Example #1
echo "                                          <tr>\n";
echo "                                            <td align=\"left\">", form_textarea('message_text', htmlentities_array(emoticons_apply($message_text)), 22, 100, 'tabindex="1"', 'create_poll post_content editor'), "</td>\n";
echo "                                          </tr>\n";
echo "                                          <tr>\n";
echo "                                            <td align=\"left\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
echo "                                          </tr>\n";
echo "                                          <tr>\n";
echo "                                            <td align=\"left\">\n";
if ($allow_sig == true) {
    echo "                                              <table class=\"messagefoot\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
    echo "                                                <tr>\n";
    echo "                                                  <td align=\"left\" class=\"subhead\">", gettext("Signature"), "</td>\n";
    if (($page_prefs & POST_SIGNATURE_DISPLAY) > 0) {
        echo "                                                  <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"right\">", form_submit_image('hide.png', 'sig_toggle', 'hide', '', 'button_image toggle_button'), "&nbsp;</td>\n";
    } else {
        echo "                                                  <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"right\">", form_submit_image('show.png', 'sig_toggle', 'show', '', 'button_image toggle_button'), "&nbsp;</td>\n";
    echo "                                                </tr>\n";
    echo "                                                <tr>\n";
    echo "                                                  <td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">\n";
    echo "                                                    <div class=\"sig_toggle\" style=\"display: ", ($page_prefs & POST_SIGNATURE_DISPLAY) > 0 ? "block" : "none", "\">\n";
    echo "                                                      ", form_textarea("sig_text", htmlentities_array(emoticons_apply($sig_text)), 7, 100, 'tabindex="7"', 'create_poll signature_content editor');
    echo "                                                    </div>\n";
    echo "                                                  </td>\n";
    echo "                                                </tr>\n";
    echo "                                              </table>\n";
echo "                                            </td>\n";
echo "                                          </tr>\n";
echo "                                        </table>\n";
echo "                                      </td>\n";
Example #2
function messages_forum_stats($tid, $pid)
    $webtag = get_webtag();
    if (forum_get_setting('show_stats', 'Y')) {
        echo "<br />\n";
        echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
        echo "  <form action=\"user_stats.php\" method=\"get\" target=\"_self\">\n";
        echo "    ", form_input_hidden('webtag', $webtag), "\n";
        echo "    ", form_input_hidden('msg', "{$tid}.{$pid}"), "\n";
        echo "    <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"96%\">\n";
        echo "      <tr>\n";
        echo "        <td align=\"center\">\n";
        echo "          <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
        echo "            <tr>\n";
        echo "              <td align=\"left\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
        echo "                <table class=\"posthead\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
        echo "                  <tr>\n";
        echo "                    <td>\n";
        echo "                      <table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n";
        echo "                        <tr>\n";
        echo "                          <td align=\"left\" class=\"subhead\">", gettext("Forum Stats"), "</td>\n";
        echo "                          <td align=\"right\" class=\"subhead\">\n";
        if (!session::logged_in()) {
            echo "                            &nbsp;";
        } else {
            if (session::get_value("SHOW_STATS") == "Y") {
                echo "                            ", form_submit_image('hide.png', 'forum_stats_toggle', 'hide', '', 'button_image toggle_button'), "\n";
            } else {
                echo "                            ", form_submit_image('show.png', 'forum_stats_toggle', 'show', '', 'button_image toggle_button'), "\n";
        echo "                          </td>\n";
        echo "                        </tr>";
        echo "                      </table>\n";
        echo "                    </td>\n";
        echo "                  </tr>\n";
