<?php require_once "auth.php"; require_once "../fonctions/divers.php"; if (!est_autorise("acces_catalogue")) { exit; } use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); $page = $request->get('page', 1); $pagination = new PaginationAdmin(PromoAdmin::getInstance()->getRequest('count'), $page); $errorCode = 0; $addError = 0; $editError = array(); try { ActionsAdminPromo::getInstance()->action($request); } catch (TheliaAdminException $e) { $errorCode = $e->getCode(); switch ($errorCode) { case TheliaAdminException::PROMO_ADD_ERROR: $addError = 1; $errorData = $e->getData(); break; case TheliaAdminException::PROMO_EDIT_ERROR: $editError[$request->get("id")] = 1; break; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="fr">
<?php require_once "auth.php"; require_once "../fonctions/divers.php"; if (!est_autorise("acces_configuration")) { exit; } $request = \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::createFromGlobals(); $currentProfil = new ProfilAdmin(); $currentProfil->charger_id($request->get("profil", 0)); if (!$currentProfil->id) { $currentProfil->chargerPermier(array(ProfilAdmin::ID_PROFIL_SUPERADMINISTRATEUR)); } $currentProfilDesc = new Profildesc(); $currentProfilDesc->charger($currentProfil->id); try { ActionsAdminProfil::getInstance()->action($request); } catch (TheliaAdminException $e) { $errorCode = $e->getCode(); if ($errorCode == TheliaAdminException::BAD_PROFILE_FORMULATION) { $addError = 1; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="fr"> <head> <?php require_once "title.php"; ?> </head>
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* */ /*************************************************************************************/ require_once "pre.php"; require_once "auth.php"; if (!isset($action)) { $action = ""; } if (!isset($lang)) { $lang = $_SESSION["util"]->lang; } if (!isset($ligne)) { $ligne = ""; } if (!est_autorise("acces_contenu")) { exit; } require_once "../fonctions/divers.php"; $images_adm = new ImagesAdmin('contenu', $id, $lang); $documents_adm = new DocumentsAdmin('contenu', $id, $lang); switch ($action) { case 'modclassement': modclassement($id, $parent, $type); break; case 'modifier': modifier($id, $lang, $dossier, $ligne, $titre, $chapo, $description, $postscriptum, $urlsuiv, $urlreecrite); break; case 'ajouter': ajouter($lang, $dossier, $ligne, $titre, $chapo, $description, $postscriptum); break;
<?php require_once "auth.php"; require_once "../fonctions/divers.php"; if (!est_autorise("acces_clients")) { exit; } use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); $client = new Client(); if (!$request->get("ref") || !$client->charger_ref($request->get("ref"))) { redirige('client.php'); } $errorCode = 0; try { ActionsAdminClient::getInstance()->action($request); } catch (TheliaAdminException $e) { $errorCode = $e->getCode(); switch ($errorCode) { case TheliaAdminException::CLIENT_ADD_ADRESS: $addError = 1; break; case TheliaAdminException::CLIENT_ADRESS_EDIT_ERROR: $editAddressError[$request->get("id")] = 1; break; } } $raisondesc = new Raisondesc($client->raison); if ($client->parrain) { $parrain = new Client(); $parrain->charger_id($client->parrain);
/* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* */ /*************************************************************************************/ include_once __DIR__ . '/../../fonctions/error_reporting.php'; include_once __DIR__ . "/../../classes/Navigation.class.php"; include_once __DIR__ . "/../../classes/Administrateur.class.php"; include_once __DIR__ . "/../../fonctions/modules.php"; session_start(); $commande = new Commande(); $commande->charger_ref($_GET['ref']); // Si un client est identifié mais n'est pas celui qui a commandé ou que la commande n'est pas payée // ou qu'un admin identifié n'est pas autorisé if (!(isset($_SESSION['navig']) && $_SESSION['navig']->connecte && $_SESSION['navig']->client->id == $commande->client && $commande->facture != "" || isset($_SESSION["util"]) && est_autorise("acces_commandes"))) { exit; } // Compatibilité 1.4 -> On utilise le modèle PDF si il existe if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/modeles/facture.php')) { include_once __DIR__ . "/../../classes/Commande.class.php"; include_once __DIR__ . "/../../classes/Client.class.php"; include_once __DIR__ . "/../../classes/Venteprod.class.php"; include_once __DIR__ . "/../../classes/Produit.class.php"; include_once __DIR__ . "/../../classes/Adresse.class.php"; include_once __DIR__ . "/../../classes/Zone.class.php"; include_once __DIR__ . "/../../classes/Pays.class.php"; include_once __DIR__ . "/../../fonctions/divers.php"; $client = new Client(); $client->charger_id($commande->client); $pays = new Pays();
?> <?php if (est_autorise("acces_configuration")) { ?> <li class="<?php activemenu($menu, "configuration"); ?> "><a href="configuration.php"><?php echo trad('Configuration', 'admin'); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> <?php if (est_autorise("acces_modules")) { ?> <li class="<?php activemenu($menu, "plugins"); ?> " id="menuplugins"><a href="module_liste.php"><?php echo trad('Modules', 'admin'); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div><!--/.nav-collapse --> </div>
/* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* */ /*************************************************************************************/ require_once "pre.php"; require_once "auth.php"; if (!isset($action)) { $action = ""; } if (!isset($page)) { $page = 0; } if (!est_autorise("acces_codespromos")) { exit; } $promo = new Promo(); if ($expiration == 0) { $jour = $mois = $annee = 0; } switch ($action) { case 'ajouter': ajouter($code, $type, $valeur, $mini, $actif, $limite, $nombre_limite, $jour, $mois, $annee); break; case 'modifier': modifier($id, $code, $type, $valeur, $mini, $actif, $limite, $nombre_limite, $jour, $mois, $annee); break; case 'supprimer': supprimer($id);
