Example #1
* Utility function to read the files in a directory
* @param string The file system path
* @param string A filter for the names
* @param boolean Recurse search into sub-directories
* @param boolean True if to prepend the full path to the file name
function extReadDirectory($path, $filter = '.', $recurse = false, $fullpath = false)
    $arr = array();
    if (!@is_dir($path)) {
        return $arr;
    $handle = opendir($path);
    while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
        if (is_array($file)) {
            $file = $file['name'];
        $dir = extPathName($path . '/' . $file, false);
        $isDir = @is_dir($dir);
        if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
            if (preg_match("/{$filter}/", $file)) {
                if ($fullpath) {
                    $arr[] = trim(extPathName($path . '/' . $file, false));
                } else {
                    $arr[] = trim($file);
            if ($recurse && $isDir) {
                $arr2 = extReadDirectory($dir, $filter, $recurse, $fullpath);
                $arr = array_merge($arr, $arr2);
    return $arr;
Example #2
    function execAction($dir)
        if (($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 01) != 01) {
            ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]);
        if (!$GLOBALS["zip"] && !$GLOBALS["tgz"]) {
            ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["miscnofunc"]);
        $allowed_types = array('zip', 'tgz', 'tbz', 'tar');
        // If we have something to archive, let's do it now
        if (extGetParam($_POST, 'confirm') == 'true') {
            $saveToDir = utf8_decode($GLOBALS['__POST']['saveToDir']);
            if (!file_exists(get_abs_dir($saveToDir))) {
                ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, ext_Lang::err('archive_dir_notexists'));
            if (!is_writable(get_abs_dir($saveToDir))) {
                ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, ext_Lang::err('archive_dir_unwritable'));
            require_once _EXT_PATH . '/libraries/Archive/archive.php';
            if (!in_array(strtolower($GLOBALS['__POST']["type"]), $allowed_types)) {
                ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, ext_Lang::err('extract_unknowntype') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['__POST']["type"]));
            // This controls how many files are processed per Step (it's split up into steps to prevent time-outs)
            $files_per_step = 2000;
            $cnt = count($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"]);
            $abs_dir = get_abs_dir($dir);
            $name = basename(stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["name"]));
            if ($name == "") {
                ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["miscnoname"]);
            $startfrom = extGetParam($_REQUEST, 'startfrom', 0);
            $dir_contents_cache_name = 'ext_' . md5(implode(null, $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"]));
            $dir_contents_cache_file = _EXT_FTPTMP_PATH . '/' . $dir_contents_cache_name . '.txt';
            $archive_name = get_abs_item($saveToDir, $name);
            $fileinfo = pathinfo($archive_name);
            if (empty($fileinfo['extension'])) {
                $archive_name .= "." . $GLOBALS['__POST']["type"];
                $fileinfo['extension'] = $GLOBALS['__POST']["type"];
                foreach ($allowed_types as $ext) {
                    if ($GLOBALS['__POST']["type"] == $ext && @$fileinfo['extension'] != $ext) {
                        $archive_name .= "." . $ext;
            if ($startfrom == 0) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
                    $selitem = stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][$i]);
                    if ($selitem == 'ext_root') {
                        $selitem = '';
                    if (is_dir(utf8_decode($abs_dir . "/" . $selitem))) {
                        $items = extReadDirectory(utf8_decode($abs_dir . "/" . $selitem), '.', true, true);
                        foreach ($items as $item) {
                            if (is_dir($item) || !is_readable($item) || $item == $archive_name) {
                            $v_list[] = str_replace('\\', '/', $item);
                    } else {
                        $v_list[] = utf8_decode(str_replace('\\', '/', $abs_dir . "/" . $selitem));
                if (count($v_list) > $files_per_step) {
                    if (file_put_contents($dir_contents_cache_file, implode("\n", $v_list)) == false) {
                        ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, 'Failed to create a temporary list of the directory contents');
            } else {
