function service_form_plan_process()
    log_debug("inc_services_process", "Executing service_form_plan_process()");
    	Fetch all form data
    $id = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "id_service", 1, "");
    // general details
    $data["price"] = @security_form_input_predefined("money", "price", 0, "");
    $data["price_setup"] = @security_form_input_predefined("money", "price_setup", 0, "");
    $data["discount"] = @security_form_input_predefined("float", "discount", 0, "");
    $data["billing_cycle"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "billing_cycle", 1, "");
    $data["billing_mode"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "billing_mode", 1, "");
    // needed to handle errors, but not used
    $data["name_service"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "name_service", 0, "");
    // make sure that the service actually exists
    $sql_plan_obj = new sql_query();
    $sql_plan_obj->string = "SELECT services.typeid, FROM services LEFT JOIN service_types ON = services.typeid WHERE'{$id}' LIMIT 1";
    if (!$sql_plan_obj->num_rows()) {
        $_SESSION["error"]["message"][] = "The service you have attempted to edit - {$id} - does not exist in this system.";
    } else {
    // fetch fields depending on the service type
    switch ($sql_plan_obj->data[0]["name"]) {
        case "generic_with_usage":
            $data["units"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "units", 1, "");
            $data["included_units"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "included_units", 0, "");
            $data["price_extraunits"] = @security_form_input_predefined("money", "price_extraunits", 0, "");
            $data["usage_mode"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "usage_mode", 1, "");
            $data["alert_80pc"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "alert_80pc", 0, "");
            $data["alert_100pc"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "alert_100pc", 0, "");
            $data["alert_extraunits"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "alert_extraunits", 0, "");
        case "licenses":
            $data["units"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "units", 1, "");
            $data["included_units"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "included_units", 0, "");
            $data["price_extraunits"] = @security_form_input_predefined("money", "price_extraunits", 0, "");
        case "time":
            $data["units"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "units", 1, "");
            $data["included_units"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "included_units", 0, "");
            $data["price_extraunits"] = @security_form_input_predefined("money", "price_extraunits", 0, "");
            // force data usage/time to be incrementing
            $data["usage_mode"] = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT id as value FROM service_usage_modes WHERE name='incrementing' LIMIT 1");
            $data["alert_80pc"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "alert_80pc", 0, "");
            $data["alert_100pc"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "alert_100pc", 0, "");
            $data["alert_extraunits"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "alert_extraunits", 0, "");
        case "data_traffic":
            // general data traffic options
            $data["units"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "units", 1, "");
            // force data usage/time to be incrementing
            $data["usage_mode"] = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT id as value FROM service_usage_modes WHERE name='incrementing' LIMIT 1");
            // loop through all the traffic types
            $data["data_traffic_caps"] = array();
            $obj_sql_traffic_types = new sql_query();
            $obj_sql_traffic_types->string = "SELECT id FROM traffic_types";
            // will always be at least one, need for loop
            for ($i = 0; $i < $obj_sql_traffic_types->data_num_rows; $i++) {
                $cap = array();
                if (@security_form_input_predefined("checkbox", "traffic_cap_" . $i . "_active", 0, "") || $_POST["traffic_cap_" . $i . "_id"] == "1") {
                    // fetch traffic cap details
                    $cap["id_traffic_type"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "traffic_cap_" . $i . "_id", 1, "");
                    $cap["name"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "traffic_cap_" . $i . "_name", 0, "");
                    $cap["mode"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "traffic_cap_" . $i . "_mode", 0, "");
                    $cap["units_included"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "traffic_cap_" . $i . "_units_included", 0, "");
                    $cap["units_price"] = @security_form_input_predefined("money", "traffic_cap_" . $i . "_units_price", 0, "");
                    // additional checks
                    if ($cap["mode"] != "unlimited" && $cap["mode"] != "capped") {
                        log_write("error", "inc_services_process", "A data type must either be disabled or marked as capped vs unlimited");
                        error_flag_field("traffic_cap_" . $i);
                    $data["data_traffic_caps"][] = $cap;
            // alert configuration
            $data["alert_80pc"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "alert_80pc", 0, "");
            $data["alert_100pc"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "alert_100pc", 0, "");
            $data["alert_extraunits"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "alert_extraunits", 0, "");
        case "phone_single":
            $data["id_rate_table"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "id_rate_table", 1, "");
