function char_rep() { global $output, $realm_id, $characters_db, $logon_db, $corem_db, $action_permission, $site_encoding, $user_lvl, $user_name, $sql, $core; require_once 'libs/fact_lib.php'; $reputation_rank = fact_get_reputation_rank_arr(); $reputation_rank_length = fact_get_reputation_rank_length(); if (empty($_GET["id"])) { error(lang("global", "empty_fields")); } // this is multi realm support, as of writing still under development // this page is already implementing it if (empty($_GET["realm"])) { $realmid = $realm_id; } else { $realmid = $sql["logon"]->quote_smart($_GET["realm"]); if (is_numeric($realmid)) { $sql["char"]->connect($characters_db[$realmid]['addr'], $characters_db[$realmid]['user'], $characters_db[$realmid]['pass'], $characters_db[$realmid]['name'], $characters_db[$realmid]["encoding"]); } else { $realmid = $realm_id; } } $id = $sql["char"]->quote_smart($_GET["id"]); if (!is_numeric($id)) { $id = 0; } if ($core == 1) { $result = $sql["char"]->query("SELECT acct, name, race, class, level, gender FROM characters WHERE guid='" . $id . "' LIMIT 1"); } else { $result = $sql["char"]->query("SELECT account AS acct, name, race, class, level, gender FROM characters WHERE guid='" . $id . "' LIMIT 1"); } if ($sql["char"]->num_rows($result)) { $char = $sql["char"]->fetch_assoc($result); // we get user permissions first $owner_acc_id = $sql["char"]->result($result, 0, 'acct'); if ($core == 1) { $result = $sql["logon"]->query("SELECT login FROM accounts WHERE acct='" . $char["acct"] . "'"); } else { $result = $sql["logon"]->query("SELECT username AS login FROM account WHERE id='" . $char["acct"] . "'"); } $owner_name = $sql["logon"]->result($result, 0, 'login'); $s_query = "SELECT *, SecurityLevel AS gm FROM config_accounts WHERE Login='******'"; $s_result = $sql["mgr"]->query($s_query); $s_fields = $sql["mgr"]->fetch_assoc($s_result); $owner_gmlvl = $s_fields["gm"]; $view_mod = $s_fields["View_Mod_Rep"]; if ($owner_gmlvl >= 1073741824) { $owner_gmlvl -= 1073741824; } // owner configured overrides $view_override = false; if ($view_mod > 0) { if ($view_mod == 1) { } elseif ($view_mod == 2) { // only registered users may view this page if ($user_lvl > -1) { $view_override = true; } } } // visibility overrides for specific tabs $view_inv_override = false; if ($s_fields["View_Mod_Inv"] > 0) { if ($s_fields["View_Mod_Inv"] == 1) { } elseif ($s_fields["View_Mod_Inv"] == 2) { // only registered users may view this tab if ($user_lvl > -1) { $view_inv_override = true; } } } else { if ($user_lvl > $owner_gmlvl || $owner_name === $user_name || $user_lvl == $action_permission["delete"]) { $view_inv_override = true; } } $view_talent_override = false; if ($s_fields["View_Mod_Talent"] > 0) { if ($s_fields["View_Mod_Talent"] == 1) { } elseif ($s_fields["View_Mod_Talent"] == 2) { // only registered users may view this tab if ($user_lvl > -1) { $view_talent_override = true; } } } else { if ($user_lvl > $owner_gmlvl || $owner_name === $user_name || $user_lvl == $action_permission["delete"]) { $view_talent_override = true; } } $view_achieve_override = false; if ($s_fields["View_Mod_Achieve"] > 0) { if ($s_fields["View_Mod_Achieve"] == 1) { } elseif ($s_fields["View_Mod_Achieve"] == 2) { // only registered users may view this tab if ($user_lvl > -1) { $view_achieve_override = true; } } } else { if ($user_lvl > $owner_gmlvl || $owner_name === $user_name || $user_lvl == $action_permission["delete"]) { $view_achieve_override = true; } } $view_quest_override = false; if ($s_fields["View_Mod_Quest"] > 0) { if ($s_fields["View_Mod_Quest"] == 1) { } elseif ($s_fields["View_Mod_Quest"] == 2) { // only registered users may view this tab if ($user_lvl > -1) { $view_quest_override = true; } } } else { if ($user_lvl > $owner_gmlvl || $owner_name === $user_name || $user_lvl == $action_permission["delete"]) { $view_quest_override = true; } } $view_friends_override = false; if ($s_fields["View_Mod_Friends"] > 0) { if ($s_fields["View_Mod_Friends"] == 1) { } elseif ($s_fields["View_Mod_Friends"] == 2) { // only registered users may view this tab if ($user_lvl > -1) { $view_friends_override = true; } } } else { if ($user_lvl > $owner_gmlvl || $owner_name === $user_name || $user_lvl == $action_permission["delete"]) { $view_friends_override = true; } } $view_view_override = false; if ($s_fields["View_Mod_View"] > 0) { if ($s_fields["View_Mod_View"] == 1) { } elseif ($s_fields["View_Mod_View"] == 2) { // only registered users may view this tab if ($user_lvl > -1) { $view_view_override = true; } } } else { if ($user_lvl > $owner_gmlvl || $owner_name === $user_name || $user_lvl == $action_permission["delete"]) { $view_view_override = true; } } $view_pets_override = false; if ($s_fields["View_Mod_Pets"] > 0) { if ($s_fields["View_Mod_Pets"] == 1) { } elseif ($s_fields["View_Mod_Pets"] == 2) { // only registered users may view this tab if ($user_lvl > -1) { $view_pets_override = true; } } } else { if ($user_lvl > $owner_gmlvl || $owner_name === $user_name || $user_lvl == $action_permission["delete"]) { $view_pets_override = true; } } $view_skill_override = false; if ($s_fields["View_Mod_Skill"] > 0) { if ($s_fields["View_Mod_Skill"] == 1) { } elseif ($s_fields["View_Mod_Skill"] == 2) { // only registered users may view this tab if ($user_lvl > -1) { $view_skill_override = true; } } } else { if ($user_lvl > $owner_gmlvl || $owner_name === $user_name || $user_lvl == $action_permission["delete"]) { $view_skill_override = true; } } $view_pvp_override = false; if ($s_fields["View_Mod_PvP"] > 0) { if ($s_fields["View_Mod_PvP"] == 1) { } elseif ($s_fields["View_Mod_PvP"] == 2) { // only registered users may view this tab if ($user_lvl > -1) { $view_pvp_override = true; } } } else { if ($user_lvl > $owner_gmlvl || $owner_name === $user_name || $user_lvl == $action_permission["delete"]) { $view_pvp_override = true; } } if ($view_override || $user_lvl > $owner_gmlvl || $owner_name === $user_name || $user_lvl == $action_permission["delete"]) { if ($core == 1) { $result = $sql["char"]->query("SELECT faction, standing FROM playerreputations WHERE guid='" . $id . "'"); $factions = array(); $faction_ranks = array(); while ($fact = $sql["char"]->fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($factions, $fact["faction"]); array_push($faction_ranks, $fact["standing"]); } /*$result = $result["reputation"]; $result = substr($result, 0, strlen($result) - 1); $result = explode(",", $result); $factions = array(); $faction_ranks = array(); $pick = 0; foreach ( $result as $t ) { switch ( $pick ) { case 0: { array_push($factions, $t); $pick = 1; break; } case 1: { // we skip this one $pick = 2; break; } case 2: { // we skip this one $pick = 3; break; } case 3: { array_push($faction_ranks, $t); $pick = 0; break; } } }*/ } else { $result = $sql["char"]->query("SELECT faction, standing FROM character_reputation WHERE guid='" . $id . "' AND (flags & 1 = 1)"); $factions = array(); $faction_ranks = array(); while ($fact = $sql["char"]->fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($factions, $fact["faction"]); array_push($faction_ranks, $fact["standing"]); } } $output .= ' <div class="tab"> <ul> <li class="selected"><a href="char.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . lang("char", "char_sheet") . '</a></li>'; if ($view_inv_override) { $output .= ' <li><a href="char_inv.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . lang("char", "inventory") . '</a></li>'; } if ($view_talent_override) { $output .= ' ' . ($char["level"] < 10 ? '' : '<li><a href="char_talent.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . lang("char", "talents") . '</a></li>') . ''; } if ($view_achieve_override) { $output .= ' <li><a href="char_achieve.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . lang("char", "achievements") . '</a></li>'; } if ($view_quest_override) { $output .= ' <li><a href="char_quest.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . lang("char", "quests") . '</a></li>'; } if ($view_friends_override) { $output .= ' <li><a href="char_friends.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . lang("char", "friends") . '</a></li>'; } if ($view_view_override) { $output .= ' <li><a href="char_view.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . lang("char", "view") . '</a></li>'; } $output .= ' </ul> </div> <div class="tab_content center"> <div class="tab"> <ul> <li><a href="char.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . lang("char", "char_sheet") . '</a></li>'; if (char_get_class_name($char["class"]) == "Hunter" && $view_pets_override) { $output .= ' <li><a href="char_pets.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . lang("char", "pets") . '</a></li>'; } $output .= ' <li class="selected"><a href="char_rep.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . lang("char", "reputation") . '</a></li>'; if ($view_skill_override) { $output .= ' <li><a href="char_skill.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . lang("char", "skills") . '</a></li>'; } if ($view_pvp_override) { $output .= ' <li><a href="char_pvp.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . lang("char", "pvp") . '</a></li>'; } if ($owner_name == $user_name || $user_lvl >= get_page_permission("insert", "char_mail.php")) { $output .= ' <li><a href="char_mail.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . lang("char", "mail") . '</a></li>'; } $output .= ' </ul> </div> <div class="tab_content2 center center_text"> <span class="bold"> ' . htmlentities($char["name"], ENT_COMPAT, $site_encoding) . ' - <img src="img/c_icons/' . $char["race"] . '-' . $char["gender"] . '.gif" onmousemove="oldtoolTip(\'' . char_get_race_name($char["race"]) . '\', \'old_item_tooltip\')" onmouseout="oldtoolTip()" alt="" /> <img src="img/c_icons/' . $char["class"] . '.gif" onmousemove="oldtoolTip(\'' . char_get_class_name($char["class"]) . '\', \'old_item_tooltip\')" onmouseout="oldtoolTip()" alt="" /> - ' . lang("char", "level_short") . char_get_level_color($char["level"]) . ' </span> <br /> <br />'; $temp_out = array(1 => array(' <table class="lined" id="ch_rep_rep_alliance"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi1" onclick="expand(\'i1\', this, \'Alliance\')">[-] ' . lang("char", "rep_alliance") . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i1" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 2 => array(' <table class="lined" id="ch_rep_rep_horde"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi2" onclick="expand(\'i2\', this, \'Horde\')">[-] ' . lang("char", "rep_horde") . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i2" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 3 => array(' <table class="lined" id="ch_rep_rep_alliance_forces"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi3" onclick="expand(\'i3\', this, \'Alliance Forces\')">[-] ' . lang("char", "rep_alliance_forces") . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i3" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 4 => array(' <table class="lined" id="ch_rep_rep_horde_forces"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi4" onclick="expand(\'i4\', this, \'Horde Forces\')">[-] ' . lang("char", "rep_horde_forces") . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i4" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 5 => array(' <table class="lined" id="ch_rep_rep_steamwheedle_cartel"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi5" onclick="expand(\'i5\', this, \'Steamwheedle Cartels\')">[-] ' . lang("char", "rep_steamwheedle_cartel") . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i5" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 6 => array(' <table class="lined" id="ch_rep_rep_the_burning_crusade"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi6" onclick="expand(\'i6\', this, \'The Burning Crusade\')">[-] ' . lang("char", "rep_the_burning_crusade") . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i6" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 7 => array(' <table class="lined" id="ch_rep_rep_shattrath_city"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi7" onclick="expand(\'i7\', this, \'Shattrath City\')">[-] ' . lang("char", "rep_shattrath_city") . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i7" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 8 => array(' <table class="lined" id="ch_rep_rep_alliance_vanguard"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi8" onclick="expand(\'i8\', this, \'Alliance Vanguard\')">[-] ' . lang("char", "rep_alliance_vanguard") . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i8" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 9 => array(' <table class="lined" id="ch_rep_rep_horde_expedition"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi9" onclick="expand(\'i9\', this, \'Horde Expedition \')">[-] ' . lang("char", "rep_horde_expedition") . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i9" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 10 => array(' <table class="lined" id="ch_rep_rep_sholazar_basin"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi10" onclick="expand(\'i10\', this, \'Sholazar Basin\')">[-] ' . lang("char", "rep_sholazar_basin") . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i10" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 11 => array(' <table class="lined" id="ch_rep_rep_wrath_of_the_lich_king"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi11" onclick="expand(\'i11\', this, \'Wrath of the Lich King\')">[-] ' . lang("char", "rep_wrath_of_the_lich_king") . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i11" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 12 => array(' <table class="lined" id="ch_rep_rep_other"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi12" onclick="expand(\'i12\', this, \'Other\')">[-] ' . lang("char", "rep_other") . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i12" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 0 => array(' <table class="lined" id="ch_rep_rep_unknown"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi13" onclick="expand(\'i13\', this, \'Unknown\')">[-] ' . lang("char", "rep_unknown") . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i13" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0)); if (count($factions) > 1) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($factions); $i++) { $faction = $factions[$i]; $standing = $faction_ranks[$i]; $rep_rank = fact_get_reputation_rank($faction, $standing, $char["race"]); $rep_rank_name = $reputation_rank[$rep_rank]; $rep_cap = $reputation_rank_length[$rep_rank]; $rep = fact_get_reputation_at_rank($faction, $standing, $char["race"]); $faction_name = fact_get_faction_name($faction); $ft = fact_get_faction_tree($faction); // not show alliance rep for horde and vice versa: if (1 << $char["race"] - 1 & 690 && ($ft == 1 || $ft == 3) || 1 << $char["race"] - 1 & 1101 && ($ft == 2 || $ft == 4)) { } else { // this_is_junk: style left hardcoded because it's calculated. $temp_out[$ft][0] .= ' <tr> <td style="width: 30%;" align="left">' . $faction_name . '</td> <td style="width: 55%;" valign="top"> <div class="faction-bar"> <div class="rep' . $rep_rank . '"> <span class="rep-data">' . $rep . '/' . $rep_cap . '</span> <div class="bar-color" style="width:' . 