Example #1
  * 提供给控制器的 接口 函数。每个版本类必须有该函数。
 function update_files()
     $result = file_mode_info(ROOT_PATH . 'data/');
     if ($result < 2) {
         die('ERROR, ' . ROOT_PATH . 'data/ isn\'t a writeable directory.');
     if (!file_exists(ROOT_PATH . 'data/config.php')) {
         if (file_exists(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/config.php')) {
             copy(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/config.php', ROOT_PATH . 'data/config.php');
             //unlink(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/config.php');
         } else {
             die("ERROR, can't find config.php.");
     if (!file_exists(ROOT_PATH . 'data/install.lock')) {
         if (file_exists(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/install.lock')) {
             copy(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/install.lock', ROOT_PATH . 'data/install.lock');
             //unlink(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/install.lock');
         } else {
             die("ERROR, can't find install.lock.");
Example #2
 /* 供货商名 */
 $suppliers_list_name = suppliers_list_name();
 $suppliers_exists = 1;
 if (empty($suppliers_list_name)) {
     $suppliers_exists = 0;
 $smarty->assign('suppliers_exists', $suppliers_exists);
 $smarty->assign('suppliers_list_name', $suppliers_list_name);
 unset($suppliers_list_name, $suppliers_exists);
 /* 如果是安全模式,检查目录是否存在 */
 if (ini_get('safe_mode') == 1 && (!file_exists('../' . IMAGE_DIR . '/' . date('Ym')) || !is_dir('../' . IMAGE_DIR . '/' . date('Ym')))) {
     if (@(!mkdir('../' . IMAGE_DIR . '/' . date('Ym'), 0777))) {
         $warning = sprintf($_LANG['safe_mode_warning'], '../' . IMAGE_DIR . '/' . date('Ym'));
         $smarty->assign('warning', $warning);
 } elseif (file_exists('../' . IMAGE_DIR . '/' . date('Ym')) && file_mode_info('../' . IMAGE_DIR . '/' . date('Ym')) < 2) {
     $warning = sprintf($_LANG['not_writable_warning'], '../' . IMAGE_DIR . '/' . date('Ym'));
     $smarty->assign('warning', $warning);
 /* 取得商品信息 */
 if ($is_add) {
     /* 默认值 */
     $last_choose = array(0, 0);
     if (!empty($_COOKIE['ECSCP']['last_choose'])) {
         $last_choose = explode('|', $_COOKIE['ECSCP']['last_choose']);
     $goods = array('goods_id' => 0, 'goods_desc' => '', 'goods_shipai' => '', 'cat_id' => $last_choose[0], 'brand_id' => $last_choose[1], 'is_on_sale' => '1', 'is_alone_sale' => '1', 'is_shipping' => '0', 'other_cat' => array(), 'goods_type' => 0, 'shop_price' => 0, 'promote_price' => 0, 'market_price' => 0, 'integral' => 0, 'goods_number' => $_CFG['default_storage'], 'warn_number' => 1, 'promote_start_date' => local_date('Y-m-d'), 'promote_end_date' => local_date('Y-m-d', local_strtotime('+1 month')), 'goods_weight' => 0, 'give_integral' => -1, 'rank_integral' => -1);
     /* 设置商品的默认库存数量 add by zenghd for date 2014-08-28 */
     $agency_user_id = check_url();
     if ($agency_user_id) {
Example #3
 * 载入库项目内容
 * @access  public
 * @param   string  $curr_template  模版名称
 * @param   string  $lib_name       库项目名称
 * @return  array
function load_library($curr_template, $lib_name)
    $lib_name = str_replace("0xa", '', $lib_name);
    // 过滤 0xa 非法字符
    $lib_file = '../themes/' . $curr_template . '/library/' . $lib_name . '.lbi';
    $arr['mark'] = file_mode_info($lib_file);
    $arr['html'] = str_replace("", '', file_get_contents($lib_file));
    return $arr;
 *  检查数组中目录权限
 * @access  public
 * @param   array    $arr           要检查的文件列表数组
