Example #1
    if ($tag == 'vc_raw_html') {
        $class_string = str_replace('wpb_raw_html', 'content_bar', $class_string);
    return $class_string;
// Filter to Replace default css class for vc_row shortcode and vc_column
add_filter('vc_shortcodes_css_class', 'folio_css_classes_for_vc_row_and_vc_raw_html', 10, 2);
//Text Block End
/##				KraftiveComments: Extend Tabs							   		   ##/										
$toggle_setting = array('allowed_container_element' => 'vc_tabs');
if (function_exists('vc_map_update')) {
    vc_map_update('vc_tab', $toggle_setting);
$tab_icon = array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Icon', 'kraftives'), 'param_name' => 'tab_icon', 'value' => folio_icons(), 'description' => __('Tab Icon.', 'kraftives'), 'param_holder_class' => 'vc-colored-dropdown');
if (function_exists('vc_add_param')) {
    vc_add_param('vc_tab', $tab_icon);
//Vc_tab end
/##				KraftiveComments: Extend Toggle							   		   ##/										
$toggle_setting = array('name' => __('Folio Toggle', 'kraftives'), 'category' => __('Folio Zee Modules', 'kraftives'));
if (function_exists('vc_map_update')) {
    vc_map_update('vc_toggle', $toggle_setting);
if (function_exists('vc_remove_param')) {
    vc_remove_param("vc_toggle", "css_animation");
//Vc_toggle end
Example #2
if (class_exists('WPBakeryShortCode')) {
    class WPBakeryShortCode_Client extends WPBakeryShortCode
//Parent Element
vc_map(array("name" => __("Folio Client Block", "kraftives"), "base" => "folio_clients", "as_parent" => array('only' => 'client'), "content_element" => true, "category" => __("Folio Zee Modules", "kraftives"), "icon" => "icon_folio_clients", "class" => "icon_folio_clients", "description" => __("Clients Block", "kraftives"), "show_settings_on_create" => false, "weight" => 93, "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "heading" => __("Extra class name", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "el_class", "description" => __("If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file.", "kraftives"))), "js_view" => 'VcColumnView'));
//Child Element
vc_map(array("name" => __("Client", "kraftives"), "base" => "client", "class" => "icon_folio_client", "icon" => 'icon_folio_client', "content_element" => true, "as_child" => array('only' => 'folio_clients'), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "heading" => __("Title", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "title", "description" => __("Titlt of client.", "kraftives")), array("type" => "textfield", "heading" => __("Client Url", 'kraftives'), "param_name" => "client_link", "description" => __("Write client Url.", 'kraftives')), array('type' => 'attach_image', 'heading' => __('Client Logo', 'kraftives'), 'param_name' => 'client_logo', 'description' => __('Upload Client Logo ', 'kraftives')), array("type" => "textfield", "heading" => __("Extra Class Name", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "el_class", "description" => __("Extra Class Here", "kraftives")))));
|				KraftiveComments:  Contact Info / Element Map				|						
vc_map(array("name" => __("Folio Contact Info", "kraftives"), "base" => "folio_contact_info", "class" => "icon_folio_contact_info", "icon" => "icon_folio_contact_info", "weight" => 90, "category" => __("Folio Zee Modules", 'kraftives'), "description" => __("Folio zee Contact Info.", "kraftives"), "params" => array(array("type" => "dropdown", "param_name" => "contact_icons", "heading" => __("Choose an Icon", "kraftives"), "value" => folio_icons(), "description" => __("Choose an icon from the drop down list.", "kraftives")), array("type" => "textfield", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Title", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "title", "value" => "", "description" => __("Enter title of contact Ex: Email, Fax, Address...etc", "kraftives")), array("type" => "textfield", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Description", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "description", "value" => "", "description" => __("Enter description of contact Ex: +92300000012, mail@mail.com...etc", "kraftives")), array("type" => "textfield", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Extra Class", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "el_class", "value" => "", "description" => __("Extra Class name", "kraftives")))));
// vc_map
|				KraftiveComments:  Video with Qoute / Element Map				|						
