Example #1
function CurrEvents()
    // returns all events you are apart of except for groups
    global $conn;
    $eventmax = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("+5 days"));
    // add an hour to the event for the end time
    $sql = "SELECT events.eventName,events.startTime FROM events WHERE events.userID = " . $_COOKIE['userID'] . " AND events.startTime <= '{$eventmax}' AND events.groupID IS NULL ORDER BY events.startTime LIMIT 20 ";
    // returns only the events that are from todays date to +5 days.
    $results = $conn->query($sql);
    if ($results->num_rows > 0) {
        // checks to make sure there are events, if 0 there are none and echos that out.
        foreach ($results as $val) {
            echo "<li class=\"currentgroup owngroup\"><p>" . $val['eventName'] . "</p> Starting: " . fetchDate($val['startTime']) . "</li>";
            // if it finds any then it returns them.
Example #2
function displaygroupinfo($groupID, $eventbool, $passfail, $members, $events)
    global $locationName;
    global $locationState;
    global $locationCity;
    global $conn;
    global $userID;
    $isfounder = false;
    if ($passfail == true) {
        // part of the group/public group
        $classname = "SELECT class.courseTitle FROM class INNER JOIN study_groups ON class.courseID = study_groups.courseID WHERE study_groups.groupID = {$groupID}";
        // Select the courseTitle
        $course = $conn->query($classname);
        foreach ($course as $name) {
            echo "<h2 id='course'>" . $name['courseTitle'] . "</h2>";
            //Course Title that the group is studing
        echo "<section id='memberlist'><h4> Member List: </h4><ul>";
        // MEMBERS LIST!
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($members); $i++) {
            // prints out all members of this group
            $sql = "SELECT fname,lname FROM users WHERE userID = " . $members[$i];
            // select the fname and lname
            $membernamnes = $conn->query($sql);
            foreach ($membernamnes as $names) {
                // go through all values
                echo "<li>" . $names['fname'] . " " . $names['lname'] . "</li>";
                // PRINT!
        echo "</ul></section>";
        //--- END SECTION ----
        if ($eventbool == true) {
            foreach ($events as $vent) {
                $locationID = $vent['locationID'];
            $locationsql = "SELECT locationName,locationCity,locationState FROM locations where locationID = {$locationID}";
            // get the location
            $location = $conn->query($locationsql);
            foreach ($location as $local) {
                // print the location
                $locationName = $local['locationName'];
                echo "<section class='inline' id='location'>Where: " . $local['locationName'] . "</section>";
            $meetingTime = "SELECT * FROM study_groups WHERE groupID = {$groupID}";
            $meetingTimeResult = $conn->query("{$meetingTime}");
            $time = $meetingTimeResult->fetch_assoc();
            echo "<p id='meetingtime'>When: " . fetchDate($time['meetingTime']) . "</p>";
            if ($time['founderID'] == $userID) {
                // if the userID in cookies is the same as the founder id
                $isfounder = true;
            $jsonfile = $time['json'];
            $json = file_get_contents($jsonfile);
            $jsondata = json_decode($json, true);
            echo "<strong>Useful Links:</strong><ul>";
            // display the useful links to the users
            foreach ($jsondata as $links) {
                foreach ($links as $anchor) {
                    echo "<li><a class=\"grouplinks\" target='_blank' href=\"" . $anchor['link'] . "\">" . $anchor['title'] . "</a></li>";
            echo "</ul>";
            if ($isfounder) {
                // STUFF FOR THE FOUNDER ONLY
                echo "<h5 class='settingshead'>Add a link</h5>";
                echo "<form id=\"add\" action=\"group.php?id={$groupID}\" method=\"POST\">Name: <input  id='txtpadname' type=\"text\" name=\"title\" ><button class='btn btn-default btnright' type=\"submit\">Add</button><br>";
                // form to add useful links
                echo "Link: <input id='txtpadlink' type=\"text\" name=\"link\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"jsonf\" value=\"{$jsonfile}.\"></form>";
                echo "<h5 class='settingshead'>Add a member</h5>";
                echo "<form method='POST' action='group.php?id={$groupID}'>";
                //For for the founder to add a member
                echo "<input type='text' name='email' value='Member Email'>";
                echo "<input class='btn btn-default btnright' type='submit' name='addemail' value='Add Member'>";
                echo "<h5 class='settingshead'>Leave Group</h5>";
                echo "<form method='POST' action='group.php?id={$groupID}'>";
                //Form to delete the group.
                echo "<input class='btn btn-default btnright' type='submit' name='removegroup' value='Delete Group'>";
            } else {
                // STUFF FOR EVERYONE ELSE
                echo "<h5 class='settingshead'>Leave Group</h5>";
                echo "<form method='POST' action='group.php?id={$groupID}'>";
                // Creates a form that users can use to join the group is public - ONLY shows to users at a public group in which they are not members of and signed in
                echo "<input class='btn btn-default btnright' type='submit' name='removeself' value='Remove Me'>";
            //--- END SECTION ----
        } else {
            if ($userID == 0) {
                echo "<h5 class='settingshead'> Join this Group </h5>";
                echo "<form method='POST' action='login.php'>";
                // Creates a form that when submited will redirect to the login page because the user is not signed in.
                echo "<input class='btn btn-default' type='submit' name='submit' value='Join'>";
            } else {
                echo "<h5 class='settingshead'> Join this Group </h5>";
                echo "<form method='POST' action='group.php?id={$groupID}'>";
                // Creates a form that users can use to join the group is public - ONLY shows to users at a public group in which they are not members of.
                echo "<input class='btn btn-default' type='submit' name='submit' value='Join'>";
            //--- END SECTION ----
    } else {
        // group private and not apart of the group
        echo "Sorry, you are not apart of this group and this group is private";