        case "phone_tollfree":
            $data["id_rate_table"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "id_rate_table", 1, "");
            $data["phone_trunk_included_units"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "phone_trunk_included_units", 1, "");
            $data["phone_trunk_price_extra_units"] = @security_form_input_predefined("money", "phone_trunk_price_extra_units", 0, "");
        case "phone_trunk":
            $data["id_rate_table"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "id_rate_table", 1, "");
            $data["phone_ddi_included_units"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "phone_ddi_included_units", 1, "");
            $data["phone_ddi_price_extra_units"] = @security_form_input_predefined("money", "phone_ddi_price_extra_units", 0, "");
            $data["phone_trunk_included_units"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "phone_trunk_included_units", 1, "");
            $data["phone_trunk_price_extra_units"] = @security_form_input_predefined("money", "phone_trunk_price_extra_units", 0, "");
    // convert checkbox input
    if ($data["alert_80pc"]) {
        $data["alert_80pc"] = 1;
    if ($data["alert_100pc"]) {
        $data["alert_100pc"] = 1;
    //// ERROR CHECKING ///////////////////////
    /// if there was an error, go back to the entry page
    if ($_SESSION["error"]["message"]) {
        $_SESSION["error"]["form"]["service_plan"] = "failed";
        header("Location: ../index.php?page=services/plan.php&id={$id}");
    } else {
        	Begin Transaction
        $sql_obj = new sql_query();
        	Update plan details
        $sql_obj = new sql_query();
        switch ($sql_plan_obj->data[0]["name"]) {
            case "time":
                $sql_obj->string = "UPDATE services SET " . "active='1', " . "price='" . $data["price"] . "', " . "price_setup='" . $data["price_setup"] . "', " . "discount='" . $data["discount"] . "', " . "units='" . $data["units"] . "', " . "price_extraunits='" . $data["price_extraunits"] . "', " . "included_units='" . $data["included_units"] . "', " . "billing_cycle='" . $data["billing_cycle"] . "', " . "billing_mode='" . $data["billing_mode"] . "', " . "usage_mode='" . $data["usage_mode"] . "', " . "alert_80pc='" . $data["alert_80pc"] . "', " . "alert_100pc='" . $data["alert_100pc"] . "', " . "alert_extraunits='" . $data["alert_extraunits"] . "' " . "WHERE id='{$id}'";
            case "data_traffic":
                // update service plan
                $sql_obj->string = "UPDATE services SET " . "active='1', " . "price='" . $data["price"] . "', " . "price_setup='" . $data["price_setup"] . "', " . "discount='" . $data["discount"] . "', " . "units='" . $data["units"] . "', " . "billing_cycle='" . $data["billing_cycle"] . "', " . "billing_mode='" . $data["billing_mode"] . "', " . "usage_mode='" . $data["usage_mode"] . "', " . "alert_80pc='" . $data["alert_80pc"] . "', " . "alert_100pc='" . $data["alert_100pc"] . "', " . "alert_extraunits='" . $data["alert_extraunits"] . "' " . "WHERE id='{$id}'";
                // delete existing service traffic caps
                $sql_obj->string = "DELETE FROM traffic_caps WHERE id_service='{$id}'";
                // update service traffic caps
                foreach ($data["data_traffic_caps"] as $cap) {
                    // add each traffic cap
                    $sql_obj->string = "INSERT INTO traffic_caps (id_service, id_traffic_type, mode, units_price, units_included) VALUES ('{$id}', '" . $cap["id_traffic_type"] . "', '" . $cap["mode"] . "', '" . $cap["units_price"] . "', '" . $cap["units_included"] . "')";
            case "generic_with_usage":
                $sql_obj->string = "UPDATE services SET " . "active='1', " . "price='" . $data["price"] . "', " . "price_setup='" . $data["price_setup"] . "', " . "discount='" . $data["discount"] . "', " . "units='" . $data["units"] . "', " . "price_extraunits='" . $data["price_extraunits"] . "', " . "included_units='" . $data["included_units"] . "', " . "billing_cycle='" . $data["billing_cycle"] . "', " . "billing_mode='" . $data["billing_mode"] . "', " . "usage_mode='" . $data["usage_mode"] . "', " . "alert_80pc='" . $data["alert_80pc"] . "', " . "alert_100pc='" . $data["alert_100pc"] . "', " . "alert_extraunits='" . $data["alert_extraunits"] . "' " . "WHERE id='{$id}'";
            case "licenses":
                $sql_obj->string = "UPDATE services SET " . "active='1', " . "price='" . $data["price"] . "', " . "price_setup='" . $data["price_setup"] . "', " . "discount='" . $data["discount"] . "', " . "units='" . $data["units"] . "', " . "price_extraunits='" . $data["price_extraunits"] . "', " . "included_units='" . $data["included_units"] . "', " . "billing_cycle='" . $data["billing_cycle"] . "', " . "billing_mode='" . $data["billing_mode"] . "' " . "WHERE id='{$id}'";
            case "phone_single":
                $sql_obj->string = "UPDATE services SET " . "active='1', " . "price='" . $data["price"] . "', " . "price_setup='" . $data["price_setup"] . "', " . "discount='" . $data["discount"] . "', " . "billing_cycle='" . $data["billing_cycle"] . "', " . "billing_mode='" . $data["billing_mode"] . "', " . "id_rate_table='" . $data["id_rate_table"] . "' " . "WHERE id='{$id}'";
            case "phone_trunk":
                // update basic details
                $sql_obj->string = "UPDATE services SET " . "active='1', " . "price='" . $data["price"] . "', " . "price_setup='" . $data["price_setup"] . "', " . "discount='" . $data["discount"] . "', " . "billing_cycle='" . $data["billing_cycle"] . "', " . "billing_mode='" . $data["billing_mode"] . "', " . "id_rate_table='" . $data["id_rate_table"] . "' " . "WHERE id='{$id}'";
                // delete old options (if any)
