function fm_fileinfo($d)
    $path = $GLOBALS['prepath'] . $d;
    $file = filefrompath($path);
    if (!fm_exists($d)) {
        return FALSE;
    $size = filesize($path);
    $modified = filemtime($path);
    $ext = fext($file);
    return array('name' => $file, 'bname' => endsWith($file, '/') ? substr($file, 0, -1) : $file, 'id' => file2id($file), 'isdir' => filetype($path) == 'dir', 'size' => $size, 'tsize' => textfilesize($size), 'modified' => $modified, 'tmodified' => date("M j, Y g:i:s A", $modified), 'tdmodified' => date("M j, Y", $modified), 'perms' => substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($path)), -3), 'owner' => fileowner($path), 'group' => filegroup($path), 'ext' => $ext, 'img' => fticon($ext), 'type' => textfiletype($ext), 'ft' => ft($ext), 'writable' => fm_iswritable($d), 'isvimg' => isvimg($ext), 'imgsize' => (isvimg($ext) || $ext == 'psd' || $ext == 'bmp') && $size <= 5242880 ? @getimagesize($path) : FALSE);
Example #2
function draw_tree($tree)
    $upload_path_size = strlen($_SESSION['upload_path']);
    echo '<section><ul class="tree">';
    $root = explode('/', $tree[0]);
    $fork = '&#9500;';
    $root = array_search(basename($tree[0]), $root) + 1;
    $level = 0;
    $tab = str_repeat('&nbsp;', 2);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($tree); $i++) {
        $branch = $tree[$i];
        if (isset($tree[$i + 1])) {
            $next = $tree[$i + 1];
        } else {
            $next = false;
        if ($link = file2id(substr($branch, $upload_path_size))) {
            $ext = '';
            $level = count(explode('/', $branch)) - $root;
            if ($next) {
                $next_level = count(explode('/', $next)) - $root;
            } else {
                $next_level = 0;
            if ($level < 0) {
                $level = 0;
            if ($next_level < 0) {
                $next_level = 0;
            $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($branch, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
            $folder = '';
            $basename = basename($branch);
            if (is_dir($branch)) {
                $folder = ' folder';
            if ($level > $next_level || !$next) {
                $fork = '&#9492;';
            } else {
                $fork = '&#9500;';
            if ($level < $next_level) {
                echo '<li>' . str_repeat('<span class="vl">' . $tab . '&#9474;' . $tab . '</span>', $level + 1) . '</li>';
            echo '<li><span class="vl">' . str_repeat($tab . '&#9474;' . $tab, $level) . $tab . $fork . $tab . '</span><span class="' . $ext . $folder . '"><a href="index.php?f=' . $link . '">' . $basename . '</a></span></li>';
            if ($level > $next_level) {
                echo '<li>' . str_repeat('<span class="vl">' . $tab . '&#9474;' . $tab . '</span>', $level) . '</li>';
    echo '</ul></section>';
Example #3
                    $upload_path_size = strlen($_SESSION['upload_path']);
                    foreach ($tree as $branch) {
                        $id_tree[file2id(substr($branch, $upload_path_size))] = $branch;
                    # burn access ?
                # RSS format of a shared folder (but not for a locked one)
                if (isset($_GET['rss']) && !empty($tree) && strlen($id) <= 23) {
                    $rss = array('infos' => '', 'items' => '');
                    $rss['infos'] = array('title' => basename($f), 'description' => e('Rss feed of ', false) . basename($f), 'link' => htmlentities($_SESSION['home'] . '?f=' . $id . '&rss'));
                    include 'core/Array2feed.php';
                    $upload_path_size = strlen($_SESSION['upload_path']);
                    foreach ($tree as $branch) {
                        $id_branch = file2id(substr($branch, $upload_path_size));
                        $rss['items'][] = array('title' => basename($branch), 'description' => '', 'pubDate' => makeRSSdate(date("d-m-Y H:i:s.", filemtime($branch))), 'link' => $_SESSION['home'] . '?f=' . $id_branch, 'guid' => $_SESSION['home'] . '?f=' . $id_branch);