100 * $rep / $rep_cap . '%"></div> </div> </div> </td> <td style="width: 15%;" align="left" class="rep' . $rep_rank . '">' . $rep_rank_name . '</td> </tr>'; $temp_out[$ft][1] = 1; } } } else { $output .= ' <tr> <td colspan="2"><br /><br />' . lang("global", "err_no_records_found") . '<br /><br /></td> </tr>'; } foreach ($temp_out as $out) { if ($out[1]) { $output .= $out[0] . ' </table> </td> </tr> </table>'; } } $output .= ' <br /> </div> <br /> </div> <br /> <table class="hidden center"> <tr> <td>'; // button to user account page, user account page has own security makebutton(lang("char", "chars_acc"), 'user.php?action=edit_user&id=' . $owner_acc_id . '', 130); $output .= ' </td> <td>'; // only higher level GM with delete access can edit character // character edit allows removal of character items, so delete permission is needed if ($user_lvl > $owner_gmlvl && $user_lvl >= $action_permission["delete"]) { //makebutton($lang_char["edit_button"], 'char_edit.php?id='.$id.'&realm='.$realmid.'', 130); $output .= ' </td> <td>'; } // only higher level GM with delete access, or character owner can delete character if ($user_lvl > $owner_gmlvl && $user_lvl >= $action_permission["delete"] || $owner_name === $user_name) { makebutton(lang("char", "del_char"), 'char_list.php?action=del_char_form&check%5B%5D=' . $id . '" type="wrn', 130); $output .= ' </td> <td>'; } // only GM with update permission can send mail, mail can send items, so update permission is needed if ($user_lvl >= $action_permission["update"]) { makebutton(lang("char", "send_mail"), 'mail.php?type=ingame_mail&to=' . $char["name"] . '', 130); $output .= ' </td> <td>'; } makebutton(lang("global", "back"), 'javascript:window.history.back()" type="def', 130); $output .= ' </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <!-- end of char_achieve.php -->'; } else { error(lang("char", "no_permission")); } } else { error(lang("char", "no_char_found")); } }
function char_rep(&$sqlr, &$sqlc) { global $output, $lang_global, $lang_char, $realm_id, $characters_db, $mmfpm_db, $action_permission, $user_lvl, $user_name; require_once 'libs/fact_lib.php'; $reputation_rank = fact_get_reputation_rank_arr(); $reputation_rank_length = fact_get_reputation_rank_length(); if (empty($_GET['id'])) { error($lang_global['empty_fields']); } // this is multi realm support, as of writing still under development // this page is already implementing it if (empty($_GET['realm'])) { $realmid = $realm_id; } else { $realmid = $sqlr->quote_smart($_GET['realm']); if (is_numeric($realmid)) { $sqlc->connect($characters_db[$realmid]['addr'], $characters_db[$realmid]['user'], $characters_db[$realmid]['pass'], $characters_db[$realmid]['name']); } else { $realmid = $realm_id; } } $id = $sqlc->quote_smart($_GET['id']); if (is_numeric($id)) { } else { $id = 0; } $result = $sqlc->query('SELECT account, name, race, class, level, gender FROM characters WHERE guid = ' . $id . ' LIMIT 1'); if ($sqlc->num_rows($result)) { $char = $sqlc->fetch_assoc($result); // we get user permissions first $owner_acc_id = $sqlc->result($result, 0, 'account'); $result = $sqlr->query('SELECT gmlevel, username FROM account WHERE id = ' . $char['account'] . ''); $owner_gmlvl = $sqlr->result($result, 0, 'gmlevel'); $owner_name = $sqlr->result($result, 0, 'username'); if ($user_lvl > $owner_gmlvl || $owner_name === $user_name) { $result = $sqlc->query('SELECT faction, standing FROM character_reputation WHERE guid = ' . $id . ' AND (flags & 1 = 1)'); $output .= ' <center> <div id="tab_content"> <div id="tab"> <ul> <li><a href="char.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . $lang_char['char_sheet'] . '</a></li> <li><a href="char_inv.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . $lang_char['inventory'] . '</a></li> <li><a href="char_extra.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . $lang_char['extra'] . '</a></li> ' . ($char['level'] < 10 ? '' : '<li><a href="char_talent.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . $lang_char['talents'] . '</a></li>') . ' <li><a href="char_achieve.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . $lang_char['achievements'] . '</a></li> <li><a href="char_skill.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . $lang_char['skills'] . '</a></li> <li><a href="char_quest.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . $lang_char['quests'] . '</a></li>'; if (char_get_class_name($char['class']) === 'Hunter') { $output .= ' <li><a href="char_pets.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . $lang_char['pets'] . '</a></li>'; } $output .= ' <li><a href="char_friends.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . $lang_char['friends'] . '</a></li> <li><a href="char_spell.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . $lang_char['spells'] . '</a></li> <li><a href="char_mail.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . $lang_char['mail'] . '</a></li> </ul> <ul>'; // selected char tab at last $output .= ' <li id="selected"><a href="char_rep.