        echo "                  <tr>\n";
        echo "                    <td>\n";
        if (!session::logged_in() || session::get_value("SHOW_STATS") == "Y") {
            echo "                      <div id=\"forum_stats\" class=\"forum_stats_toggle\">\n";
        } else {
            echo "                      <div id=\"forum_stats\" class=\"forum_stats_toggle\" style=\"display: none\">\n";
        echo "                        <table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
        echo "                          <tr>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                          </tr>\n";
        echo "                          <tr>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" id=\"active_user_counts\"></td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                          </tr>\n";
        echo "                          <tr>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                          </tr>\n";
        echo "                          <tr>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" class=\"activeusers\" id=\"active_user_list\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                          </tr>\n";
        echo "                          <tr>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                          </tr>\n";
        echo "                          <tr>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" id=\"thread_stats\">&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                          </tr>\n";
        echo "                          <tr>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                          </tr>\n";
        echo "                          <tr>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" id=\"post_stats\">&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                          </tr>\n";
        echo "                          <tr>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                          </tr>\n";
        echo "                          <tr>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" id=\"user_stats\">&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                          </tr>\n";
        echo "                          <tr>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                          </tr>\n";
        echo "                          <tr>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td align=\"left\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                          </tr>\n";
        echo "                        </table>\n";
        echo "                      </div>\n";
        echo "                    </td>\n";
        echo "                  </tr>\n";
        echo "                </table>\n";
        echo "              </td>\n";
        echo "            </tr>\n";
        echo "          </table>\n";
        echo "        </td>\n";
        echo "      </tr>\n";
        echo "    </table>\n";
        echo "  </form>\n";
        echo "</div>\n";
Example #3
echo "                   </td>\n";
echo "                   <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"20%\">\n";
foreach ($profile_items_selected_array as $key => $profile_item_selected) {
    if ($sort_by == $key && $sort_dir == 'ASC') {
        echo "                     ", form_submit_image('close', "remove_column[{$key}]", gettext("Close"), sprintf('title="%s"', gettext("Close")), "profile_browse_close button_image"), "&nbsp;<a href=\"visitor_log.php?webtag={$webtag}&amp;sort_by={$key}&amp;sort_dir=DESC&amp;page={$page}&amp;profile_selection={$profile_items_selected_encoded_string}&amp;user_search=", htmlentities_array($user_search), "&amp;hide_empty={$hide_empty}&amp;hide_guests={$hide_guests}\">{$profile_item_selected}</a>\n";
        echo "                     ", html_style_image('sort_asc', gettext("Sort Ascending")), "\n";
    } else {
        if ($sort_by == $key && $sort_dir == 'DESC') {
            echo "                     ", form_submit_image('close', "remove_column[{$key}]", gettext("Close"), sprintf('title="%s"', gettext("Close")), "profile_browse_close button_image"), "&nbsp;<a href=\"visitor_log.php?webtag={$webtag}&amp;sort_by={$key}&amp;sort_dir=ASC&amp;page={$page}&amp;profile_selection={$profile_items_selected_encoded_string}&amp;user_search=", htmlentities_array($user_search), "&amp;hide_empty={$hide_empty}&amp;hide_guests={$hide_guests}\">{$profile_item_selected}</a>\n";
            echo "                     ", html_style_image('sort_desc', gettext("Sort Descending")), "\n";
        } else {
            if ($sort_dir == 'ASC') {
