function execute()
        global $wgOut, $wgOpenLayersScript, $wgWikiMapsJS, $wgArticlePath;
        echo '

<html xmlns="">
    <style type="text/css">
        #map {
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            border: 1px solid black;
        #popup_contentDiv {
	    border: 1px solid blue;
	    position: fixed;
	    background: papayawhip;

	small.popup {
		margin-top: 0em;
	ul.popup {
		margin-top: 0em;
	div.displaytitle {
		border-bottom: solid 1px silver;

    <script src="' . $wgOpenLayersScript . '"></script>
    <script src="' . $wgWikiMapsJS . '"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
	var wgFullscreen = true;
	var wgServer="' . $wgServer . '";
	var wgArticlePath="' . $wgArticlePath . '";
	' . exportWikiMapsGlobals() . '
  <body onload="WikiMapsInit();">
    <div id="map"></div>
    <div id="selectbox" style="display:none;position: absolute; top:10em; left:10em; width:16em;background:#02048C;color: white;">
      <div id="close" style="float:right; background:grey; color:black;font-size:small;margin:1px;padding-left:3px; padding-right:3px;pointer:hand;">X</div>
      <span style="margin-left:3px;">Result</span>
      <div id="selectboxbody" style="background:white; margin:1px; padding:3px; color:black;"></div>

 *  Called whenever a <geo> needs to be parsed
 *  Return markup, but also a pointer to Map sources
function parseGeo($text, $params, &$parser)
    global $action, $GeoserverParameters, $wgWikiMapsJS;
    $latpat = '(-?[0-9.]*) *(([0-9.]+) *([0-9.]+)?)? *([NS])';
    $lonpat = '(-?[0-9.]*) *(([0-9.]+) *([0-9.]+)?)? *([EW])';
    $featcodepat = '(([AHLPRSTUV])\\.([A-Z.]*))?';
    $populationpat = '([0-9]*)?';
    $showmappat = '(showmap)?';
    preg_match("/\\s*{$latpat}\\s*{$lonpat}\\s*{$featcodepat}\\s*{$populationpat}\\s*{$showmappat}/", $text, $matches);
    $GeoserverParameters["lat"] = ($matches[5] == 'S' ? -1 : 1) * ($matches[1] + $matches[3] / 60.0 + $matches[4] / 3600);
    $GeoserverParameters["lon"] = ($matches[10] == 'W' ? -1 : 1) * ($matches[6] + $matches[8] / 60.0 + $matches[9] / 3600);
    $GeoserverParameters["type_major"] = $matches[12];
    $GeoserverParameters["type_minor"] = $matches[13];
    $GeoserverParameters["population"] = $matches[14];
    $r = '';
    if ($matches[15]) {
        // that's the "showmap" flag
        global $wgOut, $wgOpenLayersScript, $wgWikiMapsIcon;
        $defaultZoom = 10;
        $majorMinor = $GeoserverParameters["type_major"] . $GeoserverParameters["type_minor"];
        if ($majorMinor == 'PPPL') {
            // populated place
            $defaultZoom = 8;
        } elseif ($majorMinor == 'PPPLC') {
            // capital city
            $defaultZoom = 6;
        $r = '<script src="' . $wgOpenLayersScript . '"></script>
		       <script src="' . $wgWikiMapsJS . '"></script>
		       <script type="text/javascript">
	  		  var WikiMapsLon = ' . $GeoserverParameters["lon"] . '; var WikiMapsLat = ' . $GeoserverParameters["lat"] . ';
	  		  var WikiMapsMajor = "' . $GeoserverParameters["type_major"] . '";
	  		  var WikiMapsMinor = "' . $GeoserverParameters["type_minor"] . '";
	  		  var WikiMapsZoom = ' . $defaultZoom . ';
			' . exportWikiMapsGlobals() . '
		<div id="wikimaps"><div class="wikimapslabel" >Map</div><div class="wikimapslabel" id="wikimapsfullscreen">Fullscreen</div><br /><div id="map" style="width:300px; height:300px;"></div><div id="selectbox" style="display:none;XXposition: absolute; XXtop:10em; XXleft:10em; width:300px;background:#02048C;color: white; padding-bottom:1px;"><div id="close" style="float:right; background:grey; color:black;font-size:small;margin:1px;padding-left:3px; padding-right:3px;pointer:hand;">X</div><span style="margin-left:3px;">Result</span><div id="selectboxbody" style="background:white; margin:1px; padding:3px; color:black;"></div></div></div>';
    return $r;