vc_map(array("name" => __("Video With Quote", "kraftives"), "base" => "folio_quote_video", "class" => "icon_folio_video_qoute", "icon" => "icon_folio_video_qoute", "weight" => 90, "category" => __("Folio Zee Modules", 'kraftives'), "description" => __("Display vimeo video with qoute..", "kraftives"), "params" => array(array("type" => "dropdown", "param_name" => "display", "heading" => __("Display", "kraftives"), "value" => array(__("Both", "kraftives") => 'both', __("Only Video", "kraftives") => 'only_video', __("Only Quote", "kraftives") => 'only_quote'), "description" => __("Choose any option to dispaly.", "kraftives")), array("type" => "textfield", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Title", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "video_title", "value" => "", "description" => __("Enter title which will be show on the hover of video button", "kraftives"), "dependency" => array("element" => "display", "value" => array("both", "only_video"))), array("type" => "textfield", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Vimeo Video ID", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "video_id", "value" => "", "description" => __("Enter vimeo video id Ex: <strong>81894287</strong>", "kraftives"), "dependency" => array("element" => "display", "value" => array("both", "only_video"))), array("type" => "textfield", "heading" => __("Author Name", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "author", "value" => "", "description" => __("Enter name of Quote author.", "kraftives"), "dependency" => array("element" => "display", "value" => array("both", "only_quote"))), array("type" => "textarea", "heading" => __("Description", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "description", "value" => "", "description" => __("Enter quote", "kraftives"), "dependency" => array("element" => "display", "value" => array("both", "only_quote"))), array("type" => "textfield", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Extra Class", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "el_class", "value" => "", "description" => __("Extra Class name", "kraftives")))));
// vc_map
|				KraftiveComments:  Portfolio Craousle / Element Map				|						
vc_map(array("name" => __("Folio Portfolio Carousel", "kraftives"), "icon" => "icon_carousel", "base" => "folio_portfolio_carousel", "description" => "portfolio carousel module", "weight" => 96, "class" => "icon_carousel", "category" => __("Folio Zee Modules", "kraftives"), "params" => array(array("type" => "dropdown", "class" => "", "admin_label" => true, "heading" => __("Carousel View", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "carousel_view", "value" => array(__("Full Width", "kraftives") => "full_width", __("In Container", "kraftives") => "container"), "description" => __("Set how many portfolio items would you like to include in the grid. Use '-1' to include all your items.", "kraftives"), "group" => __("General Settings", "kraftives")), array("type" => "checkbox", "heading" => __("Is Curve", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "is_curve", "value" => array(__("Is Curve", "kraftives") => "yes"), "description" => __("Check this for actgivating curved carousel <strong>Note: </strong> This will only add <strong>Bottom Curve</strong>. ", "kraftives"), "group" => __("General Settings", "kraftives")), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Curve color', 'kraftives'), 'param_name' => 'curve_color', 'value' => array(__('Theme major color', 'kraftives') => '', __('Grey color', 'kraftives') => 'bottom_c_grey'), 'description' => __('Select Top curve color type between theme major color or grey curve', 'kraftives'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'is_curve', 'value' => array('yes')), 'group' => __('General Settings', 'kraftives')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Bottom Curve background color', 'kraftives'), 'param_name' => 'curve_bg_color', 'value' => array(__('Default background Color', 'kraftives') => '', __('Grey backround color', 'kraftives') => 'bottom_grey'), 'description' => __('Select Bottom curve Background color type between default white color or grey ', 'kraftives'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'is_curve', 'value' => array('yes')), 'group' => __('General Settings', 'kraftives')), array("type" => "textfield", "class" => "", "admin_label" => true, "heading" => __("Number of Items to Display", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "number", "value" => -1, "description" => __("Set how many portfolio items would you like to include in the grid. Use '-1' to include all your items.", "kraftives"), "group" => __("General Settings", "kraftives")), array("type" => "checkbox", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Portfolio Categories", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "categories", "value" => folio_portfolio_array(), "description" => __("Select from which categories to display projects.", "js_composer"), "group" => __("General Settings", "kraftives")), array("type" => "textfield", "admin_label" => true, "heading" => __("Show Items On Width 390", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "width_390", "value" => 2, "description" => __("Set how many carousel items want to display of width between 390 to 768.", "kraftives"), "group" => __("Carousel Settings", "kraftives")), array("type" => "textfield", "admin_label" => true, "heading" => __("Show Items On Width 768", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "width_768", "value" => 3, "description" => __("Set how many carousel items want to display of width between 768 to 