<?php /* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ define('ROOT', dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); define('CORE_PATH', ROOT . DS . 'common'); session_start(); require_once CORE_PATH . DS . 'config.php'; require_once CORE_PATH . DS . 'basic_functions.php'; define('CLASSES_PATH', CORE_PATH . DS . 'classes'); spl_autoload_register('myautoload'); fixUrl($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); //autoredirect($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); //ob_start(); //$content = ob_get_clean(); //render();
$db = new PDO($dbDsn, $dbUser, $dbPass, array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8', PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => false)); $stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO commits' . '(c_hash, c_author, c_date, c_message, c_url, c_project_name' . ', c_repository_name, c_repository_url, c_branch)' . ' VALUES' . '(:c_hash, :c_author, :c_date, :c_message, :c_url, :c_project_name' . ', :c_repository_name, :c_repository_url, :c_branch)'); $branch = $payload->ref; if (substr($branch, 0, 11) == 'refs/heads/') { $branch = substr($branch, 11); } $project = ''; if (substr($payload->repository->url, 0, 4) == 'git@') { //"url": "git@gitlab.example.org:test\/jira-test.git" list($dummy, $urlPath) = explode(':', $payload->repository->url, 2); list($project, $dummy) = explode('/', $urlPath, 2); } $count = 0; foreach ($payload->commits as $commit) { ++$count; $ok = $stmt->execute(array(':c_hash' => $commit->id, ':c_author' => $commit->author->name . ' <' . $commit->author->email . '>', ':c_date' => $commit->timestamp, ':c_message' => $commit->message, ':c_url' => fixUrl($commit->url), ':c_project_name' => $project, ':c_repository_name' => $payload->repository->name, ':c_repository_url' => fixUrl($payload->repository->url), ':c_branch' => $branch)); if (!$ok) { handleError($stmt); continue; } linkKeywordsAndCommit(getKeywordsFromMessage($commit->message), $db->lastInsertId(), $db); } /** * Gitorious 3.0 has a bug: urls are broken when you use https. * * @param string $url URL to fix * * @return string Fixed url */ function fixUrl($url) {
function tfu_info($file) { global $use_image_magic; unset($_SESSION['TFU_LAST_UPLOADS']); $_SESSION['TFU_LAST_PREVIEW'] = fixUrl(getRootUrl() . $file); echo '&size=' . filesize($file); // we check if the image can be resized if (is_supported_tfu_image($file)) { set_error_handler('on_error_no_output'); // is needed because error are most likly but we don't care about fields we don't even know $oldsize = @getimagesize($file); set_error_handler('on_error'); if ($oldsize) { if (isMemoryOk($oldsize, "")) { echo '&hasPreview=true&tfu_x=' . $oldsize[0] . '&tfu_y=' . $oldsize[1]; // has preview! } else { echo '&hasPreview=error'; // too big! - same error massage as hasPreview=false } return; } echo '&hasPreview=false'; // no image! } if (preg_match("/.*\\.(p|P)(d|D)(f|F)\$/", $file) && $use_image_magic && file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/thumbs') && is_writable(dirname(__FILE__) . '/thumbs')) { // check if pdf echo '&hasPreview=true&tfu_x=1000&tfu_y=1000'; // has preview! - pdfs are max 1000x1000'; return; } echo '&hasPreview=false'; }
$json .= '"' . $location . '":['; $count = 0; $count_menu_items = count($menu_items); foreach ((array) $menu_items as $key => $menu_item) { $check_id = $menu_item->db_id; $parent = "No"; foreach ((array) $menu_items as $value => $menu_sub) { if ($check_id == $menu_sub->menu_item_parent) { $parent = "Yes"; break; } } if ($menu_item->menu_item_parent > 0) { $json .= '{' . '"' . 'name' . '":' . '"' . esc_attr($menu_item->title) . '",' . '"' . 'link' . '":' . '"' . esc_attr(fixUrl($menu_item->url)) . '",' . '"' . 'id' . '":' . '"' . $menu_item->db_id . '",' . '"' . 'parent_id' . '":' . '"' . $menu_item->menu_item_parent . '",' . '"Parent":' . '"No"' . '}'; } else { $json .= '{' . '"' . 'name' . '":' . '"' . esc_attr($menu_item->title) . '",' . '"' . 'link' . '":' . '"' . esc_attr(fixUrl($menu_item->url)) . '",' . '"' . 'id' . '":' . '"' . $menu_item->db_id . '",' . '"Parent":' . '"' . $parent . '"' . '}'; } if ($count != $count_menu_items - 1) { $json .= ","; } $count++; } $json .= '],'; } } $json = rtrim($json, ','); $json .= '});'; print prettyPrint($json); function fixUrl($url) { if (false === strpos($url, '//')) {
