table(); echo "</form>"; page_tail(); }
function acquire_poll($url) { // acquire request token and access token for future requests $token_string = request_token(); $token_string2 = access_token($token_string); $tokens = form_tokens($token_string, $token_string2); // retrieve poll's 16-character id $id = extract_id($url); // access this poll $poll = access_poll($id, $tokens); // format poll data $xml_array = parse($poll); // store tokens for future use in submitting poll $xml_array['tokens'] = $tokens; return $xml_array; }
if ($team->ping_user < 0) { $ping_user = BoincUser::lookup_id(-$team->ping_user); $x = date_str($team->ping_time); echo "<p>" . tra("Team member %1 requested this team's foundership on %2, but left the team, thus canceling the request.", user_links($ping_user), $x) . "</p>"; $team->update("ping_user=0, ping_time=0"); } else { $ping_user = BoincUser::lookup_id($team->ping_user); $x = date_str(transfer_ok_time($team)); echo "<p>" . tra("Team member %1 has requested this team's foundership. This may be because you left the team or haven't had contact with the team for a long time.", user_links($ping_user)) . "</p>"; echo "<p>\n <form method=\"post\" action=\"team_founder_transfer_action.php\">\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"decline\">\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"teamid\" value=\"" . $team->id . "\">\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . tra("decline request") . "\">\n </form>\n <p>\n " . tra("If you don't decline the request by %1, %2 will have the option of assuming team foundership.<br /><br />\n To accept the request, assign foundership to %3 using the form below.", $x, $ping_user->name, $ping_user->name) . "\n </p>\n <hr>\n <p>\n "; } } else { echo tra("No transfer request is pending.") . "<br /><br />"; } echo tra("To assign foundership of this team to another member, check the box next to member name and click <strong>Change founder</strong> below.") . "<form method=post action=team_change_founder_action.php>\n <input type=hidden name=teamid value={$team->id}>"; echo form_tokens($user->authenticator); start_table(); echo "<tr>\n <th>" . tra("New founder?") . "</th>\n <th>" . tra("Name") . "</th>\n <th>" . tra("Total credit") . "</th>\n <th>" . tra("Recent average credit") . "</th>\n </tr>\n"; $users = BoincUser::enum("teamid={$team->id}"); $navailable_users = 0; foreach ($users as $user) { if ($user->id != $team->userid) { //don't show current founder $user_total_credit = format_credit($user->total_credit); $user_expavg_credit = format_credit($user->expavg_credit); $selected = $user->id == $team->ping_user ? "selected" : ""; echo ' <tr> <td align="center"><input type="radio" name="userid" value="' . $user->id . '"> <td>' . $user->name . '</td> <td align=right>' . $user_total_credit . '</td>
function do_block($logged_in_user) { $id = get_int("id"); $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($id); if (!$user) { error_page(tra("No such user")); } page_head(tra("Really block %1?", $user->name)); echo "<div>" . tra("Are you really sure you want to block user %1 from sending you private messages?", $user->name) . "<br>\n"; echo tra("Please note that you can only block a limited amount of users.") . "</div>\n"; echo "<div>" . tra("Once the user has been blocked you can unblock it using forum preferences page.") . "</div>\n"; echo "<form action=\"pm.php\" method=\"POST\">\n"; echo form_tokens($logged_in_user->authenticator); echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"confirmedblock\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"{$id}\">\n"; echo "<input class=\"btn btn-default\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . tra("Add user to filter") . "\">\n"; echo "<a href=\"pm.php?action=inbox\">" . tra("No, cancel") . "</a>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; }
