Example #1
<div id="sbm<?php 
        echo $submission['id'];
-div" class=<?php 
        echo $unfolded ? "unfolded" : "folded";
        if ($submission["reqmts"] !== $projectinfo["reqmts"]) {
<div class=importantnote><b>Note:</b> The project requirements have been changed since this submission was made.  This submission does <b>not</b> have to meet the new requirements.  Below is a copy of the requirements at the time that this submission was made.</div>
            $body = formatText($submission["reqmts"]);
            if ($projectinfo["numattachments"] > 0) {
                list($rc, $body) = ff_attachtoproject($projectinfo['id'], $body);
<div class=spec><?php 
            echo $body;
<b>Submission notes:</b><br>
        echo formatText($submission['comments']);
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
Example #2
include_once "tabs.php";
$tabs = array("requirements" => "Requirements", "subprojects" => "Bugs/Subprojects", "sponsors" => "Sponsors", "news" => "Activity", "submissions" => "Submissions", "start" => "Get Started");
list($rc, $disputes) = ff_getprojectdisputes($id);
if (!$rc && sizeof($disputes)) {
    $tabs["disputes"] = "Disputes";
tab_header($tabs, projurl($id), $tab, "requirements");
include_once "forum.php";
if ($tab == 'requirements') {
    print '<div style="font-size:small;color:#9c9d9d;text-align:center;padding-bottom:0.2em;font-style:italic">';
    print "Note: You can propose changes " . "using the forum below.</div>\n";
    print '<div class="spec">';
    //check if post has attachments
    if ($projinfo['numattachments'] > 0) {
        list($rc, $body) = ff_attachtoproject($projinfo['id'], formatText($projinfo["reqmts"]));
    } else {
        $body = formatText($projinfo["reqmts"]);
    print $body;
    print '</div>';
    if ($projinfo['numattachments'] > 0) {
        print "<br>\n";
        print "<b>attachments:</b><br>\n";
        list($rc, $err) = ff_listprojectattachments($projinfo['id']);
    //display the list of history changes
    list($rc, $history) = ff_getreqmtshistory($id);
    if (!$rc && sizeof($history) > 0) {
        print "<br><b>Change History:</b><br>\n";
        print "<ul>\n";