                echo "                     ", form_submit_image('close', "remove_column[{$key}]", gettext("Close"), sprintf('title="%s"', gettext("Close")), "profile_browse_close button_image"), "&nbsp;<a href=\"visitor_log.php?webtag={$webtag}&amp;sort_by={$key}&amp;sort_dir=ASC&amp;page={$page}&amp;profile_selection={$profile_items_selected_encoded_string}&amp;user_search=", htmlentities_array($user_search), "&amp;hide_empty={$hide_empty}&amp;hide_guests={$hide_guests}\">{$profile_item_selected}</a>\n";
            } else {
                echo "                     ", form_submit_image('close', "remove_column[{$key}]", gettext("Close"), sprintf('title="%s"', gettext("Close")), "profile_browse_close button_image"), "&nbsp;<a href=\"visitor_log.php?webtag={$webtag}&amp;sort_by={$key}&amp;sort_dir=DESC&amp;page={$page}&amp;profile_selection={$profile_items_selected_encoded_string}&amp;user_search=", htmlentities_array($user_search), "&amp;hide_empty={$hide_empty}&amp;hide_guests={$hide_guests}\">{$profile_item_selected}</a>\n";
echo "                   </td>\n";
echo "                 </tr>\n";
if (sizeof($user_profile_array['user_array']) > 0) {
    foreach ($user_profile_array['user_array'] as $user_array) {
        echo "                 <tr>\n";
        if (isset($_SESSION['SHOW_AVATARS']) && $_SESSION['SHOW_AVATARS'] == 'Y') {
            if (isset($user_array['AVATAR_URL']) && filter_var($user_array['AVATAR_URL'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
                echo "                   <td class=\"postbody\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">\n";
                echo "                     ", html_style_image('profile_image profile_image_small', format_user_name($user_array['LOGON'], $user_array['NICKNAME']), null, array('background-image' => sprintf("url('%s')", $user_array['AVATAR_URL']))), "\n";
                echo "                   </td>\n";
            } else {
 echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
 echo "          <tr>\n";
 echo "            <td align=\"left\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
 echo "              <table class=\"posthead\" width=\"100%\">\n";
 echo "                <tr>\n";
 echo "                  <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"left\" width=\"25\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
 echo "                  <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"left\">", gettext("Section Name"), "</td>\n";
 echo "                  <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"left\" width=\"50\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
 echo "                  <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"center\">", gettext("Items"), "</td>\n";
 echo "                </tr>\n";
 if (sizeof($profile_sections['profile_sections_array']) > 0) {
     foreach ($profile_sections['profile_sections_array'] as $profile_section) {
         echo "                <tr>\n";
         echo "                  <td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" width=\"25\">", form_checkbox("delete_section[{$profile_section['PSID']}]", "Y"), "</td>\n";
         echo "                  <td valign=\"top\" align=\"left\"><a href=\"admin_prof_sect.php?webtag={$webtag}&amp;page={$page}&amp;psid={$profile_section['PSID']}\">", word_filter_add_ob_tags($profile_section['NAME'], true), "</a></td>\n";
         echo "                  <td align=\"center\" width=\"50\" style=\"white-space: nowrap\">", form_submit_image('move_up', "move_up[{$profile_section['PSID']}]", "Move Up", "title=\"Move Up\"", "move_up_ctrl"), form_submit_image('move_down', "move_down[{$profile_section['PSID']}]", "Move Down", "title=\"Move Down\"", "move_down_ctrl"), "</td>\n";
         echo "                  <td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" width=\"100\"><a href=\"admin_prof_items.php?webtag={$webtag}&amp;psid={$profile_section['PSID']}&amp;sect_page={$page}&amp;viewitems=yes\">", htmlentities_array($profile_section['ITEM_COUNT']), "</a></td>\n";
         echo "                </tr>\n";
 echo "                <tr>\n";
 echo "                  <td align=\"left\" colspan=\"4\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
 echo "                </tr>\n";
 echo "              </table>\n";
 echo "            </td>\n";
 echo "          </tr>\n";
 echo "        </table>\n";
 echo "      </td>\n";
 echo "    </tr>\n";
 echo "    <tr>\n";
 echo "      <td align=\"left\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
Example #5
echo "          <tr>\n";
echo "            <td align=\"left\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
echo "              <table class=\"posthead\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "                <tr>\n";
echo "                  <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"left\" style=\"white-space: nowrap\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