                $sql_obj->string = "DELETE FROM services_options\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE option_type='service' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND option_type_id='" . $id . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND option_name IN ('phone_ddi_included_units',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'phone_ddi_price_extra_units',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'phone_trunk_included_units',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'phone_trunk_price_extra_units')";
                // apply new options
                $sql_obj->string = "INSERT INTO services_options (option_type, option_type_id, option_name, option_value) VALUES ('service', '" . $id . "', 'phone_ddi_included_units', '" . $data["phone_ddi_included_units"] . "')";
                $sql_obj->string = "INSERT INTO services_options (option_type, option_type_id, option_name, option_value) VALUES ('service', '" . $id . "', 'phone_ddi_price_extra_units', '" . $data["phone_ddi_price_extra_units"] . "')";
                $sql_obj->string = "INSERT INTO services_options (option_type, option_type_id, option_name, option_value) VALUES ('service', '" . $id . "', 'phone_trunk_included_units', '" . $data["phone_trunk_included_units"] . "')";
                $sql_obj->string = "INSERT INTO services_options (option_type, option_type_id, option_name, option_value) VALUES ('service', '" . $id . "', 'phone_trunk_price_extra_units', '" . $data["phone_trunk_price_extra_units"] . "')";
            case "phone_tollfree":
                // update basic details
                $sql_obj->string = "UPDATE services SET " . "active='1', " . "price='" . $data["price"] . "', " . "price_setup='" . $data["price_setup"] . "', " . "discount='" . $data["discount"] . "', " . "billing_cycle='" . $data["billing_cycle"] . "', " . "billing_mode='" . $data["billing_mode"] . "', " . "id_rate_table='" . $data["id_rate_table"] . "' " . "WHERE id='{$id}'";
                // delete old options (if any)
                $sql_obj->string = "DELETE FROM services_options\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE option_type='service' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND option_type_id='" . $id . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND option_name IN ('phone_trunk_included_units',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'phone_trunk_price_extra_units')";
                // apply new options
                $sql_obj->string = "INSERT INTO services_options (option_type, option_type_id, option_name, option_value) VALUES ('service', '" . $id . "', 'phone_trunk_included_units', '" . $data["phone_trunk_included_units"] . "')";
                $sql_obj->string = "INSERT INTO services_options (option_type, option_type_id, option_name, option_value) VALUES ('service', '" . $id . "', 'phone_trunk_price_extra_units', '" . $data["phone_trunk_price_extra_units"] . "')";
            case "generic_no_usage":
            case "bundle":
                $sql_obj->string = "UPDATE services SET " . "active='1', " . "price='" . $data["price"] . "', " . "price_setup='" . $data["price_setup"] . "', " . "discount='" . $data["discount"] . "', " . "billing_cycle='" . $data["billing_cycle"] . "', " . "billing_mode='" . $data["billing_mode"] . "' " . "WHERE id='{$id}'";
        	Update the Journal
        journal_quickadd_event("services", $id, "Service plan configuration changed");
        if (error_check()) {
            log_write("error", "process", "An error occured whilst attempting to update service plan information. No changes have been made.");
        } else {
            log_write("notification", "process", "Service successfully updated.");
        // display updated details
        header("Location: ../index.php?page=services/plan.php&id={$id}");
    // end if passed tests
 $values_require_one = array("amount", "amount_credit", "amount_debit");
 $values_acceptable = array("transaction_type", "other_party", "amount", "amount_credit", "amount_debit", "date", "code", "reference", "particulars");
 $values_paired = array("amount_credit" => "amount_debit");
 $new_input_structure = array();
 $selected_field = array();
 for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_cols; $i++) {
     if (!empty($data["column{$i}"])) {
         if (in_array($data["column{$i}"], $values_required)) {
         } else {
             if (in_array($data["column{$i}"], $values_require_one)) {
             } else {
                 if (!in_array($data["column{$i}"], $values_acceptable)) {
                     log_write("error", "page_output", "The option " . $data["column{$i}"] . " is not a valid column type");
         $new_input_structure[$i]['field_src'] = $i;
         $new_input_structure[$i]['field_dest'] = $data["column{$i}"];
         $new_input_structure[$i]['data_format'] = $data["format{$i}"];
         $selected_fields[$i] = $data["column{$i}"];
 if (in_array("amount", $selected_fields)) {
     $paired_value_state = true;
 } else {
     $paired_value_count = 0;
     foreach ($values_paired as $value_pair_key => $value_pair_value) {
         if (in_array($value_pair_key, $selected_fields) && in_array($value_pair_value, $selected_fields)) {
 $data["THEME_DEFAULT"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "THEME_DEFAULT", 1, "");
 $data["TABLE_LIMIT"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "TABLE_LIMIT", 1, "");
 $data["LANGUAGE_DEFAULT"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "LANGUAGE_DEFAULT", 1, "");
 $data["DATEFORMAT"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "DATEFORMAT", 1, "");
 $data["TIMEZONE_DEFAULT"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "TIMEZONE_DEFAULT", 1, "");
 $data["CURRENCY_DEFAULT_NAME"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "CURRENCY_DEFAULT_NAME", 1, "");
