Example #1
function collect_next_appointment($from_date, $patient_id = null)
    $events = array();
    $events = fetchAppointments($from_date, null, $patient_id, null, null, null, null, null, null, false, true);
    $events = sortAppointments($events);
    $return_event = array();
    $return_event[0] = $events[0];
    return $return_event;
function fetch_Patient_Tracker_Events($from_date, $to_date, $provider_id = null, $facility_id = null, $form_apptstatus = null, $form_apptcat =null)
    # used to determine which providers to display in the Patient Tracker
    if ($provider_id == 'ALL'){
      //set null to $provider id if it's 'all'
      $provider_id = null;
    $events = fetchAppointments( $from_date, $to_date, null, $provider_id, $facility_id, $form_apptstatus, null, null, $form_apptcat, true );
    return $events;
function fetch_Patient_Tracker_Events($from_date, $to_date)
    # used to determine which providers to display in the Patient Tracker
    $provider_id = null;
    if ($_SESSION['userauthorized'] && $GLOBALS['docs_see_entire_calendar'] != '1') {
        $provider_id = $_SESSION[authUserID];
    $events = fetchAppointments($from_date, $to_date, null, $provider_id, null, null, null, null, null, true);
    return $events;
Example #4
function fetchNextXAppts($from_date, $patient_id, $nextX = 1)
    $appts = array();
    $nextXAppts = array();
    $appts = fetchAppointments($from_date, null, $patient_id, null, null, null, null, null, null, false, $nextX);
    if ($appts) {
        $appts = sortAppointments($appts);
        $nextXAppts = array_slice($appts, 0, $nextX);
    return $nextXAppts;
Example #5
function sendAllNotifications($device_token, $user, $provider_id, $message = 'Notification!', $date = '')
    $date = $date == '' ? date('Y-m-d') : $date;
    $assignee = $user;
    $sql = "SELECT count( 0 ) AS count\n                                        FROM `pnotes`\n                                        WHERE deleted != '1'\n                                        AND date >= '" . add_escape_custom($date) . " 00:00:00'\n                                        AND date <= '" . add_escape_custom($date) . " 24:00:00'\n                                        AND assigned_to LIKE ?";
    $result_notification = sqlQuery($sql, array($assignee));
    $count_apt = 0;
    $appointments = fetchAppointments($date, $date, $patient_id = null, $provider_id, $facility_id = null);
    if ($appointments) {
        foreach ($appointments as $key => $appointment) {
    if ($result_notification || $appointments) {
        $count_msg = $result_notification['count'];
        $badge = $count_msg + $count_apt;
        $res = notification($device_token, intval($badge), $count_msg, $count_apt, $message);
        return $res ? $badge : false;
    } else {
        return false;
Example #6
$result = sqlQuery($strQuery);
if ($result) {
    $userId = $result['id'];
    $token = getToken($userId, $emr, $password, $device_token);
    $provider_id = $result['id'];
    $xml_array['status'] = 0;
    $xml_array['reason'] = 'User fetched.';
    $xml_array['token'] = $token;
    $xml_array['id'] = $result['id'];
    $xml_array['provider_id'] = $provider_id;
    $xml_array['firstname'] = $result['fname'];
    $xml_array['lastname'] = $result['lname'];
    $xml_array['greeting'] = '';
    $xml_array['title'] = $result['title'];
    if ($getdashboardinfo) {
        $appointments = fetchAppointments($date, $date, $patient_id = null, $provider_id, $facility_id = null);
        if ($appointments) {
            foreach ($appointments as $key => $appointment) {
                $xml_array["Appointmentlist"]["Appointment-{$key}"] = $appointment;
        } else {