                $file_list_string = file_get_contents($dir_contents_cache_file);
                if (empty($file_list_string)) {
                    ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, 'Failed to retrieve the temporary list of the directory contents');
                $v_list = explode("\n", $file_list_string);
            $cnt_filelist = count($v_list);
            // Now we go to the right range of files and "slice" the array
            $v_list = array_slice($v_list, $startfrom, $files_per_step - 1);
            $remove_path = $GLOBALS["home_dir"];
            if ($dir) {
                $remove_path .= $dir;
            $remove_path = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($remove_path)) . '/';
            $debug = 'Starting from: ' . $startfrom . "\n";
            $debug .= 'Files to process: ' . $cnt_filelist . "\n";
            $debug .= implode("\n", $v_list);
            //file_put_contents( 'log.txt', $debug, FILE_APPEND );
            // Do some setup stuff
            ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');
            //error_reporting( E_ERROR | E_PARSE );
            $result = extArchive::create($archive_name, $v_list, $GLOBALS['__POST']["type"], '', $remove_path);
            if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
                ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, $name . ': ' . ext_Lang::err('archive_creation_failed') . ' (' . $result->getMessage() . $archive_name . ')');
            $classname = class_exists('ext_Json') ? 'ext_Json' : 'Services_JSON';
            $json = new $classname();
            if ($cnt_filelist > $startfrom + $files_per_step) {
                $response = array('startfrom' => $startfrom + $files_per_step, 'totalitems' => $cnt_filelist, 'success' => true, 'action' => 'archive', 'message' => sprintf(ext_Lang::msg('processed_x_files'), $startfrom + $files_per_step, $cnt_filelist));
            } else {
                if ($GLOBALS['__POST']["type"] == 'tgz' || $GLOBALS['__POST']["type"] == 'tbz') {
                    chmod($archive_name, 0644);
                $response = array('action' => 'archive', 'success' => true, 'message' => ext_Lang::msg('archive_created'), 'newlocation' => ext_make_link('download', $dir, basename($archive_name)));
            echo $json->encode($response);
        $default_archive_type = 'zip';
		"xtype": "form",
		"id": "simpleform",
		"height": "200",
		"width": "350",
		"labelWidth": 125,
        echo basename($GLOBALS['script_name']);
		"dialogtitle": "<?php 
        echo $GLOBALS["messages"]["actarchive"];
		"frame": true,
		"items": [{
			"xtype": "textfield",
			"fieldLabel": "<?php 
        echo ext_Lang::msg('archive_name', true);
			"name": "name",
			"value": "<?php 
        echo $GLOBALS['item'] . '.' . $default_archive_type;
			"width": "200"
			"xtype": "combo",
			"fieldLabel": "<?php 
        echo ext_Lang::msg('typeheader', true);
			"store": [
					['zip', 'Zip (<?php 
        echo ext_Lang::msg('normal_compression', true);
					['tgz', 'Tar/Gz (<?php 
        echo ext_Lang::msg('good_compression', true);
        if (extension_loaded("bz2")) {
            echo "['tbz', 'Tar/Bzip2 (" . ext_Lang::msg('best_compression', true) . ")'],";
					['tar', 'Tar (<?php 
        echo ext_Lang::msg('no_compression', true);
			"valueField": "type",
			"name": "type",
			"value": "<?php 
        echo $default_archive_type;
			"triggerAction": "all",
			"hiddenName": "type",
			"disableKeyFilter": "true",
			"editable": "false",
			"mode": "local",
			"allowBlank": "false",
			"width": "200",
			"listeners": { "select": { 
							fn: function(o, record ) {
								form = Ext.getCmp("simpleform").getForm();
								var nameField = form.findField("name").getValue();								
								if( nameField.indexOf( '.' ) > 0 ) {
									form.findField('name').setValue( nameField.substring( 0, nameField.indexOf('.')+1 ) + o.getValue() );
								} else {
									form.findField('name').setValue( nameField + '.'+ o.getValue());
		}, {
			"xtype": "textfield",
			"fieldLabel": "<?php 
        echo ext_Lang::msg('archive_saveToDir', true);
			"name": "saveToDir",
			"value": "<?php 
        echo str_replace("'", "\\'", $dir);
			"width": "200"
			"xtype": "checkbox",
			"fieldLabel": "<?php 
        echo ext_Lang::msg('downlink', true);
			"name": "download",
			"checked": "true"
		"buttons": [{
			"text": "<?php 
        echo ext_Lang::msg('btncreate', true);
			"type": "submit", 
			"handler": function() { 
				Ext.ux.OnDemandLoad.load( "<?php 
        echo $GLOBALS['script_name'];
											function(options) { submitArchiveForm(0) } ); 
			"text": "<?php 
        echo ext_Lang::msg('btncancel', true);
			"handler": function() { Ext.getCmp("dialog").destroy() }

Example #3
    function execAction($dir)