 $data["CURRENCY_DEFAULT_SYMBOL"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "CURRENCY_DEFAULT_SYMBOL", 1, "");
 $data["CURRENCY_DEFAULT_SYMBOL_POSITION"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "CURRENCY_DEFAULT_SYMBOL_POSITION", 1, "");
 $data["CURRENCY_DEFAULT_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "CURRENCY_DEFAULT_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR", 1, "");
 $data["CURRENCY_DEFAULT_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "CURRENCY_DEFAULT_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR", 1, "");
 	Check that decimal and thousands separators are different
     log_write("error", "page_output", "Thousands and decimal separators must be different.");
 	Process Errors
 if (error_check()) {
     $_SESSION["error"]["form"]["config_locale"] = "failed";
     header("Location: ../index.php?page=admin/config_locale.php");
 } else {
     $_SESSION["error"] = array();
     	Start Transaction
     $sql_obj = new sql_query();
Example #4
 //make sure each contact has a name
 for ($i = 0; $i < $num_contacts; $i++) {
     if (!$obj_customer->verify_name_contact($i)) {
         log_write("error", "process", "Each contact must be given a name - please ensure each contact has been assigned a unique name");
         error_flag_field("contact_" . $i);
         log_debug("edit-process", "NO NAME ERROR FLAG: contact_" . $i);
 //make sure each contact name is unique
 for ($i = 0; $i < $num_contacts; $i++) {
     $uniqueness = $obj_customer->verify_uniqueness_contact($i);
     if ($uniqueness != "unique") {
         log_write("error", "process", "You have assigned the same name to two or more contacts - please choose unique names");
         error_flag_field("contact_" . $i);
         error_flag_field("contact_" . $uniqueness);
 // return to input page if any errors occurred
 if ($_SESSION["error"]["message"]) {
     if ($obj_customer->id) {
         $_SESSION["error"]["form"]["customer_view"] = "failed";
         header("Location: ../index.php?page=customers/view.php&id=" . $obj_customer->id . "");
     } else {
         $_SESSION["error"]["form"]["customer_add"] = "failed";
         header("Location: ../index.php?page=customers/add.php");
 if ($obj_customer->obj_service->data["typeid_string"] != "phone_trunk") {
     log_write("error", "page_output", "The requested service is not a phone_trunk service.");
     return 0;
 // verify that the DDI value is correct (if one has been supplied)
 if ($obj_ddi->id) {
     if (!$obj_ddi->verify_id()) {
         log_write("error", "page_output", "The supplied DDI ID is not valid");
         return 0;
 // ensure the DDI range is valid
 if ($obj_ddi->data["ddi_start"] > $obj_ddi->data["ddi_finish"]) {
     log_write("error", "process", "The supplied DDI range is invalid, the finish DDI must be the same or higher than the start DDI");
 	Check for any errors
 if (error_check()) {
     $_SESSION["error"]["form"]["service_ddi_edit"] = "failed";
     header("Location: ../index.php?page=customers/service-ddi-edit.php&id_customer=" . $obj_customer->id . "&id_service_customer=" . $obj_customer->id_service_customer . "&id_ddi=" . $obj_ddi->id);
 } else {
     	Update/Create DDI entry
Example #6
     if (!$count) {
         log_write("error", "process", "You must select at least one name server group for the domain to belong to.");
 	Verify Data
 if (!$obj_domain->verify_domain_name()) {
     if (isset($obj_domain->data["ipv4_network"])) {
         log_write("error", "process", "The requested IP range already has reverse DNS entries!");
     } else {
         log_write("error", "process", "The requested domain you are trying to add already exists!");
 	Process Data
 if (error_check()) {
     if ($obj_domain->id) {
         $_SESSION["error"]["form"]["domain_edit"] = "failed";
         header("Location: ../index.php?page=domains/view.php&id=" . $obj_domain->id . "");
     } else {
         $_SESSION["error"]["form"]["domain_add"] = "failed";
         header("Location: ../index.php?page=domains/add.php");
 } else {
             $data["quantity"] = 1;
         // all products must have at least 1
     case "service":
         $data["customid"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "serviceid", 1, "");
         $data["description"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "description", 0, "");
         $data["price"] = @security_form_input_predefined("money", "price", 0, "");
         $data["discount"] = @security_form_input_predefined("float", "discount", 0, "");
         $data["quantity"] = 1;
         // all services must have at least 1
         // unknown type
         log_write("error", "process", "An unexpected error occured, type value of " . $data["type"] . " is invalid");
 	Verify Data
 // check that the specified customer actually exists
 if (!$obj_customer->verify_id()) {
     log_write("error", "process", "The customer you have attempted to edit - " . $obj_customer->id . " - does not exist in this system.");
 } else {
     if ($obj_customer->id_order) {
         // are we editing an existing order? make sure it exists and belongs to this customer
         if (!$obj_customer->verify_id_order()) {
             log_write("error", "process", "The order you have attempted to edit - " . $obj_customer->id_order . " - does not exist in this system.");
         } else {
Example #8
 function validate_custom_records($data_orig = array())
     log_debug("domain", "Executing validate_custom_records(array_data)");
     if (!isset($this->data)) {
         // we need the domain details if we don't already have them
     $data = array();
     $data_tmp = array();
     if (!empty($data_orig)) {
          				Supplied Array Data - this data has some amount of pre-processing
         	done, having already run through the javascript validation.
