<?php if ($option == 'index') { if ($_POST['update'] == 'update') { $GETSQL->fDelete("`{$ODBC['tablepre']}statistics`", "`st_admin`='1' AND TO_DAYS(`st_date`)<=TO_DAYS(NOW())-7"); die(gb2utf8("ɾ³ý³É¹¦")); } include_once Getincludefun("page"); $cParameter = "action=adminstatistics&Keyword={$Keyword}&id={$id}&type={$type}&Industry={$Industry}"; $nCount = 20; if ($Keyword != '') { fgetposttoupdatd($Keyword, $ODBC['charset']); if ($id == "") { $where = " AND (`st_hackname` LIKE '%{$Keyword}%' OR `st_action` LIKE '%{$Keyword}%' OR `st_option` LIKE '%{$Keyword}%' OR `st_url` LIKE '%{$Keyword}%' OR `st_ip` LIKE '%{$Keyword}%' OR `st_username` LIKE '%{$Keyword}%')"; } else { if ($id == "1") { $where = " AND `st_hackname`"; } else { if ($id == "2") { $where = " AND `st_action` LIKE '%{$Keyword}%'"; } else { if ($id == "3") { $where = " AND `st_option` LIKE '%{$Keyword}%'"; } else { if ($id == "4") { $where = " AND `st_url` LIKE '%{$Keyword}%'"; } else { if ($id == "5") { $where = " AND `st_ip` LIKE '%{$Keyword}%'"; } else { if ($id == "6") {
<?php if ($option == 'index') { if ($_POST['update'] == 'update') { fgetposttoupdatd($_POST, $ODBC['charset']); if ($_POST['addsubject'] != '') { $cQuery = array("`link_id`", "`link_subject`", "`link_url`", "`link_info`", "`link_logo`", "`link_sp`", "`link_pass`"); $cData = array($nowtime, $_POST['addsubject'], $_POST['addurl'], $_POST['addinfo'], $_POST['addlogo'], $_POST['addsp'], $_POST['addpass']); $GETSQL->fInsert("`{$ODBC['tablepre']}link`", $cQuery, $cData); } if (is_array($_POST['link_id'])) { foreach ($_POST['link_id'] as $k => $v) { //$sql_config = $GETSQL->fSql("*","`{$ODBC['tablepre']}main`","`main_subject`='{$k}'","","","","U_B"); $GETSQL->fUpdate("`{$ODBC['tablepre']}link`", "`link_subject`='{$_POST['link_subject'][$v]}',\n\t\t\t`link_url`='{$_POST['link_url'][$v]}',\n\t\t\t`link_info`='{$_POST['link_info'][$v]}',\n\t\t\t`link_logo`='{$_POST['link_logo'][$v]}',\n\t\t\t`link_sp`='{$_POST['link_sp'][$v]}',\n\t\t\t`link_pass`='{$_POST['link_pass'][$v]}'", "`link_id`='{$v}'"); } } die(gb2utf8("友情连接修改成功")); } $nCount = $cache_config['numser'] ? $cache_config['numser'] : "10"; $cParameter = "action={$action}&option={$option}"; include_once Getincludefun("page"); $nNums = $GETSQL->fNumrows("SELECT link_id FROM `{$ODBC['tablepre']}link`"); $sql_link = $GETSQL->fSql("*", "`{$ODBC['tablepre']}link`", "", "ORDER BY `link_sp`,`link_id` DESC", $nPage * $nCount, $nCount); if ($nNums > 0) { $fpageup = fPagesadmin($nNums, $nPage, $nCount, $cParameter, "showtable", 1); $smarty->assign('sql_link', $sql_link); $smarty->assign('fpageup', $fpageup); } $smarty->display("link.htm"); } if ($option == 'del') {
$parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $buff, $values, $idx); xml_parser_free($parser); foreach ($values as $val) { $tag = $val["tag"]; $type = $val["type"]; $value = $val["value"]; //标签统一转为小写 $tag = strtolower($tag); if ($tag == "item" && $type == "open") { $is_item = 1; } else { if ($tag == "item" && $type == "close") { //构造输出字符串 echo "<div style=\"height:20px;\"><img src=\"image/lvyou/ico_right.gif\" width=\"4\" height=\"8\"> <a href=\"{$link}\" class=\"link_title_white\" target=_blank>" . fCharlen($title, 0, 30, "") . "</a></div>"; $is_item = 0; } } //仅读取item标签中的内容 if ($is_item == 1) { fgetposttoupdatd($value, 'gbk'); if ($tag == "title") { $title = $value; } if ($tag == "link") { $link = $value; } } } }
function fgetposttoupdatd(&$array, $check = 'gbk') { if (is_array($array)) { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (!is_array($value)) { $array[$key] = uniDecode($value, $check); } else { fgetposttoupdatd($array[$key]); } } } else { $array = uniDecode($array, $check); } }
<?php if ($option == 'index') { if ($_POST['update'] == 'update') { fgetposttoupdatd($P, $ODBC['charset']); foreach ($P['hack_adhead'] as $k => $v) { $GETSQL->fUpdate("`{$ODBC['tablepre']}hack`", "`hack_adhead`='{$v}'", "`hack_action`='{$k}'"); } foreach ($P['hack_adbody'] as $k => $v) { $GETSQL->fUpdate("`{$ODBC['tablepre']}hack`", "`hack_adbody`='{$v}'", "`hack_action`='{$k}'"); } foreach ($P['hack_adfoot'] as $k => $v) { $GETSQL->fUpdate("`{$ODBC['tablepre']}hack`", "`hack_adfoot`='{$v}'", "`hack_action`='{$k}'"); } $sql_config = $GETSQL->fSql("*", "`{$ODBC['tablepre']}hack`", "", ""); foreach ($sql_config as $value) { $configtxt = "<?php\n\$cache_config['subject'] = \"{$value['hack_subject']}\";\n\$cache_config['cache'] = \"{$value['hack_cache']}\";\n\$cache_config['cachetime'] = \"{$value['hack_cachetime']}\";\n\$cache_config['htmlteml'] = \"{$value['hack_htmlteml']}\";\n\$cache_config['numser'] = \"{$value['hack_numser']}\";\n\$cache_config['hack_adhead'] = stripslashes(\"" . addslashes($value['hack_adhead']) . "\");\n\$cache_config['hack_adbody'] = stripslashes(\"" . addslashes($value['hack_adbody']) . "\");\n\$cache_config['hack_adfoot'] = stripslashes(\"" . addslashes($value['hack_adfoot']) . "\");\n?>"; ffile(R_P . "cache/cache_{$value['hack_action']}.php", $configtxt); } die(gb2utf8("插件设置修改成功")); } $sql_hack = $GETSQL->fSql("*", "`{$ODBC['tablepre']}hack`", "", ""); $smarty->assign('sql_hack', $sql_hack); $smarty->display("advertising.htm"); }