function fmGetContainer($fm_databases) { // Determine the resource that is being requested via the _SERVER scope. // ex: http://localhost/dynamic-containers/530f982c01733/1393530924/Sample.pdf if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'])) { $resource_requested = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'])) { $resource_requested = $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']; } else { die('fmGetContainer: Unable to determine the resource that was requested.'); } // Remove the Root URL from the resource requested. // This resolves issues encountered when the Web app is in a sub-folder. // Example: /containers/macmini.png $resource_requested = fmSubstitute($resource_requested, HTTP_ROOT_URL, ''); // Remove the virtual container folder from the resource requested. // This resolves issues encountered when the Web app is in a sub-folder. // Example: /macmini.png $resource_requested = fmSubstitute($resource_requested, CONTAINER_FOLDER, ''); // fmDump ( $resource_requested, TRUE, 'resource_requested' ); // Get the resource's info file name. // Example: $info_file_name = fmSubstitute($resource_requested, '/', '-'); $info_file_name = fmRight($info_file_name, fmLength($info_file_name) - 1); $info_file_name .= '.info'; // fmDump ( $info_file_name, TRUE, 'info_file_name' ); // Get the OS path that was used to store the container's info file. // Example: /domains/ $physical_path_container_info_file = CONTAINER_PATH . '/' . $info_file_name; // fmDump ( $physical_path_container_info_file, TRUE, 'physical_path_container_info_file' ); // If the info file wasn't found... if (!file_exists($physical_path_container_info_file)) { // Return control to the 404 error handler. return; } // Read the info file. $info_file_contents = @file_get_contents($physical_path_container_info_file); // fmDump ( $info_file_contents, TRUE, 'info_file_contents' ); // Convert the contents of the info file into an array. $container_info_array = preg_split("/\n/", $info_file_contents); // fmDump ( $container_info_array, TRUE, 'container_info_array' ); // Break the array up into variables for easier reference. $container_field_as_text = $container_info_array[0]; $maximum_age = $container_info_array[1]; $access_rule = $container_info_array[2]; // Get the OS path that will be used to get/save the container's binary contents. // Example: /domains/ $physical_path_container_contents_file = fmLeft($physical_path_container_info_file, fmLength($physical_path_container_info_file) - 5); // fmDump ( $physical_path_container_contents_file, TRUE, 'physical_path_container_contents_file' ); // If the URL is only valid for a certain amount of time... if ($maximum_age > 0) { // Get the age of the info file. $file_age = time() - filemtime($physical_path_container_info_file); // fmDump ( $file_age, TRUE, 'file_age' ); // If the URL has expired... if ($file_age >= $maximum_age) { // Delete the "stale" files. @unlink($physical_path_container_contents_file); @unlink($physical_path_container_info_file); // Return control to the 404 error handler. return; } } // If an access rule was specified... if ($access_rule !== '') { // Evaluate the rule. $allow_access = eval('return (' . $access_rule . ');'); //fmDump ( $access_rule, FALSE, 'access_rule' ); //fmDump ( $allow_access, TRUE, 'allow_access' ); // If the rule failed... if (!$allow_access) { // Replace the 404 response with a "403 Forbidden" and die. header('Status: 403', TRUE, 403); die; } } // Split the container's text value into an array so that we can isolate the file name & container info. $container_field_array = explode('?', $container_field_as_text); // fmDump ( $container_field_array, TRUE, 'container_field_array' ); // Get the file name (the first element of the "container_field_array" array). $filename = $container_field_array[0]; $filename = fmsubstitute($filename, '/fmi/xml/cnt/', ''); $filename = urldecode($filename); $filename = fmsubstitute($filename, ' ', '-'); // fmDump ( $filename, TRUE, 'filename' ); // Parse the second element of the "container_field_array" array into individual variables. // Note: parse_str parses a query string into variables. // ex: -db=FMWebFrame_Demo&-lay=Resource%20-%20Form&-recid=2&-field=Resource(1) // ---> db = FMWebFrame_Demo // ---> lay = Resource - Form // ---> recid = 2 // ---> field = Resource(1) // Note that we're most interested in the database name, which we need in order to // determine the database connection info to use should we need to refer back to // the record that the container was pulled from. $container_info = html_entity_decode($container_field_array[1]); $container_info = fmsubstitute($container_info, '-db', 'db'); $container_info = fmsubstitute($container_info, '&-', '&'); parse_str($container_info); // fmDump ( $db, TRUE, 'db' ); // If the container contents file is available... if (file_exists($physical_path_container_contents_file)) { // Read the file. $container_data = @file_get_contents($physical_path_container_contents_file); } else { // Using the database name, find the database connection to use... foreach ($fm_databases as $fm_database) { // If the connection was found... if ($fm_database['database'] == $db) { // Create a connection to the database. $fm = new FileMaker(); $fm->setProperty('hostspec', $fm_database['hostspec']); $fm->setProperty('database', $fm_database['database']); $fm->setProperty('username', $fm_database['username']); $fm->setProperty('password', $fm_database['password']); break; } } if (!isset($fm)) { // Return control to the 404 error handler. return; } // fmDump ( $fm, TRUE, 'fm' ); // Get the record that the container was pulled from. $container_record = $fm->getRecordById($lay, $recid); // fmDump ( $container_record, TRUE, 'container_record' ); // Get the container data. $container_data = $fm->getContainerData($container_field_as_text); if (FileMaker::isError($container_data)) { die; } // fmDump ( $container_data, FALSE, 'container_data' ); // Save the container's contents on the server. @file_put_contents($physical_path_container_contents_file, $container_data); } // If we have the container's content... if (isset($container_data)) { // Update the http response header, so that this does not appear to be a "404." header('Status: 200', TRUE, 200); // Explode the filename to get the extension. $filename_parts = explode('.', $filename); $extension = $filename_parts[1]; // If the extension includes a URL request... if (fmPatternCount($extension, '?')) { $extension_parts = explode('?', $extension); $extension = $extension_parts[0]; } // Setup the headers to use, based on the file type (extension). switch ($extension) { case 'gif': header('Content-type: image/gif'); header('Content-Disposition: filename="' . $filename . '"'); break; case 'jpeg': header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); header('Content-Disposition: filename="' . $filename . '"'); break; case 'jpg': header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); header('Content-Disposition: filename="' . $filename . '"'); break; case 'mov': header('Content-type: video/quicktime'); header('Content-Disposition: filename="' . $filename . '"'); break; case 'mp3': header('Content-type: audio/mpeg'); header('Content-Disposition: filename="' . $filename . '"'); break; case 'mp4': header('Content-type: video/mp4'); header('Content-Disposition: filename="' . $filename . '"'); break; case 'ogg': header('Content-type: application/ogg'); header('Content-Disposition: filename="' . $filename . '"'); break; case 'pdf': header('Content-type: application/pdf'); header('Content-Disposition: filename="' . $filename . '"'); break; case 'png': header('Content-type: image/png'); header('Content-Disposition: filename="' . $filename . '"'); break; default: header('Content-type: application/force-download'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"'); } // Send additional headers. header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($container_data)); header('Cache-Control: private'); // Send the container's binary data. echo $container_data; die; } }
echo '<p>• fmFilter( \'(408)555-1212\', \'0123456789\' ) = ' . fmFilter('(408)555-1212', '0123456789') . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmFilter( \'AaBb\', \'AB\' ) = ' . fmFilter('AaBb', 'AB') . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmFloor ( 5.2 ) = ' . fmFloor(5.2) . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmGetAsDate ( \'5/1/2007\' ) = ' . fmGetAsDate('5/1/2007') . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmGetAsNumber ( \'PLAT-NO.1234\' ) = ' . fmGetAsNumber('PLAT-NO.1234') . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmGetAsTime ( \'10:51:22\' ) = ' . fmGetAsTime('10:51:22') . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmGetAsTimestamp ( \'11/27/1968 10:51:22\' ) = ' . fmGetAsTimestamp('11/27/1968 10:51:22') . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmGetAsURLEncoded ( \'San Diego\' ) = ' . fmGetAsURLEncoded('San Diego') . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmGetCurrentDate() = ' . fmGetCurrentDate() . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmGetCurrentTime() = ' . fmGetCurrentTime() . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmGetCurrentTimeStamp() = ' . fmGetCurrentTimeStamp() . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmHour ( \'3:51:22 PM\' ) = ' . fmHour('3:51:22 PM') . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmInt ( -5.2 ) = ' . fmInt(-5.2) . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmLeft ( \'Xframe\', 3 ) = ' . fmLeft('Xframe', 3) . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmLeftWords ( \'This is a test.\', 2 ) = ' . fmLeftWords('This is a test.', 2) . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmLength ( \'Xframe\' ) = ' . fmLength('Xframe') . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmLower ( \'This is a test.\' ) = ' . fmLower('This is a test.') . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmMiddle ( \'Xframe\', 2, 3 ) = ' . fmMiddle('Xframe', 2, 3) . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmMiddleWords ( \'This is a bigger test.\', 2, 3 ) = ' . fmMiddleWords('This is a bigger test.', 2, 3) . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmMinute ( \'3:51:22 PM\' ) = ' . fmMinute('3:51:22 PM') . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmMod ( 27, 11 ) = ' . fmMod(27, 11) . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmMonth ( \'11/27/1968\' ) = ' . fmMonth('11/27/1968') . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmMonthName ( \'11/27/1968\' ) = ' . fmMonthName('11/27/1968') . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmMonthNameShort ( \'11/27/1968\' ) = ' . fmMonthNameShort('11/27/1968') . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmPatternCount ( \'Xframe\', \'Z\' ) = ' . fmPatternCount('Xframe', 'Z') . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmPatternCount ( \'This is a test.\', \'a\' ) = ' . fmPatternCount('This is a test.', 'a') . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmPatternCount ( \'This is a test.\', \'is\' ) = ' . fmPatternCount('This is a test.', 'is') . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmPatternCount ( \'This is a test.\', \'IS\' ) = ' . fmPatternCount('This is a test.', 'IS') . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmPosition ( \'Xframe\', "r" ) = ' . fmPosition('Xframe', "r") . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmPosition ( \'Xframe\', \'Z\' ) = ' . fmPosition('Xframe', 'Z') . '</p>'; echo '<p>• fmProper ( \'this is a test.\' ) = ' . fmProper('this is a test.') . '</p>';