        if (($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 01) != 01) {
            ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]);
        if (!$GLOBALS["zip"] && !$GLOBALS["tgz"]) {
            ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["miscnofunc"]);
        $allowed_types = array('zip', 'tgz', 'tbz', 'tar');
        // If we have something to archive, let's do it now
        if (extGetParam($_POST, 'confirm') == 'true') {
            $saveToDir = utf8_decode($GLOBALS['__POST']['saveToDir']);
            if (!file_exists(get_abs_dir($saveToDir))) {
                ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, ext_Lang::err('archive_dir_notexists'));
            if (!is_writable(get_abs_dir($saveToDir))) {
                ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, ext_Lang::err('archive_dir_unwritable'));
            require_once _EXT_PATH . '/libraries/Archive/archive.php';
            if (!in_array(strtolower($GLOBALS['__POST']["type"]), $allowed_types)) {
                ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, ext_Lang::err('extract_unknowntype') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['__POST']["type"]));
            // This controls how many files are processed per Step (it's split up into steps to prevent time-outs)
            $files_per_step = 2000;
            $cnt = count($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"]);
            $abs_dir = get_abs_dir($dir);
            $name = basename(stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["name"]));
            if ($name == "") {
                ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["miscnoname"]);
            $startfrom = extGetParam($_REQUEST, 'startfrom', 0);
            $dir_contents_cache_name = 'ext_' . md5(implode(null, $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"]));
            $dir_contents_cache_file = _EXT_FTPTMP_PATH . '/' . $dir_contents_cache_name . '.txt';
            $archive_name = get_abs_item($saveToDir, $name);
            $fileinfo = pathinfo($archive_name);
            if (empty($fileinfo['extension'])) {
                $archive_name .= "." . $GLOBALS['__POST']["type"];
                $fileinfo['extension'] = $GLOBALS['__POST']["type"];
                foreach ($allowed_types as $ext) {
                    if ($GLOBALS['__POST']["type"] == $ext && @$fileinfo['extension'] != $ext) {
                        $archive_name .= "." . $ext;
            if ($startfrom == 0) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
                    $selitem = stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][$i]);
                    if ($selitem == 'ext_root') {
                        $selitem = '';
                    if (is_dir(utf8_decode($abs_dir . "/" . $selitem))) {
                        $items = extReadDirectory(utf8_decode($abs_dir . "/" . $selitem), '.', true, true);
                        foreach ($items as $item) {
                            if (is_dir($item) || !is_readable($item) || $item == $archive_name) {
                            $v_list[] = str_replace('\\', '/', $item);
                    } else {
                        $v_list[] = utf8_decode(str_replace('\\', '/', $abs_dir . "/" . $selitem));
                if (count($v_list) > $files_per_step) {
                    if (file_put_contents($dir_contents_cache_file, implode("\n", $v_list)) == false) {
                        ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, 'Failed to create a temporary list of the directory contents');
            } else {
                $file_list_string = file_get_contents($dir_contents_cache_file);
                if (empty($file_list_string)) {
                    ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, 'Failed to retrieve the temporary list of the directory contents');
                $v_list = explode("\n", $file_list_string);
            $cnt_filelist = count($v_list);
            // Now we go to the right range of files and "slice" the array
            $v_list = array_slice($v_list, $startfrom, $files_per_step - 1);
            $remove_path = $GLOBALS["home_dir"];
            if ($dir) {
                $remove_path .= $dir;
            $debug = 'Starting from: ' . $startfrom . "\n";
            $debug .= 'Files to process: ' . $cnt_filelist . "\n";
            $debug .= implode("\n", $v_list);
            //file_put_contents( 'log.txt', $debug, FILE_APPEND );
            // Do some setup stuff
            ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');
            error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);
            $result = extArchive::create($archive_name, $v_list, $GLOBALS['__POST']["type"], '', $remove_path);
