function copyLogsHistory() { global $bin_cp; global $bin_mv; global $mod_logs; global $mod_logs_history; global $bin_echo; if (0 < filesize($mod_logs)) { $exec = "{$bin_cp} {$mod_logs} {$mod_logs_history}/" . gmdate("Ymd-H-i-s") . ".log"; exec_fruitywifi($exec); $exec = "{$bin_echo} '' > {$mod_logs}"; //exec_fruitywifi($exec); } }
function stop_iface($iface, $ip, $gw) { $bin_danger = "/usr/share/fruitywifi/bin/danger"; // START MONITOR MODE (mon0) $iface_mon0 = exec("/sbin/ifconfig |grep 'wlan0mon|mon0'"); //if ($iface_mon0 != "") { $exec = "/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/ifconfig {$iface}"; //exec("$bin_danger \"" . $exec . "\"", $output); //DEPRECATED exec_fruitywifi($exec); //} }
$exec = "/bin/sed -i 's/opt_responder\\[\\\"".$tmp[$i]."\\\"\\]\\[0\\].*/opt_responder\\[\\\"".$tmp[$i]."\\\"\\]\\[0\\] = 0;/g' options_config.php"; //exec("/usr/share/FruityWifi/bin/danger \"" . $exec . "\"", $output); //DEPRECATED $output = exec_fruitywifi($exec); $exec = "/bin/sed -i 's/^".$tmp[$i].".*/".$tmp[$i]." = Off/g' Responder-master/Responder.conf"; //exec("/usr/share/FruityWifi/bin/danger \"" . $exec . "\"", $output); //DEPRECATED $output = exec_fruitywifi($exec); } $tmp = $_POST["options"]; for ($i=0; $i< count($tmp); $i++) { $exec = "/bin/sed -i 's/opt_responder\\[\\\"".$tmp[$i]."\\\"\\]\\[0\\].*/opt_responder\\[\\\"".$tmp[$i]."\\\"\\]\\[0\\] = 1;/g' options_config.php"; //exec("/usr/share/FruityWifi/bin/danger \"" . $exec . "\"", $output); //DEPRECATED exec_fruitywifi($exec); $exec = "/bin/sed -i 's/^".$tmp[$i].".*/".$tmp[$i]." = On/g' Responder-master/Responder.conf"; //exec("/usr/share/FruityWifi/bin/danger \"" . $exec . "\"", $output); //DEPRECATED exec_fruitywifi($exec); } header('Location: ../index.php?tab=1'); exit; } header('Location: ../index.php'); ?>
$exec = "{$bin_rm} " . $mod_logs_history . $logfile . ".log"; exec_fruitywifi($exec); } // SET MODE if ($_POST["change_iface"] == "1") { $mod_iface = $ss_iface; $exec = "/bin/sed -i 's/mod_iface.*/mod_iface = \\\"" . $mod_iface . "\\\";/g' _info_.php"; $output = exec_fruitywifi($exec); } if ($_POST["change_macaddress"] == "1") { $ss_mode = $service; $exec = "/bin/sed -i 's/ss_macaddress.*/ss_macaddress = \\\"" . $macaddress . "\\\";/g' _info_.php"; $output = exec_fruitywifi($exec); $ss_macaddress = $macaddress; $exec = "/bin/sed -i 's/ss_time.*/ss_time = \\\"" . $check_time . "\\\";/g' _info_.php"; $output = exec_fruitywifi($exec); $ss_time = $check_time; } ?> <div class="rounded-top" align="left"> <b><?php echo $mod_alias; ?> </b> </div> <div class="rounded-bottom"> version <?php echo $mod_version; ?> <br> <?php
function cleanTAP() { global $tap1_iface; global $tap2_iface; global $bin_ifconfig; global $tap2_set; // CLEAN $exec = "/etc/init.d/dhcpcd stop"; exec_fruitywifi($exec); killRegex("dhcpcd.+{$tap2_iface}"); $exec = "{$bin_ifconfig} {$tap1_iface} down"; exec_fruitywifi($exec); $exec = "{$bin_ifconfig} {$tap1_iface}"; exec_fruitywifi($exec); if ($tap2_set != "3") { // TAP2 SET: CURRENT $exec = "{$bin_ifconfig} {$tap2_iface} down"; exec_fruitywifi($exec); $exec = "{$bin_ifconfig} {$tap2_iface}"; exec_fruitywifi($exec); } }
function killRegex($regex) { $exec = "ps aux|grep -E '{$regex}' | grep -v grep | awk '{print \$2}'"; exec($exec, $output); if (count($output) > 0) { $exec = "kill " . $output[0]; exec_fruitywifi($exec); } }