                    # burn access ?
    } else {
        $message = '<div class="error">
				' . e('This link is no longer available, sorry.', false) . '
Example #4
function draw_tree($tree)
    if (!only_image($tree)) {
        # file list tree
        echo '<section><ul class="tree">';
        $root = explode('/', $tree[0]);
        $fork = '&#9500;';
        $root = array_search(basename($tree[0]), $root) + 1;
        $level = 0;
        $tab = str_repeat('&nbsp;', 2);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($tree); $i++) {
            $branch = $tree[$i];
            if (isset($tree[$i + 1])) {
                $next = $tree[$i + 1];
            } else {
                $next = false;
            if ($link = file2id($branch)) {
                $ext = '';
                $level = count(explode('/', $branch)) - $root;
                if ($next) {
                    $next_level = count(explode('/', $next)) - $root;
                } else {
                    $next_level = 0;
                if ($level < 0) {
                    $level = 0;
                if ($next_level < 0) {
                    $next_level = 0;
                $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($branch, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
                $folder = '';
                $basename = basename($branch);
                if (is_dir($branch)) {
                    $folder = ' folder';
                if ($level > $next_level || !$next) {
                    $fork = '&#9492;';
                } else {
                    $fork = '&#9500;';
                if ($level < $next_level) {
                    echo '<li>' . str_repeat('<span class="vl">' . $tab . '&#9474;' . $tab . '</span>', $level + 1) . '</li>';
                echo '<li><span class="vl">' . str_repeat($tab . '&#9474;' . $tab, $level) . $tab . $fork . $tab . '</span><span class="' . $ext . $folder . '"><a href="index.php?f=' . $link . '">' . $basename . '</a></span></li>';
                if ($level > $next_level) {
                    echo '<li>' . str_repeat('<span class="vl">' . $tab . '&#9474;' . $tab . '</span>', $level) . '</li>';
        echo '</ul></section>';
    } else {
        # image gallery
        if (!function_exists('auto_thumb')) {
            include 'core/auto_thumb.php';
        global $gallery_thumbs_width;
        $title = explode('/', $tree[0]);
        $title = $title[count($title) - 1];
        echo '<section><ul class="gallery"><h1>' . $title . '</h1>';
        foreach ($tree as $image) {
            $link = 'index.php?f=' . file2id($image);
            $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($image, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
            if ($ext != 'mp4') {
                $size = getimagesize($image);
                $size = $size[0] . 'x' . $size[1];
                $file = basename($image);
                auto_thumb($image, $width = $gallery_thumbs_width, $height = $gallery_thumbs_width, $add_to_thumb_filename = '_THUMBGALLERY_', $crop_image = true);
                echo '<a class="image" href="' . $link . '" ><img src="' . $link . '&gthumbs" alt="' . $file . '"/><span class="info"><em>' . $file . '</em> ' . $size . '</span></a>';
            } else {
                echo '<a class="image video" href="' . $link . '" ><div class="blank">&nbsp;</div><span class="info"><em>' . $file . '</em> ' . $size . '</span></a>';
        echo '</ul></section>';
Example #5
                $upload_path_size = strlen($_SESSION['upload_root_path']);
                foreach ($tree as $branch) {
                    $id_tree[file2id($branch)] = $branch;
                # burn access ?
            # RSS format of a shared folder (but not for a locked one)
            if (isset($_GET['rss']) && !empty($tree) && strlen($id) <= 23) {
                $rss = array('infos' => '', 'items' => '');
                $rss['infos'] = array('title' => basename($f), 'description' => e('Rss feed of ', false) . basename($f), 'link' => htmlentities($_SESSION['home'] . '?f=' . $id . '&rss'));
                include 'core/Array2feed.php';
                $upload_path_size = strlen($_SESSION['upload_root_path']);
                foreach ($tree as $branch) {
                    $id_branch = file2id($branch);
                    $rss['items'][] = array('title' => basename($branch), 'description' => '', 'pubDate' => makeRSSdate(date("d-m-Y H:i:s.", filemtime($branch))), 'link' => $_SESSION['home'] . '?f=' . $id_branch, 'guid' => $_SESSION['home'] . '?f=' . $id_branch);
                # burn access ?
} else {
    require THEME_PATH . '/header.php';
    echo '<div class="error">
				' . e('This link is no longer available, sorry.', false) . '
Example #6
     $destination = $destination_temp;
     if (!is_dir(dirname('thumbs/' . $destination))) {
         mkdir(dirname('thumbs/' . $destination), 0744, true);
     @rename(get_thumbs_name($file_with_path), get_thumbs_name($destination));
     if (is_file($file_with_path)) {
         # change path in id
         $id = file2id($file_with_path);
         $ids = unstore();
         $ids[$id] = $destination;
         rename($file_with_path, $destination);
         $tree = rename_branch($destination, $file_with_path, $id, $_SESSION['login'], $tree);
     } elseif (is_dir($file_with_path)) {