echo "                  <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"left\" style=\"white-space: nowrap\">", gettext("Folder name"), "</td>\n";
echo "                  <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"left\" style=\"white-space: nowrap\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
echo "                  <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"center\" style=\"white-space: nowrap\">", gettext("Thread Count"), "</td>\n";
echo "                  <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"left\" style=\"white-space: nowrap\">", gettext("Permissions"), "</td>\n";
echo "                </tr>\n";
if (sizeof($folder_array['folder_array']) > 0) {
    foreach ($folder_array['folder_array'] as $key => $folder) {
        echo "                <tr>\n";
        echo "                  <td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" width=\"1%\">", form_checkbox("t_delete[{$folder['FID']}]", "Y"), "</td>\n";
        echo "                  <td align=\"left\"><a href=\"admin_folder_edit.php?webtag={$webtag}&amp;page={$page}&amp;fid={$folder['FID']}\" title=\"", gettext("Click To Edit Folder"), "\">", word_filter_add_ob_tags($folder['TITLE'], true), "</a></td>\n";
        echo "                  <td align=\"right\" width=\"40\" style=\"white-space: nowrap\">", form_submit_image('move_up', "move_up[{$folder['FID']}]", "Move Up", "title=\"Move Up\"", "move_up_ctrl"), form_submit_image('move_down', "move_down[{$folder['FID']}]", "Move Down", "title=\"Move Down\"", "move_down_ctrl"), "</td>\n";
        if (isset($folder['THREAD_COUNT']) && $folder['THREAD_COUNT'] > 0) {
            echo "                  <td align=\"center\" width=\"15%\">{$folder['THREAD_COUNT']}</td>\n";
        } else {
            echo "                  <td align=\"center\" width=\"15%\">0</td>\n";
        if (isset($folder['FOLDER_PERMS']) && $folder['FOLDER_PERMS'] > 0) {
            echo "                  <td align=\"left\" width=\"25%\" style=\"white-space: nowrap\">", perm_display_list($folder['FOLDER_PERMS']), "</td>\n";
        } else {
            echo "                  <td align=\"left\" width=\"25%\" style=\"white-space: nowrap\">", gettext("none"), "</td>\n";
        echo "                </tr>\n";
echo "                <tr>\n";
echo "                  <td align=\"left\" colspan=\"8\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
Example #6
echo "  <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"600\">\n";
echo "    <tr>\n";
echo "      <td align=\"left\">\n";
echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "          <tr>\n";
echo "            <td align=\"left\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
echo "              <table class=\"posthead\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "                <tr>\n";
echo "                  <td align=\"left\" class=\"subhead\" colspan=\"2\">", gettext("Nickname"), "</td>\n";
echo "                </tr>\n";
echo "                <tr>\n";
echo "                  <td align=\"center\">\n";
echo "                    <table width=\"95%\">\n";
echo "                      <tr>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"left\" width=\"200\" valign=\"top\">", gettext("Nickname"), "</td>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"left\" width=\"400\">", form_input_text("nickname", htmlentities_array($peer_nickname), 32), "&nbsp;", form_submit_image('reload', "reset_nickname", "Y", sprintf('title="%s"', gettext("Restore User's Nickname"))), "</td>\n";
echo "                      </tr>\n";
echo "                    </table>\n";
echo "                  </td>\n";
echo "                </tr>\n";
echo "                <tr>\n";
echo "                  <td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
echo "                </tr>\n";
echo "              </table>\n";
echo "            </td>\n";
echo "          </tr>\n";
echo "        </table>\n";
echo "      </td>\n";
echo "    </tr>\n";
echo "  </table>\n";
echo "  <br />\n";
 echo "        <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
 echo "          <tr>\n";
 echo "            <td align=\"left\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
 echo "              <table class=\"posthead\" width=\"100%\">\n";
 echo "                <tr>\n";
 echo "                  <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"left\" width=\"25\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
 echo "                  <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"left\">", gettext("Item Name"), "</td>\n";
 echo "                  <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"left\" width=\"40\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
 echo "                  <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"left\">", gettext("Type"), "</td>\n";
 echo "                </tr>\n";