function checkPool() { $filename = '/usr/share/fruitywifi/conf/pool-station.conf'; if (!file_exists($filename)) { $exec = "touch {$filename}"; exec_fruitywifi($exec); } $filename = '/usr/share/fruitywifi/conf/pool-ssid.conf'; if (!file_exists($filename)) { $exec = "touch {$filename}"; exec_fruitywifi($exec); } $filename = '/usr/share/fruitywifi/conf/ssid.conf'; if (!file_exists($filename)) { $exec = "touch {$filename}"; exec_fruitywifi($exec); } }
function copyLogsHistory() { global $bin_cp; global $bin_mv; global $mod_logs; global $mod_logs_history; global $bin_echo; if ( 0 < filesize( $mod_logs ) ) { $exec = "$bin_cp $mod_logs $mod_logs_history/".gmdate("Ymd-H-i-s").".log"; exec_fruitywifi($exec); $exec = "$bin_echo '' > $mod_logs"; exec_fruitywifi($exec); } }
public function setConfigModule($module, $param, $value) { //include_once "functions.php"; $exec = "/bin/sed -i 's/{$param}=.*/{$param}=\\\"" . $value . "\\\";/g' /usr/share/fruitywifi/www/modules/{$module}/_info_.php"; exec_fruitywifi($exec); echo json_encode($value); }
public function getScanStation() { include "functions.php"; include "../../../config/config.php"; $data = open_file("/usr/share/fruitywifi/logs/dhcp.leases"); $out = explode("\n", $data); $leases = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($out); $i++) { $temp = explode(" ", $out[$i]); $leases[$temp[1]] = array($temp[2], $temp[3]); } unset($out); unset($data); $exec = "iw dev {$io_in_iface} station dump | sed -e 's/^\\t/|/g' | tr '\\n' ' ' | sed -e 's/Sta/\\nSta/g' | tr '\\t' ' '"; $out = exec_fruitywifi($exec); $output = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($out); $i++) { $station = []; $temp = explode("|", $out[$i]); if ($temp[0] != "") { foreach ($temp as &$value) { unset($sub); if (strpos($value, 'Station ') !== false) { $value = str_replace("Station ", "", $value); $value = explode(" ", $value); $mac = $value[0]; $value = "station: " . $value[0]; $key_mac = $value[0]; } $sub = explode(": ", $value); //$station[] = $sub; //$station[] = array($sub[0] => $sub[1]); $station[$sub[0]] = $sub[1]; } if (array_key_exists($mac, $leases)) { //$station[] = array("ip" => $leases[$mac][0]); //$station[] = array("hostname" => $leases[$mac][1]); $station["ip"] = $leases[$mac][0]; $station["hostname"] = $leases[$mac][1]; } else { //$station[] = array("ip" => ""); //$station[] = array("hostname" => ""); $station["ip"] = ""; $station["hostname"] = ""; } //$output[] = $station; $output[] = $station; } } echo json_encode($output); }
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ ?> <?php include "../_info_.php"; $type = $_POST['type']; $newdata = $_POST['newdata']; if ($type == "logs") { $filename = $mod_logs; $fh = fopen($filename, "r"); //or die("Could not open file."); $data = fread($fh, filesize($filename)); //or die("Could not read file."); fclose($fh); $dump = explode("\n", $data); //$dump = implode("\n",array_reverse($data_array)); echo json_encode(array_reverse($dump)); } if ($type == "inject") { if ($newdata != "") { $newdata = ereg_replace(13, "", $newdata); $exec = "/bin/echo '{$newdata}' > /usr/share/fruitywifi/www/modules/sslstrip/includes/inject.txt"; //exec("/usr/share/fruitywifi/bin/danger \"" . $exec . "\"", $output); //DEPRECATED $output = exec_fruitywifi($exec); } $exec = "cat /usr/share/fruitywifi/www/modules/sslstrip/includes/inject.txt"; //exec("/usr/share/fruitywifi/bin/danger \"" . $exec . "\"", $dump); //DEPRECATED $dump = exec_fruitywifi($exec); echo json_encode($dump); }