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '">' . $lang_char['reputation'] . '</a></li>'; $output .= ' </ul> </div> <div id="tab_content2"> <font class="bold"> ' . htmlentities($char['name']) . ' - <img src="img/c_icons/' . $char['race'] . '-' . $char['gender'] . '.gif" onmousemove="toolTip(\'' . char_get_race_name($char['race']) . '\', \'item_tooltip\')" onmouseout="toolTip()" alt="" /> <img src="img/c_icons/' . $char['class'] . '.gif" onmousemove="toolTip(\'' . char_get_class_name($char['class']) . '\',\'item_tooltip\')" onmouseout="toolTip()" alt="" /> - lvl ' . char_get_level_color($char['level']) . ' </font> <br /><br />'; $temp_out = array(1 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi1" onclick="expand(\'i1\', this, \'Alliance\')">[-] Alliance</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i1" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 2 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi2" onclick="expand(\'i2\', this, \'Horde\')">[-] Horde</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i2" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 3 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi3" onclick="expand(\'i3\', this, \'Alliance Forces\')">[-] Alliance Forces</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i3" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 4 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi4" onclick="expand(\'i4\', this, \'Horde Forces\')">[-] Horde Forces</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i4" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 5 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi5" onclick="expand(\'i5\', this, \'Steamwheedle Cartels\')">[-] Steamwheedle Cartel</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i5" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 6 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi6" onclick="expand(\'i6\', this, \'The Burning Crusade\')">[-] The Burning Crusade</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i6" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 7 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi7" onclick="expand(\'i7\', this, \'Shattrath City\')">[-] Shattrath City</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i7" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 8 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi8" onclick="expand(\'i8\', this, \'Alliance Vanguard\')">[-] Alliance Vanguard</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i8" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 9 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi9" onclick="expand(\'i9\', this, \'Horde Expedition \')">[-] Horde Expedition </div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i9" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 10 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi10" onclick="expand(\'i10\', this, \'Sholazar Basin\')">[-] Sholazar Basin</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i10" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 11 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi11" onclick="expand(\'i11\', this, \'Wrath of the Lich King\')">[-] Wrath of the Lich King</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i11" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 12 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi12" onclick="expand(\'i12\', this, \'Other\')">[-] Other</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i12" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 0 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi13" onclick="expand(\'i13\', this, \'Unknown\')">[-] Unknown</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i13" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0)); $sqlm = new SQL(); $sqlm->connect($mmfpm_db['addr'], $mmfpm_db['user'], $mmfpm_db['pass'], $mmfpm_db['name']); if ($sqlc->num_rows($result)) { while ($fact = $sqlc->fetch_assoc($result)) { $faction = $fact['faction']; $standing = $fact['standing']; $rep_rank = fact_get_reputation_rank($faction, $standing, $char['race'], $sqlm); $rep_rank_name = $reputation_rank[$rep_rank]; $rep_cap = $reputation_rank_length[$rep_rank]; $rep = fact_get_reputation_at_rank($faction, $standing, $char['race'], $sqlm); $faction_name = fact_get_faction_name($faction, $sqlm); $ft = fact_get_faction_tree($faction); // not show alliance rep for horde and vice versa: if (1 << $char['race'] - 1 & 690 && ($ft == 1 || $ft == 3) || 1 << $char['race'] - 1 & 1101 && ($ft == 2 || $ft == 4)) { } else { $temp_out[$ft][0] .= ' <tr> <td width="30%" align="left">' . $faction_name . '</td> <td width="55%" valign="top"> <div class="faction-bar"> <div class="rep' . $rep_rank . '"> <span class="rep-data">' . $rep . '/' . $rep_cap . '</span> <div class="bar-color" style="width:' . 100 * $rep / $rep_cap . '%"></div> </div> </div> </td> <td width="15%" align="left" class="rep' . $rep_rank . '">' . $rep_rank_name . '</td> </tr>'; $temp_out[$ft][1] = 1; } } } else { $output .= ' <tr> <td colspan="2"><br /><br />' . $lang_global['err_no_records_found'] . '<br /><br /></td> </tr>'; } foreach ($temp_out as $out) { if ($out[1]) { $output .