public function getConfig() { global $topDirectory; $archive = Helper::$config['archive']; $archive_bins = array_merge($archive['types'], array('unzip')); // unzip should be the latest key index foreach ($archive_bins as $kid => $external) { if (findEXE($external) === false && isset($archive['types'][$kid])) { $archive['types'][$kid] = false; echo 'log("FILE MANAGER: ', $external, ' "+theUILang.fErrMsg[24]);', "\n"; die; } } $settings['homedir'] = rtrim($topDirectory, '/'); $settings['mkdefmask'] = Helper::$config['mkdperm']; $settings['archives'] = $archive; Helper::jsonOut($settings); }
<?php require_once '../../php/util.php'; include 'conf.php'; // unzip should be the latest key index foreach (array_merge($fm['archive']['types'], array('unzip')) as $kid => $external) { if (findEXE($external) === false && isset($fm['archive']['types'][$kid])) { unset($fm['archive']['types'][$kid]); echo 'log("FILE MANAGER: ', $external, ' "+theUILang.fErrMsg[24]);', "\n"; } } echo 'theWebUI.fManager.homedir = "', rtrim($homeDirectory, '/'), '";', "\n"; echo 'theWebUI.fManager.mkdefmask = "', $fm['mkdperm'], '";', "\n"; echo 'theWebUI.fManager.archives = ' . json_encode($fm['archive']) . ';', "\n";
$disabled[$file] = $info; continue; } if ($do_diagnostic && $info["rtorrent.remote"] == "warning") { $jResult .= "noty('" . $file . ": '+theUILang.warnMustBeInSomeHost,'error');"; } } } if ($do_diagnostic) { if ($theSettings->linkExist) { foreach ($info['rtorrent.external.warning'] as $external) { findRemoteEXE($external, "noty('" . $file . ": '+theUILang.rTorrentExternalNotFoundWarning+' ('+'" . $external . "'+').','error');", $remoteRequests); } } foreach ($info['web.external.warning'] as $external) { if (findEXE($external) == false) { $jResult .= "noty('" . $file . ": '+theUILang.webExternalNotFoundWarning+' ('+'" . $external . "'+').','error');"; } } foreach ($info['php.extensions.warning'] as $extension) { if (!in_array($extension, $loadedExtensions)) { $jResult .= "noty('" . $file . ": '+theUILang.phpExtensionNotFoundWarning+' ('+'" . $extension . "'+').','error');"; } } } $js = "../plugins/" . $file . "/init.js"; if (!is_readable($js)) { $js = NULL; } $php = "../plugins/" . $file . "/init.php"; if (!is_readable($php)) {
<?php eval(getPluginConf($plugin["name"])); if ($useExternal !== false) { if ($do_diagnostic && empty($pathToCreatetorrent) && findEXE($useExternal) == false) { $jResult .= "plugin.disable(); plugin.showError('theUILang.createExternalNotFound+\\' (" . $useExternal . ").\\'');"; } else { if ($useExternal === "transmissioncli" || $useExternal === "transmissioncreate") { $jResult .= "plugin.hidePieceSize = true;"; } $theSettings->registerPlugin($plugin["name"], $pInfo["perms"]); } } else { $theSettings->registerPlugin($plugin["name"], $pInfo["perms"]); }