         log_debug("domain", "Using supplied array data in \$data_orig");
         	Fetch Data
         $data["custom"]["num_records"] = count(array_keys($data_orig));
         for ($i = 0; $i < $data["custom"]["num_records"]; $i++) {
             $data_tmp[$i]["id"] = @security_script_input_predefined("int", $data_orig[$i]["id"], 1);
             $data_tmp[$i]["type"] = @security_script_input_predefined("any", $data_orig[$i]["type"], 1);
             $data_tmp[$i]["ttl"] = @security_script_input_predefined("int", $data_orig[$i]["ttl"], 1);
             $data_tmp[$i]["name"] = @security_script_input_predefined("any", $data_orig[$i]["name"], 1);
             $data_tmp[$i]["prio"] = @security_script_input_predefined("int", $data_orig[$i]["prio"], 0);
             $data_tmp[$i]["content"] = @security_script_input_predefined("any", $data_orig[$i]["content"], 1);
             $data_tmp[$i]["reverse_ptr"] = @security_script_input_predefined("checkbox", $data_orig[$i]["reverse_ptr"], 1);
             $data_tmp[$i]["reverse_ptr_orig"] = @security_script_input_predefined("checkbox", $data_orig[$i]["reverse_ptr_orig"], 1);
             $data_tmp[$i]["delete_undo"] = @security_script_input_predefined("any", $data_orig[$i]["delete_undo"], 1);
             if (empty($data_tmp[$i]["mode"]) || $data_tmp[$i]["mode"] != "delete" && $data_tmp[$i]["mode"] != "update") {
                 // mode undetermined, run check
                 if ($data_tmp[$i]["id"] && $data_tmp[$i]["delete_undo"] == "true") {
                     $data_tmp[$i]["mode"] = "delete";
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($data_tmp[$i]["content"]) && $data_tmp[$i]["delete_undo"] == "false") {
                         $data_tmp[$i]["mode"] = "update";
     } elseif (isset($_POST['record_custom_page'])) {
         	Fetch data from POST - easiest way, since we can take advantage of smart
         	error handling functions built in.
         // fetch number of records
         $data["custom"]["num_records"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "num_records_custom", 0, "");
         for ($i = 0; $i < $data["custom"]["num_records"]; $i++) {
             	Fetch Data
             $data_tmp[$i]["id"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "record_custom_" . $i . "_id", 0, "");
             $data_tmp[$i]["type"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "record_custom_" . $i . "_type", 0, "");
             $data_tmp[$i]["ttl"] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "record_custom_" . $i . "_ttl", 0, "");
             $data_tmp[$i]["name"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "record_custom_" . $i . "_name", 0, "");
             $data_tmp[$i]["content"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "record_custom_" . $i . "_content", 0, "");
             $data_tmp[$i]["reverse_ptr"] = @security_form_input_predefined("checkbox", "record_custom_" . $i . "_reverse_ptr", 0, "");
             $data_tmp[$i]["reverse_ptr_orig"] = @security_form_input_predefined("checkbox", "record_custom_" . $i . "_reverse_ptr_orig", 0, "");
             $data_tmp[$i]["delete_undo"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "record_custom_" . $i . "_delete_undo", 0, "");
             	Process Raw Data
             if ($data_tmp[$i]["id"] && $data_tmp[$i]["delete_undo"] == "true") {
                 $data_tmp[$i]["mode"] = "delete";
             } else {
                 if (!empty($data_tmp[$i]["content"]) && $data_tmp[$i]["delete_undo"] == "false") {
                     $data_tmp[$i]["mode"] = "update";
     	Process Validated Inputs
     if (!empty($data_tmp)) {
         log_write("debug", "domains", "Record values obtained, running detailed check");
         for ($i = 0; $i < $data["custom"]["num_records"]; $i++) {
             	Error Handling
             // verify name syntax
             if ($data_tmp[$i]["name"] == "*" || preg_match("/^\\*\\.[A-Za-z0-9\\p{L}:._-]+\$/", $data_tmp[$i]["name"])) {
                 // wildcard records are annoying - wildcards must be standalone, and can't be part of a sring
                 // OK  -> *
                 // OK  -> *
                 // BAD -> abc*
                 // BAD -> std*
                 // nothing todo
             } elseif ($data_tmp[$i]["name"] != "@" && !preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9\\p{L}:._-]*\$/", $data_tmp[$i]["name"])) {
                 // all other record types
                 log_write("error", "process", "Sorry, the value you have entered for record " . $data_tmp[$i]["name"] . " contains invalid charactors");
                 error_flag_field("record_custom_" . $i . "");
             // validate content and name formatting per domain type
             if ($data_tmp[$i]["name"] != "") {
                 switch ($data_tmp[$i]["type"]) {
                     case "A":
                         // validate IPv4
                         if (!preg_match("/^(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]\\d|\\d)(?:[.](?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]\\d|\\d)){3}\$/", $data_tmp[$i]["content"])) {
                             // invalid IP address
                             log_write("error", "process", "A record for " . $data_tmp[$i]["name"] . " did not validate as an IPv4 address");
                             error_flag_field("record_custom_" . $i . "");
                     case "AAAA":
                         // validate IPv6
                         if (filter_var($data_tmp[$i]["content"], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) == FALSE) {
                             // invalid IP address
                             log_write("error", "process", "AAAA record for " . $data_tmp[$i]["name"] . " did not validate as an IPv6 address");
                             error_flag_field("record_custom_" . $i . "");
                     case "CNAME":
                         // validate CNAME
                         if ($data_tmp[$i]["content"] != "@" && !preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9\\p{L}._-]*\$/", $data_tmp[$i]["content"])) {
                             // invalid CNAME