 * @param   array    $err_msg       错误信息回馈数组
 * @return int       $mark          文件权限掩码
function check_file_in_array($arr, &$err_msg)
    $read = true;
    $writen = true;
    $modify = true;
    foreach ($arr as $val) {
        $mark = file_mode_info(ROOT_PATH . $val);
        if (($mark & 1) < 1) {
            $read = false;
            $err_msg['r'][] = $val;
        if (($mark & 2) < 1) {
            $writen = false;
            $err_msg['w'][] = $val;
        if (($mark & 4) < 1) {
            $modify = false;
            $err_msg['m'][] = $val;
    $mark = 0;
    if ($read) {
        $mark ^= 1;
    if ($writen) {
        $mark ^= 2;
    if ($modify) {
        $mark ^= 4;
    return $mark;
Example #5
            $info = cls_sql_dump::get_head($path . $file);
            $list[] = array('name' => $file, 'ver' => $info['ecs_ver'], 'add_time' => $info['date'], 'vol' => $info['vol'], 'file_size' => num_bitunit($file_size), 'mark' => $mark);
    $smarty->assign('action_link', array('text' => $_LANG['02_db_manage'], 'href' => 'database.php?act=backup'));
    $smarty->assign('ur_here', $_LANG['restore']);
    $smarty->assign('list', $list);
if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'dumpsql') {
    /* 权限判断 */
    /* 检查目录权限 */
    $path = ROOT_PATH . DATA_DIR . '/sqldata';
    $mask = file_mode_info($path);
    if ($mask === false) {
        $warning = sprintf($_LANG['dir_not_exist'], $path);
        sys_msg($warning, 1);
    } elseif ($mask != 15) {
        $warning = sprintf($_LANG['dir_priv'], $path);
        if (($mask & 1) < 1) {
            $warning .= $_LANG['cannot_read'];
        if (($mask & 2) < 1) {
            $warning .= $_LANG['cannot_write'];
        if (($mask & 4) < 1) {
            $warning .= $_LANG['cannot_add'];
        if (($mask & 8) < 1) {
Example #6
 *  妫€鏌ョ壒瀹氱洰褰曟槸鍚︽湁鎵ц?rename鍑芥暟鏉冮檺
 * @access  public
 * @param   void
 * @return void
function check_rename_priv()
    /* 鑾峰彇瑕佹?鏌ョ殑鐩?綍 */
    $dir_list = array();
    $dir_list[] = 'templates/caches';
    $dir_list[] = 'templates/compiled';
    $dir_list[] = 'templates/compiled/admin';
    /* 鑾峰彇images鐩?綍涓嬪浘鐗囩洰褰 */
    $folder = opendir(ROOT_PATH . 'images');
    while ($dir = readdir($folder)) {
        if (is_dir(ROOT_PATH . 'images/' . $dir) && preg_match('/^[0-9]{6}$/', $dir)) {
            $dir_list[] = 'images/' . $dir;
    /* 妫€鏌ョ洰褰曟槸鍚︽湁鎵ц?rename鍑芥暟鐨勬潈闄 */
    $msgs = array();
    foreach ($dir_list as $dir) {
        $mask = file_mode_info(ROOT_PATH . $dir);
        if (($mask & 2) > 0 && ($mask & 8) < 1) {
            /* 鍙?湁鍙?啓鏃舵墠妫€鏌?ename鏉冮檺 */
            $msgs[] = $dir . ' ' . $GLOBALS['_LANG']['cannt_modify'];
    return $msgs;
Example #7
 * 检查某个目录的文件是否可读(不包括子目录)
 * 前提:$dirname 是目录且存在且可读
 * @param   string  $dirname    目录名:以 / 结尾,以 / 分隔
 * @return  mix     如果所有文件可读,返回true;否则,返回第一个不可读的文件名
function check_files_readable($dirname)
    /* 遍历文件,检查文件是否可读 */
    if ($dh = opendir($dirname)) {
        while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
            if (filetype($dirname . $file) == 'file' && strtolower($file) != 'thumbs.db') {
                if (file_mode_info($dirname . $file) & 1 != 1) {
                    return $dirname . $file;
    /* 全部可读的返回值 */
    return true;
Example #8
 $result = file_mode_info(saestor('images'));
 if ($result < 2) {
     //        $warning[] = sprintf($_LANG['not_writable'], 'images', $_LANG['images_cannt_write']);
 } else {
     $result = file_mode_info(saestor(IMAGE_DIR . '/upload'));
     if ($result < 2) {