 if (sizeof($profile_items['profile_items_array']) > 0) {
     foreach ($profile_items['profile_items_array'] as $profile_item) {
         echo "                <tr>\n";
         echo "                  <td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" width=\"25\">", form_checkbox("delete_item[{$profile_item['PIID']}]", "Y", false), "</td>\n";
         echo "                  <td valign=\"top\" align=\"left\"><a href=\"admin_prof_items.php?webtag={$webtag}&amp;psid={$psid}&amp;piid={$profile_item['PIID']}&amp;sect_page={$sect_page}\">", word_filter_add_ob_tags($profile_item['NAME'], true), "</a></td>\n";
         echo "                  <td align=\"right\" width=\"40\" style=\"white-space: nowrap\">", form_submit_image('move_up.png', "move_up[{$profile_item['PIID']}]", "Move Up", "title=\"Move Up\"", "move_up_ctrl"), form_submit_image('move_down.png', "move_down[{$profile_item['PIID']}]", "Move Down", "title=\"Move Down\"", "move_down_ctrl"), "</td>\n";
         if (isset($item_types_array[$profile_item['TYPE']])) {
             echo "                  <td valign=\"top\" align=\"left\" width=\"100\">{$item_types_array[$profile_item['TYPE']]}</td>\n";
         } else {
             echo "                  <td valign=\"top\" align=\"left\" width=\"100\">", gettext("Text Field"), "</td>\n";
         echo "                </tr>\n";
 echo "                <tr>\n";
 echo "                  <td align=\"left\" colspan=\"4\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
 echo "                </tr>\n";
 echo "              </table>\n";
 echo "            </td>\n";
 echo "          </tr>\n";
 echo "        </table>\n";
Example #8
echo "<a href=\"pm.php?webtag={$webtag}&mid={$mid}\" class=\"button\" target=\"_self\"><span>", gettext("Cancel"), "</span></a>\n";
if (attachments_check_dir()) {
    echo "                        </td>\n";
    echo "                      </tr>\n";
    echo "                      <tr>\n";
    echo "                        <td align=\"left\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
    echo "                      </tr>\n";
    echo "                      <tr>\n";
    echo "                        <td align=\"left\">\n";
    echo "                          <table class=\"messagefoot\" width=\"722\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
    echo "                            <tr>\n";
    echo "                              <td align=\"left\" class=\"subhead\">", gettext("Attachments"), "</td>\n";
    if (($page_prefs & POST_ATTACHMENT_DISPLAY) > 0) {
        echo "                              <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"right\">", form_submit_image('hide', 'attachment_toggle', 'hide', null, 'button_image toggle_button'), "&nbsp;</td>\n";
    } else {
        echo "                              <td class=\"subhead\" align=\"right\">", form_submit_image('show', 'attachment_toggle', 'show', null, 'button_image toggle_button'), "&nbsp;</td>\n";
    echo "                            </tr>\n";
    echo "                            <tr>\n";
    echo "                              <td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">\n";
    echo "                                <div class=\"attachments attachment_toggle\" style=\"display: ", ($page_prefs & POST_ATTACHMENT_DISPLAY) > 0 ? "block" : "none", "\">\n";
    echo "                                  <ul>\n";
    echo "                                  ", attachments_form($_SESSION['UID'], $attachments), "\n";
    echo "                                </div>\n";
    echo "                              </td>\n";
    echo "                            </tr>\n";
    echo "                          </table>\n";
echo "                        </td>\n";
echo "                      </tr>\n";
echo "                    </table>\n";
Example #9
 echo "                </tr>\n";
 if (isset($forums_array['forums_array']) && sizeof($forums_array['forums_array']) > 0) {
     foreach ($forums_array['forums_array'] as $forum) {
         echo "                <tr>\n";
         echo "                  <td align=\"center\" width=\"1%\">", form_submit_image('forum_add_fav.png', "add_fav[{$forum['FID']}]", "", sprintf('title="%s"', gettext("Add To Favourites"))), "</td>\n";
         if (isset($final_uri) && strlen($final_uri) > 0) {
             if (strstr($final_uri, '?')) {
                 echo "                  <td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><a href=\"index.php?webtag={$forum['WEBTAG']}&amp;final_uri=", rawurlencode($final_uri), "%26webtag%3D{$forum['WEBTAG']}\">{$forum['FORUM_NAME']}</a></td>\n";
             } else {
                 echo "                  <td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><a href=\"index.php?webtag={$forum['WEBTAG']}&amp;final_uri=", rawurlencode($final_uri), "%3Fwebtag%3D{$forum['WEBTAG']}\">{$forum['FORUM_NAME']}</a></td>\n";