require_once '../inc/'; $config = get_config(); $logged_in_user = get_logged_in_user(); BoincForumPrefs::lookup($logged_in_user); if (!get_str('action')) { error_page("You must specify an action..."); } if (!$logged_in_user->prefs->privilege(S_MODERATOR)) { // Can't moderate without being moderator error_page("You are not authorized to banish users."); } $userid = get_int('userid'); $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($userid); page_head('Banishment Vote'); echo "<form action=\"forum_banishment_vote_action.php?userid=" . $userid . "\" method=\"POST\">\n"; echo form_tokens($logged_in_user->authenticator); start_table(); row1("Banishment Vote"); if (get_str('action') == "start") { if (!$user) { error_page("no user"); } $x = $user->banished_until; if ($x > time()) { error_page("User is already banished"); } //display input that selects reason echo "<input type=hidden name=action value=start>"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"userid\" value=\"" . $userid . "\">\n"; row1("Are you sure you want to banish " . $user->name . "?\n\t\tThis will prevent " . $user->name . " from posting for chosen time period.<br />\n\t\tIt should be done only if " . $user->name . "\n\t\thas consistently exhibited trollish behavior."); row2("", "Select the reason category, optionally write a longer description of why the user should be banished.");
function show_message_row($thread, $parent_post) { global $g_logged_in_user; global $content; global $preview; $x1 = "Message:" . html_info() . post_warning(); $x2 = ""; if ($parent_post) { $x2 .= " reply to <a href=#" . $parent_post->id . ">Message ID " . $parent_post->id . "</a>:"; } $x2 .= "<form action=forum_reply.php?thread=" . $thread->id; if ($parent_post) { $x2 .= "&post=" . $parent_post->id; } $x2 .= " method=\"post\">\n"; $x2 .= form_tokens($g_logged_in_user->authenticator); $x2 .= "<textarea name=\"content\" rows=\"18\" cols=\"80\">"; $no_quote = get_int("no_quote", true) == 1; if ($preview) { $x2 .= htmlspecialchars($content); } else { if (!$no_quote) { if ($parent_post) { $x2 .= quote_text(htmlspecialchars($parent_post->content), 80) . "\n"; } } } if (!$g_logged_in_user->prefs->no_signature_by_default) { $enable_signature = "checked=\"true\""; } else { $enable_signature = ""; } $x2 .= "</textarea><p>\r\n\t\t<input type=\"submit\" name=\"preview\" value=\"" . tra("Preview") . "\">\r\n\t\t<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Post reply\">\r\n\t\t<input name=\"add_signature\" id=\"add_signature\" value=\"add_it\" " . $enable_signature . " type=\"checkbox\">\r\n\t\t<label for=\"add_signature\">Add my signature to this reply</label>\r\n\r\n\t\t</form>\r\n\t"; row2($x1, $x2); }
function show_message_row($thread, $parent_post) { global $logged_in_user, $bbcode_html; global $content, $preview; $x1 = tra("Message:") . html_info() . post_warning(); $x2 = ""; if ($parent_post) { $x2 .= " " . tra("reply to %1Message ID%2:", "<a href=#" . $parent_post->id . ">", " " . $parent_post->id . "</a>"); } $x2 .= "<form action=forum_reply.php?thread=" . $thread->id; if ($parent_post) { $x2 .= "&post=" . $parent_post->id; } $x2 .= " method=\"post\" name=\"post\" onsubmit=\"return checkForm(this)\">\n"; $x2 .= form_tokens($logged_in_user->authenticator); $x2 .= $bbcode_html . "<textarea name=\"content\" rows=\"18\" cols=\"80\">"; $no_quote = get_int("no_quote", true) == 1; if ($preview) { $x2 .= htmlspecialchars($content); } else { if (!$no_quote) { if ($parent_post) { $x2 .= quote_text(htmlspecialchars($parent_post->content)) . "\n"; } } } if (!$logged_in_user->prefs->no_signature_by_default) { $enable_signature = "checked=\"true\""; } else { $enable_signature = ""; } $x2 .= "</textarea><p>\n <input type=\"submit\" name=\"preview\" value=\"" . tra("Preview") . "\">\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . tra("Post reply") . "\">\n \n <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"add_signature\" id=\"add_signature\" value=\"add_it\" " . $enable_signature . ">\n <label for=\"add_signature\">" . tra("Add my signature to this reply") . "</label>\n\n </form>\n "; row2($x1, $x2); }