         //            $warning[] = sprintf($_LANG['not_writable'], IMAGE_DIR . '/upload', $_LANG['imagesupload_cannt_write']);
 $result = file_mode_info(saestor('temp'));
 if ($result < 2) {
     //        $warning[] = sprintf($_LANG['not_writable'], 'images', $_LANG['tpl_cannt_write']);
 $result = file_mode_info(saestor('/temp/backup'));
 if ($result < 2) {
     //        $warning[] = sprintf($_LANG['not_writable'], 'images', $_LANG['tpl_backup_cannt_write']);
 if (!is_writeable(DATA_DIR . '/order_print.html')) {
     //        $warning[] = $_LANG['order_print_canntwrite'];
 $smarty->assign('warning_arr', $warning);
 /* 管理员留言信息 */
 $sql = 'SELECT message_id, sender_id, receiver_id, sent_time, readed, deleted, title, message, user_name ' . 'FROM ' . $ecs->table('admin_message') . ' AS a, ' . $ecs->table('admin_user') . ' AS b ' . "WHERE a.sender_id = b.user_id AND a.receiver_id = '{$_SESSION['admin_id']}' AND " . "a.readed = 0 AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY a.sent_time DESC";
 $admin_msg = $db->GetAll($sql);
 $smarty->assign('admin_msg', $admin_msg);
 /* 取得支持货到付款和不支持货到付款的支付方式 */
 $ids = get_pay_ids();
 /* 已完成的订单 */
 * 设置语言项
 * @access  public
 * @param   string      $file_path     存放语言项列表的文件的绝对路径
 * @param   array       $src_items     替换前的语言项
 * @param   array       $dst_items     替换后的语言项
 * @return  void        成功就把结果写入文件,失败返回false
function set_language_items($file_path, $src_items, $dst_items)
    /* 检查文件是否可写(修改) */
    if (file_mode_info($file_path) < 2) {
        return false;
    /* 获取文件内容 */
    $line_array = file($file_path);
    if (!$line_array) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $file_content = implode('', $line_array);
    $snum = count($src_items);
    $dnum = count($dst_items);
    if ($snum != $dnum) {
        return false;
    /* 对索引进行排序,防止错位替换 */
    for ($i = 0; $i < $snum; $i++) {
        $file_content = str_replace($src_items[$i], $dst_items[$i], $file_content);
    /* 写入修改后的语言项 */
    $f = fopen($file_path, 'wb');
    if (!$f) {
        return false;
    if (!fwrite($f, $file_content)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;
Example #10
 function update_files()
     $config_path = ROOT_PATH . 'data/config.php';
     @chmod($config_path, 0777);
     if (file_mode_info($config_path) < 7) {
         die('Config file isn\'t writable!');
     } else {
         $ori_content = implode('', file($config_path));
         $fp = @fopen($config_path, 'wb+');
         if (!$fp) {
             die('Open config file failed!');
         $timezone = $this->get_local_timezone();
         $content = "\n\n\$timezone  = \"{$timezone}\";\n\n";
         $content .= "\$cookie_path = \"/\";\n\n";
         $content .= "\$cookie_domain = \"\";\n\n";
         $content .= "\$admin_dir = \"admin\";\n\n";
         $content .= "\$session   = \"1440\";\n";
         $new_content = preg_replace('/(\\$prefix\\s*=[^;]+;).*(\\?\\>)/is', '\\1' . $content . "\r\n\r\n\\2", $ori_content);
         if (!@fwrite($fp, $new_content)) {
             die('Write config file failed!');
     return $this->handle_plugins();
Example #11
     /* 如果 open_basedir 不为空,则检查是否包含了 upload_tmp_dir  */
     $open_basedir = str_replace(array("\\", "\\\\"), array("/", "/"), $open_basedir);
     $upload_tmp_dir = ini_get('upload_tmp_dir');
     if (empty($upload_tmp_dir)) {
         if (stristr(PHP_OS, 'win')) {
             $upload_tmp_dir = getenv('TEMP') ? getenv('TEMP') : getenv('TMP');