            if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
                ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, $name . ': ' . ext_Lang::err('archive_creation_failed') . ' (' . $result->getMessage() . $archive_name . ')');
            $json = new ext_Json();
            if ($cnt_filelist > $startfrom + $files_per_step) {
                $response = array('startfrom' => $startfrom + $files_per_step, 'totalitems' => $cnt_filelist, 'success' => true, 'action' => 'archive', 'message' => sprintf(ext_Lang::msg('processed_x_files'), $startfrom + $files_per_step, $cnt_filelist));
            } else {
                if ($GLOBALS['__POST']["type"] == 'tgz' || $GLOBALS['__POST']["type"] == 'tbz') {
                    chmod($archive_name, 0644);
                $response = array('action' => 'archive', 'success' => true, 'message' => ext_Lang::msg('archive_created'), 'newlocation' => make_link('download', $dir, basename($archive_name)));
            echo $json->encode($response);
<div style="width:auto;">
    <div class="x-box-tl"><div class="x-box-tr"><div class="x-box-tc"></div></div></div>
    <div class="x-box-ml"><div class="x-box-mr"><div class="x-box-mc">

        <h3 style="margin-bottom:5px;"><?php 
        echo $GLOBALS["messages"]["actarchive"];
        <div id="adminForm"></div>
    <div class="x-box-bl"><div class="x-box-br"><div class="x-box-bc"></div></div></div>
	<script type="text/javascript">	
	var comprTypes = new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
		fields: ['type', 'typename'],
		data :  [
		['zip', 'Zip (<?php 
        echo ext_Lang::msg('normal_compression', true);
		['tgz', 'Tar/Gz (<?php 
        echo ext_Lang::msg('good_compression', true);
        if (extension_loaded("bz2")) {
            echo "['tbz', 'Tar/Bzip2 (" . ext_Lang::msg('best_compression', true) . ")'],";
		['tar', 'Tar (<?php 
        echo ext_Lang::msg('no_compression', true);
	var form = new Ext.form.Form({
		labelWidth: 125, // label settings here cascade unless overridden
        echo basename($GLOBALS['script_name']);
	var combo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
		fieldLabel: '<?php 
        echo ext_Lang::msg('typeheader', true);
		store: comprTypes,
		valueField: 'type',
		name: 'type',
		value: 'zip',
	    triggerAction: 'all',
		hiddenName: 'type',
		disableKeyFilter: true,
		editable: false,
		mode: 'local',
		allowBlank: false,
		width: 200
	form.add( new Ext.form.TextField({
		fieldLabel: '<?php 
        echo ext_Lang::msg('archive_name', true);
		name: 'name',
		width: 200
	new Ext.form.TextField({
		fieldLabel: '<?php 
        echo ext_Lang::msg('archive_saveToDir', true);
		name: 'saveToDir',
		value: '<?php 
        echo str_replace("'", "\\'", $dir);
		width: 200
	new Ext.form.Checkbox({
		fieldLabel: '<?php 
        echo ext_Lang::msg('downlink', true);
		name: 'download',
		checked: true
	combo.on('select', function(o, record ) {

		var nameField = form.findField('name').getValue();
		if( nameField.indexOf( '.' ) > 0 ) {
			form.findField('name').setValue( nameField.substring( 0, nameField.indexOf('.')+1 ) + record.get('type') );
		} else {
			form.findField('name').setValue( nameField + '.'+ record.get('type'));

	form.addButton({text: '<?php 
        echo ext_Lang::msg('btncreate', true);
', type: 'submit' }, function() { formSubmit(0) });
        echo ext_Lang::msg('btncancel', true);
', function() { dialog.hide();dialog.destroy(); } );


	function formSubmit( startfrom, msg ) {
		if( startfrom == 0 ) {
		           title: 'Please wait',
		           msg: msg ? msg : '<?php 
        echo ext_Lang::msg('creating_archive', true);
		           progressText: 'Initializing...',
			reset: false,
			success: function(form, action) {
				if( !action.result ) return;
				if( action.result.startfrom > 0 ) {
					formSubmit( action.result.startfrom, action.result.message );
					i = action.result.startfrom/action.result.totalitems;
			       Ext.MessageBox.updateProgress(i, action.result.startfrom + " of "+action.result.totalitems + " (" + Math.round(100*i)+'% completed)');
				} else {

					if( form.findField('download').getValue() ) {
						location.href = action.result.newlocation;
					} else {
        echo ext_Lang::msg('success', true);
!', action.result.message);
			failure: function(form, action) {
				if( action.result ) {
        echo ext_Lang::err('error', true);
', action.result.error);
			scope: form,
			// add some vars to the request, similar to hidden fields
			params: {option: 'com_extplorer',
			action: 'archive',
			dir: '<?php 
        echo stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["dir"]);
			'selitems[]':  [ '<?php 
        echo implode("','", $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"]);
' ],
			startfrom: startfrom,
			confirm: 'true'}

