exit(0); } } if (isset($_GET['step']) && $_GET['step'] == 2) { include 'config.php'; global $globals; echo ' <b>Please set the Admin information: </b> <br /> <br /> <form action="" method="post"> Admin-Username: <br /> <input type="text" name="adminuser" id="adminuser"> <br /> Admin-Pass: <br /> <input type="password" name="adminpass" id="adminpass"> <br /> Admin-Email: <br /> <input type="text" name="adminemail" id="adminemail"><br /> <br /> <input type="submit" value="Next >>" name="admin_set"> </form> '; } if (isset($_GET['step']) && $_GET['step'] == 3) { echo 'Installation completed, you can now go to the <a href="index.php">index</a> page.'; } echbr(2); ffooter();
function dealdata($data) { global $current_size, $tablearr, $writefile_data, $_POST; $current_size += strlen($data); $writefile_data .= $data; if ($current_size >= intval($_POST["filesize"]) * 1024) { $current_size = 0; $writefile_data .= "\r\n?" . ">"; writefile($writefile_data, "w"); $_POST[page] = intval($_POST[page]) + 1; fheader(); echo tablestart("正在从数据库'{$_POST['db_dbname']}'中导出数据……", 500); $str1 = "<br>-= 以下数据表处理完成 =- <div class='borderdiv' style='width:150px;height:100px;overflow:auto;' align=left>"; $finishByte = 0; for (reset($tablearr); list($key, $val) = each($tablearr);) { if ($key < $_POST[tabledumping]) { $str1 .= "√ {$val}<BR>\r\n"; $finishByte += $_POST[fsqltable][$val]; } else { if ($key == $_POST[tabledumping]) { $str1 .= "<a href='#' id='finisheditem'> </a></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<br>-= 以下数据表正待处理 =-\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='borderdiv' style='width:150px;height:100px;overflow:auto;' align=left>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<font style='color:#FF0000'>→ {$val}</font><br>\r\n"; $finishByte += $_POST[lastinsert] * substr(strstr($_POST[fsqltable][$val], ','), 1); $finish = intval($finishByte / $_POST[totalsize] * 100); } else { $str1 .= "・ {$val}<br>\r\n"; } } } $str1 .= "</div><BR>"; $str2 = tablestart("导出状态", 300); $str2 .= tabledata("共有数据:|" . num_bitunit($_POST[totalsize]) . "", "100|200"); $str2 .= tabledata("现已导出:|" . num_bitunit($finishByte) . ""); $str2 .= tabledata("每页导出:|" . num_bitunit(intval($finishByte / $_POST[page])) . ""); $str2 .= tabledata("导出时间间隔:|{$_POST['nextpgtimeout']} 秒"); $str2 .= tabledata("每页生成数据文件|≥ " . num_bitunit($_POST["filesize"] * 1024) . ""); $str2 .= tabledata("已生成数据文件:|" . ($_POST[page] - 1) . " 个"); $str2 .= tabledata("正在自动进入:|<a href='javascript:myform.submit();'>第 {$_POST['page']} 页</a>"); $str2 .= tabledata("已用时:|" . timeformat(time() - $_POST["StartTime"]) . ""); $str2 .= tabledata("已完成:|{$finish}% "); $str2 .= tabledata("完成进度:|<table width=100% height=12 border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 class='tabletitle' align=center><tr><td width='{$finish}%'><div></div></td><td width='" . (100 - $finish) . "%' class='tabledata'><div></div></td></tr></table>"); $str2 .= tableend(); $str2 .= "<B><div id='postingTag'></div></B>"; echo tabledata("{$str1}|{$str2}"); echo tableend(); ffooter(); eval(auto_submit_script()); exit; } }
include_once $sourcedir . '/' . $actionarr[$_REQUEST['action']][0] . $php; return $actionarr[$_REQUEST['action']][1]; } // func main ends // Calling the Navigation bar, just before the theme file is loaded, and theme func is called below fnav(); //echbr(3); if (isset($theme['name'])) { include_once $globals['themedir'] . '/' . $user['theme_type'] . '/' . $theme['name'] . '_theme.php'; } else { //call default theme } if (isset($theme['call_theme_func'])) { $theme_func = $theme['call_theme_func'] . '_theme'; call_user_func($theme_func); //call_user_func($theme['call_theme_func']); } else { //call some default theme func } //printrr(get_included_files() ); echbr(3); // stop time $time->timer_stop(); ffooter($time->time_elapsed(6)); // Put session_destroy later // session_destroy(); // echo "<br />all cook: <br />"; // printrr( $_COOKIE ); // printrr( $_SERVER); // exit(); // printrr( get_included_files() );