             $upload_tmp_dir = str_replace(array("\\", "\\\\"), array("/", "/"), $upload_tmp_dir);
         } else {
             $upload_tmp_dir = getenv('TMPDIR') === false ? '/tmp' : getenv('TMPDIR');
     if (!stristr($open_basedir, $upload_tmp_dir)) {
         $warning[] = sprintf($_LANG['temp_dir_cannt_read'], $upload_tmp_dir);
 $result = file_mode_info('../' . DATA_DIR);
 if ($result < 2) {
     $warning[] = sprintf($_LANG['not_writable'], 'data', $_LANG['data_cannt_write']);
 $smarty->assign('warning_arr', $warning);
 /* 管理员留言信息 */
 $sql = 'SELECT message_id, sender_id, receiver_id, sent_time, readed, deleted, title, message, user_name ' . 'FROM ' . $ecs->table('admin_message') . ' AS a, ' . $ecs->table('admin_user') . ' AS b ' . "WHERE a.sender_id = b.user_id AND a.receiver_id = '{$_SESSION['admin_id']}' AND " . "a.readed = 0 AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY a.sent_time DESC";
 $admin_msg = $db->GetAll($sql);
 $smarty->assign('admin_msg', $admin_msg);
 /* 取得支持货到付款和不支持货到付款的支付方式 */
 $ids = get_pay_ids();
 /* 已完成的订单 */
 $order['finished'] = $db->GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $ecs->table('order_info') . " WHERE 1 " . order_query_sql('finished'));
 $status['finished'] = CS_FINISHED;
 /* 待发货的订单: */
Example #12
function test_dir(){
$dir = array('data', 'inc', 'upload');
foreach ($dir as $value) {
		html+='<div class="list">';
      	html+='<div class="name"><?php 
    echo $value;
    if (file_mode_info('../' . $value . '/') > 11) {
		html+='<div class="value"><font color=green><b>√</b></font></div>';
    } else {
		html+='<div class="value"><font color=red><b>x</b></font></div>';
Example #13
 * ÔØÈë¿âÏîÄ¿ÄÚÈÝ.
 * @param string $curr_template Ä£°æÃû³Æ
 * @param string $lib_name      ¿âÏîÄ¿Ãû³Æ
 * @return array
function load_library($curr_template, $lib_name)
    $lib_name = str_replace('0xa', '', $lib_name);
    // ¹ýÂË 0xa ·Ç·¨×Ö·û
    $lib_file = '../themes/' . $curr_template . '/library/' . $lib_name . '.lbi';
    $arr['mark'] = file_mode_info($lib_file);
    $arr['html'] = str_replace("", '', file_get_contents($lib_file));
    return $arr;
Example #14
 *  检查特定目录是否有执行rename函数权限
 * @access  public
 * @param   void
 * @return void
function check_rename_priv()
    /* 获取要检查的目录 */
    $dir_list = array();
    $dir_list[] = 'temp/caches';
    $dir_list[] = 'temp/compiled';
    $dir_list[] = 'temp/compiled/admin';
    /* 获取images目录下图片目录 */
    $folder = opendir(ROOT_PATH . 'images');
    while ($dir = readdir($folder)) {
        if (is_dir(ROOT_PATH . 'images/' . $dir) && preg_match('/^[0-9]{6}$/', $dir)) {
            $dir_list[] = 'images/' . $dir;
    /* 检查目录是否有执行rename函数的权限 */
    $msgs = array();
    foreach ($dir_list as $dir) {
        $mask = file_mode_info(ROOT_PATH . $dir);
        if (($mask & 2) > 0 && ($mask & 8) < 1) {
            /* 只有可写时才检查rename权限 */
            $msgs[] = $dir . ' ' . $GLOBALS['_LANG']['cannt_modify'];
    return $msgs;
Example #15
    $allow_set_points = $_CFG['integrate_code'] == 'ecshop' ? 0 : 1;
    $smarty->assign('allow_set_points', $allow_set_points);
    $smarty->assign('ur_here', $_LANG['06_list_integrate']);
    $smarty->assign('modules', $modules);
/*------------------------------------------------------ */
//-- 安装会员数据整合插件
/*------------------------------------------------------ */
if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'install') {
    admin_priv('integrate_users', '');
    /* 增加ucenter设置时先检测uc_client与uc_client/data是否可写 */
    if ($_GET['code'] == 'ucenter') {