            $xml_array["Appointmentlist"]['status'] = -1;
            $xml_array["Appointmentlist"]['reason'] = 'Appointment not found.';
         * Particular Date prescription 
        $strQuery = "SELECT * FROM prescriptions WHERE date_added = ? AND provider_id = ?";
        $result = sqlStatement($strQuery, array($date, $provider_id));
        if ($result->_numOfRows > 0) {
            $xml_array["Prescriptionlist"]['status'] = 0;
Example #7
    if ($form_orderby == "comment") {
        echo " style=\"color:#00cc00\"";
    xl('Comment', 'e');

		<!-- added for better print-ability -->
    $lastdocname = "";
    $appointments = fetchAppointments($from_date, $to_date, $patient, $provider, $facility);
    if ($show_available_times) {
        $availableSlots = getAvailableSlots($from_date, $to_date, $provider, $facility);
        $appointments = array_merge($appointments, $availableSlots);
    $appointments = sortAppointments($appointments, $form_orderby);
    $pid_list = array();
    // Initialize list of PIDs for Superbill option
    foreach ($appointments as $appointment) {
        array_push($pid_list, $appointment['pid']);
        $patient_id = $appointment['pid'];
        $docname = $appointment['ulname'] . ', ' . $appointment['ufname'] . ' ' . $appointment['umname'];
        $errmsg = "";

	<tr bgcolor='<?php 
     <!-- added for better print-ability -->
 $lastdocname = "";
 #Appointment Status Checking
 $form_apptstatus = $_POST['form_apptstatus'];
 $form_apptcat = null;
 if (isset($_POST['form_apptcat'])) {
     if ($form_apptcat != "ALL") {
         $form_apptcat = intval($_POST['form_apptcat']);
 #Without provider and facility data checking
 $with_out_provider = null;
 $with_out_facility = null;
 # get the appointments also set the trackerboard flag to true (last entry in the fetchAppointments call so we get the tracker stuff)
 $appointments = fetchAppointments($from_date, $to_date, $patient, $provider, $facility, $form_apptstatus, $with_out_provider, $with_out_facility, $form_apptcat, true);
 # sort the appointments by the appointment time
 $appointments = sortAppointments($appointments, $form_orderby);
 # $j is used to count the number of patients that match the selected criteria.
 $j = 0;
 foreach ($appointments as $appointment) {
     $patient_id = $appointment['pid'];
     $tracker_id = $appointment['pt_tracker_id'];
     $last_seq = $appointment['lastseq'];
     $docname = $appointment['ulname'] . ', ' . $appointment['ufname'] . ' ' . $appointment['umname'];
     # if there is a recurring appointment I just want the expanded entry.
     if ($appointment['pc_recurrtype'] == '1') {
     # only get items with a tracker id.
Example #9
        echo ">" . htmlspecialchars($row['title'], ENT_NOQUOTES) . "</option>\n";
    echo "   </select>\n";
    echo "   <br /><span class='bold'>Return to Play:</span><br>\n";
    echo "   <input type='text' size='10' name='form_userdate1' id='form_userdate1' " . "value='{$form_userdate1}' " . "title='" . htmlspecialchars(xl('yyyy-mm-dd Date of return to play'), ENT_QUOTES) . "' " . "onkeyup='datekeyup(this,mypcc)' onblur='dateblur(this,mypcc)' />\n" . "   <img src='../../pic/show_calendar.gif' align='absbottom' width='24' height='22' " . "id='img_userdate1' border='0' alt='[?]' style='cursor:pointer' " . "title='" . htmlspecialchars(xl('Click here to choose a date'), ENT_QUOTES) . "'>\n";
    echo "   <input type='hidden' name='form_original_userdate1' value='" . htmlspecialchars($form_userdate1, ENT_QUOTES) . "' />\n";
    echo "   <input type='hidden' name='form_issue_id' value='' />\n";
    echo "<p><input type='submit' name='form_submit' value='Change' /></p>\n";
    echo "   </form>\n";
// Show current and upcoming appointments.