<?php require_once "auth.php"; if (!est_autorise("acces_commandes")) { exit; } use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); $client = new Client(); $client->charger_ref($ref_client); $paysFacturation = new Paysdesc(); $paysLivraison = new Paysdesc(); $raisonFacturation = new Raisondesc(); $raisonLivraison = new Raisondesc(); try { ActionsAdminOrder::getInstance()->action($request); } catch (TheliaAdminException $e) { $errorCode = $e->getCode(); switch ($errorCode) { case TheliaAdminException::ORDER_ADD_ERROR: $createError = 1; break; case TheliaAdminException::EMAIL_FORMAT_ERROR: $createError = 1; $emailBadFormat = 1; break; case TheliaAdminException::EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS: $createError = 1; $emailAlreadyExists = 1; break; }
if ($modif == "classementdossier" && est_autorise("acces_catalogue")) { $obj = new Dossier(); $obj->modifier_classement($id, $classement); echo "..."; } else { if ($modif == "classementcontenu" && est_autorise("acces_catalogue")) { $obj = new Contenu(); $obj->modifier_classement($id, $classement); echo "..."; } else { if ($modif == "classementcarac" && est_autorise("acces_configuration")) { $obj = new Caracteristique(); $obj->modifier_classement($id, $classement); echo "..."; } else { if ($modif == "classementdecli" && est_autorise("acces_configuration")) { $obj = new Declinaison(); $obj->modifier_classement($id, $classement); echo "..."; } else { if ($modif == "classementplugin" && est_autorise("acces_configuration")) { $obj = new Modules(); $obj->modifier_classement($id, $classement); echo "..."; } } } } } } }
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* */ /*************************************************************************************/ require_once __DIR__ . "/../pre.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../auth.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../../fonctions/divers.php"; if (!est_autorise("configuration")) { exit; } header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); $action = lireParam('action', 'string'); if ($action == 'tva') { $pays = new Pays(); $id = intval(lireParam('pays', 'int')); if ($pays->charger($id)) { $pays->tva = intval($_REQUEST['tva']); $pays->maj(); } exit; } else { if ($action == 'defaut') { $pays = new Pays();
?> class="selected"<?php } ?> ><?php echo trad('Modules', 'admin'); ?> </a></li> </ul> <ul class="separation_menu"><li> </li></ul> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if (est_autorise("acces_rechercher")) { ?> <div id="moteur_recherche"> <form action="recherche.php" method="post"> <div class="bouton_recherche"> <input type="image" src="gfx/icone_recherche.jpg" alt="Valider la recherche" /> </div> <div class="champs_recherche"> <input type="text" name="motcle" value="<?php echo trad('Rechercher', 'admin'); ?> " class="zonerecherche" onClick="this.value=''" size="14" /> </div> </form> </div>
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../auth.php'; $request = Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::createFromGlobals(); if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest() === false) { redirige("../accueil.php"); } if (est_autorise("acces_catalogue")) { switch ($request->query->get('action')) { case 'changeDisplay': ProductAdmin::getInstance($request->query->get('product_id'))->changeColumn("ligne", $request->query->get('display') == 'true' ? 1 : 0); break; case 'changePromo': ProductAdmin::getInstance($request->query->get('product_id'))->changeColumn("promo", $request->query->get('display') == 'true' ? 1 : 0); break; case 'changeNew': ProductAdmin::getInstance($request->query->get('product_id'))->changeColumn("nouveaute", $request->query->get('display') == 'true' ? 1 : 0); break; } } if (est_autorise("acces_commande")) { switch ($request->request->get('action')) { case 'match': die(ProductAdmin::getInstance()->match($request->request->get('ref'), $request->request->get('max_accepted'))); break; } }
<?php include_once 'controleur/includes/fonctions/calculs_points.php'; include_once 'modele/rechercher_potins.php'; include_once 'vue/potin/affichage_potin.php'; include_once 'modele/potin_externe.php'; include_once 'modele/pare_feu.php'; $id_concerne = $_POST['id_concerne']; $id_groupe = $_POST['id_groupe']; $reponse_potin = NULL; $reponse_message = NULL; $nb_potins_sur_user_ds_gp_courant = nb_potins_sur_user_ds_gpe($id_groupe, $id_concerne, $bdd); // On cherche les potins qu'on a découverts $potins_decouverts = potins_decouverts_sur_user_dans_gpe($id_concerne, $id_groupe, $id_user); // Vérification de l'autorisation de voir ce potin if (est_autorise($id_user, $id_concerne, $id_groupe)) { if ($potins_decouverts != 0) { $nb_potins_a_decouvrir = $nb_potins_sur_user_ds_gp_courant - sizeof($potins_decouverts); } else { $nb_potins_a_decouvrir = $nb_potins_sur_user_ds_gp_courant; } if ($nb_potins_a_decouvrir > 0) { if (calculer_points($id_user, $bdd) >= 20) { $tous_potins = tous_potins_sur_user_ds_gpe($id_groupe, $id_concerne); if ($potins_decouverts != 0) { // Il faut les retirer des autres $potins_cherches = array_diff($tous_potins, $potins_decouverts); } else { // Sinon on prend tous les potins $potins_cherches = $tous_potins; }