  * @AfterScenario @datastore
  * @param AfterScenarioScope $scope
 public function dropDatastores($scope)
     $result = db_query("SELECT n.nid FROM {node} n WHERE n.type = :type", array(":type" => "resource"));
     foreach ($result as $n) {
         if (!empty($n->nid)) {
             $node = node_load($n->nid);
             $importer_ids = feeds_get_importer_ids($node->type);
             foreach ($importer_ids as $importer_id) {
                 $source = feeds_source($importer_id, $node->nid);
                 $table_name = feeds_flatstore_processor_table_name($source->id, $source->feed_nid);
                 $has_file = dkan_datastore_file_field($node);
                 $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', $node);
                 $status = $has_file ? DKAN_DATASTORE_FILE_EXISTS : DKAN_DATASTORE_EMPTY;
Example #2
    foreach ($pdf_file_array as $key => $row) {
        $csv_array_key = smv_sitecron_recursive_array_search($row[0], $csv_file_array);
        $pdf_file = $row[1];
        //check sync_status
        $sync_status = $csv_file_array[$csv_array_key][10];
        if ($sync_status == 1) {
            $pdf = smv_sitecron_move_to_active_folder($importer_id, $pdf_file, $vendor_no);
            $csv_file_array[$csv_array_key][9] = $pdf;
        } else {
            $exception_file = smv_sitecron_move_to_exception_folder($importer_id, $pdf_file);
            $csv_file_array[$csv_array_key][9] = $exception_file;
    //output to csv only if file details and file header is not empty
    if ($csv_file_array && $file_header) {
        $output_csv = smv_sitecron_output_csv($csv_file_array, $file_header, $destination, '/smprime_nonpo.csv');
* Feed import process
* Non PO feeds
$nonpo_feeds_file = smv_sitecron_folder_files_count($destination);
if ($nonpo_feeds_file > 2) {
    if (file_exists($destination . '/smprime_nonpo.csv')) {
        $source = feeds_source($importer_id);

// Run buildings feed importer.
while (FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE != feeds_source('feedname', 0)->import()) {
Example #4
  * @Given /^I re import feed item "([^"]*)"$/
 public function iReImportFeedItem($node)
     $nid = FeatureHelp::GetNodeId($node);
     $source = feeds_source('os_reader', $nid);
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {

// Set feed importer URL.
$source = feeds_source('feedname');
$source->addConfig(array('FeedsHTTPFetcher' => array('source' => 'http://example.com/feedurl')));
Example #6
  * Migrates the given type to a Feeds importer
  * @param $type
  *   Content-type machine name
 public function migrateType($type)
     // First attempt to retrieve an existing importer for this content type.
     // If it can be retrieved, assume that it is configured correctly.
     $importers = feeds_importer_load_all();
     foreach ($importers as $potential_importer) {
         if (!empty($potential_importer->config['content_type']) && $potential_importer->config['content_type'] === $type) {
             $importer = $potential_importer;
             if ($class = get_class($importer->processor)) {
                 $processor = array_search($class, $this->dictionary);
     // Otherwise, create a new importer from the legacy FeedAPI configuration.
     if (!isset($importer)) {
         if (!function_exists('feedapi_get_settings')) {
             module_load_include('inc', 'feedapi2feeds', 'feedapi2feeds.legacy');
         $settings = feedapi_get_settings($type);
         // 1) Create new importer and configure it
         // Generate a name for importer
         $importer_name = $type;
         $collision = TRUE;
         $i = 0;
         do {
             $importer = feeds_importer($importer_name);
             if (!ctools_export_load_object('feeds_importer', 'conditions', array('id' => $importer_name))) {
                 $collision = FALSE;
             } else {
                 $importer_name = $type . '_' . $i++;
         } while ($collision);
         // Enable given parsers, processors w/ configuration, Feeds do not support multi parser, processor
         if (!empty($settings)) {
             $parser = $this->getActive($settings, 'parsers');
             $processor = $this->getActive($settings, 'processors');
         if (empty($parser) || empty($processor)) {
             throw new Exception($type . ' content-type cannot migrated because there is no enabled parser or processor for it.');
         if (!isset($this->dictionary[$parser])) {
             throw new Exception($parser . ' parser is not supported by this migration script, skipping ' . $type);
         if (!isset($this->dictionary[$processor])) {
             throw new Exception($parser . ' processor is not supported by this migration script, skipping ' . $type);
         // Create the new importer
         $this->createImporter($importer_name, $type);