        $uc_client_dir = file_mode_info(ROOT_PATH . 'uc_client/data');
        if ($uc_client_dir === false) {
            sys_msg($_LANG['uc_client_not_exists'], 0);
        if ($uc_client_dir < 7) {
            sys_msg($_LANG['uc_client_not_write'], 0);
    if ($_GET['code'] == 'ecshop') {
        $sql = "UPDATE " . $ecs->table('touch_shop_config') . " SET value = 'ecshop' WHERE code = 'integrate_code'";
        $sql = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('touch_shop_config') . " SET value = '' WHERE code = 'points_rule'";
        /* 清除shopconfig表的sql的缓存 */
        $links[0]['text'] = $_LANG['go_back'];
Example #16
 $result = file_mode_info('../images');
 if ($result < 2) {
     $warning[] = sprintf($_LANG['not_writable'], 'images', $_LANG['images_cannt_write']);
 } else {
     $result = file_mode_info('../' . IMAGE_DIR . '/upload');
     if ($result < 2) {
         $warning[] = sprintf($_LANG['not_writable'], IMAGE_DIR . '/upload', $_LANG['imagesupload_cannt_write']);
 $result = file_mode_info('../temp');
 if ($result < 2) {
     $warning[] = sprintf($_LANG['not_writable'], 'images', $_LANG['tpl_cannt_write']);
 $result = file_mode_info('../temp/backup');
 if ($result < 2) {
     $warning[] = sprintf($_LANG['not_writable'], 'images', $_LANG['tpl_backup_cannt_write']);
 if (!is_writeable('../' . DATA_DIR . '/order_print.html')) {
     $warning[] = $_LANG['order_print_canntwrite'];
 $smarty->assign('warning_arr', $warning);
 /* 管理员留言信息 */
 $sql = 'SELECT message_id, sender_id, receiver_id, sent_time, readed, deleted, title, message, user_name ' . 'FROM ' . $ecs->table('admin_message') . ' AS a, ' . $ecs->table('admin_user') . ' AS b ' . "WHERE a.sender_id = b.user_id AND a.receiver_id = '{$_SESSION['admin_id']}' AND " . "a.readed = 0 AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY a.sent_time DESC";
 $admin_msg = $db->GetAll($sql);
 $smarty->assign('admin_msg', $admin_msg);
 /* 取得支持货到付款和不支持货到付款的支付方式 */
 $ids = get_pay_ids();
 /* 已完成的订单 */
Example #17
 $code = empty($_REQUEST['extension_code']) ? '' : trim($_REQUEST['extension_code']);
 if ($code == 'virual_card') {
     // 检查权限
 } else {
     // 检查权限
 /* 如果是安全模式,检查目录是否存在 */
 if (ini_get('safe_mode') == 1 && (!file_exists('../images/' . date('Ym')) || !is_dir('../images/' . date('Ym')))) {
     if (@(!mkdir('../images/' . date('Ym'), 0777))) {
         $warning = sprintf($_LANG['safe_mode_warning'], '../images/' . date('Ym'));
         $smarty->assign('warning', $warning);
 } elseif (file_exists('../images/' . date('Ym')) && file_mode_info('../images/' . date('Ym')) < 2) {
     $warning = sprintf($_LANG['not_writable_warning'], '../images/' . date('Ym'));
     $smarty->assign('warning', $warning);
 /* 取得商品信息 */
 if ($is_add) {
     /* 默认值 */
     $goods = array('goods_id' => 0, 'goods_desc' => '', 'cat_id' => 0, 'is_on_sale' => '1', 'is_alone_sale' => '1', 'other_cat' => array(), 'goods_type' => 0, 'shop_price' => 0, 'promote_price' => 0, 'market_price' => 0, 'integral' => 0, 'goods_number' => $_CFG['default_storage'], 'warn_number' => 1, 'promote_start_date' => local_date('Y-m-d'), 'promote_end_date' => local_date('Y-m-d', local_strtotime('+1 month')), 'goods_weight' => 0, 'give_integral' => -1);
     if ($code != '') {
         $goods['goods_number'] = 0;
     /* 关联商品 */
     $link_goods_list = array();
     $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('link_goods') . " WHERE (goods_id = 0 OR link_goods_id = 0)" . " AND admin_id = '{$_SESSION['admin_id']}'";
     /* 组合商品 */