         # change path in id and all files/folders in the moved folder
         $id = file2id($file_with_path);
         $ids = unstore();
         $ids[$id] = $destination;
         $destination = $destination . '/';
         $file = $file . '/';
         foreach ($ids as $id => $path) {
             if (strpos($path, $file) !== false) {
                 $ids[$id] = str_replace($file, $destination, $path);
         rename($file_with_path, $destination);
         $tree = rename_branch($destination, $file_with_path, $id, $_SESSION['login'], $tree);
 header('location:index.php?p=admin&msg=' . $me . ' ' . e('moved to', false) . ' ' . $to . '&token=' . TOKEN);
Example #7
 // Sidebar
 $fileinfo = array();
 $files = array();
 if ($file) {
     $fileinfo = fm_fileinfo($d);
 } else {
     if ($_GET['mi']) {
         $files = ids2files($_GET['mi']);
         if (count($files) == 1) {
             $fileinfo = fm_fileinfo($presub . $postsub . $files[0]);
     } else {
         if (!fm_readdirect() && endsWith('/' . $d, '/')) {
             //$fileinfo = fm_fileinfo($d);
             $fileinfo = array('name' => basename($d) ? basename($d) : '/', 'bname' => basename($d) . '/', 'id' => file2id(basename($d) . '/'), 'isdir' => true, 'size' => 0, 'tsize' => '-', 'modified' => 0, 'tmodified' => '-', 'tdmodified' => '-', 'perms' => 0, 'owner' => '', 'group' => '', 'ext' => '/', 'img' => fticon('/'), 'type' => textfiletype('/'), 'ft' => 1, 'writable' => true, 'isvimg' => false, 'imgsize' => false);
         } else {
             $fileinfo = fm_fileinfo($d);
 $vmode = $_GET['vmode'];
 if ($vmode == 'dl') {
     if (fm_contenttype(fext($file))) {
         header('Content-Type: ' . fm_contenttype(fext($file)));
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file . '"');
     echo fm_contents($file);
Example #8
    if (check_path($file) && check_path($destination)) {
        if (is_file($_SESSION['upload_path'] . $file) || is_dir($_SESSION['upload_path'] . $file)) {
            $file = stripslashes($file);
            $destination = addslash_if_needed($destination) . basename($file);
            # if file/folder exists in destination folder, change name
            if (is_file($_SESSION['upload_path'] . $destination) || is_dir($_SESSION['upload_path'] . $destination)) {
                $destination = addslash_if_needed($destination) . rename_item(basename($file));
            # move file
            rename($_SESSION['upload_path'] . $file, $_SESSION['upload_path'] . $destination);
            if (!is_dir(dirname('thumbs/' . $destination))) {
                mkdir(dirname('thumbs/' . $destination), 0744, true);
            rename(get_thumbs_name($file), get_thumbs_name($destination));
            # change path in id
            $id = file2id($file);
            $ids = unstore();
            $ids[$id] = $destination;
# Lock folder with password
if (!empty($_POST['password']) && !empty($_POST['id'])) {
    $id = $_POST['id'];
    $file = id2file($id);
    $password = blur_password($_POST['password']);
    # turn normal share id into password hashed id
    $ids = unstore();
function fm_fileinfo($d)
    global $ftp, $ftp_prepath;
    if (!$d) {
        return array('name' => '/', 'bname' => '', 'id' => file2id('/'), 'isdir' => true, 'size' => 0, 'tsize' => '-', 'modified' => 0, 'tmodified' => '-', 'tdmodified' => '-', 'perms' => 0, 'owner' => '', 'group' => '', 'ext' => '/', 'img' => fticon('/'), 'type' => textfiletype('/'), 'ft' => 1, 'writable' => true, 'isvimg' => false, 'imgsize' => false);
    $up = upOne($ftp_prepath . $d);
    if (is_array($filecache[$up]['raw'])) {
        $cfiles = $filecache[$up]['raw'];
    } else {
        if (!fm_ftpconnect()) {
            return false;
        ftp_chdir($ftp, $up);
        $cfiles = ftp_rawlist($ftp, '.');
        ftp_chdir($ftp, '/');
        $filecache[$up]['raw'] = $cfiles;
    $file = basename($d);
    foreach ($cfiles as $cfile) {
        $info = array();
        $cinfo = preg_split('/[\\s]+/', $cfile, 9);
        if ($cinfo[0] !== 'total' && $cinfo[8] != '.' && $cinfo[8] != '..' && $cinfo[8] == $file) {
            $cfilen = $cinfo[8] . ($cinfo[0][0] == 'd' ? '/' : '');
            $ext = fext($cfilen);
            $info = array('name' => $cfilen, 'bname' => $cinfo[8], 'id' => file2id($cfilen), 'isdir' => $cinfo[0][0] == 'd' ? '/' : '', 'size' => intval($cinfo[4]), 'tsize' => textfilesize(intval($cinfo[4])), 'modified' => 0, 'tmodified' => $cinfo[5] . ' ' . $cinfo[6] . ' ' . $cinfo[7], 'tdmodified' => $cinfo[5] . ' ' . $cinfo[6], 'perms' => permconvert($cinfo[0]), 'owner' => $cinfo[2], 'group' => $cinfo[3], 'ext' => $ext, 'img' => fticon($ext), 'type' => textfiletype($ext), 'ft' => ft($ext), 'writable' => true, 'isvimg' => false, 'imgsize' => false);
            return $info;
    return false;
Example #10
function rename_branch($new = null, $old = null, $id = null, $user = null, $tree = array())
    global $ids;
    if (empty($new) || empty($old) || $new == $old) {
        return false;
    if (empty($id) && empty($ids)) {
        return false;
    if (empty($id)) {
        $id = file2id($old);
    if (empty($user) && !empty($_SESSION['login'])) {
        $user = $_SESSION['login'];
    if (empty($tree)) {
        $tree = loadtree($user);
    if (isset($tree[$id]) || ($id = array_search($old, $tree))) {
        $tree[$id] = $new;
    return $tree;