         $importer = feeds_importer_load($importer_name);
         if ($settings['upload_method'] == 'upload') {
         // Apply per-submodule settings
         foreach (array($parser, $processor) as $module) {
             $config_func = 'feedapi2feeds_configure_' . $module;
             if (method_exists($this, $config_func)) {
                 $ret = $this->{$config_func}($settings, $importer);
                 if (is_array($ret) && !empty($ret)) {
                     $this->default_mapping = $ret;
             } else {
                 $this->messages[] = t('The settings at @type for @submodule were not migrated.', array('@type' => $type, '@submodule' => $module));
         // Supporting FeedAPI Mapper 1.x style mappings, only per-content-type
         $custom_mapping = variable_get('feedapi_mapper_mapping_' . $type, array());
         if (!empty($custom_mapping) && is_array($custom_mapping)) {
             $sources = $importer->parser->getMappingSources();
             $targets = $importer->processor->getMappingTargets();
             foreach ($custom_mapping as $source => $target) {
                 $matched_source = $this->match($source, $sources);
                 $matched_target = $this->match($target, $targets);
                 if (!empty($matched_source) && !empty($matched_target)) {
                     $importer->processor->addMapping($matched_source, $matched_target, FALSE);
                 } else {
                     $this->messages[] = t('Failed to migrate this mapping (@type): @source - @target', array('@type' => $type, '@source' => $source, '@target' => $target));
         // See what's abandoned
         $count = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {feedapi_mapper} m LEFT JOIN {node} n on m.nid = n.nid WHERE n.type = '%s'", $type));
         if ($count > 0) {
             $this->messages[] = t('@num feed nodes were detected with custom mapping (@type), these mappings were skipped, you need to manually migrate them!', array('@type' => $type, '@num' => $count));
         // We have default mapping for these processors
         if ($processor == 'feedapi_node' || $processor == 'feedapi_fast') {
             foreach ($this->default_mapping as $mapping) {
                 $importer->processor->addMapping($mapping['source'], $mapping['target'], $mapping['unique']);
         // Attach importer to content-type, disable FeedAPI for that content-type
         $importer->addConfig(array('content_type' => $type));
         // Detach FeedAPI from that content-type
         variable_del('feedapi_settings_' . $type);
         variable_set('_backup_feedapi_settings_' . $type, $settings);
     // 2) Migrate feeds
     // Join on vid because of the revision support
     if (db_table_exists('feedapi')) {
         $result = db_query("SELECT f.url, f.nid FROM {feedapi} f LEFT JOIN {node} n on f.vid = n.vid WHERE n.type='%s'", $type);
         while ($feed = db_fetch_array($result)) {
             if (empty($feed['url'])) {
             $source = feeds_source($importer->id, $feed['nid']);
             $config = $source->getConfig();
             $config['source'] = $config[get_class($importer->fetcher)]['source'] = $feed['url'];
     // 3) Migrate items
     $item_func = 'feedapi2feeds_item_' . $processor;
     if (method_exists($this, $item_func)) {
         $this->{$item_func}($type, $importer);
Example #7
  * Importing nodes from a demo CSV.
  * @pram $import
  *  The file name(without .csv)
 public static function ImportCsv($type)
     global $base_url;
     $importers = array('blog' => 'os_blog_csv', 'news' => 'os_news', 'event' => 'os_ical', 'page' => 'os_pages', 'class' => 'os_classes', 'faq' => 'os_faq', 'presentation' => 'os_presentation', 'software_project' => 'os_software', 'person' => 'os_people', 'link' => 'os_links', 'media_gallery' => 'os_gallery');
     // Specify a specific encoding of importers files. This meant for testing the
     // import of files in various encodings.
     $encodes = array('blog' => 'WINDOWS-1255', 'news' => 'WINDOWS-1254');
     $ending = $type == 'event' ? 'ics' : 'csv';
     $url = $base_url . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'os_migrate_demo') . '/includes/import_csv/' . $type . '.' . $ending;
     // todo: Use system_retrieve_file().
     $file = system_retrieve_file($url, 'public://', TRUE);
     $source = feeds_source($importers[$type]);
     $fetcher_config = $source->getConfigFor($source->importer->fetcher);
     $fetcher_config['source'] = $file->uri;
     $fetcher_config['file'] = $file;
     // Add encoding for specific files.
     if (isset($encodes[$type])) {
         $fetcher_config['encode'] = $encodes[$type];
     $source->setConfigFor($source->importer->fetcher, $fetcher_config);
     feeds_source($importers[$type], 0)->import();