                             log_write("error", "process", "CNAME record for " . $data_tmp[$i]["name"] . " contains invalid characters.");
                             error_flag_field("record_custom_" . $i . "");
                         // make sure it's not an IP
                         if (filter_var($data_tmp[$i]["content"], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) == $data_tmp[$i]["content"]) {
                             // CNAME is pointing at an IP
                             log_write("error", "process", "CNAME record for " . $data_tmp[$i]["name"] . " is incorrectly referencing an IP address.");
                             error_flag_field("record_custom_" . $i . "");
                     case "SRV":
                         // validate SRV name ( OR _service._proto))
                         if (!preg_match("/^_[A-Za-z0-9\\p{L}.-]*\\._[A-Za-z\\p{L}]*\\.[A-Za-z0-9\\p{L}.-]*\$/", $data_tmp[$i]["name"]) && !preg_match("/^_[A-Za-z0-9\\p{L}.-]*\\._[A-Za-z\\p{L}]*\$/", $data_tmp[$i]["name"])) {
                             log_write("error", "process", "SRV record for " . $data_tmp[$i]["name"] . " is not correctly formatted - name must be:");
                             error_flag_field("record_custom_" . $i . "");
                         // validate SRV content (priority, weight, port, target/host)
                         if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]*\\s[0-9]*\\s[0-9]*\\s[A-Za-z0-9\\p{L}.-]*\$/", $data_tmp[$i]["content"])) {
                             log_write("error", "process", "SRV record for " . $data_tmp[$i]["name"] . " is not correctly formatted - content must be: priority weight port target/hostname");
                             error_flag_field("record_custom_" . $i . "");
                     case "SPF":
                     case "TXT":
                         // TXT string could be almost anything, just make sure it's quoted.
                         $data_tmp[$i]["content"] = str_replace("'", "", $data_tmp[$i]["content"]);
                         $data_tmp[$i]["content"] = str_replace('"', "", $data_tmp[$i]["content"]);
                         $data_tmp[$i]["content"] = '"' . $data_tmp[$i]["content"] . '"';
                     case "PTR":
                         if (strpos($this->data["domain_name"], "")) {
                             // IPv4 PTR Record
                             // We only pass through the 4th octet to the end user.
                             if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]*\$/", $data_tmp[$i]["name"])) {
                                 log_write("error", "process", "PTR reverse record for " . $data_tmp[$i]["content"] . " should be a single octet.");
                                 error_flag_field("record_custom_" . $i . "");
                             if (!preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9\\p{L}.-]*\$/", $data_tmp[$i]["content"])) {
                                 log_write("error", "process", "PTR reverse record for " . $data_tmp[$i]["name"] . " is not correctly formatted.");
                                 error_flag_field("record_custom_" . $i . "");
                         } elseif (strpos($this->data["domain_name"], "")) {
                             // IPv6 PTR Record
                             // If the record is already in reverse ARPA format, we should convert it first
                             if (strpos($data_tmp[$i]["name"], "")) {
                                 $data_tmp[$i]["name"] = ipv6_convert_fromarpa($data_tmp[$i]["name"]);
                             // We pass through a full IPv6 address and maybe a CIDR value - if provided,
                             // we should strip off the CIDR and then validate the address and process.
                             $data_tmp[$i]["name"] = preg_replace("/\\/[0-9]*\$/", '', $data_tmp[$i]["name"]);
                             if (!filter_var($data_tmp[$i]["name"], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) {
                                 log_write("error", "process", "Provided PTR IPv6 address for " . $data_tmp[$i]["name"] . " is not a valid IPv6 address.");
                                 error_flag_field("record_custom_" . $i . "");
                             if (!preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9\\p{L}.-]*\$/", $data_tmp[$i]["content"])) {
                                 log_write("error", "process", "Provided PTR IPv6 reverse record for " . $data_tmp[$i]["name"] . " is not correctly formatted.");
                                 error_flag_field("record_custom_" . $i . "");
                             // convert the record into PTR formatted value
                             $data_tmp[$i]["name"] = ipv6_convert_arpa($data_tmp[$i]["name"]);
                     case "SSHFP":
                         // validate SSHFP content (algorithm, type, key/fingerprint)
                         if (!preg_match("/^[1-4] [1-2] [a-fA-F0-9]+\$/", $data_tmp[$i]["content"])) {
                             log_write("error", "process", "SSHFP record for " . $data_tmp[$i]["name"] . " is not correctly formatted - content must be: algorithm(1-4) type(1-2) <key/fingerprint>");
                             error_flag_field("record_custom_" . $i . "");
                     case "LOC":
                         // validate SSHFP content (algorithm, type, key/fingerprint)
                         if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]+( [0-9]+( [0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)?)? N|S [0-9]+( [0-9]+( [0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)?)? E|W \\-?[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+m?( [0-9]+\\.[0-9]+m?)?( [0-9]+\\.[0-9]+m?)?/", $data_tmp[$i]["content"])) {
                             log_write("error", "process", "LOC record for " . $data_tmp[$i]["name"] . " is not correctly formatted - content must follow RFC 1876");
                             error_flag_field("record_custom_" . $i . "");
                     case "NS":
                     case "MX":
                     case "HINFO":
                         // nothing todo.