         } else {
             echo "                  <td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><a href=\"index.php?webtag={$forum['WEBTAG']}\">{$forum['FORUM_NAME']}</a></td>\n";
         echo "                  <td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"><a href=\"index.php?webtag={$forum['WEBTAG']}&amp;final_uri=discussion.php%3Fwebtag%3D{$forum['WEBTAG']}\">", sprintf(gettext("%s Messages"), number_format($forum['MESSAGES'], 0, ".", ",")), "</a></td>\n";
         echo "                  <td align=\"center\" width=\"1%\">", form_submit_image('hide.png', "ignore_forum[{$forum['FID']}]", "", sprintf('title="%s"', gettext("Ignore Forum"))), "</td>\n";
         echo "                </tr>\n";
 echo "                <tr>\n";
 echo "                  <td align=\"left\" colspan=\"5\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
 echo "                </tr>\n";
 echo "              </table>\n";
 echo "            </td>\n";
 echo "          </tr>\n";
 echo "        </table>\n";
 echo "      </td>\n";
 echo "    </tr>\n";
 echo "    <tr>\n";
 echo "      <td align=\"left\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
 echo "    </tr>\n";
function messages_forum_stats($tid, $pid)
    $webtag = get_webtag();
    if (forum_get_setting('show_stats', 'Y')) {
        echo "<br />\n";
        echo "<div align=\"center\" class=\"messages_forum_stats\">\n";
        echo "  <form action=\"user_stats.php\" method=\"get\" target=\"_self\">\n";
        echo "    ", form_input_hidden('webtag', $webtag), "\n";
        echo "    ", form_input_hidden('msg', "{$tid}.{$pid}"), "\n";
        echo "    <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"96%\">\n";
        echo "      <tr>\n";
        echo "        <td align=\"center\">\n";
        echo "          <table class=\"box\" width=\"100%\">\n";
        echo "            <tr>\n";
        echo "              <td align=\"left\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
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        echo "                    <td>\n";
        echo "                      <table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n";
        echo "                        <tr>\n";
        echo "                          <td align=\"left\" class=\"subhead\">", gettext("Forum Stats"), "</td>\n";
        echo "                          <td align=\"right\" class=\"subhead\">\n";
        if (!session::logged_in()) {
            echo "                            &nbsp;";
        } else {
            if (isset($_SESSION['SHOW_STATS']) && $_SESSION['SHOW_STATS'] == 'Y') {
                echo "                            ", form_submit_image('hide', 'forum_stats_toggle', 'hide', null, 'button_image toggle_button'), "\n";
            } else {
                echo "                            ", form_submit_image('show', 'forum_stats_toggle', 'show', null, 'button_image toggle_button'), "\n";
        echo "                          </td>\n";
        echo "                        </tr>";
        echo "                      </table>\n";
        echo "                    </td>\n";
        echo "                  </tr>\n";
        echo "                  <tr>\n";
        echo "                    <td>\n";
        if (!session::logged_in() || isset($_SESSION['SHOW_STATS']) && $_SESSION['SHOW_STATS'] == 'Y') {
            echo "                      <div id=\"forum_stats\" class=\"forum_stats_toggle\">\n";
        } else {
            echo "                      <div id=\"forum_stats\" class=\"forum_stats_toggle\" style=\"display: none\">\n";
        echo "                        <table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"posthead\">\n";
        echo "                          <tr>\n";
        echo "                            <td rowspan=\"19\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                            <td rowspan=\"19\" width=\"35\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
        echo "                          </tr>\n";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 18; $i++) {
            echo "                          <tr>\n";
            echo "                            <td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
            echo "                          </tr>\n";
        echo "                        </table>\n";
        echo "                      </div>\n";
        echo "                    </td>\n";
        echo "                  </tr>\n";
        echo "                </table>\n";
        echo "              </td>\n";
        echo "            </tr>\n";
        echo "          </table>\n";
        echo "        </td>\n";
        echo "      </tr>\n";
        echo "    </table>\n";
        echo "  </form>\n";
        echo "</div>\n";