980.", "kraftives"), "group" => __("Carousel Settings", "kraftives")), array("type" => "textfield", "admin_label" => true, "heading" => __("Show Items On Width 980", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "width_980", "value" => 4, "description" => __("Set how many carousel items want to display of width between 980 to 1400.", "kraftives"), "group" => __("Carousel Settings", "kraftives")), array("type" => "textfield", "admin_label" => true, "heading" => __("Show Items On Width 1400", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "width_1400", "value" => 5, "description" => __("Set how many carousel items want to display of width 1400 and above.", "kraftives"), "group" => __("Carousel Settings", "kraftives")), array("type" => "dropdown", "admin_label" => true, "heading" => __("Auto Paly", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "auto_play", "value" => array(__("True", "kraftives") => "true", __("False", "kraftives") => "false"), "description" => __("Set auto play speed of carousel.", "kraftives"), "group" => __("Carousel Settings", "kraftives")), array("type" => "dropdown", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Stop on Hover", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "stop_on_hover", "value" => array(__("True", "kraftives") => "true", __("False", "kraftives") => "false"), "description" => __("Stop autoplay on mouse hover\r\n\t\t\t\t ", "js_composer"), "group" => __("Carousel Settings", "kraftives")), array("type" => "dropdown", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Navigation", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "navigation", "value" => array(__("True", "kraftives") => "true", __("False", "kraftives") => "false"), "description" => __("Display next and prev buttons.", "js_composer"), "group" => __("Carousel Settings", "kraftives")), array("type" => "dropdown", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Mouse Drag", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "mouse_drag", "value" => array(__("True", "kraftives") => "true", __("False", "kraftives") => "false"), "description" => __("Turn off/on mouse events.", "js_composer"), "group" => __("Carousel Settings", "kraftives")), array("type" => "dropdown", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Show / Hide Circle Button", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "is_circle_show", "value" => array(__("True", "kraftives") => "true", __("False", "kraftives") => "false"), "description" => __("use for showing / hinding view all projects circle button from bottom of carousel.", "js_composer"), "group" => __("Carousel Settings", "kraftives")), array("type" => "vc_link", "class" => "", "heading" => __("View All Projects / Link", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "link", "description" => __("Set view all project link and circle button text / title. Circle button will only display on full width view.", "js_composer"), "group" => __("Carousel Settings", "kraftives")))));
|				KraftiveComments:  Portfolio / Element Map				|						
vc_map(array("name" => __("Folio Portfolio", "kraftives"), "icon" => "icon_folio_portfolio", "base" => "folio_portfolio_grid", "description" => "grid layout for portfolio items: 1-Column module", "weight" => 96, "class" => "icon_folio_portfolio", "category" => __("Folio Zee Modules", "kraftives"), "params" => array(array("type" => "dropdown", "admin_label" => true, "heading" => __("Column Layout", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "layout", "value" => array(__("Three Columns", "kraftives") => "three_columns", __("Four Columns", "kraftives") => "four_columns"), "description" => __("Set how many portfolio items would you like to include in the grid. Use '-1' to include all your items.", "js_composer")), array("type" => "textfield", "class" => "", "admin_label" => true, "heading" => __("Number of Items to Display", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "number", "value" => 10, "description" => __("Set how many portfolio items would you like to include in the grid. Use '-1' to include all your items.", "js_composer")), array("type" => "checkbox", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Portfolio Categories", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "categories", "value" => folio_portfolio_array(), "description" => __("Select from which categories to display projects.", "js_composer")), array("type" => "textfield", "heading" => __("Keyword for All Projects Filter", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "allword", "value" => "All", "description" => __("You can replace the default 'All' keyword for the initial filter with another one. If you want to hide it.", "js_composer")), array("type" => "dropdown", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Portfolio Navigation Alignment", "kraftives"), "param_name" => "align", "admin_label" => true, "value" => array('Left' => 'align_left', 'Right' => 'align_right', 'Center' => 'align_center'), "description" => __("Set alignment of Portfolio navigation", "kraftives")))));