restore_split_files($_SESSION['TFU_LAST_UPLOADS']); resize_merged_files($_SESSION['TFU_LAST_UPLOADS'], $size); } // E-mail section // we only send an email for the last item of an upload cycle if ($upload_notification_email != '' && $remaining == 0) { $youremail = $upload_notification_email_from; $email = $upload_notification_email; $submailheaders = "From: {$youremail}\n"; $submailheaders .= "Reply-To: {$youremail}\n"; $submailheaders .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'; $subject = $upload_notification_email_subject; $filestr = "\n\n"; foreach ($_SESSION['TFU_LAST_UPLOADS'] as $filename) { if ($upload_notification_use_full_path) { $filestr = $filestr . tfu_urlencode(fixUrl(getRootUrl() . $path_fix . $filename)) . "\n"; } else { $filestr = $filestr . str_replace('./', '', str_replace('../', '', $filename)) . "\n"; } } if ($filestr == "\n\n") { $filestr .= 'Please check your setup. No files where uploaded.'; } $username = isset($_SESSION['TFU_USER']) ? $_SESSION['TFU_USER'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // if we don't have a use we use the IP $mailtext = sprintf($upload_notification_email_text, $username, $filestr); @mail($email, html_entity_decode($subject), html_entity_decode($mailtext), $submailheaders); } // end of e-mail section store_temp_session(); } else {
resize_merged_files($_SESSION['TFU_LAST_UPLOADS'], $size); } // E-mail section // we only send an email for the last item of an upload cycle and if the e-mail plugin is not used. if ($upload_notification_email != '' && $remaining == 0 && !$email_plugin) { $submailheaders = "From: {$upload_notification_email_from}\n"; $submailheaders .= "Reply-To: {$upload_notification_email_from}\n"; $submailheaders .= "Return-Path: {$upload_notification_email_from}\n"; if ($fix_utf8 != '') { $submailheaders .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=' . $fix_utf8; } $subject = fix_decoding($upload_notification_email_subject, $fix_utf8); $filestr = "\n\n"; foreach ($_SESSION['TFU_LAST_UPLOADS'] as $filename) { if ($upload_notification_use_full_path) { $filestr = $filestr . space_enc(fixUrl(getRootUrl() . $path_fix . $filename)) . "\n"; } else { $filestr = $filestr . str_replace('./', '', str_replace('../', '', $filename)) . "\n"; } } if ($filestr == "\n\n") { $filestr .= 'Please check your setup. No files where uploaded.'; } $username = isset($_SESSION['TFU_USER']) ? $_SESSION['TFU_USER'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // if we don't have a use we use the IP $mailtext = sprintf(fix_decoding($upload_notification_email_text, $fix_utf8), $username, $filestr); if (isset($_SESSION['TFU_PRE_UPLOAD_DATA'])) { $mailtext .= "\n\n" . $_SESSION['TFU_PRE_UPLOAD_DATA']; } @mail($upload_notification_email, html_entity_decode($subject), html_entity_decode($mailtext), $submailheaders); }
</td> <td class="project_name"> <a href='<?php echo TASKS_LIST_URL; echo $project['ID']; ?> /'><?php echo $project['NAME']; ?> </a> <?php if ($project['PROPERTIES']["URL"]["VALUE"]) { ?> <br> <small><a target="_blank" href="<?php echo fixUrl($project['PROPERTIES']["URL"]["VALUE"]); ?> "><?php echo $project['PROPERTIES']["URL"]["VALUE"]; ?> </a></small> <?php } ?> </td> <td class="big-avatars circle_avatars"> <?php if ($project['PROPERTIES']['CUSTOMER']['VALUE']) { ?> <ul class="list-inline">
if (isset($_GET['big'])) { send_thumb($file, 90, 440, 280); // big preview 4x bigger! } else { send_thumb($file, 90, 80, 55); // small preview } } else { return; // we return nothing if no image. } } else { if ($action == "info") { // get infos about a file unset($_SESSION["TFU_LAST_UPLOADS"]); $_SESSION["TFU_LAST_PREVIEW"] = fixUrl(getRootUrl() . $file); echo "&size=" . filesize($file); // we check if the image can be resized if (is_supported_tfu_image($file)) { set_error_handler("on_error_no_output"); // is needed because error are most likly but we don't care about fields we don't even know $oldsize = @getimagesize($file); set_error_handler("on_error"); if ($oldsize) { if (isMemoryOk($oldsize, "")) { echo "&hasPreview=true&tfu_x=" . $oldsize[0] . "&tfu_y=" . $oldsize[1]; // has preview! } else { echo "&hasPreview=error"; // too big! - same error massage as hasPreview=false }