= $out[0] . ' </table> </td> </tr> </table>'; } } $output .= ' <br /> </div> <br /> </div> <br /> <table class="hidden"> <tr> <td>'; // button to user account page, user account page has own security makebutton($lang_char['chars_acc'], 'user.php?action=edit_user&id=' . $owner_acc_id . '', 130); $output .= ' </td> <td>'; // only higher level GM with delete access can edit character // character edit allows removal of character items, so delete permission is needed if ($user_lvl > $owner_gmlvl && $user_lvl >= $action_permission['delete']) { makebutton($lang_char['edit_button'], 'char_edit.php?id=' . $id . '&realm=' . $realmid . '', 130); $output .= ' </td> <td>'; } // only higher level GM with delete access, or character owner can delete character if ($user_lvl > $owner_gmlvl && $user_lvl >= $action_permission['delete'] || $owner_name === $user_name) { makebutton($lang_char['del_char'], 'char_list.php?action=del_char_form&check%5B%5D=' . $id . '" type="wrn', 130); $output .= ' </td> <td>'; } // only GM with update permission can send mail, mail can send items, so update permission is needed if ($user_lvl >= $action_permission['update']) { makebutton($lang_char['send_mail'], 'mail.php?type=ingame_mail&to=' . $char['name'] . '', 130); $output .= ' </td> <td>'; } makebutton($lang_global['back'], 'javascript:window.history.back()" type="def', 130); $output .= ' </td> </tr> </table> <br /> </center> <!-- end of char_achieve.php -->'; } else { error($lang_char['no_permission']); } } else { error($lang_char['no_char_found']); } }
function char_rep(&$sqlr, &$sqlc) { global $output, $lang_global, $lang_char, $realm_id, $characters_db, $mmfpm_db, $action_permission, $user_lvl, $user_name; require_once 'libs/fact_lib.php'; $reputation_rank = fact_get_reputation_rank_arr(); $reputation_rank_length = fact_get_reputation_rank_length(); require_once 'core/char/char_security.php'; $result = $sqlc->query('SELECT account, name, race, class, level, gender FROM characters WHERE guid = ' . $id . ' LIMIT 1'); if ($sqlc->num_rows($result)) { $char = $sqlc->fetch_assoc($result); // we get user permissions first $owner_acc_id = $sqlc->result($result, 0, 'account'); $result = $sqlr->query('SELECT `username`, `gmlevel` FROM `account` LEFT JOIN `account_access` ON `account`.`id`=`account_access`.`id` WHERE `account`.`id` = ' . $owner_acc_id . ' ORDER BY `gmlevel` DESC LIMIT 1'); $owner_name = $sqlr->result($result, 0, 'username'); $owner_gmlvl = $sqlr->result($result, 0, 'gmlevel'); if (empty($owner_gmlvl)) { $owner_gmlvl = 0; } if ($user_lvl > $owner_gmlvl || $owner_name === $user_name) { $result = $sqlc->query('SELECT faction, standing FROM character_reputation WHERE guid = ' . $id . ' AND (flags & 1 = 1)'); $output .= ' <center> <div id="tab_content"> <h1>' . $lang_char['reputation'] . '</h1> <br />'; require_once 'core/char/char_header.php'; $output .= ' <br /><br />'; $temp_out = array(1 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi1" onclick="expand(\'i1\', this, \'Alliance\')">[-] ' . $lang_char['Alliance'] . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i1" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 2 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi2" onclick="expand(\'i2\', this, \'Horde\')">[-] ' . $lang_char['Horde'] . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i2" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 3 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi3" onclick="expand(\'i3\', this, \'Alliance Forces\')">[-] ' . $lang_char['Alliance Forces'] . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i3" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 4 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi4" onclick="expand(\'i4\', this, \'Horde Forces\')">[-] ' . $lang_char['Horde Forces'] . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i4" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 5 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi5" onclick="expand(\'i5\', this, \'Steamwheedle Cartels\')">[-] ' . $lang_char['Steamwheedle Cartel'] . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i5" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 6 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi6" onclick="expand(\'i6\', this, \'The Burning Crusade\')">[-] ' . $lang_char['The Burning Crusade'] . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i6" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 7 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi7" onclick="expand(\'i7\', this, \'Shattrath City\')">[-] ' . $lang_char['Shattrath City'] . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i7" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 8 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi8" onclick="expand(\'i8\', this, \'Alliance Vanguard\')">[-] ' . $lang_char['Alliance Vanguard'] . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i8" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 9 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi9" onclick="expand(\'i9\', this, \'Horde Expedition \')">[-] ' . $lang_char['Horde Expedition'] . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i9" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 10 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi10" onclick="expand(\'i10\', this, \'Sholazar Basin\')">[-] ' . $lang_char['Sholazar Basin'] . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i10" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 11 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi11" onclick="expand(\'i11\', this, \'Wrath of the Lich King\')">[-] ' . $lang_char['Wrath of the Lich King'] . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i11" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 12 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi12" onclick="expand(\'i12\', this, \'Other\')">[-] ' . $lang_char['Other'] . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i12" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 0 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi13" onclick="expand(\'i13\', this, \'Unknown\')">[-] ' . $lang_char['Unknown'] . '</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i13" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0)); $sqlm = new SQL(); $sqlm->connect($mmfpm_db['addr'], $mmfpm_db['user'], $mmfpm_db['pass'], $mmfpm_db['name']); if ($sqlc->num_rows($result)) { while ($fact = $sqlc->fetch_assoc($result)) { $faction = $fact['faction']; $standing = $fact['standing']; $rep_rank = fact_get_reputation_rank($faction, $standing, $char['race'], $sqlm); $rep_rank_name = $reputation_rank[$rep_rank]; $rep_cap = $reputation_rank_length[$rep_rank]; $rep = fact_get_reputation_at_rank($faction, $standing, $char['race'], $sqlm); $faction_name = fact_get_faction_name($faction, $sqlm); $ft = fact_get_faction_tree($faction); // not show alliance rep for horde and vice versa: if (1 << $char['race'] - 1 & 690 && ($ft == 1 || $ft == 3) || 1 << $char['race'] - 1 & 1101 && ($ft == 2 || $ft == 4)) { } else { $temp_out[$ft][0] .= ' <tr> <td width="30%" align="left">' . $faction_name . '</td> <td width="55%" valign="top"> <div class="faction-bar"> <div class="rep' . $rep_rank . '"> <span class="rep-data">' . $rep . '/' . $rep_cap . '</span> <div class="bar-color" style="width:' . 100 * $rep / $rep_cap . '%"></div> </div> </div> </td> <td width="15%" align="left" class="rep' . $rep_rank . '">' . $rep_rank_name . '</td> </tr>'; $temp_out[$ft][1] = 1; } } } else { $output .= ' <tr> <td colspan="2"><br /><br />' . $lang_global['err_no_records_found'] . '<br /><br /></td> </tr>'; } foreach ($temp_out as $out) { if ($out[1]) { $output .= $out[0] . ' </table> </td> </tr> </table>'; } } $output .= ' <br /> </div> <br /> </div> <br />'; require_once 'core/char/char_footer.php'; $output .= ' <br /> </center> <!-- end of char_achieve.php -->'; } else { error($lang_char['no_permission']); } } else { error($lang_char['no_char_found']); } }
function fact_reputation_at_to_rank($standing, $type) { $reputation_rank = fact_get_reputation_rank_arr(); $reputation_rank_length = fact_get_reputation_rank_length(); $reputation_cap = 42999; $reputation_bottom = -42000; $MIN_REPUTATION_RANK = 0; $MAX_REPUTATION_RANK = 8; $limit = $reputation_cap; for ($i = $MAX_REPUTATION_RANK - 1; $i >= $MIN_REPUTATION_RANK; --$i) { $limit -= $reputation_rank_length[$i]; if ($standing >= $limit) { return $type ? $standing - $limit : $i; } } return $type ? 0 : $MIN_REPUTATION_RANK; }
function char_rep(&$sqlr, &$sqlc) { global $output, $lang_global, $lang_char, $realm_id, $characters_db, $mmfpm_db, $action_permission, $user_lvl, $user_name; require_once 'libs/fact_lib.php'; $reputation_rank = fact_get_reputation_rank_arr(); $reputation_rank_length = fact_get_reputation_rank_length(); //==========================$_GET and SECURE================================= // id and multi realm security to prevent sql injection require_once './include/char/include/char_multi_realm_security.php'; //==========================$_GET and SECURE end============================= // getting character data from database $result = $sqlc->query(' SELECT account, name, race, class, gender, level FROM characters WHERE guid = ' . $id . ' LIMIT 1'); // no point going further if character does not exist if ($sqlc->num_rows($result)) { $char = $sqlc->fetch_assoc($result); // we get user permissions first $owner_acc_id = $sqlc->result($result, 0, 'account'); $result = $sqlr->query(' SELECT gmlevel, username FROM account WHERE id = ' . $char['account'] . ''); $owner_gmlvl = $sqlr->result($result, 0, 'gmlevel'); $owner_name = $sqlr->result($result, 0, 'username'); // check user permission if ($user_lvl > $owner_gmlvl || $owner_name === $user_name) { // character sub header $output .= ' <center> <div id="tab_content"> <h1>' . $lang_char['reputation'] . '</h1> <br />'; // character menu tab require_once './include/char/include/char_header.php'; // character info require_once './include/char/include/char_info.php'; //---------------Page Specific Data Starts Here-------------------------- $result = $sqlc->query(' SELECT faction, standing FROM character_reputation WHERE guid = ' . $id . ' AND (flags & 1 = 1)'); $output .