                         log_write("error", "process", "Unknown record type " . $data_tmp[$i]["type"] . "");
                 // remove excess "." which might have been added
                 $data_tmp[$i]["name"] = rtrim($data_tmp[$i]["name"], ".");
                 $data_tmp[$i]["content"] = rtrim($data_tmp[$i]["content"], ".");
                 // verify reverse PTR options
                 if ($data_tmp[$i]["reverse_ptr"]) {
                     if ($data_tmp[$i]["type"] == "A" || $data_tmp[$i]["type"] == "AAAA") {
                         // check if the appropiate reverse DNS domain exists
                         $obj_record = new domain_records();
                         if (!$obj_record->find_reverse_domain($data_tmp[$i]["content"])) {
                             // no match
                             log_write("error", "process", "Sorry, we can't set a reverse PTR for " . $data_tmp[$i]["content"] . " --&gt; " . $data_tmp[$i]["name"] . ", since there is no reverse domain record for that IP address");
                             error_flag_field("record_custom_" . $i . "");
                         } else {
                             // match, record the domain ID and record ID to save a lookup
                             $data_tmp[$i]["reverse_ptr_id_domain"] = $obj_record->id;
                             $data_tmp[$i]["reverse_ptr_id_record"] = $obj_record->id_record;
                         // add to the reverse domain list - we use this list to avoid reloading for every record
                         if (@(!in_array($obj_record->id, $data["reverse"]))) {
                             $data["reverse"][] = $obj_record->id;
                     } else {
                         log_write("error", "process", "A reverse PTR record is only valid for an A or AAAA record");
                         error_flag_field("record_custom_" . $i . "");
                 // add to processing array
                 $data["records"][] = $data_tmp[$i];
             } else {
                 	No record name exists - this is only valid if no content is also supplied
                 if (!empty($data_tmp[$i]['content'])) {
                     log_write("error", "process", "Name cannot be empty for IP address: " . $data_tmp[$i]['content']);
                     error_flag_field("record_custom_" . $i . "");
         // end of loop through records
     } else {
         log_write("debug", "domains", "No records provided, no validation performed");
     // return structured array
     return $data;
 	Verify Data
 // make sure a valid service ID has been supplied
 if (!$obj_service->verify_id()) {
     log_write("error", "process", "The service you have requested - " . $obj_service->id . " - does not exist in this system");
 // check the option id values
 if (!$obj_rate_table->verify_id_override()) {
     // TODO: seriously need a better error message here, this means almost nothing to me and I wrote it....
     log_write("error", "process", "The service and rate ids do not correct match any known override");
 // verify that the prefix is unique
 if (!$obj_rate_table->verify_rate_prefix_override()) {
     log_write("error", "process", "Another rate override already exists with the supplied prefix - unable to add another one with the same prefix");
 	Check for any errors
 if (error_check()) {
     header("Location: ../index.php?page=services/cdr-override.php&id_service=" . $obj_service->id);
 } else {
     	Delete Rate Override
         log_write("error", "process", "The name server group you have attempted to edit - " . $obj_name_server_group->id . " - does not exist in this system.");
     } else {
         // load existing data
 // basic fields
 $obj_name_server_group->data["group_name"] = security_form_input("/^\\w*\$/", "group_name", 1, "Group name must be a alpha numeric word with optional underscores - no spaces or other symbols.");
 $obj_name_server_group->data["group_description"] = security_form_input_predefined("any", "group_description", 0, "");
 	Verify Data
 // ensure the group name is unique
 if (!$obj_name_server_group->verify_group_name()) {
     log_write("error", "process", "The requested group name already exists, have you checked that the group you're trying to add doesn't already exist?");
 	Process Data
 if (error_check()) {
     if ($obj_name_server_group->id) {
         $_SESSION["error"]["form"]["name_server_group_edit"] = "failed";
         header("Location: ../index.php?page=servers/group-view.php&id=" . $obj_name_server_group->id . "");
     } else {
         $_SESSION["error"]["form"]["name_server_group_edit"] = "failed";
         header("Location: ../index.php?page=servers/group-add.php");
 } else {
     // clear error data
     } else {
         log_write("notification", "sql_query", "Tested successful connection to traffic usage database");
 	Test CDR Database
 if ($data["SERVICE_CDR_DB_TYPE"] == "mysql_cdr_daily") {
     $obj_sql = new sql_query();
     if (!$obj_sql->session_init("mysql", $data["SERVICE_CDR_DB_HOST"], $data["SERVICE_CDR_DB_NAME"], $data["SERVICE_CDR_DB_USERNAME"], $data["SERVICE_CDR_DB_PASSWORD"])) {
         log_write("error", "sql_query", "Unable to connect to CDR service usage database!");
