EOF; $t->is(fix_content($handler->addHtmlAsset('myView')), fix_content($content), 'addHtmlAsset() supports the - option to remove one javascript previously added'); $handler->setConfiguration(array('all' => array('stylesheets' => array('foo', 'bar', '-*', 'baz')))); $content = <<<EOF \$response->addStylesheet('baz', '', array ()); EOF; $t->is(fix_content($handler->addHtmlAsset('myView')), fix_content($content), 'addHtmlAsset() supports the -* option to remove all stylesheets previously added'); $handler->setConfiguration(array('all' => array('javascripts' => array('foo', 'bar', '-*', 'baz')))); $content = <<<EOF \$response->addJavascript('baz', '', array ()); EOF; $t->is(fix_content($handler->addHtmlAsset('myView')), fix_content($content), 'addHtmlAsset() supports the -* option to remove all javascripts previously added'); $handler->setConfiguration(array('all' => array('stylesheets' => array('-*', 'foobar')), 'default' => array('stylesheets' => array('default_foo', 'default_bar')))); $content = <<<EOF \$response->addStylesheet('foobar', '', array ()); EOF; $t->is(fix_content($handler->addHtmlAsset('myView')), fix_content($content), 'addHtmlAsset() supports the -* option to remove all assets previously added'); $handler->setConfiguration(array('myView' => array('stylesheets' => array('foobar', '-*', 'bar'), 'javascripts' => array('foobar', '-*', 'bar')), 'all' => array('stylesheets' => array('all_foo', 'all_foofoo', 'all_barbar'), 'javascripts' => array('all_foo', 'all_foofoo', 'all_barbar')), 'default' => array('stylesheets' => array('default_foo', 'default_foofoo', 'default_barbar'), 'javascripts' => array('default_foo', 'default_foofoo', 'default_barbar')))); $content = <<<EOF \$response->addStylesheet('bar', '', array ()); \$response->addJavascript('bar', '', array ()); EOF; $t->is(fix_content($handler->addHtmlAsset('myView')), fix_content($content), 'addHtmlAsset() supports the -* option to remove all assets previously added'); function fix_content($content) { return str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), "\n", $content); }
function get_html($id = null) { $row['html'] = ''; if (!empty($id)) { $row = $this->db->fetch_array($this->db->query("SELECT html FROM " . TABLE_SITEMENU . " WHERE id='" . $id . "'")); } return fix_content($row['html']); }
$form_data = array('fio' => array('Представьтесь', 'text', 1), 'tel' => array('Ваш телефон', 'phone', 1), 'email' => array('Электронная почта', 'email', 1), array('Сообщение', 'textarea', 0)); $form = ''; /* вставка формы обратной связи */ if (!empty($sets['allow_feedback']) && !isset($_POST['order_call_form'])) { $form = Site_Sitemenu::gI()->add_feedback($ebox['id_feedback'], $ebox['email'], $form_data); } if (empty($content['path']) || $content['path'] == '') { $site->_404(); } if (!empty($content['html'])) { $content['html'] = fix_content($content['html']); } l('index'); $content['html'] = $content['html'] . $form; if (is_ajax() && empty($_POST)) { $content['html'] = (class_exists('Ishop') && $sets['mod_spec'] && $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/' ? Ishop::gI()->filteredProducts('spec', $sets['count_spec']) : '') . fix_content($content['html']); $content['url'] = SITE_URL . substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1); echo json_encode($content); exit; } /* подключение файла с версткой */ $ind_file = TEMP_FOLDER . 'html/i.php'; if (file_exists($ind_file)) { require TEMP_FOLDER . 'config.php'; include $ind_file; //$c = ob_get_contents(); //ob_end_clean(); //echo str_replace("\n", "", str_replace("\r", "", str_replace("\t", "", $c))); } else { header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service temporary down'); die("Отсутствует файл " . $ind_file . "");
function get() { $content = array(); $_GET['type'] = empty($_GET['type']) ? 'm' : $_GET['type']; $type_name = 'modules/ishop/' . $_GET['type'] . '.php'; if (file_exists($type_name)) { require $type_name; } if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest') { /*require INC_DIR."Array2XML.php"; header('Content-type: application/xml'); $xml = Array2XML::createXML('content', $content); echo trim($xml->saveXML()); exit;*/ $content['html'] = fix_content($content['html']); $content['url'] = SITE_URL . substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1); echo json_encode($content); exit; } return $content; }