Example #1
File: spe.php Project: philum/cms
function minimg($amg, $prm)
    if ($prm == 'no') {
    $mg = first_img($amg);
    if ($mg) {
        return make_thumb($mg, $prm);
    } elseif (rstr(87)) {
        return mini_empty($prm);
Example #2
function output_pages_from_cache($http, $otp)
    $npg = $_SESSION['prmb'][6];
    $page = $_SESSION['page'];
    $min = ($page - 1) * $npg;
    $max = $page * $npg;
    if (is_array($otp)) {
        foreach ($otp as $id => $nb) {
            if (is_numeric($id)) {
                if ($i >= $min && $i < $max) {
                    $mg = $http . '/imgc/' . first_img($nb[3]);
                    if (is_link($mg)) {
                        $ret .= btn('imgl', image($mg, '', 50));
                    $ret .= bal('h2', lka($http . '/' . $id, $nb[2]));
                    $ret .= btn('txtx', $nb[1]) . ' ';
                    if (rstr(27)) {
                        $ret .= btn('txtsmall', mkday($nb[0], 1)) . ' ' . pub_link($nb[9]) . ' ';
                    if (rstr(25)) {
                        $ret .= btn('txtsmall', art_length($nb[8]));
                    $ret .= br() . br();
    $n_pages = nb_page($i, $npg, $page);
    return $n_pages . $ret . $n_pages;
Example #3
File: shop.php Project: philum/cms
function affiche_prod($v, $id)
    if (!is_numeric($v)) {
        $v = id_of_suj($v);
    list($day, $frm, $suj, $img, $nod, $thm, $lu, $re) = pecho_arts($v);
    $p["suj"] = $suj;
    $p["img"] = first_img($img);
    $p["thumb"] = make_thumb(first_img($img), "no");
    $p["id"] = $v;
    $p["sty"] = "panel";
    $chsup = explode(" ", $_SESSION['prmb'][18]);
    foreach ($chsup as $cat) {
        $va = sql('msg', 'qdd', 'v', 'ib="' . $v . '" AND val="' . $cat . '"');
        $ct = $cat == 'prix' ? 'price' : $cat;
        if ($va) {
            $p[$ct] = $cat . ': ' . trim($va);
    $p["add2cart"] = ljb("txtbox", "SaveJ", 'cart_shop___' . $v, "add");
    return template($p, 'products');
Example #4
File: pop.php Project: philum/cms
function mk_bkg($v, $id)
    list($d, $p) = good_param($v);
    if (!$p) {
        $p = $d;
        $d = '';
    if ($p) {
        $mg = $p;
    } else {
        $mg = first_img(rse("img", $_SESSION['qda'] . ' WHERE id=' . $id));
    $f = goodroot($mg, 1);
    if (file_exists($f)) {
        list($w, $h) = getimagesize($f);
    return divs('background-image: url(/img/' . $mg . '); background-repeat:no-repeat;  background-position:center center; background-size:cover; background-attachment:fixed; height:90%;', $d);
Example #5
File: boot.php Project: philum/cms
function cache_arts()
    $nod = $_SESSION['qb'] . '_cache';
    $main = msql_read_b('', $nod, '', 1);
    if ($main) {
        $last = current($main);
    $lastart = last_art($last[0]);
    if (!is_array($main[$lastart]) && $lastart or get('refresh')) {
        $ret['_menus_'] = array('date', 'cat', 'title', 'img', 'hub', 'tag', 'lu', 'author', 'length', 'url', 'ib', 're');
        $slct = 'id,day,frm,suj,img,nod,thm,lu,name,host,mail,ib,re';
        if (ses('dayb')) {
            $wh = ' and day>"' . ses('dayb') . '"';
        $r = sq($slct, 'qda', 'where nod="' . ses('qb') . '"' . $wh . ' and substring(frm,1,1)!="_" and re>"0" order by ' . prmb(9));
        if ($r) {
            while ($rb = mysql_fetch_row($r)) {
                $k = array_shift($rb);
                $rb[3] = first_img($rb[3]);
                $rtb[$k] = $rb;
                if ($rtb) {
                    $ret += $rtb;
        $ok = 'cache reloaded';
        msql_save('', $nod, $ret);
        $_SESSION['rqt'] = $rtb;
    } else {
        $_SESSION['rqt'] = $main;
    return lka('/reload/' . ses('qb'), 'reload');
Example #6
File: art.php Project: philum/cms
function art_read_d($id, $n, $prw, $tp)
    //4ajax: reload inside
    if ($id == "last") {
        $id = last_art_rqt();
    } elseif (!is_numeric($id)) {
        $id = id_of_suj($id);
    if ($prw > 2) {
        $_GET['read'] = $id;
        $tp = $tp ? $tp : 'read';
    $r = art_datas($id);
    if ((rstr(5) or $prw > 2 or $prw == 'vd') && $r['re']) {
        // or auth(4)
        $msg = sql('msg', 'qdm', 'v', 'id="' . $id . '"');
    if ($prw == 'vd') {
        $msg = search_conn_video($id, $msg);
    $panout['id'] = $id;
    $panout['suj'] = $r['suj'];
    if (!$r['suj']) {
        return 'not_exists';
    $panout['cat'] = $r['frm'];
    $panout['img1'] = first_img($r['img']);
    if ($prw < 3) {
        $panout['thumb'] = prepare_thumb($r['img']);
    $rear = nb_ib_arts($id) + 1;
    $otp = read_idy($id, "DESC");
    $panout += prepare_tits($id, $r, $rear, $otp, $n, $prw);
    if ($msg) {
        $panout += prepare_msg($id, $msg, $r, $prw);
    return template($panout, $tp);
Example #7
File: boot.php Project: philum/cms
function tri_cache($rq)
    if ($rq) {
        while ($r = mysql_fetch_row($rq)) {
            if (substr($r[4], 0, 1) != '_') {
                $ret[$r[0]] = array($r[2], $r[4], $r[5], first_img($r[6]), $r[7], $r[8], $r[10], $r[9], $r[12], $r[3], $r[1], $r[11]);
    $_SESSION['rqt'] = $ret;
    return $ret;
Example #8
File: mod.php Project: philum/cms
function pub_art($id, $tpl = '')
    $rst = $_SESSION['rstr'];
    list($day, $frm, $suj, $amg, $nod, $thm, $lu, $re) = pecho_arts($id);
    $panout['url'] = urlread($id);
    $panout['suj'] = $suj;
    $panout['jurl'] = 'content_ajxlnk2__2_read_' . $id;
    $panout['purl'] = 'popup_popart__3_' . $id . '_3';
    if ($rst[32] != 1 && $amg) {
        $panout['img1'] = first_img($amg);
    if ($rst[36] != 1) {
        $panout['back'] = art_back($id, $ib, $frm);
        $panout['cat'] = $frm;
    if ($rst[7] != 1) {
        $panout['date'] = mkday($day);
    if ($rst[4] != 1) {
        $r = tag_maker($id, 1);
        if ($r) {
            $panout += $r;
    if (!$tpl) {
        if ($rstr[8]) {
            $tpl = 'pubart';
        } else {
            $tpl = 'pubart_j';
    if ($re) {
        return divc('pubart', template($panout, $tpl));
Example #9
File: api.php Project: philum/cms
function api_build_arts($r, $prw, $tp)
    if ($prw > 1 or $prw == 'rch') {
        $msg = sql('msg', 'qdm', 'v', 'id="' . $r['id'] . '"');
    $r['img1'] = first_img($r['img']);
    return art_read_mecanics($r['id'], $r, $msg, '', $prw, $tp);