*	fetch_accounts.php : TxRTS fetch accounts php script.
 *	Accepts the following params: user_id (string)
 *	Returns a JSON blob with the account object(s)
function fixtags($text)
    $text = preg_replace("/Optional\\("/", "", $text);
    $text = preg_replace("/"\\)/", "", $text);
    return $text;
// get values posted and remove extraneous characters
$userID = htmlentities($_POST["userID"]);
$userID = fixtags($userID);
try {
    // a new MongoDB connection
    $conn = new MongoClient();
    // connect to test database
    $db = $conn->test;
    // a new products collection object
    $collection = $db->accounts;
    // fetch all product documents
    $cursor = $collection->find(array('userID' => $userID));
    // How many results found
    $num_docs = $cursor->count();
    if ($num_docs > 0) {
        // loop over the results
        foreach ($cursor as $obj) {
            echo '_id: ' . $obj['_id'] . "\n";
function fixtags($text)
    $text = preg_replace("/Optional\\("/", "", $text);
    $text = preg_replace("/"\\)/", "", $text);
    return $text;
// get values posted and remove extraneous characters
$userID = htmlentities($_POST["userID"]);
$userID = fixtags($userID);
$activityID = htmlentities($_POST["activityID"]);
$activityID = fixtags($activityID);
try {
    // connect
    $m = new MongoClient();
    // select a database
    $db = $m->test;
    $activityCollection = $db->activities;
    $activityQuery = array("activityID" => $activityID);
    $activityRet = $activityCollection->remove($activityQuery);
    $returnValue = "Success";
    echo json_encode($returnValue);
function fixtags($text)
    $text = preg_replace("/Optional\\("/", "", $text);
    $text = preg_replace("/"\\)/", "", $text);
    return $text;
// get values posted and remove extraneous characters
$userID = htmlentities($_POST["userID"]);
$userID = fixtags($userID);
echo $userID;
$accountID = htmlentities($_POST["accountID"]);
$accountID = fixtags($accountID);
echo $accountID;
try {
    // connect
    $connection = new MongoClient();
    // select a database
    $db = $connection->test;
    $accountCollection = $db->accounts;
    $contactCollection = $db->contacts;
    $accountQuery = array("userID" => $userID);
    $accountRet = $accountCollection->remove($accountQuery);
    echo $accountRet['n'] . "documents deleted \n";
    $contactQuery = array("userID" => $userID);
    $contactRet = $contactCollection->remove($contactQuery);
    echo $contactRet['n'] . "documents deleted \n";
Example #4
function fixtags($text)
    $text = preg_replace("/Optional\\("/", "", $text);
    $text = preg_replace("/"\\)/", "", $text);
    return $text;
// hard-wire email "jbb" for testing only....
//$email = "jbb";
//$password = "******";
// get values posted and remove extraneous characters
$email = htmlentities($_POST["email"]);
$email = fixtags($email);
$password = htmlentities($_POST["password"]);
$password = fixtags($password);
$returnValue = array();
// connect
$m = new MongoClient();
// select a database
$db = $m->RTSRegistrations;
// select a collection (analogous to a relational database's table)
$collection = $db->Registrations;
$user = array("email" => "{$email}");
//$user = array ("email" => "$email" , "password" => "$password" );
$userDetails = $collection->find($user);
// iterate through the results
$registered = "false";
foreach ($userDetails as $document) {
    //Xecho $document["email"] . "\n";
// get values posted and remove extraneous characters
$userID = htmlentities($_POST["userID"]);
$userID = fixtags($userID);
$activityID = htmlentities($_POST["activityID"]);
$activityID = fixtags($activityID);
$accountID = htmlentities($_POST["accountID"]);
$accountID = fixtags($accountID);
$type = htmlentities($_POST["type"]);
$type = fixtags($type);
$dateCreated = htmlentities($_POST["dateCreated"]);
$dateCreated = fixtags($dateCreated);
$notes = htmlentities($_POST["notes"]);
$notes = fixtags($notes);
$inbound = htmlentities($_POST["inbound"]);
$inbound = fixtags($inbound);
$activityArray = array('userID' => $userID, 'activityID' => $activityID, 'accountID' => $accountID, 'type' => $type, 'dateCreated' => $dateCreated, 'notes' => $notes, 'inbound' => $inbound);
try {
    // connect
    $m = new MongoClient();
    // select a database
    $db = $m->test;
    // a new accounts and contact collection object
    $activityCollection = $db->activities;
    // insert the array
    echo 'Activity inserted with ID: ' . $activityArray['_id'] . "\n";
    $returnValue = "Success";
    echo json_encode($returnValue);
$companyName = htmlentities($_POST["companyName"]);
$companyName = fixtags($companyName);
$projectName = htmlentities($_POST["projectName"]);
$projectName = fixtags($projectName);
$isVIP = htmlentities($_POST["isVIP"]);
$isVIP = fixtags($isVIP);
$firstName = htmlentities($_POST["firstName"]);
$firstName = fixtags($firstName);
$lastName = htmlentities($_POST["lastName"]);
$lastName = fixtags($lastName);
$email = htmlentities($_POST["email"]);
$email = fixtags($email);
$phone = htmlentities($_POST["phone"]);
$phone = fixtags($phone);
$phone2 = htmlentities($_POST["phone2"]);
$phone2 = fixtags($phone2);
$accountArray = array('userID' => $userID, 'accountID' => $accountID, 'companyName' => $companyName, 'projectName' => $projectName, 'isVIP' => $isVIP);
$contactArray = array('userID' => $userID, 'firstName' => $firstName, 'lastName' => $lastName, 'email' => $email, 'phone' => $phone, 'phone2' => $phone2);
try {
    // connect
    $m = new MongoClient();
    // select a database
    $db = $m->test;
    // a new accounts and contact collection object
    $accountCollection = $db->accounts;
    $contactCollection = $db->contacts;
    // insert the array
    echo 'Account inserted with ID: ' . $accountArray['_id'] . "\n";
    echo 'Contact asdfadfinserted with ID: ' . $contactArray['_id'] . "\n";