= ' <div id="tab_content2">'; $temp_out = array(1 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi1" onclick="expand(\'i1\', this, \'Alliance\')">[-] Alliance</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i1" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 2 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi2" onclick="expand(\'i2\', this, \'Horde\')">[-] Horde</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i2" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 3 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi3" onclick="expand(\'i3\', this, \'Alliance Forces\')">[-] Alliance Forces</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i3" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 4 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi4" onclick="expand(\'i4\', this, \'Horde Forces\')">[-] Horde Forces</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i4" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 5 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi5" onclick="expand(\'i5\', this, \'Steamwheedle Cartels\')">[-] Steamwheedle Cartel</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i5" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 6 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi6" onclick="expand(\'i6\', this, \'The Burning Crusade\')">[-] The Burning Crusade</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i6" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 7 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi7" onclick="expand(\'i7\', this, \'Shattrath City\')">[-] Shattrath City</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i7" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 8 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi8" onclick="expand(\'i8\', this, \'Alliance Vanguard\')">[-] Alliance Vanguard</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i8" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 9 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi9" onclick="expand(\'i9\', this, \'Horde Expedition \')">[-] Horde Expedition </div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i9" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 10 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi10" onclick="expand(\'i10\', this, \'Sholazar Basin\')">[-] Sholazar Basin</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i10" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 11 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi11" onclick="expand(\'i11\', this, \'Wrath of the Lich King\')">[-] Wrath of the Lich King</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i11" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 12 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi12" onclick="expand(\'i12\', this, \'Other\')">[-] Other</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i12" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0), 0 => array(' <table class="lined" style="width: 550px;"> <tr> <th colspan="3" align="left"> <div id="divi13" onclick="expand(\'i13\', this, \'Unknown\')">[-] Unknown</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="i13" class="lined" style="width: 535px; display: table;">', 0)); $sqlm = new SQL(); $sqlm->connect($mmfpm_db['addr'], $mmfpm_db['user'], $mmfpm_db['pass'], $mmfpm_db['name']); if ($sqlc->num_rows($result)) { while ($fact = $sqlc->fetch_assoc($result)) { $faction = $fact['faction']; $standing = $fact['standing']; $rep_rank = fact_get_reputation_rank($faction, $standing, $char['race'], $sqlm); $rep_rank_name = $reputation_rank[$rep_rank]; $rep_cap = $reputation_rank_length[$rep_rank]; $rep = fact_get_reputation_at_rank($faction, $standing, $char['race'], $sqlm); $faction_name = fact_get_faction_name($faction, $sqlm); $ft = fact_get_faction_tree($faction); // not show alliance rep for horde and vice versa: if (1 << $char['race'] - 1 & 690 && ($ft == 1 || $ft == 3) || 1 << $char['race'] - 1 & 1101 && ($ft == 2 || $ft == 4)) { } else { $temp_out[$ft][0] .= ' <tr> <td width="30%" align="left">' . $faction_name . '</td> <td width="55%" valign="top"> <div class="faction-bar"> <div class="rep' . $rep_rank . '"> <span class="rep-data">' . $rep . '/' . $rep_cap . '</span> <div class="bar-color" style="width:' . 100 * $rep / $rep_cap . '%"></div> </div> </div> </td> <td width="15%" align="left" class="rep' . $rep_rank . '">' . $rep_rank_name . '</td> </tr>'; $temp_out[$ft][1] = 1; } } } else { $output .= ' <tr> <td colspan="2"><br /><br />' . $lang_global['err_no_records_found'] . '<br /><br /></td> </tr>'; } foreach ($temp_out as $out) { if ($out[1]) { $output .= $out[0] . ' </table> </td> </tr> </table>'; } } $output .= ' </div> </div> <br />'; //---------------Page Specific Data Ends here---------------------------- // character sub footer require_once './include/char/include/char_ footer.php'; $output .= ' <br /> </center>'; } else { error($lang_char['no_permission']); } } else { error($lang_char['no_char_found']); } }