     } else {
         log_write("notification", "sql_query", "Tested successful connection to CDR usage database");
 	Process Errors
 if (error_check()) {
     $_SESSION["error"]["form"]["config_services"] = "failed";
     header("Location: ../index.php?page=admin/config_services.php");
 } else {
     $_SESSION["error"] = array();
 function verify_fields()
     log_debug("traffic_types", "Executing verify_fields()");
     if (!empty($this->data["type_name"])) {
         $sql_obj = new sql_query();
         $sql_obj->string = "SELECT id FROM traffic_types WHERE type_name='" . $this->data["type_name"] . "' AND id!='" . $this->id . "' LIMIT 1";
         if ($sql_obj->num_rows()) {
             log_write("error", "traffic_types", "This name is already in use, please select another");
             return 0;
     if (!empty($this->data["type_label"])) {
         $sql_obj = new sql_query();
         $sql_obj->string = "SELECT id FROM traffic_types WHERE type_label='" . $this->data["type_label"] . "' AND id!='" . $this->id . "' LIMIT 1";
         if ($sql_obj->num_rows()) {
             log_write("error", "traffic_types", "This label is already in use, please select another");
             return 0;
     if ($this->data["type_name"] == "any" || $this->data["type_name"] == "Any") {
         log_write("error", "traffic_types", "Any is a reserved cap name for catchall caps.");
         return 0;
     if ($this->data["type_label"] == "*" || $this->data["type_label"] == "any" || $this->data["type_label"] == "Any") {
         log_write("error", "traffic_types", "Any/* is a reserved label type for catchall caps.");
         return 0;
     return 1;
Example #13
 	Optional: Verify Amazon AWS Route53 Hosted DNS Provider
 if (!empty($obj_name_server->data["route53_access_key"])) {
     // verify the credentials are correct
     try {
         $route53 = Aws\Route53\Route53Client::factory(array('key' => $obj_name_server->data["route53_access_key"], 'secret' => $obj_name_server->data["route53_secret_key"]));
         $query = $route53->listHostedZones();
     } catch (Aws\Route53\Exception\Route53Exception $e) {
         log_write("error", "process", "Unable to connect to Route53 with provided credentials");
         log_write("error", "process", "Failure returned: " . $e->getExceptionCode() . "");
 	Process Data
 if (error_check()) {
     if ($obj_name_server->id) {
         $_SESSION["error"]["form"]["name_server_edit"] = "failed";
         header("Location: ../index.php?page=servers/view.php&id=" . $obj_name_server->id . "");
     } else {
         $_SESSION["error"]["form"]["name_server_edit"] = "failed";
         header("Location: ../index.php?page=servers/add.php");
 } else {
     if ($raw_string == "" && $translation == "") {
         //if both are blank, continue to next as this row was not filled in
     } else {
         //if one field or the other is blank, give error
         if ($raw_string == "" || $translation == "") {
             log_write("error", "page_output", "Both the untranslated phrase and the translation must be provided.");
         } else {
             //if label already exists in DB, check user has permission to edit
             $sql_obj->string = "SELECT id FROM language WHERE label='{$raw_string}' AND language='{$language}'";
             if ($sql_obj->num_rows()) {
                 if (!user_permissions_get("translation_edit")) {
                     log_write("error", "page_output", "You do not have permission to edit previously provided translations.");
                 } else {
                     $sql_obj->string = "UPDATE language SET translation = '{$translation}' WHERE label='{$raw_string}' AND language = '{$language}'";
             } else {
                 $sql_obj->string = "INSERT INTO language (language, label, translation) VALUES ('{$language}', '{$raw_string}', '{$translation}')";
 if (error_check()) {
     $_SESSION["error"]["form"]["translation_form"] = "failed";
         $groups_array[] = $data_tmp["id_group"];
      * 	Verify data
      * 	Check for delete requests
      * 	Check for errors
     //if data, do nothing
     if (empty($data_tmp["key"]) && empty($data_tmp["value"])) {
     } elseif ($data_tmp["delete_undo"] == "true") {
         $data_tmp["mode"] = "delete";
         $data["attributes"][] = $data_tmp;
     } elseif (empty($data_tmp["key"]) || empty($data_tmp["value"])) {
         error_flag_field("attribute_" . $data_tmp["id"] . "_key");
         error_flag_field("attribute_" . $data_tmp["id"] . "_value");
         log_write("error", "page_output", "Both the key and value fields must be completed");
     } else {
         $data["attributes"][] = $data_tmp;
 //check for new attribute rows
 $new_attributes = array();
 for ($i = 0; $i < count($groups_array); $i++) {
     $new_attributes[$groups_array[$i]] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "group_" . $groups_array[$i] . "_new_attributes", 0, "");
 // verify customer
 if (!$obj_customer->verify_id()) {
     log_write("error", "process", "The supplied customer ID of " . $obj_customer->id . " is not valid");
 // return to input page in event of an error