if (isset($pid) && !$GLOBALS['disable_calendar']) {
    $current_date2 = date('Y-m-d');
    $events = array();
    $events = fetchAppointments($current_date2, null, $pid, null, null, null, null, null, null, false, true);
    $events = sortAppointments($events);
    if (acl_check('patients', 'med') && ($GLOBALS['enable_cdr'] && $GLOBALS['enable_cdr_crw'])) {
        // clinical summary expand collapse widget
        $widgetTitle = xl("Clinical Reminders");
        $widgetLabel = "clinical_reminders";
        $widgetButtonLabel = xl("Edit");
        $widgetButtonLink = "../reminder/clinical_reminders.php?patient_id=" . $pid;
        $widgetButtonClass = "";
        $linkMethod = "html";
        $bodyClass = "summary_item small";
        $widgetAuth = true;
        $fixedWidth = false;
        expand_collapse_widget($widgetTitle, $widgetLabel, $widgetButtonLabel, $widgetButtonLink, $widgetButtonClass, $linkMethod, $bodyClass, $widgetAuth, $fixedWidth);
    array_push($sqlBindArrayPaid, $selectedFromDate, $selectedToDate);
// if provider selected then append condition for provider
if (isset($selectedProvider) && !empty($selectedProvider)) {
    $providerID = $selectedProvider;
    $whereNewPatientConditions .= ' AND `OPE`.`pc_aid` = ?';
    array_push($sqlBindArrayNewPatient, $selectedProvider);
    $whereTotalVisitConditions .= ' AND `fc`.`provider_id` = ?';
    array_push($sqlBindArrayTotalVisit, $selectedProvider);
    $whereTotalPaymentConditions .= ' AND `fe`.`provider_id` = ?';
    array_push($sqlBindArrayTotalPayment, $selectedProvider);
    $wherePaidConditions .= ' AND `fe`.`provider_id` = ?';
    array_push($sqlBindArrayPaid, $selectedProvider);
// pass last parameter as Boolean,  which is getting the facility name in the resulted array
$totalAppointmentSql = fetchAppointments($from_date, $to_date, null, $providerID, $facilityID);
if (count($totalAppointmentSql) > 0) {
    // check if $totalAppointmentSql array has value
    foreach ($totalAppointmentSql as $appointment) {
        $eventDate = $appointment['pc_eventDate'];
        $facility = $appointment['name'];
        $providerName = $appointment['ufname'] . ' ' . $appointment['ulname'];
        // initialize each level of the data structure if it doesn't already exist
        if (!isset($totalAppointment[$eventDate])) {
            $totalAppointment[$eventDate] = [];
        if (!isset($totalAppointment[$eventDate][$facility])) {
            $totalAppointment[$eventDate][$facility] = [];
        if (!isset($totalAppointment[$eventDate][$facility][$providerName])) {
            $totalAppointment[$eventDate][$facility][$providerName] = [];
Example #11
function sendAllNotifications($device_token, $user, $provider_id, $message = 'Notification!', $date = '')
    global $db;
    $date = $date == '' ? date('Y-m-d') : $date;
    $assignee = $user;
    $sql = "SELECT count( 0 ) AS count\n                                        FROM `pnotes`\n                                        WHERE deleted != '1'\n                                        AND date >= '{$date} 00:00:00'\n                                        AND date <= '{$date} 24:00:00'\n                                        AND assigned_to LIKE '{$assignee}'";
    $result_notification = $db->get_row($sql);
    $count_apt = 0;
    $appointments = fetchAppointments($date, $date, $patient_id = null, $provider_id, $facility_id = null);
    if ($appointments) {
        foreach ($appointments as $key => $appointment) {
    if ($result_notification || $appointments) {
        $count_msg = $result_notification->count;
        $badge = $count_msg + $count_apt;
        //        echo $badge;exit;
        //        $message = str_replace("%apt%", $count_apt, $message);
        //        $message = str_replace("%msg%", $count_msg, $message);
        $res = notification($device_token, intval($badge), $count_msg, $count_apt, $message);
        return $res ? $badge : false;
    } else {
        return false;